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《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感锦集

2020-12-25 02:17:23 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感锦集

  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》是一本由Amy Tan著作,Ballantine Books出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:$7.99,页数:403,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》精选点评:


  ●感谢豆瓣支持阿北,多评书,看过Amy Tan所有书美籍亚裔没人能敌她,可为什么豆瓣只有三本?



  ●So skillfully and beautifully written, with elaborate design yet totally believable and convincing


  ●我打算把Amy Tan的书一本一本都读完。

  ●Most of the times we just not see the whole story before we judge. So when we travel past the route and looking back, important things then



  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感(一):女人离不开女人


  我从图书馆借回了谭恩美的两本书,成名之作《喜福会》却没看完,大概是因为看过电影,印象中的那些支离破碎的情节和拿在手上的故事,越发让我挑战记忆,那种想印证记忆的感觉反而造成了阅读的骄燥,最后完整看完的这本书叫《接骨师的女儿》(The Bonesetter's Daughter)(这本书是2001年纽约时报年度畅销小说)。





  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感(二):母女情谊母题再现



# 双关的Ghost Writer

整本书中最出彩的应该是母女之爱,外婆-母亲-女儿通过文文字逐渐了解对方,互相鼓励成长。但我觉得描述的中国有点飘渺——像是隔着一层纱,隔着文中所描述的鬼魂描述的中国,可能因为谭自身对中国了解的欠缺所导致——同时也离不开她在小说中不停地提及的ghost writer。

很有意思的是谭取用了ghost writer的双关意:一方面,ghost writer描述的是主人公Ruth露丝作为职业代笔人的工作,不仅体现了她的写作能力,更重要地是体现她性格上的一些弱势的部分,那种因为怕伤害对方而试图迎合对方要求的性格。这使露丝成为一个非常好的职业代笔人,却令她自己感到痛苦。在写作上她并不为自己书写,在生活中她并不为自己而活,正如Art对她的评价:

The way you want something from people, some kind of proof of love or loyalty or belief in you. But you expect it won't come. And when it's handed to you, you don't see it. Or you resist, refuse. (P309)“你期待从别人那获得一些东西, 一种被爱,被信任,或是忠实于你的证据,但你却认为它不会被赐予给你。当对方真的付出时,你又看不见,或者干脆拒绝它。(个人渣翻)”

另一方面,ghost writer指的是露丝在成长过程中是write for the ghost的:她在小小的沙盘上假装与外婆宝姨通灵,写下那些她母亲所期望看到的文字,而这种类似于笔仙的仪式将三代人联系在了一起:外婆谷鎏信,母亲谷茹灵和女儿杨如意,通过写作联系在一起,将过去的心结打开,破除所谓的家庭诅咒,意识到彼此之间的深刻联系。这也是谭最喜欢探讨的主题,即母女之情,女性情谊,和美国华裔家庭中发生的代际沟通和文化交流中的各种障碍。鬼魂并不如常人所想象的那般可怕,倒更像是一种护佑,一种祖孙母女之间的传承,当露丝能当上作家,在这个制墨ink maker的世家背景中显得顺理成章。

# 单薄的男性角色

但以女性视角为主有另一个问题,就是男性角色的片面化。因为整本小说几乎完全围绕三个女性展开,书中的男性角色,不论是各位近乎无条件理解女方的“梦幻情人”(外婆宝姨的baby uncle,母亲茹灵的kai jing,女儿露丝的同居者art,母亲茹灵年迈之后认识的学者Mr Tang),或是负面人物常家父子,特别是抽鸦片的Fu Nan,都仅仅像残片一样展现在读者的眼前。他们远不及女性角色性格丰富,往往只展示展示了一两个残片,并且大多仅出现于叙述者的讲述中。故事的时间跨度大导致除了主角以外的配角的发展空间非常小,结局就是仅展现出人物的侧面,显得非常单薄。不过想想男作家笔下的工具人女性角色,这种反转式的工具人男性角色的出现也让人感受到时代确实是在变化。


  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感(三):接骨师之女---NY Times 翻译




  《接骨师之女》分为三个部分。第一部分就发生在如今的加利福尼亚。主人公为Ruth Young (茹丝杨),一个中美混血妇女。她与一个与她相爱十年的男人的关系正濒临毁灭,只因为一些她也不理解的原因。这时她的母亲也显现出老年痴呆的症状,而茹丝也逐渐明白母亲失去记忆的深层含义:忘记以前的事情将帮助茹丝明白她的家庭并让她感觉到她是这个家庭的一部分而不仅仅是她自己。第二部分主要是写茹丝母亲路玲早年的回忆录,这样茹丝就可以了解到她母亲在中国的真实生活写照。第三部分仍是关注茹丝,看看她又是如何在知道所有真相后重新面对。


  那些熟悉潭恩美前几部作品《喜福会》、《灶神妻》,还有《百种神秘感觉》(The Hundreds Secret Senses)的读者都知道她是如何熟练运用技巧通过多种叙述手法来表现专横的母亲和有负罪感的女儿之间的冲突。但《接骨师之女》并不仅是重演了早期作品的那些场景。谭恩美用第三人称的口吻讲述茹丝的故事,而用第一人称讲述母亲的故事,扩大了素材的情感范围。这样,当茹丝痛苦挣扎要决定她究竟要从生活中得到什么还有她究竟属于哪里时,读者甚至能比茹丝更能理解她自己,把她置于一个更广阔的私人记忆和历史变更的情节里。








  《The Bonesetter's Daughter》读后感(四):【读书报告】The Bonesetter's Daughter

  What is the book about? Using your own words, write a short summary of the ENTIRE book.

