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《Anne of Green Gables》读后感精选10篇

2018-03-17 21:52:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《Anne of Green Gables》读后感精选10篇

  《Anne of Green Gables》是一本由L. M. Montgomery著作,Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 3.99,页数:528,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者读后感希望对大家能有帮助

  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(一):This fantastic story

  I got a series of this novel from 1 to 7 and I was totally indulged by this red hair, talkative and kind girl -Anne, she is so interesting and lovely. I have to say this is my first English original book. I planned to finish all the books before the end of June. Well, let's see and hope I can share more at that time.

  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(二):重读Anne of Green Gables

  Anne of Green Gables,作者Lucy Moude Montgomery,出版日期1908年。通常被归类到儿童文学


  故事开篇的Anne Shirley,Spelled with an “e”,是个11岁,满脸雀斑,红头发,爱幻想,很多话的女孩(可以不停的讲2页纸的话),出生没几天父母急病去世成了孤儿,Prince Edward Island(PEI,加拿大最小的省)一个小镇一对未婚的兄妹打算从孤儿院收养一个年纪相约的男孩,好帮忙打理农务。结果阴差阳错孤儿院将Anne送了来。兄妹俩原本要将Anne送回孤儿院,但后来却爱上了这个特别的女孩,决定将她留在Green Gables。故事讲的就是Anne在这个小镇Avonlea的成长过程

  100年前的加拿大小镇,当然没有电视电话汽车,连电灯都没有,民风非常淳朴人人心地善良,加上风景秀丽。作者文笔流畅,用字简单人物性格跃然纸上,可以称得上Page-turner。Anne of Green Gables出版之后获得成功,被翻译成36种语言,作者之后更推出7个系列,继续讲Anne的故事。


  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(三):成长的路上鸟语花香

  I have started reading Anne' s book since the beginning of this month. I have to say, I LOVE it! Anne is such an interesting girl and by reading her stories, I came to a better understanding of children. It reminds me of my childhood as well, all the mischief and happiness that I long forgotten. I thought over my childhood with a new perspective and have understand the cause of some of my behaviors.

  As a kid possesses active imagination, I have seem things in a different way and this can be a good thing while can be the cause of misery. Imagination can exaggerate happiness and sorrow, I found myself experience ups and downs of emotion and this caused me troubles. I thought I am an unhappy child but now I understand I am such a lucky happy child. For all those suffered will makes the happiness more sweet. Love from family and friendship was gained solidly as I grow up.

  ome people will think Anne is too romantic, too unrealistic and immature, compared to Emily (in Emily's books). Yes, Anne is too romantic, but I love her because of that. It is purely beauty and loveliness. And we have to remember this book was written by Montgomery before she married, more jolly and worry-free, which reflects her life and her feeling. Montgomery experiences more sadness and bitterness after marriage (see her Diary) and this affected her writing--Emily's books were more real and sad. It can be said, Anne was written by Montgomery as an unmarried young maid while Emily was penned by Montgomery as matured woman who came to understand the core of life. But the value of Anne's books is to remind us the colorful childhood, the gain and loss of growing up and the power of imagination.

  I can't help laughing and crying while reading the book. Here are some interesting quotes from the book:

  quot;Maples are such sociable trees, they are always rustling and whispering to you"

  quot;But cakes have such terrible habit of turning out bad just when you especially want them to be good."

  quot;The dews were so heavy that the fields glistened like cloth of silver"

  quot;Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing"

  quot;But if the path set before her feet was to be narrow she knew that flowers of quiet happiness would bloom along it. The joy of sincere work and worthy aspiration and congenial friendship were to be hers; nothing could rob her of her birthright of fancy or her ideal world of dreams. And there was always the bend in the road!"

  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(四):The bend on the road ---《Anne of Green Gables》读书笔记

  一个孤儿院的小姑娘,阴差阳错被Green Gables的兄妹领养,凭着自己出色想象还有活泼开朗影响着每一个人。

  you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.

  不喜欢自己的红头发,知道长大也不能变是,安慰自己,’My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes. 因为她觉得这句话romantic而且觉得是书中的女猪脚。还有一次被小贩骗了把自己的头发都染绿了。关于红头发,由于被一个男生玩笑叫“胡萝卜”而相互成了良性的对头,相互竞争学习感觉慢慢还产生了感情


  ut there's such a difference between saying a thing yourself and hearing other people say it," wailed Anne. "You may know a thing is so, but you can't help hoping other people don't quite think it is.


  善于分享 And I can give Diana half of them, can'tI? The other half will taste twice as sweet to me if I give some to her.

  对自己第一次picnic期待 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.' But I think it would bew orse to expect nothing than to be disappointed."

  晚上走夜路被自己出色的想象给吓到,不禁让我想到我的小时候的一件事。有一天只有我一个人在家,听到门被咣的一声撞了一下,我当时以为有鬼,很害怕,就关灯了,还不敢乱动,慢慢的自己缩在了被窝里, 黑暗中想象着鬼离我越来越近,我猜我当时的脸估计都被自己的想象吓白了,后来就睡着了,第二天讲给妈妈听,她说估计是邻居家的猫吧。。。

  哈哈,Anne 错把酒当饮料招待好朋友,结果把朋友灌醉了,还有一次给新来的minister吃放了料的蛋糕

  Anne 关于错误看法

  quot;Ever since I came to Green Gables I've been making mistakes, and each mistake has helped to cure me of some great shortcoming. The affair of the amethyst brooch cured me of meddling with things that didn't belong to me. The Haunted Wood mistake cured me of letting my imagination run away with me. The liniment cake mistake cured me of carelessness in cooking. Dyeing my hair cured me of vanity. I never think about my hair and nose now—at least, very seldom. And today's mistake is going to cure me of being too romantic."


