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《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感10篇

2017-11-20 21:45:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感10篇

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》是一本由Stephen R. Covey著作,Free Press出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:$15.00,页数:384,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(一):花时间去做那些important(usually time consuming) but not urgent things

这就说到了最近几年一直想要养成的一个习惯:当意识到一件事情很重要的时候,直接dive in,边做边学边总结。想要了解清楚各种背景和自己能力以后再去做十拿九稳的事情固然能更大的满足我们的自尊心,却会白白让很多机会溜走。所以就应该像这本书最打动我的一条一样:先了解清楚那些事情是重要但是不紧急的事情。这些事情才是最值得我们花时间的。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(二):个人经历有多少论证价值?


  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(三):Live fully with paradigm shifts

Love the way Mr.Covey offers his authentic advice, he rephrases the principles we have known for a long time, and makes it more acceptable and interesting with excellent perception.
I am deeply impressed by his wisdom both in work and personal life, how he interprets the challenges we face everyday. It is the way he sees through the inner need of human being that makes his expression persuasive.
“Search your own heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.”
I've experienced how paradigm shift can change the life, and it is the power of thinking. You are not going to achieve your goal and real happiness unless you find out your deeper value and willing to make your personal mission statement and commit to it.
I'd love to share my understanding of the 7 habits.
Overall view of 7 habits:
Dependence- Independence- Interdependence
Lots of people stop when achieve independence. However, the beauty of life lies in the PLUS, that is, we get to somewhere we are not supposed to get to if without cooperative attitude. You can take care of yourself and refuse marriage as you are independent, or you choose to shape your life with interdependent relationship. You can stay busy and handle the job on your own, or you can lead the team with inspiring ideas and sharing concept. It is all about paradigm shift.
It is essential to become independent before interdependence phrase. However we are not talking about communication technique or sales skills or any form of "fake personality" which makes the life easier but not genuine.
I believe very much that "It is futile to put personality ahead of character." That's why I do not like the social acknowledged manner without sincere caring. I want to be a better me inside-out.
1.Be proactive.
Be the master of yourself & Do not compromise without trying. I know from my life that there is plenty of circumstances people give up before fully understand the situation and never occur to them to expand their influential terrain. We complain, or act upon the so-called problem, staying at the surface, not the root cause or the real feeling.
2.Begin with the end in mind.
A plane will arrive at the destination on time even if it is off course 90% of the time. You will get to anywhere you want if only you stick to your basic paradigm.
3. Put first things first.
It is interesting to present the catagories in quadrant. We always neglect the important but not urgent activities. And we are trapped in the not important but urgent errands. We do the easy and comfortable things instead of worth-to-try enterprise.
4. Think win-win.
We earn wisdom through winwin attitude. There is always solution to the issues, and win-lose type is too narrow to apply in the daily life.
Winwin or no-deal, or we can seek for third alternative to fulfill our expectation.
5. Seek to understand, then to be understood.
It is the most difficult part in the 7 habits. We see the phonomenon everywhere that they do not understand, including parenting and supervising and talking others into something they do not even aware of the core need.
7.Sharpen the saw.
Truth lies in practice. You will never get to the place you long for without steering and adjusting.
As T.S.Eliot put it, "We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time."

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(四):一本关于世界观的书

  先说一下大概,我是从16年三月份开始看,到五月底看完,前面看的比较细,而后面比较快,这并不是说后面的内容不好,或是到后面没有耐心了。而是,这本书完完全全是一个人的成长,以我目前的认知,对于第一个习惯,Be Proactive 最有感触,收获也最大,后面的习惯,我也十分期待,有一天,若能养成,会是怎样的一种成长,就像是拿了一本武林秘籍,练了第一招之后,就觉天下我有,也会期待练完七招,是不是会独孤求败,哈哈。
  Stimulate 和 Response 之间,你可以有自己的思考。这就是第一个习惯的核心,我对于第一个习惯的应用,有许多,比如在扇贝做听力,一开始打卡觉得蛮轻松的,到两周以后,突然发现自己要做的事情多了很多,就会想,要不今天不打算了吧。也确实,这样断断续续的日子持续了一周左右,感谢自己,那时候就相信,这样一周状态只是一个过程,一个成长的过程。果然之后,Be Proactive 这个词就会出现,当我犹豫是不是今天太累,就不要打卡了。这样一天天的坚持,让我觉得对自己的控制力得到增强。于是又开始加入了晨跑这个项目,晨跑这件事对我的改变是相当大的,就像唐德刚在《晚清七十年》里写,一转百转,当我开始晨跑以后,我意识到,如果我要在六点起床去跑步的话,就必须在十一点上床睡觉了,要不然睡眠不够,早上根本起不了。而十一点睡觉,又意味着,我必须把晚上的时间安排好,不能一直拖拖拉拉,十点半要洗澡了,十点要扇贝打卡了,九点半该去健身房了,当时间开始往前推的时候,发现一切都变得有序多了。其中的收获,恐怕还有就是控制住了自己的手淫,以前常觉得,手淫时间至少得半个小时吧,要不然多丢人。现在发现,不就是发泄性本能吗,几分钟就够了啦,快点解决,洗澡睡觉啦。
  Be Proactive,我希望自己无论何时何地,都能牢记,自己有能力去改变自己的生活。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(五):Reading to Interrogate Our Inside

