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2018-02-25 21:54:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《Switch》是一本由Chip Heath / Dan Heath著作,Crown Business出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 28.00,页数:305,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助



  quot;The Happiness Hypothesis",用Elephant/Rider来比喻人思维的两种模式感性思维/理性思维),与Thinking, Fast and Slow中的分类一致


  Direct the Rider

  1. Follow the bright sports.

  - Investigate what's working and clone it.

  2. script the critical moves.

  - Don't think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviors.

  3. Point to the the destination.

  - Change is easier when you know where you're going and why it's worth it.

  Motivate the elephant

  1. Find the feeling.

  - Knowing something isn't enough to cause change. Make people feel something.

  2. Shrink the change.

  - Break down the change until it no longer spooks the Elephant.

  3. Grow your people.

  - Cultivate a sense of identity and instill the growth mindset.

  hape the path

  1. Tweak the environment.

  - When the situation changes, the behavior changes. So change the situation.

  2. Build habits.

  - When behavior is habitual, it's "free" -- it doesn't tax the Rider. Look for ways to encourage habits.

  3. Rally the herd.

  - Behavior is contagious. Help it spread.

  《Switch》读后感(二):Rider & Elephant

  每个人都有两个层面:Rider and Elephant.




  Rider很高级很智慧,也很分析控,但是确又很脆弱(从生物构成的角度,它也确实弱小),书中提到的试验证明了:在一个连续的时间内,rider只有有限可用的掌控力,或者说他能对elephant施与的控制次数(抑制/激活)是有限的.如果一个骑象者一会让大象向东,一会向西,rider最终会耗尽自己的控制力,陷入decison paralyse.这个时候大象就只管凭自己的本能喜欢去前进了.

  作者因此给懒惰一个重新的解释:rider的decision paralyse.正是因为人的rider失去控制能力,才使得人处于elephant(本能)的控制下.



  Direct the Rider

  ——给Rider指明一个方向,避免它陷入decision paralyse.这里触动我的是他说的scripting the Moves and Point to the Destination:很多领导做的决策为什么看上去很好,实际执行不好?因为看上去很好的宏观决策在启动时,具体细节上会有非常多的小决策,脆弱的Rider在大量的这种数量的决策中陷入了analysis paralyse,最后变成一大群无方向乱转的Elephant。解决方法就是scripting the Moves,把初始步骤像写脚本那样清晰的指引出来,在指明一个最终的Destination(Vision),就可以顺利的执行。

  Motivate the Elephant


  hape the Path


  正如前面有位书评者提到的,中国改革开放实际上也应用了其中的一些方法,例如中国改革开放的破冰第一步,解放思想;平反创造了改革的环境;包产到户则是Finding Birght Spot的一个例子:在一片灰暗中找到那些很小的闪光点,并进行仔细的分析找到它可被复制的成功方法。


  从个人的角度,这本书对自我学习和激励也同样有意义,我们要将自己Rider的注意力专注在启动的步骤上(scripting the Moves),然后有一个Vision(Destination),同时一定要找到自己的Elephant可以发动的方式(比如兴趣危机感),并尽可能去培养自己的习惯,创造一个促进改变的环境,在老罗的演讲中,可以看到他就是这样的自我激励(Rider:设定清晰可见目标和Vison; Elephant:不断的看成功学的书刺激自己; Path:把自己置身于艰苦的环境中)。



  知道這本書是因為最近看那本"The Righteous Mind",作者提到要如何改變行為的時候大力推薦這本書,"Mind"的作者和這本書的作者都自稱是"intutionist",什麼是intutionist呢?例如最近一兩年很紅的腦科學/心理學/行為經濟學的書(例如Thinking,fast and slow)都強調人類的問題是因為我們有兩邊腦,一邊是從遠古進化而來情感大腦,另一邊是比較近代由有資訊而來進化的理智大腦,我們的問題是我們不夠理智,而解決我們問題方法是變成更加理智的人。



  1 -指揮騎象的人




  2 - 引導大象




  3 - 改變環境,使之有利於改變




  《Switch》读后感(四):改变 = 驾驭“理性 + 感性 + 环境”


"我不知道该如何改变" (主观因素:理性的一面)“即使改变了也没什么用”,"这么做太难了"(主观因素:感性的一面)外部环境不利于改变的发生(客观因素)


  1. 我不知道该如何改变 -- 指导骑象人:发动理性的一面。很多人没有行动起来只是因为不知道具体应该怎么做。

  A. 制定一个明确的目标:半年减去10公斤

  . 具体的可执行的措施:脱脂奶取代全脂奶,每周最多喝两瓶啤酒,每周去3次健身房每次不少于30min,etc

  C. 从成功的案例中找出可以复制的经验朋友A减肥成功,其成功的关键坚持晚上八点以后绝不吃东西,因此我也可以尝试这么做。这里要注意,同时发生不代表前因后果,模仿需谨慎,很多成功的案例都难以复制。

  2. “即使改变了也没什么用”,"这么做太难了" -- 激励骑象人:发动感性的一面。只有充分调动积极性主动性,才能减少自制力的消耗,才能打赢“改变”这场持久战。

  A. “即使改变了也没什么用”:要让自己或他人真正认识到改变的必要性。列举肥胖在青年,中年,老年各有什么坏处,最好有统计数据支持生动图片展示。

  . "这么做太难了":

  a. 缩小改变的幅度,渐变。从每天在健身房运动10min开始,然后增加到15min,20min,30min... 最好是更好的敌人,最重要的是迈出第一步。

  . 降低选择难度:”每周2,4,6锻炼“要比”每周锻炼三次“更好,因为对于后者而言,每天都要犹豫要不要去锻炼,都要尝试说服自己今天是个锻炼的好日子。这是一种精神力量的消耗。而前者更加明确,没有这种挣扎过程

