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《Brave New World》读后感摘抄

2020-11-27 03:00:14 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《Brave New World》读后感摘抄

  《Brave New World》是一本由Aldous Huxley著作,Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 14.99,页数:288,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Brave New World》精选点评:

  ●To the freedom and sensuality, to human's constant fear of old age, disease, deformity, and pain. To those who kneel and shed tears before their gods, to those lost, disabled, and replaced gods, to those who need religions and those who do not. To those who are awfully hurt that they crave for the brave new world. To our void humanity.

  ●Huxley is insightful indeed but not as good at writing as Orwell. Mr Savage reminds me of the saying “自绝于党自绝于人民”

  ●虽然全员蛇精病 但是最喜欢Helmholz Watson了药丸 希望男神在Falkland群岛上过得开心啊wwww【【【好久没读不是谈♂恋♂爱的小说了 换个口味读得好爽

  ●Have never expected that it’s a Sci-Fi, wow! As far as dystopia is concerned, if George Orwell’s 1984 is a hammer, this probably is a stick, both are great though.


  ●【藏书阁打卡】反乌托邦,同样是用个体的悲剧来衬托出整个社会的可怖,相比<1984>里的“老大哥”,<Brave>用物质、药物和科技编织的欲望桃源,我们现在所说的“娱乐至死”,沉浸在感官享受中而追求肤浅的快乐——在小说中有着极端而本源的展现,并最终代替<1984>中的权力,成为毁灭人性的角色。最爱John的那段争辩和控诉:"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

  ●I agree with Huxley's idea. But, man, Orwell is a much better writer.



  ●"Mr. Huxley is eloquent in his declaration of an artist's faith in man, and it is his eloquence, bitter in attack, noble in defense, that when one has closed his book, one remembers - rather than his cleverness and his wit, which one admires and forgets." — Edward Cushing, Saturday Review of Literature 另,看了Aldous Huxley给Orwell写的信,感觉他LSD玩儿得有点儿过了。

  《Brave New World》读后感(一):两种极端与暗示




  《Brave New World》读后感(二):Brave New World



  一方面来讲现代社会里诸如修改教科书,或者社交媒体大规模精准定制洗脑的事情似乎也屡见不鲜了,但是另一方面只要世界上还有不同的国家之间互相制衡大概就还不会真正完全变成 Huxley 所描述的美丽新世界中的那个样子吧,毕竟那意味着社会乃至于科学发展都会进入仿佛是静止一般的永恒的死循环中。但是不得不说 1932 年写出这样的书来证实太有前瞻性了。

  《Brave New World》读后感(三):我强烈要求不幸福的权利



  赫胥黎在写《美丽新世界》的时候肯定不知道未来会具体出现什么,但他预言了一个大概的轮廓:人类社会会出现巨大的类似安慰剂的东西,这个东西在Ford世界里叫soma,在现在则有很多的化身:快手、抖音,当然也包括知乎等等,所不同的是剂量大小而已,它们带来的即时快感(instant pleasure)让人忍不住的想要去刷,按一下按钮就获得一次快感,而且还不是花样繁多的快感,这的确让人难以抵抗。如同走进了一个巨大的超级市场,巨大而且丰富,而且只花很小的代价就能得到超出预期的感官刺激——简直不敢想。


  ut I don't want comfort.I want God,I want poety,I want real danger,I want freedom,I want goodness,I want sin.


  I'm claiming the right to be unhappy!


  《Brave New World》读后感(四):英语作业

  This book presents a futuristic dystopia of an unusual kind. Huxley’s dystopia is one in which everyone is happy. However, they are happy in only the most trivial sense: the people lives in a caste system based on genetics, conditioned from birth and pacified by drugs, living to consume goods and take soma to forget their troubles. What impresses me a lot is the embryonic childhood and early adult conditioning. The Director explained: “All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny.” (BNW, page 7: line 10) People do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. One of my most unforgettable conditioning scene (in Chapter Two) had a nurse training infants to dislike books and nature, by terrifying them whenever they approached or even looked at a book or flower. Clearly, technologies such as Bokanovsky’s Process have undo their capacities to think and their love for beauty. The other means of control was mass addiction to the drug soma, readily distributed to all, more powerful than alchol or heroin, and producing complete bliss. The world seems stable, people there are well-off. The controller summarized the world this way: “People are happy; they get what they want; and they never want they can’t get… They’re so conditioned that they practically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave. And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.” (BNW, page 95: line 27) Like John the Savage, I am an outsider looking in on that world. To me it is just abnormal and to some degree, hellish. Those people live without art, literature or philosophy. As for religion, Henry Ford is to them what Jesus is to Christians. In short, people live without deeper meaning. Although they are expected to work hard and efficiently during working hours, during off hours they live in an infantile way, never engaging their minds, having no passion or nothing to feel strong about, and satisfying themselves with sex and drugs. First published in 1932, this book is timeless and as relevant today as when it was first written. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. He feared we would become “a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and centrifugal bumblepuppy” (Neil Postman, Foreword from Amusing Ourselves to Death). I do fear the serious danger in the future is closer to what Huxley envisioned. Our culture seems to be moving in the direction of Brave New World all the time. Do the rampant consumerism and herd mentality seem a little familiar? Has it become a truth that we tend to get entertainment from the internet rather than read Shakespeare? I’m afraid we are indulged in sensual pleasure, losing curiosity, free minds and belief in good taste. To sum up, Brave New World is very readable and not at all dense. The ideas are very easy to absorb, especially in this day and age. In these uncertain times, Brave New World is as timely as ever. I highly recommend reading.