Stop being ineffective a start to be effective, that is what the whole book is talking about.
How to change?
Starting from personal change, internal one, as called in the book, you have to win a private victory first. Yes, as Chinese always says you cannot change others until you change yourself.
In the very beginning, Stephen elaborates that paradigms and principles, core inside things, which will last forever. So what we need to be inside-out not the other way around.
Private victory covers three habits, be proactive, begin with the end in mind and put first things first. Each one is targeting the deep profound weakness of humanity. As myself, I am reactive, never thinking of the purpose never knowing next step with no goal in my head, do whatever comes up. OMG, I am totally an ineffective person. Every principle looks so familiar and so simple. It seems I know each one but never realize how bad I am obeying these. Aesop’s story goose and golden egg, which has the same meaning of our ancient story of killing the chicken for egg. Stephen said we need to keep P/PC balance. P means productivity, PC means producing capacity. It is so obvious and clear, but we always ignore in our daily life. We most of time expects gains without any input or we exaggerate our hard work to hope for large harvest. But we forget we could never reap more than we seed. Sometimes, we naively think that as long as we devote ourselves and stretch ourselves so then we can earn as what we want. Totally wrong, if we are holding a wrong map, how can we get to the right destination. These words appear in this book those stories being told in this book, refreshing and enlightening, this private part is to provoke the interrogation of our inside.
The second is about how to win public victory, in other words how to interdependent with others. Think win/win, seek first to understand then to be understood and synergize, three principles are covered in the part. Win/lose is zero-sum game and lose/lose is stupid. Win/win is wining game involve every part’s interest. We need to understand others then expect others to understand us. Synergize not simple combination but to internally understanding and respect mutual stands and interests. We can change ourselves by shifting our own thoughts but when involve outside it is hard. For you don’t know others’ thought but Stephen said we need to think best of others. Even we obey the rule while others don’t, it doesn’t matter. For this world will encourage right principles not wrong ones.
The last but not the least principle is to sharpen the saw which is balance-renewal. We are living in a changing world. This book issued in 1989 when I was just born but now all those principles still being classic. Principles don’t change much as they are fundamentally summarized from the life. But the situations changing every day, more variables and more complexities, Information age comes with people’s mind more elusory. We need to update ourselves to cope with the daily-changing environment.
I have read this book twice, some details of some principles deep cultivated into my mind and hope I can live with them. The most influential one to me which is also very deeply shocking author as he said in the book is the sentence, that there is distance between stimulus and response. It blasts my mind. Yes, we are people and we always have the right to choose how to respond. But in reality, we usually respond immediately controlled by our emotion by our flawed judgement at that time and then regret. We are free man with some bad nature. Impulse is one of them. Being too emotional destroys beautiful things in our life. Wisdom grows when we can stop ourselves to think.
The other one thing mentioned in the book I think most useful is the opinion how we centered ourselves. Workaholic-centered person put work at the first place, family-centered person put family at the fist. What is mine. Actually more pathetic, I don’t know. When I was young, I thought I was putting my family in the center but as I grows up I found out that I didn’t. Then I tried to be self-fish and put myself in the core but I cannot for my nature defines myself as un-selfish person. Which should be put in my center. I still don’t know. This is the thing I am still exploring.
The last one which is new knowledge for me is that the difference between sympathy and empathy. I have seen some friend talking about this before but I never understood. Now I understand. Sympathy is that I am showing my feelings and comforting others and saying that I know how you feel, and I do think so but I don’t actually. Empathy is that I stand in his or her shoes, feeling as she or he feels, thinking as she or he thinks. It is really very high level of communication.
Reading is not to memorize each idea but to drive our own thinking. I know I still forget many details of the book, many fantastic ones. But never mind, I do think a lot during the whole reading. And I think the process of thinking is perfect.

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(六):由内而外的平衡

7年前我不知道Viktor Frank,但前些日子正好读了他的《Man’s Search for Meaning》。作者用Viktor的例子说明,人有选择的自由,而不仅仅是基因、心理、或环境的产物,人应该积极地去实现自己的潜能。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(七):重读经典


  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(八):Be awesome

但有些概念归纳出来还是有新意的,比如P/PC, 先入为主看画的故事,去看年迈的母亲还是全家去钓鱼etc.
这也是作者提出的sharpen the saw的重要方面,给生活做好平衡,健康积极的生活,才能进入一个好的循环。可幸,最近基本养成跑步和睡前看课外书至少一小时的习惯。

  《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》读后感(九):more than effective

1. relationship
   you may wonder why such book is related to human relationship , it's because the relationship is the key part of efficiency. People in the society work together, there will be no efficiency without good relationship.
   To have a good relationship with people, you have to be mature. Being mature means you have to be a man of his word , commit to himself, seek first to understand. When you become a man who can be trusted , a good relationship begins.
   This is especially important in marriage , women are more sensitive than men . Seeking first to understand rather than to understood is the key . It also works out in any other relationship.
  2. why we work
   Life is a circle of learning, doing, committing . Our work helps us to do thing we are interested in. So we can learn, do and commit to ourselves and other people. We will improve the skills or knowledge as well as mental world. That's the gift from work -- To be a better one.


