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2020-09-26 19:59:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《》是一本由玛格丽特·米切尔著作中央编译出版社出版的平装图书,本书定价:68.00元,页数:1405 页,特精心网络整理的一些读者读后感希望大家能有帮助


  ●我是一个特别容易动摇的人,总是特别容易入戏及其容易被人物魅力给带走,可能骨子里的要强让我对斯嘉丽的不一样吧,总之,处于那样的历史时代,我是欣赏斯嘉丽的一切做法的!Anyway,tomorrow is another day!




  ●关于爱 关于独立精神 最喜欢的书没有之一







  看这本书的时候我看的是英文版的,我特别喜欢看Scarlett与瑞特互相debate 的部分作者描写很令人入迷,很犀利,很真相~


  “Damn our money!All our money can't buy what I want for her!”




  《西娜拉》是一首言情诗,写作此诗时道森大约已十分潦倒债务累累,每日出入酒肆青楼,而且患有严重的结核病。不过,他的诗却因此而大放异彩,“写出精美敏感诗作,追怀年华老去美人迟暮……(…wrote fragile, sensuous poetry voicing regret for the passing of youth and beauty, the denial of love, and the rejection of pleasure.)”


  I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind,


  打动了她,让她听到了“我渴望的这缅邈、幽寂的悲音(far away, faintly sad sound I wanted)”。

  道森晚年虽纵情声色,然而他不改初衷,对往日的恋人依旧如此痴迷。正是这点真情契合女作家玛格丽特•米切尔当日的心境,由此才将她一生第一部、也是唯一的一部小说命名为《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  o, Ellen, no longer Robillard, turned her back onSavannah, never to see it again, and with a middle-agedhusband, Mammy, and twenty “house niggers” journeyedtoward Tara.

  The next year, their first child was born and they namedher Katie Scarlett. after Gerald‘s mother. Gerald wasdisappointed, for he had wanted a son, but he neverthelesswas pleased enough over his small black-haired daughter toserve rum to every slave at Tara and to get roaringly, happilydrunk himself.

  If Ellen had ever regretted her sudden decision to marryhim, no one ever knew it, certainly not Gerald, who almostburst with pride whenever he looked at her. She had putSavannah and its memories behind her when she left thatgently mannered city by the sea, and, from the moment ofher arrival in the County, north Georgia was her home.

  When she departed from her father’s house forever, shehad left a home whose lines were as beautiful and flowingas a woman‘s body, as a ship in full sail; a pale pink stuccohouse built in the French colonial style, set high from theground in a dainty manner, approached by swirling stairs,banistered with wrought iron as delicate as lace; a dim, richhouse, gracious but aloof.

  he had left not only that graceful dwelling but also theentire civilization that was behind the building of it, and shefound herself in a world that was as strange and different asif she had crossed a continent.

  Here in north Georgia was a rugged section held by ahardy people. High up on the plateau at the foot of the BlueRidge Mountains, she saw rolling red hills wherever shelooked. with huge outcroppings of the underlying graniteand gaunt pines towering somberly everywhere.



