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《Lord of the Flies》经典读后感10篇

2017-12-21 20:23:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《Lord of the Flies》经典读后感10篇

  《Lord of the Flies》是一本由William Golding著作,Perigee出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 9.99,页数:208,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(一):又是一部反乌托邦








  在书后E. L. Epstein写的笔记中,他提到戈尔丁自己形容蝇王的主题时说,“文章的主旨,是试图通过社会的缺陷,追溯回人性本身的缺陷。寓意就是,社会的形态,实际上取决于个人的道德,而不是政治体制,无论这个体制看起来有多么合理并值得尊敬。”




  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(二):An in-depth look at our innate angel and demon...

  Well written, and superbly elaborated, the book groped along our souls and searched for the innate 'Ralph' and 'Jack' thereof.

  I shuddered at the tragic language with which the author depicted the killing. And I felt bitter about the antagonism,as reflected in the book, between life and death, good and evil,order and violence, and between rescue and the compulsion to kill...

  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(三):Civilization vs. savages

  “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood” (Chapter 4), an astounding sentence spoke out of a group of English boy. The world may have a stereotype attitude of children’s nature reckoned to be benevolent, naive, and chaste. None of the grownups ever cogitated the concealed instincts under their exterior that had been well camouflaged. All children have an instinct of savagery in their innermost heart that are waiting to be release someday in their life. So, are human savages since being born? “The Lord of Flies” by William Golding will be the book I am going to referring to in this essay. It is about the process of a group of civilized English schoolboys degenerated to savages. They were trapped on a deserted island with out adult after their plane crushes. They tried to govern themselves establish laws in order to maintain civility. Unfortunately they failed and end up in internecine conflict. I believe the savagery facet of human would only present base on the social influences and environmental impact. The English schoolboys in “ The Lord Of Flies” would be a typical example of environment impact, which lead them to the point of savagery. Jack is one of the main characters in the book. The fact of the inhospitable condition of the island he’s character changed from afraid of killing animals to cure and brutal through the book. It proved human could degenerate base on the environmental impact.

  The English schoolboys degenerated from civilized to savages through many stages. The boys are extremely civilized at the beginning of the story. They try to keep the way of life they use to have in the civilized society. Their parents teach them how to behave in specific manner, dealing problems in specific way. Therefore the reaction they presented on the island would obviously related to the education they had received. “They knew very well why he hadn’t: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood.” (Chapter 1) Jack fears killing the pig in chapter one, a fear he overcomes as he sheds civilization and adopts the way of savage. But the instinct of civilization in the boys did not last long, they gradually became more and more savagery as time passed.

  The simplest solution to differentiate savagery and civilization would be by the appearance of looks and behavior. In civilized society people will dress and behave dependents on the different type of occasions. But usually in public we will always behave in our best manner and dress suitably. Compare with the beginning of the story, Jack were much more wild on his behavior and became more savage like on his appearance. “He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling”(Chapter 4). This quote proved Jack’s action had become less and less civilized. “I painted my face”(Chapter 4). Now, Jack’s appearance had completely turned up side down due to he needs to hid in the bushes and hunt pig in order to obtain the basic needs of food. In comparison of the appearance Jack presented now with the beginning, he wore the uniform and marching in a queue, he had gone way wilder than that time. These frantic behaviors has pushed the boys a step closer to the savages.

  Day after day, the boys became less and less civilized. There aren’t any adult on the deserted island, they boys were in the condition of helplessness. Children without adult are just like the society with out laws. The outward appearance of the boys became unacceptable as the novel progressed, “…hair much too long, tangled here and there, knotted round a deal leaf or twig; clothing, worn away, stiff his own with sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom; the skin of the body scurfy with brine…” The appearance is a reflection of the boys’ inward state towards savages. Accordingly the boys successfully become savages.

  The instinct of savagery is in all every human beings, some are just haven’t been activated. As you can see, the savage side of human would not be activated without a reason. The boys in “Lord Of Files” became savages due to the environmental impact they were facing on the deserted island. They had a time when they were in the civilized society, their parents teach them how to behave in certain manner. But as the living environment changed their appearance and attitude towards things also changed. They gave up the way they use to dress and behave civilized society. The condition on the island was absolutely lawless, they does anything they want without considering morality. Their characters change as the story progressed, from innocence to evil. In our society we each one of us is unique, yourself shouldn’t be lost under anything condition, be yourself.

  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(四):去個體化

  #書# 《社會心理學》《Lord of the Flies》9/10




  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(五):The magical realism

  The writing style of Lord of the Flies is rich and dark, which I mean indirect and implicit, unlike Camus, Golding has his own change of points of views or perspective shifting.We can find a variety of implicit allegories,illustrations,plot and utterances.

  Well, Maybe they are right —— Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.

  All in all, worth reading :)

  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(六):现实只有更残酷

  This book is about revelation of the dark side of the human nature, about how reason succumbs to savageness and how a civilised society dismantles into pieces of brutality. The chiefdom consisting school boys in the novel is an allegory of human society in general. But the difference between the novel and the real life is that, in the former, the salvation lies in the rescue by an adult marine officer whereas in the adults' world, people can only count on themselves, if rescue exists at all.

  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(七):We're but Jacks, and occasionally Rogers!

  “A stick sharpened at both ends!”这是一句让我久久不能释怀的句子,Roger的心底里对暴力,血腥,权力的渴望早己经把原来就不是很浓的理智冲成白开水,在我看来,即使Jack也料想不到出现了比自己作风更硬朗的选手,喜惧参半!

  说到stick,让我不禁思考这个苍蝇之王究竟应该是谁,是猪头咧笑所投射的海岛上那股将人推向原始的神秘之力;还是始昨甬者Roger内心的罪恶情愫,毕竟字面上来说是他用了一根a stick sharpened at both ends 将猪头插到地上,引来了密密麻麻的蝇群;还是说通过Simon的角度来看,是一种对黑暗和未知的恐惧的vast darkness;甚至是说苍蝇之王就是象征着人类道德良知的沦陷与人性之本恶。



  《Lord of the Flies》读后感(八):一篇制度输给人性的寓言











