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The Effective Executive的读后感大全

2020-12-11 04:36:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Effective Executive的读后感大全

  《The Effective Executive》是一本由Peter F. Drucker著作,HarperBusiness出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 17.99,页数:208,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Effective Executive》精选点评:

  ●Peter you are my soul mentor.




  ●Encouraging people to leave safe, comfortable jobs and task risky new assignment. The starling point originate form here.




  ●语言简练,直白, 但是真的有点难, 估计还得多读几遍

  ●如何提高工作效率,在团队中工作如何意识到该怎么发挥自己的最大作用,产生最有影响的工作成果。工作中见识过很多一时头热的无用功,要真的把想法投入实践需要不同寻常的自我管理和团队管理技巧和意识。这本书基于每个人所有人都是knowledge worker,指导如何做出卓有成效的决定,企业方向,人事调整,理念的有效执行等。

  《The Effective Executive》读后感(一):not as impressive as i expected

  完全是冲着peter drucker 的大名来读这本书,不过不如想象的那么印象深刻。。。至少在观点的提炼上不是这样。。。觉得不如《人性的优点》以及《时间管理》那样的感觉字字珠玑。。

  不过的确有太多后人quotate peter drucker 的句子-那些见解之透彻的却让人折服,继续发掘吧。。

  《The Effective Executive》读后感(二):一张图读完主要内容



















  《The Effective Executive》读后感(三):《The Effective Executive》总结20条

  1.The capacity of choosing the right thing to do means everything for effectiveness. 2.The truly critical part is how to find the real problems hidden in the events. 3.Focusing on the outside, as well as the inside is more practical in enhancing effectiveness. 4.Unless desirable feedback is received from the goal objectives, nothing can be considered valuable. 5.You needn't know everything in great detail, but u d better know what it's about. It's not even about the effectiveness in figuring things out, but about the common sense of what things around us are like and what we could do to perceive the correlation between things clearly and make the coherence possible. 6.Systematic management is a very comprehensive task which is worth refinement and update all my life, and only through that can effectiveness and fun be created. 7.What the author wanna express here is trying to find a qualified person to get the right things done. 8.Large chunks of consolidated discretionary time are needed to get the really important things done. 9.As a knowledge worker, you have to think this very thoroughly: what you can do to contribute towards the whole organization and why is it that you cannot be replaced? 10.Position the man in the thinking of what he can do instead of what he cannot. 11.Make the job difficult enough to bring about the true ability of workers. 12.The focus on what a man can do is just like what a weapon can kill. Then it is the selection of targets. 13.Supporting the superior to perform his strength and at the same time doing ur job well. 14.Concentration means fastness to some extent. 15.和传统的观念“无罪推定论”相反,作者默认所有的机构都将被时态淘汰,除非在运作的过程当中证明了自己始终保持“活力”,否则该机构/部门必须被关闭。可以想象在这样的逻辑中存活下来的机构有没有多么强大的生命力。 16.对于组织架构的精简和人的机体锻炼有相似之处。作为一个高效的管理者,我们要像减少身上多余的赘肉,降低自己的体脂率一样,大胆“优化”组织内多余的部门,整合机构的资源,使力量更容易凝聚到真正有价值的地方。 17.某种意义上讲,拖延就意味着失败。在“该做的时候”没有付诸心力去做,在“不该做的时候”,以弥补和消极的态度去赶,又怎么可能做得好呢? 18.高效的管理者能够通过一系列的问题总结出通识性的解决方式,而不是每面对一个问题都把它作为一个特定的问题去处理。 19.每一个管理者都想从事实出发去考量目标,但是最先得到的往往并非事实,而是“观点”。好的管理者要学会用自己的方式去测试这些观点在现实中的可靠性。在这个过程中逐渐把观点演变成“已知的事实”。 20.各有各的道理的时候,与其只通过某一个人的一面之词进行判断,不如赋予他最大的信任,以期每个人都从全方位寻找证据来支持自己的观点。这样作为管理者,一来不会被某个人的片面之词给误导,二来,省下了大量的时间,从各自的结论中进行权衡即可满足决策的需求。管理者必须要学会从不同的角度考量事物的发展,避免被单一的偏见蒙蔽自己的双眼。因此,鼓励下属们捍卫自己的观点,引起内部的纷争,增添备选项,反而是一种好的激发创造力的手段。