  In San Francisco,a mother named Lu Ling is a Chinese old women who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.In order to avoid forgetting all of her past,she written her life experience and family secret on the paper.Her daughter Ruth is a ghost writer who can’t truly understand many aspect of her mother.After living together with her boyfriend for decade,Ruth faced with a really bad situation where his emotion and career were all at a low ebb.In Lu Ling’s narrative,there was a vicissitude of a big family which make inking and do inking business for generations in old Beijing.She also told the tragedy of her biological mother who was a famous bonesetter’s daughter and the hard survival of her and her sister from family enmity and national calamity.after that,they throwing all the sorrow went through a great deal of hardship and finally came to American.When Ruth finished reading her mother’ record,she knew her mother’s past and then understand some strange aspects of her mother’s character.Therefore,she forgave the hurting given by her mother and introspected her mistakes made in her youth.with the guidelines of ancestors and history,she was activated to put down the job of ghost writer,beginning to write down those stories for herself and for her family.

  What did you find most interesting or noteworthy about the book? Why?

  I think the most impressive or noteworthy things about this book is the attractive way to narrative this story by a fantastic plot arrangement.For example,at the beginning of this book it is the narrative of the ghost writer Ruth who is the daughter of Luling.The recent circumstance and retrospection of her childhood with her mother stretch from her own perspective.Some strange behaviour and character of her mother draw my curiosity very much,which make reader wonder what happened in her mother Luling’s early life in China that is the motherland of Lu Ling.And then in the second part of narrative,Luling began to tell her and her family’s sad but captivating stories in the first person.In her narrative,readers can understand and feel the sorrow and joy of Lu Ling and the rise and fall of her family. When Luling ended her recollection,it turn back to Ruth who tell the ending of this story in the first person again.It’s very wonderful and creative for Author to chose this special way to write this fiction from different angle of the main character.

  If you could respond to the author about the contents of the book, what would you say or ask?

  A lots people said that this book is a kind of your biography,whose plot was based on some true story happened in your and your family’s life,is that true?

  Which character do you like most in this book and why?

  What your opinion toward China in the past and modern China?

  Do you think China and Chinese culture gave you a lot of inspiration for creation?

  What is the distinguished feature of your works by comparing with other books about Chine written by foreign authors?

  What are the sentence(s) that impressed you most from the book? Write them here.

  Her preferred form of exercise,she told Wendy,was stress.

  “I used to be in corporate communications.Then I started freelance editing,and a few years ago I took on more full-scale book collaboration,mostly inspirational and self-improvement books,better health,better sex,better soul,that kind of thing.” “You’re a book doctor.”

  ome things you do for yourself,some things you do for others.Maybe they’re the same.

  “Frankly,I like living alone,”she heard herself saying.She had convinced herself this was true. “And what if you met the ideal partner?” “He can stay ideal in his place,and I’ll stay ideal in mine.Then we won’t get into all that shit about whose hair is clogging up the drain.”

  And maybe we were born right and that was why we were wrong for each other.

  Free time was the most precious time,when you should be doing what you loved,or at least slowing down enough to remember what made your life worthwhile and happy.

  A person should consider how things begin.A particular beginning results in a particular end.

  You are beauty,we are beauty,we are divine,unchanged by time.

  reading experience reflections

  Congratulations on finish reading one more book! How would you describe this reading experience? How does this experience differ from the previous ones? Explain.

  I think this is a very fantastic and amazing reading experience.I appreciate this book very much and enjoy the process of reading which made me feel that I was not in the dormitory or classroom but somewhere in the book with those character.

  My precious one is 《Life and Death in Shanghai》 whose content is more like a record of actual events and embrace a highly ideological level as well as facticity.But 《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 turn out to be a very wonderful fiction full of fantastic story due to its literariness and imagination.Additionally,I think my capacity for reading comprehension was improved because it cost me relatively shorter time to finish it and I can understand more quickly and easily about the meaning and feelings conveyed by author.

  What are the major problems you come across from this reading experience? List the most challenging ones.

  I read this book in my reader-kindle.So when I finished this book,I accumulated a number of strange words,which I looked up in my kindle and remembered it at that time.But after a while,I forgot the majority of this words just like I met them at the first time,which frustrated me a lot.

  How do you solve the above-mentioned problems? Do you find your strategies effective? Why or why not?

  olutions to the above-mentioned problem:

  I inputted all this words into my Kingsoft Overword in ipod.

  Learn the correct pronunciation and abundant meaning of new words.

  Using Kingsoft Overword in computer to print new words in paper.

  ring those paper with me and remember those words frequently.

  I find my strategies effective. After finishing those above-mentioned steps,I can memorize the new words I came across in the book conveniently and efficiently.And it’s more easy for me to memorized it because I still had some impression about those words which I once read in book.


