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2020-11-13 06:45:48 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《朱莉娅》是一部由埃瑞克·宗卡执导,蒂尔达·斯文顿 / 绍尔·鲁宾内克 / Ezra Buzzington主演的一部犯罪 / 剧情 / 惊悚类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


  ●she just wanted something to ground her









  ●Tilda Swinton~~一知半解,字幕不同步,看得我那叫一个纠结


  埃瑞克·宗卡的《朱莉亚》灵感来源于约翰·卡索维茨的金狮奖作品《葛洛丽娅Gloria (1980)》,但是主要剧情却不尽相同。一开始就将主人公置于反面人物,编导非常重视剧情的推进描写,而人与人之间的关系转变和情感是在潜移默化形成的,加上偏纪实风格的影像,这样增加了影片的可看性,也拥有时代感,最后的结局带有宿命的调调,也让人有不落窠臼之感。


  蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 的表演是影片成功的关键,看这种连人中、法令纹都能表演的演员撑起一部戏是过瘾的。而且这次她完全不同于之前绝大部分作品中突出气质的角色,彻底征服了我。









  《朱莉娅》观后感(三):Tilda Swinton关于本片的Q&A


  A film directed by Erick Zonca. Tilda Swinton is in almost every frame of it.


  她说,这是Erick Zonca拍的第二个电影。Erick Zonca是一位了不起的电影人,真可惜这只是他的第二部电影。这个电影能在这个电影节上放映我真是so so proud。这个电影节有很好的品味,他们排了我参演的好几个片子(笑)。Cambridge is where I learnt proper drinking, I mean, knowledge. Now fasten your seat belts, and I'll meet you after.



  片子放完之后Q&A。整个对话期间,Tilda Swinton给人的感觉是 - 幽默,直率,大方,聪慧,执着于电影事业。


  她说这片子不关乎narrative,相比,更关乎territory, border,以及the person (Julia)。"I think this is the first idea in film history, cracking through the border like that."

  There are few frames in which Tilda is absent in this film. Talking of which, she said she actually prefers to be in every frame of the film. She quite likes to be in greater part of a film because in this sense you can really deliver something to it, rather than having other concerns when acting, considering the tune of the whole film.

  he said recently it had been like finishing a thesis of a personal kind for her. Her children had been very young before, so she wasn't really able to work in the films she would like to. And during the past few years she has had the experience of being ringed up by strangers, people she had never met before, being asked to attend their parties and to be in their films. It's like being a spy, it's like taking a course, experiencing a different kind of film making. Film making is different in the US from in the UK. It has also changed in the UK over the last few years. The BFI board used to have full responsibility for the film culture in the UK. She said this film is the first film that opens her whole new next stage. "I can't fake in America any longer". The interviewer asked about a badge she was wearing on her jacket. She talks a bit about it. She recently dedicates herself to this '8 1/2 film foundation' that aims at introducing children to films/cinematography otherwise wouldn't be exposed to young children. It involves setting up a database for kids to see parts of the films of different genres they put up for them, films that kids wouldn't see normally on screens. If the kid writes to them they would send a full-length film to him as a present on his 8 1/2 birthday. She said she really loved this idea and they had organized a festival dedicated to the notion in Nairn, a small town in east Scotland where she lives.

  Then comes the questions.

  1. personal impact for Tilda after shooting this film?

  he said a month before the shooting their budget was cut down 1/3, so the process of shooting the film was not entirely dissimilar from Julia's state in the film. it was all kind of "what am i going to do next" situation. Budget being cut down means you have less time for the actual shooting, if you know in film industry time is money. We all try to shoot as many scenes as possible in a day. Everyday you think 'oh how many scenes we have to shoot today!' You saw the film, the making process was indeed like that. Erick said to me "You see that traffic? Go! In Action."

  In order to give her character some elements/texture Julia should carry she worked and get some muscle, a shoulder blade that Julia would have and nice tits. "Now I'm fucking skinny again!"

  2. about Mitch. a woman found him to be an annoying character.

  he said yes it's really great that you said that because I feel the same way myself. The way his feeling himself righteous while judging her to be false is really annoying, particularly because he's kinda in love with her in a way. "I found that very annoying. I guess that would drive her down the neck of the bottle. It would drive me down the neck of the bottle."

  3. about the boy who plays Tom

  quot;The boy is a very interesting element". they didn't have very much time to find the boy and they spent a length of time worrying, thinking they might have got the wrong one. But seeing the film assured them that he was the right choice. "He was a great find". Aiden comes from a soldier's family, like herself. And during the first bit of shooting he just had this kind of superiority, thinking they (Tilda and Erick etc) are insane. But later he showed his childishness gradually, which worked very well.

  4. about her choice of project

  quot;it's really the filmmaker". The filmmaker always comes first rather than the project. Like Derek Jarman. I had a 9 year working relationship with Derek Jarman, I was living with him now and then during that 9 years also. We would sit in the kitchen and talk about things and that sometimes lead to a film. We would talk about our love about Victorian age and that's The Last of England. That's my habit of choosing projects. It's always out of the conversations with the filmmaker that starts the film. Later I received invitations from people I'd never met before and been asked in their films I would always consider if I would like them too. It's about making contact, which is part of the work I do.

  5. degree of preparation for a film

  try to feel as authentic as the person as possible. she would try to work out scientifically how exactly would she behave, in physical context etc. I don't look like a corporate lawyer in Mid America so I have to work out how to be someone like that. When you appear in a film for the 1st time you should make people go "Oh right that's a new person I've never seen before" make people forget about characters they've seen you play. it's like being a spy in the war.

  6. about Julia reminding people of Gene Rowlands

  he said both she and Erick Zonca are fans of Cassavetes films and yes that's why this film shows traces of influence from John Cassavetes. She said before it was shown in Cannes there was this rumor on the internet about Julia being a re-make of Cassavetes's film Gloria, which she found annoying. "Julia is not Gloria, but I bet she has met Gloria."


