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2018-05-28 20:32:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《两个小时世界历史》是一部由Douglas Cohen执导,Peter Ward / Corey Burton / Alex Flippenko主演的一部纪录片 / 历史类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众观后感希望大家能有帮助



  这部片子也许不够深刻不同细致,但它有个最突出特点--反反复复地强调联系。宇宙地球形成过程人类文明发展的各种联系,让你明白没有什么是偶然和运气使然。这个内在线索一直紧紧hold住全片,所以看下来一气呵成,看完后感觉非常清晰--既有整体逻辑,又有闪光知识点(比如阿拉伯数字体系是由大名鼎鼎的斐波那契从北非传播到欧洲的), 尤其适合带着小学生一起看 :)







  《两个小时的世界历史》观后感(三):History of the World in Two Hours 旁白摘录

  It has taken all of Earth's history to make Columbus' journey possible. For tacking into the wind, he uses triangular sails, a technology copied from the Arabs. To guide him, the compass, an invention from China. And guiding the needle, a magnetic field formed with the core of the planet itself.

  Our two-hour story is coming to an end,a story that really began 14 billion years ago, with a tiny universe where everything was all in one place. Then the Big Bang, all the energy that has ever existed created in an instant. Gravity sculpted our universe. For billions of years, stars and supernovas created all the elements we would eventually need. Then, an extreme Earth took shape and settled into just the right conditions to support life. As the planet evolved, life competed for energy and grew more and more complex. Eventually, the conditions were right for our species to rise. We mastered stone and fire. When the ice age came, we spread around the planet. And when the ice melted, we were stranded on different continents. We learned to bend plants and animals to our will. We built cities, then civilizations. We created a vast network that linked empires, joined continents, then crossed oceans. Just when it seemed we had reached our human limit, we found the energy and technology to carry us into the future. On Earth, the seeds of the past have bloomed into a present filled with energy and creativity. The stories of billions of lives have played out against the backdrop of a universe almost too vast to comprehend. In everything that we do, in all that we are, we remain living monuments to the past, as we continue to make history every day.








