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2018-04-05 21:24:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《美国梦之安魂曲》是一部由皮特·D·哈奇森 / 凯利·尼克斯执导,诺姆·乔姆斯基主演的一部传记 / 纪录片类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众影评希望对大家能有帮助



  昨天看了纪录片Requiem for the American Dream,中文翻译为《美国梦之安魂曲》。这部记录片历时4年,拍摄了著名语言学家哲学家Noam Chomsky对当今美国经济政治的十个观点.

  智者。站在人类精神财富顶端的人。Noam Chomsky 以其敏锐的洞察力,如庖丁解牛般告诉我们:美国怎么变成了这样?

  简单来说:the concentration of wealth creates concentration of power。


  oam Chomsky 提出了10条原则引出今天的结果

  1.减少民主(reduce democracy)

  民主可谓是现代西方社会基石。但是民主有个bug。就是当贫富不均的时候,民主会让穷人聚集起来take over the rich。这在亚里士多德和美国建国的时候都被提出。当权者当然不希望政权动荡,因此解决这个bug有两条途径,一是尽量缩小贫富差距,那么就不会产生大量的穷人。二是减弱民主。很不幸的是,美国采取的是减弱民主。那么,可以看见的是当今世界上正在发生的民粹主义盛行的来源之处。

  2.塑造意识形态(shape ideology)

  3.重新调整经济结构(redesign the economy)

  从1970年以来,美国制造业在国民生产总值的比重下降,而金融业逐步上升。到现在,金融业占比重40%以上,所以Noam Chomsky said they play with money rather than make money.这样加剧了贫富分化。尤其是产生金融危机政府因为受金融机构控制又用纳税人的钱拿去堵漏洞,结果是富人的钱没少。穷人的钱越来越少。以前金融业占比重小的时候,有许多机构和条约控制金融业。由于金融业的扩张,调控也越来越松,这样造成的是资金可以全球流动,但劳动力不可以流动。自由市场定义是,capital free move and labor free move but now the fact is workers cannot move. 美联储前主席格林斯潘称他所行的是提高了“job insecurity",由于工作越来越不稳定,那工人们结成联盟运动可能性几乎削减为零。这样在低工资和低待遇情况下,美国的中下层才如此“听话”,这也是现在为何民怨如此深的原因之一。

  4. 转移负担(shift the burden)


  5. 打击团体主义(attach solidarity)


  6.控制管理层(run the regulators)

  The business is regulated is running the regulators。被管理的企业实在管理层。就是说被管理的商业公司等通过一些方式买通也好或者自己进入也好参于了制定法规的过程。由于法规是这些人制定的,当然法规是会对他们有利。所以这就加剧了他们在商业上的冒险,因为一旦失败,总有政府会付钱帮他们,比如08 too big to fail的一些企业。

  7. engineer elections

  8.keep the rabble in line


  9. manufacture consent


  10. marginalize the population





  ertrand Russell was asked why he spent his time protesting against nuclear war and getting arrested on demonstrations rather than continuing to work on the serious philosophical and logical problems which have major intellectual significance? He said: “Look, if I and others like me only work on those problems, there won’t be anybody around to appreciate it or be interested.”

  《美国梦之安魂曲》影评(三):影片总结Concentration of Wealth and Power

  复习一下《美国梦之安魂曲》中粗略论述的“concentration of wealth and power”

  总论述为A vicious circle: Concentration of wealth yields concentration of power, particularly so as the cost of election skyrockets, which kind of forces the political parties into the pocket of major corporations. And this political power quickly translates into legislation that increases the concentration of wealth.

  rinciple#1: Reduce Democracy

  rinciple#2: Shape Ideology

  rinciple#3: Redesign the economy

  rinciple#4: Shift the burden

  rinciple#5: Attack Solidarity

  rinciple#6: Run the Regulators

  rinciple#7: Engineer Elections

  rinciple#8: Keep the Rabble in Line

  rinciple#9: Manufacture Consent

  rinciple#10: Marginalize the population


  现在美国舆论有一个论调 跨国公司转移工厂侵蚀美国工人就业


  1.转移工厂降低成本可降低价格 受惠是消费者

  2.如果沃尔玛坚持销售美国产高价商品 其他销售低价亚洲产商品超市会将其挤出美国市场

  3.如果福特坚持本土造车 高成本带来的高价格将使其失去全球市场

  4.以上两点的结果都是美国企业a)对美国纳税减少 b)竞争力降低 c)美国国力削弱

  5.失去就业的美国工人怎么办?人类发展的缩影,经济学的根基---资源有限,能者多得---决定了逆历史潮流必被淘汰,生在美国,自然无法以亚洲工人的收入标准生活,所以要有觉悟多读书去做亚洲工人做不了的工作,否则大可去领食品救济,集会支持trump,对镜头控诉政府,see where it leads to.

