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2018-02-24 20:33:03 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《激辩风云》是一部由丹泽尔·华盛顿执导,丹泽尔·华盛顿 / 内特·派克 / 朱尼·斯莫利特主演的一部传记 / 剧情类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助

  《激辩风云》影评(一):你的人生行走 是否留下了足迹

  今天晚上刚看完,英文字幕和外国朋友一起看的,有很多场辩论其实并没有太看懂。电影很棒,可我想的很多,回来一直在想,I've been wasting all my 22years time in vain,I should stop it.Howard debating 不一样的人生,以及你的人生会在历史中能否留下足迹 留下怎样的足迹。我浪费了高中三年,浪费了大学的三年。现在仍在考研,人际中徘徊和浪费时间,what a shame!


  梦想哪去了?James可以在14岁的时候走上辩论台和Howard一争高低,他可以用自己热血只会语言和毅力为黑人运动做出怎样的贡献,可你呢。家国天下,做一名伟人,原来也只是你自己的幌子和借口,而你 甚至都不配有这样的说辞



  电影本身算不上经典,手法也不新颖。但是感动依旧。触动本身的不是影片,而是看到了辩论的意义。电影的结尾:Just seven years later, in 1942, James Farmer Jr. founded the Congress of Racial Equality and became a leader in the civil rights movement.

  After a long life of teaching and writting.James Farmer Sr. passed away in 1961.on the day before Samantha Booke, a lawyer, took the frist Freedom Ride to Alabama.

  Henry Lowe went on to study theology at the University of Califomia and became a minister


  电影里很显然的可以看到几乎所有的辩题都是一下关乎民生的公共议题,正是因为如此,每一次的辩论的意义就是对社会改革思考,是对听众的一次启发,让所有人开始思考。civil rights movement最终成功了,我想离不开这样的一次次的集体思索
















  《激辩风云》影评(四):三个场景,opression, challenge, victory

  The Great Debaters is a movie that presents the racial abuse Wiley College students face in the 1930’s American South. It portrays scenes that highlight their oppression, their challenges against it, and their ultimate victory to defeat it. In a setting that indicates the oppression, the debaters see a lynching; a Negro man is hanged and set on fire. In a setting of challenge, the only female debater on this team overcomes the fear and insecurity she feels. Finally, a setting that expresses their victory, is the room at Harvard where their determined words makes them unbeatable.


  The raging fire burns crazily, just like the ambition of the white racists consumes the kindness in their hearts. The night ought to be peaceful, but it is now in turbulence because of the fire of a cruel lynching. “Ci! Ci!” The firewood burns violently, and the sound breaks the silence. The blazing flames become s abnormally garish. The lynchers see them! They run towards them! The students and their teacher cannot save the poor burning victim. They must flee the pursuing lynchers to save themselves. Lying down on the backseats, the debaters tremble, and they are so afraid. They do not understand it, and they fear the sound of their breath will give them away. Lynchers do not care that they are only teenagers. In conscienceless racist minds, they are merely “niggers” who are cheaper than animals. They are merely “niggers” who can be wantonly punished for being black people. Horror and darkness wrap them up in this deep black night. Despair takes hold of their hearts and steals their breath.


  quot;...when is that day gonna come. Is it gonna come tomorrow? Is it gonna come next week? In a hundred years? Never? The time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always, is always right now!"(Samantha Booke) The tears whirling in her eyes do not fall down. She maintains the dignity of a seasoned debater. Nevertheless, no one who hears her impassioned words remains unmoved. The debate is fierce, and the serious topic of racism juxtaposes the peaceful atmosphere and golden sunshine surrounding the outdoor tent venue. She throws away the uncertainty, fear and insecurity which blocks her from striving for and winning the rights she believes belong to her and her mates. She shouts her heartfelt demand for equality for every black in America. She fights. She and her mates fight to win. They believe that justice, freedom and equality must be morally and legally theirs.


  The sky is clear, and so is the lake. Debaters of Wiley College are now standing on the lakeside, shouting out the words inside of their hearts, over and over. At this time, they have never imagined that one day they will beat the debaters from Harvard University; however, the flame of confidence shining in their eyes indicates the future success. In the forest, beside the lake, plants and flowers are blooming vibrantly. The surface of the lake is now in great silence and silently reflects their four figures, so sure, so undoubtedly strong. They ask and answer:

  quot;- Who is the judge?

  - The judge is God.

  - Why is he God?

  - Because he decides who wins or loses not my opponent.

  - Who is your opponent?

  - He doesn't exist.

  - Why does he not exist?

  - Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.

  - Speak the truth!

  - Speak the truth!"

  (Debaters of Wiley College)

  Moments after their debate with the Harvard College Debating Team, the judges agree with the Wiley College Debating Team: They have spoken the truth. Their opponents do not exist except as dissenting voices to the truth they speak. They are champions.

