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2017-11-12 21:38:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《人脑漫游》是一部由Sam Starbuck执导,Susan Greenfiled主演的一部纪录片类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《人脑漫游》影评(一):A Brain Story

Feeling have a body: a body image/map
  e. a phantom limbs 幻想肢: still has a touch feeling; touch face →a feeling in hand
  e.lose the ability to recognize music, always like the first time to listen, But language still works: where is the music center? Not a single area.
  PK cured by dopamine, not effective
MEG: measure magnitude
Individual personality&creativity &religion
  e1.Dick:a patient with the front of brain disease, cells’ death:
1)a different individuals,less compassionate
2)a new skill to draw
  e2.Van Gogh: epilepsy
Temporal disturbance → visual perception
                       religious belief “I am the holy spirit”
  e3.Temporal epilepsy :
     1)colors are brighter. Love the scene when elevator up and down, the red and green button looks good
     2)Religious illusion
How the brain generate the religion :Experiment
     stimulate temporal lobe → visual experience
     modify the magnitude → other sensations
     B no clear religious experience
EP02 In the heat of moment
Facial expression
e.no difference between modern people & people in tribe
basic emotions :happy, sad, sick, surprising, angry, fear
  e.the research of sickness
    1)14months baby has no sickness to food ,but 3 years have the sense of sickness just according to the food’s appearance.
    2)3-4 not sick of polluted juice, but 7 years boy refuses.
    3)sickness about abstract things.
  The MRI result about sickness→前脑岛,关于腹部恶心
  e.the patient having the experience of being at war
2 separate ways: 扁桃体(fast)&皮质(slow)
related to memory: hippocampus.
The effects of past emotion
We are shaped by our personal history.
  e.the role of emotion when decision making
    no rules can be understood by logic, so the decision are made with the results of past emotion and the experience.
its amount is related the degree of feeling about love
no relationship with drugs
  e.other drugs? as a tool to stimulate the edge system.No.
安非他命兴奋剂,一半以为服用兴奋剂,另一半以为是安慰剂 → different reactions because of their motion → so, no relationship
EP03 The eyes of mind
Separate visual areas and functions
  e1.stroke: no vision of objects in motion, ”a frozen world.”
    smaller regions(30+)color,shape, even depth and the orientation of tips.
  e2.an ingenious illusion experiment : 一根已经接触过的木棒,看起来很长,捏着两端拿起的时候会相差一些距离。(比如看起来球很小但一只手拿不过来。这是视觉区域独立地支配?)
a way to recognize, another way to control moving, separately.
Specific “blind”
  e1. face blind, faces are not the same, but they not look like any face.
recognizing faces need the look of totality of the face. An independent system, specialized and elaborate,
  e2.not know the whole, only see the details
inability to contact the sight with the knowledge
Attention system
  e1.change blindness experiment 被试填表,交表和还表的时候换人,75%被试没有注意到
  e2.Injury(stroke) in right side of brain → neglect one side, but can be reminded
1)eyes are slaves of attention.
2)imagination repair the neglecting, so they think the object is complete
Imagination effects on vision
     vision is not one side way, but also receive information of memory, knowledge and imagination
  e.although recognition being destroyed, can recognize by previous memory and knowledge (can draw or describe but can not recognize)
  1)visual perception and mental images are not same
  2)but no apparent contact having been found between forward and back area
An amazing idea :Vision is just a kind of dreaming, brain makes images and project out.
Vision not rebuild, but create a world.
EP04 first among equals
The frontal lobe function: plan, social, and so on
  e1.a soldier with hurt in the frontal lobe lose his aim and the ability to predict the result.【他的婚姻史简直随便得像美国赃小说】
  e2.judge with/without thinking: a small region excited
  e3.in mazes, chimpanzees perform better than human with the active frontal lobe and they can plan ahead of several days.
Language, passing on experience
  e1.language disorder, the patient tries to make sense with no-language clues,such as expressions.【失语症。也就是忘记词语的人。】
Wernicke’s area is about language, but not related to the understanding of language.There is another area about the complex function.
  e2.a direct way to study: stimulate each area of a wake patient’s brain
A web of language sites:
1)a variance among people
2)different words in different areas, such as “fruits area”
  e3.chimpanzees can learn meanings of signals,even the order of words (seems understand the sentence). Their comprehension compares as a 5-7y child.
Hemisphere specialized→不对称是人类发达的关键,而非脑容量。
  e1.when chimpanzees/human match words and signals, human left hemisphere active, but chimpanzee both active. 给猩猩涂满花生酱的管子,长时间观察发现它们越来越倾向用右手.
  e2.separated hemisphere, IQ higher in the left, but vision weaker than the right.
A theory: To develop the language skills, more cortex are used ,which decreased the perception function in the left. The right hemisphere is an evolutionary relic.
Evolution of creativity and imagination
  e.Neanderthals owns technique skills but no imagination.”they may know the word daughter and flower, but can not say ‘my daughter is like a flower.’ ”
EP05 Growing the Mind
distinguish face
  e. 8 months baby, not same brain activity for a up side down face. So the experience works.
  Experience → dynamic flexible brain
  e.非抽搐性癫痫Harrison, a surgery to cut his left hemisphere. The brian rewires in children.
Grey matter shaped by experience in adult, flexibility is vitrual for learning.
  e. reading difficult. New connnetctions forms when letters are changed into words.
  e1. A baby can recognize mother’s voice.
  More domains and faster respond are involved when there is sth familliar
  Why we lose early infant memory: erasing or losing the key to unlock the location.
  e2. A mini event offers chance to remember (eg.name+face+...) But John with a damaged hippocampus can not, which means that he lost the ability to bring together fragments.他永远只有一时的体验,而没有充满感情的回忆。人生如同分离的事实,无可参与。【真正的局外人】
  e3. Semantic dementia patients can not distinguish.
  Semantic memory is the memory of facts,
  e4. Walking-thinking. Old ones utilize more recongnizing resourse to walk.
  Old wisdom comes from a better selective way. Their world become a smaller part.
  A personalized brain = mind.
EP 06 The final mystery : Consciousness
Not only one center
  The switch of consciousness among different things based on only a center?
  e.visual cortex damage causes blind, but not the lose of consciousness. Frontal lobe also involved.
How to become a center
  e1. Anaesthesia has gradual stage, which means the gradual loss of consciousness.
  e2. Ketomene bring illusions and distorted experiences【He travelled the galaxy. 好想试!】
  e3. A circus bear their pains to perform.
  e1. unconscious reflex
  e2. 2s delay before consciousness
  Sub-consciousness helps us, even determines the consciousness.
  自由意志真的存在?做出决定那一刻之前,脑已经做好准备。我们并不受控于所谓的【自我】和【意识】We are organic machines.
Free will
  e1. Joe has spilt brain.
  Left hemisphere gives us the illusion of free wll.【有一种错觉叫自由意志】
  Consciousness: physical reality, not based on centers but a whole situation.
“I don’t believe neuronsci will ever undermine what it feels like to be a unique individual human being.”
I wanna research or be researched...






【颞叶(太阳穴后)主管视觉和听力】受损(癫痫)会视觉感受更鲜明(梵高的强烈色彩和轮廓)/ 受损会引起宗教感受(灵魂出窍等)
b.神经元的活动以及互动式形成我们思维行为的根本 c.当各部分功能失衡的时候,会让我们性格变化或者才华体现。
2:人类的表情是共通的/ 我们是理智和欲望的结合体 / 人类有恶心中枢和恐惧中枢