  对于我这样的理工生来说,看完一本飘其实是一个不小的考验。但是最后看完的那一刻却是一种幸福满足感觉一本好书真的是要好品读的,绝对不能就的开头而定义一本书,就我而言,我自己是一个直来直去的人,喜欢开门见山,喜欢故事简短深刻,而飘不是这样,作者玛格丽特喜欢循序渐进,通过佐治亚州内战时期和重建时期的生活现实而深刻的展现战争对人的影响。 整个故事发生在美国南北战争期间,围绕斯佳丽,瑞特,阿希礼,玫兰妮而展开的故事,读来感触最深的就是斯佳丽和瑞特之间的爱情故事,虽然全文关于他们两个之间的爱情的篇幅不是很长。 斯佳丽本来无忧无虑的在塔顿庄园生活着,整天游走于同龄的男生之间,放佛是为了让世上的所有男生都匍匐在自己的裙摆之下,但终究是不可能的。阿希礼就因为种种原因而显得非常矜持。直到阿希礼和玫兰妮订婚的时候,她仿佛看清楚了自己,“她爱阿希礼”,于是她向阿希礼表白了,但结果是残酷的,表白不成,她给了阿希礼一耳光,阿希礼并没有做什么和说什么,只是温柔的回了个吻。这时真的觉得阿希礼很绅士。斯佳丽就因为阿希礼的拒绝而决定和查理结婚,仿佛是为了报复,婚后不到两个星期,她成了寡妇,同时也有了韦德。之后瑞特开始走进了我的视野,他通过自己的方式在一定程度上让斯佳丽得到了解放,斯佳丽在我看来是一个很与众不同的人,她有着与其他女生不一样的品质,或许也正是因为这些品质,吸引了瑞特,瑞特跟斯佳丽在性格上很像,都是非常残酷的人,而瑞特又更加厉害,他总能看出斯佳丽一举一动的含义,不管怎么样,瑞特爱上了斯佳丽,虽然一开始我都没看出来。 然后,战争爆发了,生活开始变了,人生不再那么幸福了。斯佳丽失去了自己的奴隶,无以为生的她只能和以前的黑奴一样下地种庄稼,这时她的人生第一苦。也正是因为这些经历,她钻进了钱眼。因为南方已经被北方佬占领了,这时就有人想要得到她父亲的塔顿庄园,斯佳丽为了保住塔顿庄园,必须要得到三百美元,这时候她第一个想到了瑞特,因为传闻瑞特当时得到了一大笔钱,但那时瑞特正处于危险之中,根本不能借钱给她,最终,在命运的玩笑之中,斯佳丽欺骗了爱着苏伦的弗兰克,因为弗兰克有钱,能够拯救塔顿庄园,于是她嫁给了他。 但斯佳丽因为经历了饥饿,纵使在那个年代妇女是不应该抛头露面去经商的,但斯佳丽不一样,她要挣钱,来保证自己的安宁,认为有了钱,就能保住自己想要的一切。但也正是如此,她根本不顾一个妇女独自外出的危险,虽然很多时候都有瑞特的陪伴,但终于,一个黑人和白人去抢斯佳丽的钱了,也幸亏她身边有个以前的黑奴,保护了她,但是,为了她,阿希礼和弗兰克去报复了,那两个人是死了,但是弗兰克也死了,阿希礼也因此差点魂归。但是就算经历了这么多,斯佳丽还是跟个小孩子一样。 然后她因为一些原因又跟瑞特结婚了。但是她因为深爱着阿希礼的绅士,而觉得瑞特就是一个混蛋,始终没有真正注意到瑞特对她的爱。终于玫兰妮因为小产,走了,虽然斯佳丽之前一直等着玫兰妮走了,然后她就能正大光明的和阿希礼在一起了,但是玫兰妮真的走了之后,她才发现她可以得到阿希礼了,但是她又不想要得到她了,最终,她认识到自己真的很喜欢瑞特,但是晚了,晚了,真的晚了。小说的结尾真的很痛心,没想到斯佳丽真的认识到自己很爱瑞特的时候,瑞特对斯佳丽只剩下两种感情了,一种是怜悯,一种是一种奇怪的慈悲。 故事结局了。我在某些方面跟瑞特竟还有些共鸣,一个男人要怎样才能让一个对他印象不好的女生爱上他了,这真的是一个问题,一个男人爱一个女人爱到了极限,最终还是没有得到她的爱,而这时候又发生了一些事,男生根本没有办法再继续爱下去,对男生来说,这是悲剧,对于幡然悔悟的女生来说,这也是悲剧。我的感悟,再多的爱也终会因为人的任性而消亡。 在我眼中,不管斯佳丽经历多少,年龄如何变换,她永远那么天真,而瑞特有一句话经常跟斯佳丽说到,“我不是个适合结婚的人。”一开始看到这句话的时候,并不怎么懂,最后我懂了。瑞特是在说他与斯佳丽的爱情啊,爱的这么深,但斯佳丽却始终深爱着阿希礼。无论什么时候,斯佳丽一直以为自己那个最逗人喜爱,穿着皮鞋的小姑娘。她不能忍受嘲笑,也不能接收怜悯。在中间的时候,我一直以为她永远也不会发现瑞特是那么深爱她。其实她还是没有发现,故事的结局是瑞特向她阐述了自己是多么爱她,以前他一直在等斯佳丽发现,但是她终究不能发现,最后还是跟小孩子一样来找自己,自以为发现自己喜欢瑞特,瑞特就应该跟她在一起,一句话,斯佳丽是一个自我的人。 细细回忆,总是充满了一种感慨,在美国那个年代,竟能产生这样的爱情,一般都是男生很照顾女生,而瑞特跟斯佳丽不一样,瑞特总是驳斯佳丽的面子,想尽办法使她扫兴,但在她真正碰到问题的时候,又会站在她身边帮她解决问题。真的很喜欢瑞特这个人。 当然,我说的是很不详细的,很多故事我都没有说,如果要想真正体会 the wind 这本书,还是真正看一遍,这样才能体会它的内涵的。战争,真的是一个永远无法说尽的话题啊。