  The three scenes of oppression, challenge and victory help vividly portray how debaters of Wiley College overcome the horrors of racism and finally succeed as individuals and as a team. Settings in The Great Debaters highlight the challenges and fights that not only gain Wiley College debaters victory, but also gain blacks a formidable academic reputation.

  List of Work Cited:

  quot;...when is that day gonna come. Is it gonna come tomorrow? Is it gonna come next week? In a hundred years? Never? The time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always, is always right now!": Booke, Samantha , Perf. The Great Debaters. Dir. Denzel Washington." 2007, Film.

  quot;-Who is the judge?... - Speak the truth!": Debaters from Wiley College, , Perf. The Great Debaters. Dir. Denzel Washington." 2007, Film.







  《伟大辩手》(THE GREAT DEBATERS)是一部记载着上世纪三十年代数位卓越黑人为争取权利而奋斗的片子。

  语言,语言呈现喉舌之下的灵魂与激情。MR TOLSON,这位黑人诗人、革命家、以及教师,拥有惊险而精彩的人生。除了那段“说出真理。对手不存在。上帝是裁判”的对话,除了剧末MR FARMER JR以平静平实的话语说出黑人遭遇不公仍选择温和抵抗(YOU SHOULD PRAY I CHOOSE THE LATTER)的那段话,如果还有什么打动我的话,那就是MR TOLSON作为一名教师的幸福了。

  MR TOLSON人格高尚、思想深刻、态度鲜明,他感觉敏锐、语言准确,又善于艺术地表达,不仅给他的学生也给我,留下了难忘的印象。他第一次正面出场是讲诗歌,站在讲台上大声背诵,然后从一个年龄的细节引起同学低笑,进而引出黑人出生没有登记这样一个并不可笑的事实。第二次他挑选辩论队的四位队员,MR FARMER JR的小声低语,被他截住,他即刻向前者提问,并得到满意回答。第三次他训练队员口含异物,大声清晰地对答有关辩论的真理,一次次渐远的距离,一次次渐深地镌刻心底……

  MR TOLSON是幸福的,因为他选到了卓越的学生,而且这些卓越的学生最终个个成人且成才。仍是训练队员的片断,他教伯格斯将幽默用对地方,他教FARMER JR简洁准确地回答问题,他教LOWE找到并保持正直的心灵,他似乎没教BOOKE,但她显然已经受教。这些学生的成长,少不了要战胜挫折,以及获得独立、证明的机会,MR TOLSON给予的是宽容与机会。伯格斯因为外界的压力和观念的不同选择了退出辩论队,BOOKE有了站在台前的机会,她的口才得到展现。在德州遭遇白人对黑人实施私刑的梦魇之夜,LOWE垮了,他的变相逃避伤害了BOOKE,BOOKE在最后一刻选择了离开。惊魂未定的FARMER JR仓促登场,话题又涉敏感,FARMER JR败在台上,此是WILLEY COLLEGE辩论队的十年唯一败绩。最后一次转折的机会是与哈佛的较量。LOWE请TOLSON交涉,让BOOKE归队了。临行,TOLSON不能跟随队伍,将负责大权交给LOWE。备赛期间LOWE与队友争执,摔门而出,他最终战胜自私与胆怯,将信任与机会赋予FARMER JR。他们与哈佛辩论赛的胜利,是正义与真理的胜利,是TOLSON教育的成功,也是他们各自成人的证明。

  此外,FARMER JR的父亲也是一位成功的教育者。他的儿子正是在他的言传身教、悉心关爱下,得以少年成材。他关心儿子的举动,更懂得用适当的方法去护他、爱他。告诉他TO DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO THEN WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT TO DO。向他提问,并赞赏他。与他交流,并了解他的心理。在处理危险、危机的事情时,MR J FARMER SR机智勇敢,顾全大局。正是在迫使当局释放TOLSON的事件中,FARMER JR将父亲引用的圣奥古斯丁的话铭刻在心:AN UNJUST LAW IS NO LAW AT ALL。他将此话有力地引用在辩论的最后关头。FARMER JR的胜利,也是FARMER SR的胜利。






  而这部片子用演讲、一场场辩论赛的形式呈现一个国家、一个民族关于历史的思考,在这个时候,words are weapons。小詹姆斯·法莫在哈佛的那场辩论中,最后的总结陈词,说的只是他自己亲眼所见的那一段白人无端对黑人处以私刑时,只是讲了一个故事,但是带来的力量却是所有人的掌声雷动,因为真诚、因为亲身经历、因为从心出发。