  I shall give life here my best, and I believe it will give its best to me in return. When I left Queen's my future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I could see along it for many a milestone. Now there is a bend in it. I don't know what lies around the bend,but I'm going to believe that the best does. It has a fascination of its own, that bend, Marilla. I wonder how the road beyond it goes—what there is of green glory and soft, checkered light and shadows—what new landscapes—what new beauties—what curves and hills and valleys further on."

  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(五):Anne of Avonlea

  As a sequel of Anne of Green Gables, this book is a little disappointing in some aspects, but satisfying as a whole. All the troubles Anne and Dave make are fun, but after finishing the first book and expecting Anne to be a sensible girl, readers may feel kind of tired of the accidents. However, the second book is not lack of new factors at all, among which the two couples, Mr and Mrs Harrison, Mr and Mrs Irving, are most attractive. I really appreciate it at the end and regret I did not know this book before I was eighteen.

  If the first book is about Anne's being cultivated and influenced by others, then the second one is about Anne's influence on others, with a wider world open to her at the same time. There are mainly three aspects.

  First is love. Avonlea can almost be called an ancient village and people there remain the truest human nature. But love is so fragile in this place, perhaps also in all over the world, which is only revealed a little by a vague story of Marillar and Gilbert' father in the first book but illustrated by two couples in the second book. Anne plays an important part in Miss Lavendar's romance and is touched by it deeply. What's more, Diana has found her Mr Right and Anne herself begins to have a crush on Gilbert. So the girl has a lesson about romantic love before her womanhood.

  econd is life and death. The twins and all the pupils are the future and full of vitality, while the story of Hester Gray gives Anne an understanding about death different from that of Matthew. The catastrophe of hails also has some meaning about death and life.

  Third is social responsibility. Anne's Improvement Society and all the efforts made to beautify the community is the best example. Anne's braveness and ability to solve problems, especially by communicating with others, though with a bit of vanity, remind me of many scenes of myself. We are the strongest in that age.

  esides the above, I find something else interesting. When talking about plans and wishes, Gilbert says he wants to be a doctor and to "add a little to the sum of human knowledge", while Anne says she doesn't "want people to know more" but would like to "add some beauty to life" and "make them have a pleasanter time". This dialogue reminds me of the famous online lecture about Happiness. Though I did not watch all the online lessons, I remember the notions of inform and transform, which I think dally with the two young people's ideas respectively. No wonder Anne always makes people happy.

  《Anne of Green Gables》读后感(六):love it so much

  I knew this book from my favorite radio program and bought it over two years ago. It has been on my shelf so long because I watched the adapted TV series made by BBC and I am always reluctant to read a story I am indeed familiar with. However, I am so happy that I finally read it. First, Anne is really a lovely girl and I cannot help adoring her more and more during the reading, making reading itself more attractive. Second, a paper book gives me so different impressions from TV dramas and offers more scope for imagination . Third, I may call it providential that I read this book in June, when in the book Anne comes to green gables and begins her new life. Though the book comprises of two stories, Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea respectively, I would rather finish the note of the first before going on the reading, because I know the difference of the two and I already feel sorry when Anne has grown up to nearly seventeen at the end of the first episode. The most treasurable childhood must be marked.

  How sincere and passionate my love for Anne is! When she first comes to the little country, She is such a imaginative girl that eager to be romantic and use big words, and she is always hopeful and enjoys the hope itself. She has a natural love for nature and names many places she likes, even in the asylum she is sympathetic with the little trees and regards them as livings of spirits. Anne has self-dignity though before coming to green gables she suffered a lot. She blames nobody but instead thinks it is because she is not naturally good which to some extent is the fault of her red hair, and thus wants to be good wholeheartedly.

  All these are the most lovable personalities she keeps most of which during her growth in Green Gables. Luckily Marilla and Matthew Cuthberts are so kind and they give her love and freedom and teach her to be polite, forgiving and full of love. There are so many people around, like Mrs Rathel, the minister and his wife, Miss Stacy, Miss Barry, who are all kindred spirits and angels directing the girl. Classmates and playmates are all wonderful, especially Diana and Gilbert Blithe. I can forever remember the two girls' friendship and the moment when Gilbert says to Anne "we are born to be good friends". All the mistakes Anne makes are so cute and they make the girl more and more sensible. Meanwhile study and knowledge make her more and more ambitious. Finally when she goes to Queen's, I regret so much that all the beautiful childhood is over.

  Why the book is so popular while in fact everyone has his or her own stories of growth and it is not so difficult to write a book of such kind? I think besides the beautiful nature, simple lifestyle, kindhearted people and lovable children in the book, there is another reason which also explains why people are reminiscent of childhood. The answer may lie in growth, which we aspire and resist at the same time, and home, which we all wish to stay forever but have to leave anyhow. Anne is a character that somehow combines a child's purity and an adult's sensibility and combines a family member's love for home and a free person's ambition toward the outside world. For this reason everyone wishes to be Anne.


