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2022-05-19 02:09:09 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《刹那永恒》是一部由Jacek Borcuch执导,雅酷朴·盖尔秀 / 玛格达莱娜·贝鲁斯 / 乔安娜·库里格主演的一部剧情类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


  ●so beautiful~ 片尾曲Beach House的Turtle Island





  ●虽然看的是无字幕版 完全不知道它在讲什么 但是男女主的颜我都好喜 般配 over

  ●虽然看的版本没有翻译… 看的不是很懂,但我还是想说:kuba美颜盛世!





  核心情节很简单,男孩女孩相爱,男孩杀了一个人,女孩怀孕了。情节很重大,但讲得并不狗血。静静的慢慢的电影,在一场伤痛里,呈现了只属于青春期的复杂主题:单纯,冲动,虚荣心,依恋,家庭问题,横祸与成长。   片子台词不多,而且简单。可是女孩表面的玩世不恭和实际的无助,男孩表面的耍酷逞强和实际的柔弱,已经说尽了。从段子电影傲慢的构建、自恋的聒噪里摆脱出来,觉得耳根清净。昼夜交替的规律节奏,缓慢的叙述,扩音器空转般的氛围音乐,散文一样,贴近琐碎平庸的生活。晨光里面,女孩的肌肤很美,尽管镜头里总有一只苍蝇;女孩蓬乱头发,一脸无所谓,趿拉着脚穿过破烂的房间;男孩像个民工一样穿着短裤,在烈日下干活,和伙伴开着有点下流又不太恶意的玩笑;女孩和女伴戴着阔沿帽,吊儿郎当地笑谈和男友的疯狂举动;男孩的寡言,和他在潜水、球赛、摩托狂飙里的发泄;一面是女孩母亲去世,男孩家庭掩盖在笑声下的失败,女孩给爸爸送一把折叠刀做礼物,普通生活里不自知的困窘,一面是普通少年的青春和爱情里不自知的美。   至于杀人案件,片子里面的杀人案件无需警察介入,山高皇帝远,或者即使未来有警察调查也无关紧要,男人的出现完全是意外事件,电影不过要找一个情节,表现每个犯了错的少年一团糟的生活,让我们只属于个人历史的羞耻或愧疚,世界很大,你的故事可能就像那个沉在池塘地下的氧气罐,没几个人知道,没几个人感兴趣,时不时地跑进梦里纠缠你。男孩杀死了一个生命,女孩则要面对要不要把一个小生命带到世界上来的问题,爱情和生命,多古老的话题。   就是这些麻烦,让两个人的感情从简单的荷尔蒙冲动变得更深入。爱是要走进另一个人的生命,共同面对问题。两个人一直在纠结要不要把自己的秘密告诉对方,男孩追着女孩上车下车,可怜巴巴地向她倾诉,女孩忍不住还是去看了男孩的比赛,还有最后男孩接到女孩电话兴奋了一天。都很动人。   喜欢那个秋千的画面,关于星星的台词,“-那边有颗小星星,你真的看不见吗?-我的视力太差了。古人就是这样测试视力的,星星把人分成两种,看得见它的和看不见它的。几分钟以前,你还根本不知道这颗星星的存在。”还有可爱的老头,“-医生说你不能喝酒,除非你想早点进坟墓。-我宁可进坟墓,也不爱听你说话。”“-送给你,我爸说这是最好的酒。-那是我告诉他的。-你都记得?-我什么都记得。”












  《刹那永恒》观后感(三):Review: LASTING (NIEULOTNE) Deals With Young Love Stained By Tragedy

  作者:Patryk Czekaj, Contributing Writer


  Guilt and indecision narrate a story of two young Polish students trying to come to terms with their own escalating problems in Lasting (Nieulotne), the latest film from Jacek Borcuch (All That I Love). To appreciate how precious life really is, they must first stand face to face with sudden tragedy and important decisions that not only gradually lead them further into adulthood, but also force them to reinterpret the meaning of love completely anew.

  The characters' journey starts in a place, which might very easily be called an idyll, undisturbed by any influences from the outside world and enriched by moments of pure sexual excitement aplenty. In Spain, because that's where they've decided to spend their summer vacations, Michal (Jakub Gierszal) and Karina (Magdalena Berus) take pleasure in late night drinks and sex both on the beach and in bed. They have plenty of time to strengthen their flourishing relationship built on trust, devotion and passion. But what separates them from most fun-loving youngsters is their dedication to work, which is actually more of a simple act of gratitude for Michal's Spanish family than conscious choice.

  A tragic turn of events changes their lives forever. During his leisure time, Michal loves to ride an old-fashioned ('hipster' would be a proper word here) motorcycle and dive in a secluded lake, unaware that he is, in fact, trespassing on a private property. The owner, brute and lout that he is, realizes that he has an unwanted guest and starts bullying Michal to a point where his anger gets the best of him and drives the boy to cold-blooded murder. Trying to save the situation by performing CPR only makes things worse. Devastated and guilt-ridden, Michal soon makes a cowardly and intuitive decision to go back to Poland in order to forget about that horrible incident, a lamentable cry for help that no one hears.

  Ironically, the past comes back to haunt him, in the form of a person he loves the most in the world. Unable to keep the dark secret, Michal immediately confesses his sin, to Magda's enormous consternation. But what she does next is unexpected and, as presented by the film's somewhat tendentious narration, actually more disappointing than Michal's deed. She walks away without a word in a crucial moment when all that Michal really needs is a quick yet sure reaffirmation that everything will be fine.

  We soon learn that the reason why Magda can't bear to be close to a person she's still greatly in love with is more serious than expected. She's pregnant, and in her wretched state that sudden revelation only drags her deeper into depression. She questions her ability to become a mother at such a young age, but her decision is never revealed in what appears to be an ambiguous ending worthy of a true Sundance film (where it premiered this year).

  Learning how to stand up to the harsh reality that surrounds them, the characters work on their relationship with a much more rational approach, basing most of their decisions on experience and prejudgment. What's missing in the plot, though, is Michal's struggle with guilt. Given that he just killed a man, his behavior seems strangely untroubled, hence rather unrealistic. He tries to convince Magda it was merely an accident, and his desire to win her love back is more visible than his feelings towards murder. Eventually, the storyline forgets what was the real purpose of that seemingly crucial scene and let's it sink into oblivion. This mistake gives the impression that Jacek Borcuch intended only to scratch the surface of a much bigger issue.

  The main strength of Lasting is the gorgeous cinematography, which perfectly illustrates the mental state of the characters. Spain is full of beautiful colors, sun, and warmth, while Poland is darkly lit, grayish and cloudy. In Spain we admire picturesque wide shots of the countryside, while in Poland we're assaulted with lots of cramped spaces typical of a concrete jungle. The camera moves slowly but assertively and captures the tranquility that accompanies first love and its many troubles.


