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2022-05-14 23:25:48 作者:眯眯眼的流沙 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…




  人真的是很奇妙的生物,刻意抑制去思念你的时候,脑海里反倒全是你的影子,思念愈来愈浓。越逃避对你的情感,就越清晰可见。当我用尽力气去全身心投入想着念着 你的时候,心渐渐平复,思念也没那浓烈,整个人都回归现实,心平淡如水。

  越想忘记就越想念,高考已经过了好久了,一直刻意告诉自己那不是喜欢那不是,我们只是普通得离开教室后,没有前后桌的近水楼台,我们只是腼腆害羞得连一句招呼也不敢刻意打的普通同学。是我刻意压抑着自己面对你时的心跳加速,因为怕被你发现我心底那卑微地喜欢着你的小秘密。也因为害怕见到你那或刻意或无心疏远我的眼神。只是最近,连我自己都慢慢意识到自己对你的思念越来越浓了,甚至有些心闷,呼吸都变得困难 ,这样深刻的念想令我不安,同时也有一点莫名的愉悦感。

  即便我只是你人生中的一个过客,还是感谢老天爷让你出现在我平凡的生命里 ,青春岁月如歌,青春年少的我曾那样一心一意喜欢过你,你能成为我青春里的一首歌,成为我此生不忘的主旋律,真好!在此祝君一路安好,祝你幸福。

  Miss into the war

  to think about forget, hard miss on the light. People are really wonderful creatures, deliberately inhibit to miss you when the mind is all your shadow, miss more and more thick. The more I run away from my feelings for you, the clearer it becomes. When I use all my strength to put my heart into thinking of you, my heart gradually calms down, missing is not so strong, the whole person is back to reality, the heart is flat as water. The more we want to forget, the more we miss it. The college entrance examination has passed for a long time, and we have been deliberately telling ourselves that we don’t like it, we don’t like it, we just have to leave the classroom, we don’t have the front and back tables, we were just ordinary kids who were too shy to say anything about call out to each other. it Is myself deliberately suppress the heart beats when faced you. because the heart beat is too fast, so I was afraid that you found that my heart humble to reveal my little secret I loved you. Also because of the fear of seeing you that or intentionally or inadvertently alienate me from the eyes. It’s just that lately, even I’ve come to realize that I’m missing you more and more, even a little bit, and it’s hard to breathe. Even if I was just a passer-by in your life, thank God for you to appear in my ordinary life, the youth years cantabile, the youth I once so wholeheartedly like you, you can become a song in my youth, to be the theme of my life. How Nice! I wish you a safe journey and happiness.




