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2022-05-21 15:31:29 作者:眯眯眼的流沙 来源:眯眯眼的流沙推荐 阅读:载入中…



  突然觉得自己像足了一个跳梁小丑,到最后始终还是逃脱不了命运的圈套,一次一次的被无情的算计。我的爱,霎时变成了你转身离去的借口,不加任何理由的借口。你转身的那么理直气壮,走的那么干脆,连背影都带走的干干净净。这仿佛都是早已注定好的。可,我毕竟不是拿得起放得下的伟丈夫。 落花有意,流水无情。不经意才懂得早已是歌声沉寂,曲终人散。走在昔时昔日的街道上,总觉得少了点什么,可物依旧。我知道这叫做物是人非。我吃力的抬起头任由眼泪无序的风干,却措手不及。幸亏,风尘及时的飞进了我的眼睛,我的眼泪终于得以名正言顺。这叫无言的悲哀,但最大的不幸不是这个,而是,直到你离去,你始终没想明白我。对你而言,也许我承诺的给你一个明天只是过往云烟。上帝为我作证,我想的不仅是要给你我的爱,而且要给你面包。原本想只要5年,我就可以有一番事业。我就可以真的把你变成我的公主,有足够的资本养着你,任由你每天睡懒觉睡到自然醒,买你喜欢的衣服,去自己喜欢的地方旅游,不用为上班迟到而担心老板扣工资,不要成天看着别人脸色做事……可惜,你倔强的连这个机会都不肯给我。

  Commitment, love and bread

  uddenly feel like a full jump beam clown, to the end still can not escape the fate of the trap, again and again by ruthless calculation. My Love, suddenly become you turn around to leave the excuse, do not add any reason excuse. You turn so rightfully strong, walk so crisply, even the figure all take clean. It’s like it’s all preordained. But, after all, I am not a great husband who can afford to let go. The falling flower is intentional, the flowing water is merciless. Inadvertently just know already is the sound of silence, the end of the song scattered. Walking in the streets of the past, always feel a little less, but things still. I know it’s called change. I laboriously lifted my head to let the tears dry out of order, but caught off guard. Fortunately, the dust in time to fly into my eyes, my tears finally justified. This is called silent sorrow, but the greatest misfortune is not this, but, until you leave, you still do not understand me. For you, perhaps I promise to give you a tomorrow is just in the past. As God is my witness, I want not only to give you my love, but also to give you bread. I thought I could have a career in five years. I can really turn you into my princess, have enough capital to support you, let you sleep late every day until you wake up naturally, buy your favorite clothes, travel to your favorite places, don’t have to worry about being late for work because the boss will dock your pay, do not look at others all day to do things…… it is a pity, you stubborn even refused to give me this opportunity.




