

Better to die in trust than to live in doubt

Better to die in trust than to live in doubt

日期:2018-03-07 18:30:27 点击:194 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

[A group member said that he was aware of a tension, a tightness across his chest, since he returned to Poona from the West. He felt it was associated with not feeling as open and trusting as before. Osho checked his energy.] [一个团体成员...

Listen silently, but always decide on your own

Listen silently, but always decide on your own

日期:2018-03-03 17:02:55 点击:157 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

[A sannyasin from Ethiopia said he had difficulty in communicating with friends, as he felt that they tended to make him feel in the wrong, so that he would doubt himself even when he felt himself to be right sometimes] [一位来自埃塞俄比亚...



日期:2018-02-23 12:01:25 点击:447 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

(一个门徒说,她需要帮助,来打破她所感觉到的模式,她总是跟那些需要她当妈的人建立关系,她会向他们提供住的地方、食物、钱财……但她的朋友们说,她只是在购买爱……) OSHO 奥修: 你在浪费自己的时间、能量跟一切。不仅如此,你也在养成一个模式,通过...



日期:2018-02-06 21:47:09 点击:342 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享


Taste them unhurriedly and become the taste

Taste them unhurriedly and become the taste

日期:2018-02-06 21:47:27 点击:136 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

We go on eating things; we cannot live without them. But we eat them very unconsciously, automatically, robot-like. If the taste is not lived, you are just stuffing. Go slow, and be aware of the taste. And only when you go slow can you be...



日期:2018-02-03 23:30:11 点击:143 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

人已经变得非常不敏感。出于恐惧,人在自己周围制造出了厚厚的盔甲,他一直在捍卫自己。他不把自己的门敞开,他不把自己的窗打开,他不允许阳光或风雨进来,他活在一个完全封闭的世界里。 他已经成了一个没有开口的单细胞动物,这就是问题所在。因为这一点,...

Never be inspired by anybody

Never be inspired by anybody

日期:2018-01-26 20:30:38 点击:375 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

Q: Beloved OSHO, you are my inspiration. I have heard you say you never had a master; but was there any source of inspiration for you when you began your journey? 问题:钟爱的奥修,你是我的灵感。我听说,你说你从没有过师父,但是当你开始你的...

If you are not enjoying anything, STOP!

If you are not enjoying anything, STOP!

日期:2018-01-13 20:01:24 点击:222 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

[Someone tells Osho he does not enjoy life. Osho says: Tell me the things that you enjoy. And he replies: sleeping, music, dance and eating.] (一个人跟奥修说,自己不享受生活。奥修说:告诉我什么事情是你享受的。他回答说:睡觉、听歌、跳舞、吃...

Collaps into silence, let silence be ur meditation

Collaps into silence, let silence be ur meditation

日期:2018-01-12 19:45:43 点击:227 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

(注:这是奥修当年点化一个人成为门徒时,对他名字所做的开示。) Deva means divine, Neerava means silence, stillness -- divine silence. And let silence become your meditation. Deva指的是神圣的,Neerava指的是宁静、静止/如如不动——神圣的宁静。...



日期:2017-12-29 22:32:44 点击:204 好评:0 来源:奥修每日分享

静心乃花,慈悲乃其芬芳。静心的发生跟其完全一样。花朵盛开,芬芳随风散向四面八方,被吹到地球的尽头。但花朵的盛开是根本。 人内在也带着盛开的潜能。除非人的内在开花,否则慈悲的芬芳是不可能的。慈悲无法被习练,它并非戒律。你搞不定它,它超越你。如...