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《绝望主妇 第四季》经典观后感集

2018-02-24 21:45:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《绝望主妇 第四季》经典观后感集

  《绝望主妇四季》是一部由Larry Shaw Arlene Sanford执导,泰瑞·海切尔 / 菲丽西提·霍夫曼 / 玛西亚·克劳斯主演的一部剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众观后感希望对大家能有帮助

  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(一):Susan lives in fairy tale world

  In this season,Susan has a new neighber,but the new neighber does not like her.In order to get the heart of her new neighbors,she does some stupid things.never listen her husband‘s advice.take her's own course,until recieve the bad attitute.she looks like to create trouble to comfort her empty mind.She talks about the baby's life,but never think about how to make money,neglect her husband's stress.

  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(二):To Be or Not To Be



  To be:



  ot to be:

  In DH S04EP10, the poem, before Lynette and Mrs. McCluskey scattered Ida's ashes in Granville field (in which Ida became a baseball super star):

  ——“Do not stand at my grave and weep;

  I am not there. I do not sleep.

  I am a thousand winds that blow.

  I am the diamond glints on snow.

  I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

  I am the gentle autumn rain.

  (When you awaken in the morning's hush

  I am the swift uplifting rush

  Of quiet birds in circled flight.

  I am the soft stars that shine at night. )

  Do not stand at my grave and cry;

  I am not there. I did not die.”



  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(三):Is that person worth the trouble ?


  If you wanna break up over an ice sculpture, you guys should absolutely not get married

  (L: What the hell are you going with it?)

  ecause who gets to choose the ice sculpture, who should take out the trash, who have to stay home and make the mini pizzas - That's the little stuff.

  What are you gonna do when the big stuff comes along?

  (L: Could you give us a second?)

  What are you gonna do when a tornado hits your house?

  Or you have problems with your kids? Or one of you gets cancer?

  At some point, the crap is going to hit the fan and that is why now, before you make the commitment, you have to ask yourself:

  Is that person in bed next to you worth the trouble?

  Do you love him or her so much that no disease, no disaster could possibly pull you apart.


  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(四):Tom 在最后一集说的话

  That's the little stuff. What r u gonna do when the big stuff comes along? What r u gonna do when a tornado hits ur house? Or u have problems with ur kids? Or one of u gets cancer? At some point, the crap is going to hit the fan, and that's why now, before u made a commitment, you have to ask urself, is that the person in bed next to you worth the trouble? Do u have him or her so much that no disease or disasters could possibly pull u apart?

  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(五):第6集太好看鸟!

  Daniel: You should take him.

  ree: Are you sure? Sweetheart,do you feel like you are making a mistake?

  Daniel: No,it’s ..the right thing to do for everyone. Especially, him

  ut you’re right,it’s awful.


  她的良和潜在的善逐渐苏醒,与那些不愿低头的悔过,却通通融进了一个Especially him.

  而女孩儿成长女人,母性逐渐彰显能够盘踞她内心的一部分时,过去那个骄傲从不低头的D,颤抖着下颌艰难地吐出“But you're right,it's awful.”

  “It's awful.”










  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(六):Lives and live

  Do not stand at my grave and weep.

  I'm--I'm not there. i do not sleep.

  I am a thousand winds that blow.

  I am the diamond glints of snow.

  I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

  I am the gentle autumn's rain.

  Do not stand at my grave and cry.

  I am not there. I did not die.

  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(七):那些我喜欢的voiceover和台词

  E02:(关于“笑”背后隐含的深意) There is nothing more deceptive than a smile,and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them.

  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(八):What's marriage?


  If you are willing to break up over an ice scripture,you guys should absolutely not get married.

  Coz who gets to choose the ice scripture, who should take out the trash, who has to stay home and make the mini pizzas, that’s the little stuff. What are you gonna to do when the big stuff comes along? What you could do when the tornado hits your house? Or you have the problem with your kids? Or one of you gets the cancer?

  At some point, the crap is going to hit the fan. And that is why now, before you make the commitment, you have to ask yourself, is that person in bed next to you worth the trouble? Do you love him or her somuch that no disease, no disaster to possibly put you apart?

  所以,那句Yes, I do不是对蒂芙尼钻戒,不是对五星级酒店婚礼,不是对马尔代夫蜜月,那句Yes, I do是对对方不离不弃的承诺。沪上离婚率高过30%,就来自这么轻易的一句Yes, I do. 以前看小说,说有的人,根本不是marriage type,当时不明白。今天看完这季绝望主妇,有点感触。有的人根本不能够take responsibility,对自己尚如此,更不要说对别人。






  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(九):终于看到第四季了。







  《绝望主妇 第四季》观后感(十):Are You A Blue Blood.

  一直都没有好好看过这部剧 觉得傻里傻气的


  人与人的专注点的确是很不相同 男人在外面奋斗 女人自然就守在家里

  即便没有这些电视剧里面的骇人噱头 我想她们也会自我凭空制造出一些端倪

  于是一群有钱没处花的女人在party,时尚的新衣服,和邻里之间周旋和较量着 工作有钱赚 没工作的有乐捡

  谎言和真相的交织与胜负 最后都并不了解自己究竟是得到了什么 还是仅仅是赢得了那场自己的自私与不信任

  很多掩饰 很多铺垫 很多前戏 很多准备 以便调整到那个让自己和别人都赏心悦目的最佳状态 然后登台演出


  只是有时候突然想知道 那些让我们费尽心机所想保护的一切 是不是真的值得

  在这个无孔不入的社会之中 究竟要如何保护 才能做到


  只可惜这个世界之中 贵族血统已经慢慢荡然无存了