  首先,不论是什么肤色的年轻人,关于他们的教育,是具有普适性的。在电影中我认为有不少对我有启发意义的话语。其中Dr. James Farmer Sr.在片头有这样一段话“When I was a child, I spoke as a child. I understood as a child. I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away all childish things.”所以当Farmer一家开车出行不小心撞死白人农夫的一头猪时,白人要求他们赔偿远远高于猪的价值的25美元时,小James义愤填膺,而老James却为保护全家答应了他们的众多无理要求。小James对父亲的行为感到不解并未他们的遭遇感到屈辱,为此他耿耿于怀。然而若不是因为老James的委曲求全,或许Farmer一家就要命丧白人的枪眼之下了。当Mel Tolson被警局拘留后,老James运用强大的证据和自己渊博的知识将Mel Tolson保释出来的时候,小James明白了父亲所谓的man和child的区别并深深地为父亲所折服。

  在片中还有一段感人至深的片段,Mr. Tolson让四名辩论队队员口含坚果大声说出了一段话:Who's the judge? The judge is God. Why is he God? Because he decides who wins or loses, not my opponent. Who is your opponent? He doesn't exist. Why does he not exist? He's merely a dissenting voice to the truth I speak.他坐在小舟中,让学生在河岸上大声背诵,小舟越来越远,学生的声音必须越来越大。这不仅仅是训练学生的嘴上功夫,更是告诉他们真理就要大声的大胆的喊出来!诸多的内容我认为不仅仅是针对于黑人,所有的年轻人都应当学会像大人一样思考,学会坚守真理。

  其次,对被歧视的黑人青年,要教会他们怎样面对这些不平等甚至是残暴的待遇,要教会他们怎样去维护作为个人和种族一员的尊严并勇于争取属于他们的权利。The team saw a man strung up by his neck and set on fire in the night. They drove through a lynch mob, pressed their faces against the floorboard. We saw the fear in their eyes... and worse... the shame. 残酷的现实让这些刚刚尝到胜利果实的年轻人为之震撼,不平等一如既往地存在。他们发出呐喊“What was this Negro's crime that he should be hung, without trial, in a dark forest filled with fog? Was he a thief? Was he a killer? Or just a Negro?” Dr. James Farmer Sr.还说了这样一句话:We do what we have to do, so we could do what want to do.所以沉默地忍受屈辱是他们不得不做的,而他们也定会在沉默后爆发,做他们想做的,the time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always, is always, right now! 当他们战胜哈佛大学队举起了胜利的奖杯时,我们看到的已经不仅仅是一场比赛的胜利,甚至不是黑人的自我突破,更是黑人走向独立自由和平等的希望!


  - Who is the judge?


  - The judge is God.


  - Why is he God?


  - Because he decides who wins or loses not my opponent.


  - Who is your opponent?


  - He doesn't exist.


  - Why does he not exist?


  -Because he is a mute distant voice the truth that I speak.


  - Speak the truth!


  - Speak the truth!


  《激辩风云》影评(十):The Power of Debate

  Fantastic! This was the first black movie I have ever seen indeed and as the story went on, I was impressed deeply by the ongoing debates.

  This was a true story of Professor Melvin B. Tolson, who formed a debate team at a small African-American college (Wiley College) in rural Texas in the 1930's and made his team overcome obstacles to achieve the ultimate goal in spite of the racial barriers that affective them. Denzel Washington not only directs that masterpiece of entertainment but also stars as the professor who teaches his students the tools to succeed. This movie has Oscar written all over it and seeing two of the greatest actors of our time (Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker, both Oscar winners) together in one astounding picture that ranks as one of the best of 2007.

  What’s the meaning of debate? What’s the power of words? Certainly, words are not a powerful army; they are sometimes pale in front of the reality. Just like the four black debaters in the movie, they are able to put thoughts and feelings into clear speech. However, when they are facing a gang of mobs brutally burned their compatriot, they can’t even dare to look at it but only lie there and do noting. Maybe at that time they are also wondering what the meaning of the success of the debate is.

  Everything about the query of the words and debates has been placed in the last wonderful debate – “Civil disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for justice.” In another word, when facing the injustice, we should choose whether words or weapons. The most brilliant part is definitely the Mr. James Farmer’s last debate and there comes my favorite sentences – “St. Augustine said, ‘An unjust law is no law at all,’ which means I have a right, even a duty, to resist with violence or civil disobedience. You should pray I choose the latter.”

  The final result is obvious from the beginning. The Wiley College won the debate historically. However, what surprises me most is the change of the debaters in the following years. Just seven years later, James founded the Congress of Racial Equality and became the greatest man in the civil rights movement before Martin Luther King. Samantha Booke became a famous lawyer fighting for the African-American Civil Rights. In 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality organized a Freedom Rider Movement to oppose the apartheid on the bus and James and Samantha with White volunteers took the first Freedom Ride to Alabama.

  The debate changed their life and then they changed the society somehow. That’s the real power of debate. We should form the habit of public speaking and then people learn to reject with tongues but not weapons.