  C. 增加认同感:通过一点点微小的改变发现这样做真的可以减肥。看着镜子里的自己,意识到瘦了还是蛮好看的(改变有用),我也是可以做到的(改变没那么难)。这样就会有滚雪球的效应积极性主动性更高了,执行计划起来也更加卖力更加坚决了,成效也会更好。

  3. 外部环境不利于改变的发生 -- 营造路径:环境会潜移默化影响人的行为,小环境也会有大作用。

  A. 改变环境:用小碗,小盘子盛放饭菜

  . 培养习惯:饭前饭后喝水或喝汤增强饱腹感,晚上洗澡之前做10min高强度间歇运动,晚上把运动服放在床边来提醒自己早上要运动(set action trigger)。

  C. 利用从众效应:多和生活健康,经常锻炼的人交流;加入减肥团队

  《Switch》读后感(五):瞬变 英文版概括及感想


  Direct the Rider : What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity. So provide crystal clear direction. Eg: If you want people to change, you don't ask them to act healthier. You say, next time you are in the dairy aisle of the grocery store, reach for a jug of 1% milk instead of whole milk.

  1. Follow the bright sports.

  - Investigate what's working and clone it.

  Case: Jerry Sternin in Vietnam, find solution for malnutrition. Take the most advantage of the local resource, find the one did best in the same community and copy the solution. Low cost + easy to be acceptted by locals.

  To pursue bright spots is to ask the question: what's working and how can we do more of it?

  2. script the critical moves.

  - Don't think big picture, think in terms of specific behaviors.

  Case: 1% milk. 4 rules on Brazil high way.

  When there's a task in the company people always delay to finish:

  a. Find out what bright spots did differently, share the tricks with others.

  . Maybe there is ambiguity/confusion on the process. Observe and script the critical moves.

  c. Highlight that almost 2/3 of reports are turned in on time.

  The more instinctive a behavior becomes, the less selfcontrol from the Rider it requires, and thus the more sustainable it becomes.

  3. Point to the the destination.

  - Change is easier when you know where you're going and why it's worth it.

  Case: BP: no dry holes. Destination postcards pictures of a future that hard work can make possible can be incredibly inspiring.

  Motivate the elephant

  1. Find the feeling.

  - Knowing something isn't enough to cause change. Make people feel something.

  Case: Robyn Waters's demos at Target. Using colorful M&M to catch people's attention on the color options on cloths.

  How to make developers care about the user:

  a. Paint a picture of the group glory tha twill result from a successful product launch.

  . Be specific enough about what's needed form the developers.

  c. Let them observe how the users struggle with the program

  d. Require developers to program on the same machines.

  2. Shrink the change.

  - Break down the change until it no longer spooks the Elephant.

  Case: How can you cut the budget without creating a political mess?

  a. Picking out tiny chunks of work like office supplies training at a tiem styas the panic.

  . department heads are exercising positive peer pressure on one another.

  3. Grow your people.

  - Cultivate a sense of identity and instill the growth mindset.

  Case: Who am I ? What kind of situation is this? What would someone like me do in this situation?

  hape the path

  1. Tweak the environment.

  - When the situation changes, the behavior changes. So change the situation.

  Case: Amazon 1 click ordering, simplifying the online time sheet.

  2. Build habits.

  - When behavior is habitual, it's "free" -- it doesn't tax the Rider. Look for ways to encourage habits.

  Case: Setting action triggers, using checklists.

  3. Rally the herd.

  - Behavior is contagious. Help it spread.

  Case: seeding the tip jar, peer pressure.

  《Switch》读后感(六):Discussion about the book in Bookcrossing

  Ruby, our amateur psychologist, shared another book for efficient change DIY. The question that bestselling authors Chip and Dan Heath tackle in their compelling and insightful new book is why do we insist on seeing the obstacles rather than the goal? They argue that we need only understand how our minds function in order to unlock shortcuts to switches in behaviour. Illustrating their ideas with scientific studies and remarkable real-life turnarounds – from the secrets of successful marriage counseling to the pile of gloves that transformed one company’s finances – the brothers Heath prove that deceptively simple methods can yield truly extraordinary results.

  They state that there are three aspects to changes:

  The rider

  The elephant

  The path for the ride

  The process for change is:

  1. Set up your mind to have a direction (know where to go)

  When there are conflicting goals, prioritize them.

  2. The elephant is your sub-consciousness, which has unimaginable potentials but is lazy and reluctant to change.

  3. Have short goals or divide the ride into several short steps.

  It’s important to understand the rider’s goal can be different from the elephant’s goal, as the latter seeks the familiar, prefers the easy way and stays away from difficulties.

  There was much discussion on the subject. Jim appreciated their ideas and went on to talk about his experience. But Erik didn’t think too high of the book, commenting that “the metaphor is making the concepts unnecessarily complicated and abstract”. He also disagreed with the way the authors portray the elephant. Erik didn’t think the elephant had any goals. It’s one’s self-image that is obstructing or pushing for changes.




