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2018-09-14 01:39:01 作者:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《罗马大帝》是一部由罗杰·扬执导,彼得·奥图尔 / 夏洛特·兰普林 / 维多利亚·贝沃德拉主演的一部剧情 / 历史 / 爱情类型电影,特精心网络整理的一些观众影评希望大家能有帮助


  作为历史剧,它真实;作为人物志,它刻画入微;作为大众娱乐,它光鲜恢弘宫廷斗争、权力倾轧、斯多格主义政治的一出大戏,人物的精神魅力。不得不佩服导演结合大众需求学者品味,将宏大的历史场景与人物的精神塑造完美呈现。我也喜欢开场的氛围,有点盖棺定论味道"Did I play my part well in this comedy of life?Applause please." 该片刻画了奥古斯都作为丈夫、继父、父亲外公家庭角色满足我们小人物渴望


  由于朱丽亚的通奸罪行被揭发,奥古斯都大帝被迫处置自己的女儿,朱丽亚因此面临着被流放的命运。 若问这片子到底有哪些非常娱乐的看点,片头与片尾两场刺杀奥古斯都大帝的戏还算是比较牵动人心。前一场是恺撒领军痛击敌人惨烈。从战前训话到做表率独自冲锋,再到年轻的屋大维一声“For Roma”而后奋勇杀敌,整个场面下来,虽无甚惊喜,但也算提神之处。其它时间,本片用以娱乐观众的无非是吻戏和歌舞,当然,那个风骚的埃及艳后功不可没影片尾声,奥古斯都·屋大维弥留之际问身边关心他的人:“在这出叫做人生喜剧中,我表演出色吗?”众人没有回答,临终的皇帝重复问题,可还是没有人回答,他于是说:“那么,不论我或好或坏,请大家为我鼓掌……”整个房间顿时爆发震撼人心掌声


  《罗马大帝》(Imperium: Augustus,2003)算是一部关于罗马帝国首位元首屋大维的传记片, 故事时间跨度很大,从屋大维成年后与好友阿格里帕一起投奔叔叔凯撒的军队,一直讲到最后临终去世。为了不使叙事显得平淡,影片采用了倒叙、插叙和顺序并举的叙事手法,以屋大维之女茱莉亚卷入安东尼儿子刺杀屋大维的阴谋主线,并通过不断的回忆来追溯屋大维年轻时追随凯撒战斗、为凯撒复仇和与马克安东尼发生冲突往事





  quot;Did I play my part well in this comedy of life

  Applause please"











  《罗马大帝》影评(五):Imperium: Augustus, a film worth watching

  Imperium: Augustus is a film that narrates the extraordinary life of Augustus, the first emperor of Roman Empire. Having seen the film, I would like to make my comment in three aspects.

  a) The analysis of Augustus’ personality

  In the film, the double personality of Augustus was represented thoroughly. He is merciful and also cruel.

  When he was still a cowboy, in spite of his families’ opposition, he followed Caesar to fight the enemy valiantly without hesitation. During the time he was with Caesar, he learned a lot from Caesar, and the most important was Caesar’s dream of making Rome a peaceful and just place for everyone. After Caesar was assassinated, as the heir, Augustus tried every means to achieve Caesar’s dream and his “destiny” given by the gods.

  In the conflicts with Mark Antony, Augustus spared Antony’s and his son Julus’ lives, which showed his admirable mercy towards other people. However, in order to accomplish his dream, he married his first wife just for her identity of nobility and money. What’s worse, he arranged miserable marriages for his sister and his daughter. Augustus sacrificed the happiness of those who he loved. As Tiberius said indignantly in the film, “People call you God, but they are wrong. You destroy everything you love.” In this way, he was also depicted as a cruel man.

  From an objective perspective, we cannot rashly judge Augustus simply by the stories that we learned from histories or films. Only those who lived in the age of him could make a more authentic comment on him. But I believe that there is no doubt Augustus is one of the most prominent emperor in the world.

  ) Roman government, law and architecture

  ot only were the characters depicted aptly in the film, Roman style was also shown vividly. In terms of government and law, the Senate, a group people consisting of nobles, played an important role in the political issues. It was the authority and the dominant force in many areas, such as the judgment and foreign policy. Even the emperor Augustus consulted it frequently and treated it with respect. When it came to the architecture, as we saw in the film, the Roman Forum was the emblem of a Roman city where the justice and administration were implemented.

  c) Other features of the film

  Firstly, the story in the film was told by the old Augustus from the view of first person, which had the function of empathy to the audience. In addition, following the order of the narrator’s elaboration, those flashbacks that interspersed between the narrations built the story towards the climax. Secondly, the performance of the actors and actresses involved in this film were remarkable. Love, hatred and struggle, these feelings were expressed fully. They perfectly realized the characters’ disposition.

  In conclusion, Imperium: Augustus is a successful film in restoring the history and provoking people’s thoughts about life and decisions. It is worth watching!

  《罗马大帝》影评(六):Characteristics· Fate· Drama

  The majority of people will show their respect for leaders in history sincerely, and I dare to say everyone has dreamed of being such great heroes, the glory of being admired as well as worshiped is so attractive that almost no one can keep it at bay once the enticing chance appears.

  The movie: Imperium: Augustus enables us to look inside the heart of a hero in ancient Rome. In other words, the film presents us a brand new angle of view; it did not waste too much time on the growth process of Octavian, on the contrary, it distributes most writing on the analysis of such a hero. And I think that’s what attracts audience most.

  Why Octavian successfully transform Roman Republic into Roman Empire? In my opinion, three factors contribute to the result: his ambition, the help of his wife (Livia) and Caesar.

  Caesar used to be a common people, step by step, he make every effort to transfer Rome, in the final critical battle against the last competitor Pompeii, his nephew Octavian was extremely brave .Though caught heavy cold, he still struggles to run to frontline ,stared down death. For this reason, Caesar further convinced himself to show 100% trust to the young boy. Later Caesar decides to send Octavian away to study elocution. However, Octavian didn’t realize it and was quite confused. Thanks to Livia, he eventually got the point. The time later proves how critical the choice is to Octavian’s politics career.

  To other people, including his family.Octavian always use the words: for Rome. Perhaps in his value, what he does is selflessly for Caesar’s willing, for the peace and prosperous of Rome. He just does what he thinks is right for Rome. To be objective, one who doesn’t have huge ambition can’t go that far.Due to the hunger in Rome city, he has to turn the sword to common people who used firmly support his governing, he asks himself, “why I become such people I hate? ”Yes, for Rome “but his fellow goes straight to the heart of the matter: not for Rome, it’s for our lives.the so called destiny, responsibility are just shop sign. What he cared is merely the Rome in his hand, just like what Caesar has told him.

  To achieve such aim, he doesn’t care how much sacrifice he himself makes, in the meanwhile, his family suffer the same pain,maybe a lot bigger. Imagine you cannot control your own fate a lit at all; your destiny is to be the tool of politic interest. Octavian’s sister and his daughter are both the sacrifice of political marriage. At the time when Julia is to be exiled, his daughter shouted to him: you are not Augustus, you are a devil.you have totally forgotten how to love. Hardly to believe he once feels sincere happy. In his luxury Suite, he just pace back and force with a vague expression.

  Just before god was going to take away his life, he says: “Am I acting well in the drama called life?”His daughter replyed: “God will tell you.”

  For him, life is only a drama, and he is only an actor, no more than else. Who can promise it is not the essence of life? Who knows?