  《美国梦之安魂曲》影评(五):观后感:Requiem for the American Dreams

  在学校时写的短作文,虽然有点小学生考试感觉,但还是放上来留着。说不定哪天还可以交个作业什么的。 【滑稽



  After watching “Requiem for the American Dreams”, I was very shocked by Noam Chomsky’s statement that the inequality of the society comes from the extreme rich, who are only 1% of the population in America. In his theory, the concentration of wealth yields concentration of power, and those small number of wealthier people would merely protect the minority of themselves. However, the America has always proclaimed and promoted that it strives to establish a democracy and equality society. Now people would ask: “If can democracy really lead to equality to all people in the world? And why was majority of social wealth held in a very few so-called elite class?

  In my opinion, unequal-social-wealth distribution is not a good thing for either the society or the people. Democracy will not automatically bring about reasonable social allocation. The group of middle-class people, just like us, actually only demand for a well-being life. All they need is to have their lives to be safer and sufficient. They do not have that much desire to participate political affairs. However, people should turn their attention more to the intentions of the politicians, as well as the social responsibilities and moralities of the rich entrepreneurs.

  Exploitation and profit-oriented drive separate each group of people who possess different social wealth, and that causes the formation of the different social classes in the society and generates the inequality; however, at the present stage, we have no any other choices. The people who have more assets and more capital are able to make more money in an exponent degree. In the future, it is better to somewhat limit the increasing rate of wealth in the rich or drastically change the tax rates for different groups in lieu of their incomes. As long as we keep this policy for long, the real equality and democracy society will eventually come true.

  The film gives us 10 principles of how the American society developed in the past years; however, it also leaves us a question: what should we do to realize the equality within a democratic society? How and what should we do? We should probably take some time and think about the big question coming from the movie.


  花了半天的时间看完了美国纪录片《美国梦之安魂曲》(Requiem for the American Dream)。该片由学者诺姆·乔姆斯基(NOAM CHUMSKY)制作。这是2015年4月份出品的片子,但是,在中国可以看到的视频网站中只找到了没有中文字幕的这个视频链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU3MDcwNjU2OA==.html



  规则(1)减少民主(reduce democracy)。美国宪法的宗旨就是:保护少数人的利益不被大多数人剥夺。

  规则(2)意识形态塑形(shape ideology)。

  规则(3)重新设计经济系统(redesign of the economy):调整贸易结构,用意非常明显,就是让各国和所有劳动者之间产生竞争。企业成功的手段是通过:制造工人的不安全感(job insecurity)。

  1950, 美国经济依靠实业生产:28%来自加工产业,11%来自金融。50年代和60年代,是美国制造业发展的黄金时期,也是财富分配比较公平的时期。普通工人可以得到一份工作,买车买房,孩子上学。

  2010: 美国经济11%来自生产加工, 21%来自金融。通用电器50%的利润来自把钱挪来挪去,而不是来自从事生产。


  规则(4)转嫁成本(shift the burden): 富人交更少的税甚至逃税,穷人交更多的税。

  规则(5)打击团结(attack solidarity): 通过减少政府开支和私有化进程,剥夺50年代和60年代人民曾经拥有的免费教育等公共服务。结果,到今天,美国州立大学50%的经费依靠收取学费,使得贫困学生还未就业就负债累累。

  规则(6)自行制定规则(run the regulators),相当于银行家写银行法。难怪没人能够控制得了金融危机。罪犯管理犯罪,怎么能够不犯罪。

  规则(7)设计选举(engineering elections)

  规则(8)控制反抗( keep the rabble in line)。1920年的美国工人运动被镇压了。1930年,工人运动取得了成绩。但是,从二战之后,这些过去的成绩都消失殆尽了。到现在,美国私企中,只有7%的职工是工会成员。

  规则(9)制造一致赞同:(manufacture consent): 今天这个时代,武力和硬性的压迫很多时候已经不合时宜的,那些控制压迫我们的人很聪明,现在通过制造消费文化来控制大众。有闲暇的时候,年轻人不再去图书馆,而是去逛商场、去看电视、去玩手机。这样,把大众弄成迷迷糊糊的任人宰割的羔羊。

  规则(10)把大众边缘化(marginalize the population)




  霍华德·津恩(Howard Zinn)说:“无数默默无闻的人们所做的无数点点滴滴的努力是任何重大历史进步的基础。过去如此,将来仍然如此。”(What matters is countless small deeds of unknown people that lay the basis for the significant ends that enter history. They are the ones who have done things in the past, and they are the ones who have to in the future.)


