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The Hobbit读后感1000字

2020-12-11 03:49:59 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Hobbit读后感1000字

  《The Hobbit》是一本由J.R.R. Tolkien著作,Del Rey出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 7.99,页数:320,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Hobbit》精选点评:

  ●很喜欢"Riddles in Dark"这一章,但结尾只能算还行。


  ●为什么搜BALLATINE 50th anniversary ISBN出来的是这本?



  ●文字还是相当简单的,不过是 youth literature 中最精品的了,有很多地方“微言大义”啊。High Fantasy 的那种回肠荡气和回味悠长都不缺,更要感叹设定方面巨大的成功,显然给三部曲打下深厚的基础。不过《魔戒》的设定和《哈比人》是有出入的,且看电影导演如何弥合这个缝隙吧。跟《魔戒》相比,《哈比人》更多些幽默,在“张弛有度”的尺度上是篇轻松活泼的,里面的唱词也更接近于打油诗。

  ●四五年前真正读完的第一本原版吧- -b


  ●Need to save the book and read it again. A lot of new words though:)


  《The Hobbit》读后感(一):美好的生灵

  又看了一遍 Hobbit,用了大概十来天。Bilbo和Dwarf们都是一些有些有肉的美好生物,未被神化,未被道德绑架,未成为评判的标准。总是看着看着忍不住会心一笑 。也总是会想到Tolkien该是一个多么和蔼可亲宽容的人。

  《The Hobbit》读后感(二):老版本,书不大,排版很厚道




  《The Hobbit》读后感(三):We are looking forward to the journey, But we don’t dare to.

  Most of the time, people just scare themselves a lot. When the chance is in front of people, they start worry about thing unnecessary. Like Bilbo, we all know , in his statement, he felt longing for a explore of an adventure.However, as Gandalf was standing in his house, he was worrying about the dangers he might meet.

  It’s said that ”There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” in the book. No one knows what is happening following, we are human, not god, we cannot foresee or make predict.

  If one really wants to, and has a strong desire of doing something unusual, but can’t make up one’s mind,everything, good or bad, could happen no matter how should be understood . As everything is changing all the time, the old opinion in your mind may not woking anymore this time. However, you are still judging everything in the way you used to. Of course, you will find something acting weird. As a result, you are becoming more doubtful and feel more scared.

  ending all the time on doubting but afterwards the results shows there’s really nothing happened is never a good idea for any self-benefit. I would rather take my time,do things I should do.Even it’s just give myself a relax.

  What if we just make up our minds? Once we decide to do or not to do, everything will be way easier. If we decide to do it, like Bilbo, after all his doubts, he was determined to kill the Smaug. And he did good during the journey and really did contributed to the company. Or we can choose giving up the chance, then keep the routine of old life, never regret of it.




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