  ring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pinkpeach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. Already the plowing was nearly finished, and the bloody glory of the sunsetcolored the fresh-cut furrows of red Georgia clay to even redder hues.

  The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish onthe sandy tops of furrows, vermilion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay alongthe sides of the trenches. The whitewashed brick plantation house seemed an island setin a wild red sea, a sea of spiraling, curving, crescent billows petrified suddenly at themoment when the pink-tipped waves were breaking into surf. For here were no long,straight furrows, such as could be seen in the yellow clay fields of the flat middleGeorgia country or in the lush black earth of the coastal plantations.

  Gone with the Wind is a novel by MargaretMitchell. Published in 1936, the book was animmediate success. Margaret Mitchell wasawarded a Pulitzer Prize for the novel in 1937,and Gone with the Wind was first adapted tofilm in 1939.

  On June 30th in 1936, Margaret Mitchell'sGone with the Wind waspublished. It had beenextensively promoted, chosenas the July selection by theBook-of-the-Month Club, andso gushed about in pre-publication reviews——"GoneWith the Wind is very possiblythe greatest American novel,"said Publisher's Weekly-that it was certain to sell, andto provoke parody.

  Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Herchildhood, it seems, was spent in the laps ofCivil War veterans, and her maternal relatives,who lived through the war and the years tofollow. They told her everything about the warexcept that the Confederates had lost it. Shewas ten years old before making thisdiscovery.

  he attended Smith College, but withdrewfollowing her final exams in 1919. Shereturned to Atlanta to take over the householdafter her mother's death earlier that year.Shortly afterward, she joined the staff of TheAtlanta Journal where she wrote a weeklycolumn for the newspaper's Sunday edition.

  The book includes a vivid description of the fall of Atlanta in 1864 and the devastationof war (some of that aspect was missing from the 1939 film). The novel showedconsiderable historical research. According to her biography, Mitchell herself was tenyears old before she learned that the South had lost the war. Mitchell's sweeping narrativeof war and loss helped the book win the Pulitzer Prize on May 3, 1937.

  Over the past years, the novel Gone with the Wind has also been analyzed for itssymbolism and mythological treatment of archetypes. Scarlett has been characterizedas a heroic figure struggling and attempting to twist life to suit her own wishes. Theland is considered a source of strength, as in the plantationTara, whose name is almost certainly drawn from the Hill ofTara in Ireland, a mysterious and poorly-understoodarcheological site that has traditionally been connected tothe temporal and/or spiritual authority of the ancient Irishkings.


