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2018-06-05 20:37:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》是一部由Paul Sen执导,史蒂夫·乔布斯 / Robert X. Cringely主演的一部纪录片类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众影评希望大家能有帮助

  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(一):完美诠释了什么叫Keep hungry






  【keep hungry】









  2.直接或让人更容易接受方式,拿出置信的依据,提醒对方你错了u are doing a shit









  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(二):写程序就像写作 程序员其实就是作家

  大概有50%的内容在triumph of nerds里面看过了,但这个采访完整,更连续了一些。


  教主谈了好多product的概念,是为了帮助那些不是hardware person的人,电脑需要装好,拿来就能用,不需要担心组装的问题



  对于技术公司来说,product person 知道怎样做更好的产品,而对于百事这样的公司,他的产品就是汽水瓶子形状,没了,这种公司是靠营销人员驱动的,百事可以这样活,但科技公司不行,科技公司的灵魂是产品,怎样才能做出更好的产品,而只有product person 才知道,营销人员是不知道的。

  great product 需要的是 content,只有product person才知道 content,才精通 content,而不是 IBM 的 process. IBM 曾经通过某种 process 做出了成功的产品, 但 IBM 自己却认为那是因为 process 让它成功的, 把这种 process 固定下来, 让它成为公司的规章制度, 误以为只要按照这个 process 来, 下一个产品也会成功, 大错特错.

  教主在谈到Xerox可能成为 IBM,可能成为Microsoft的时候,有一种诡异微笑,像是故意卖萌的感觉。这个微笑已经看过好多次了,还是那么意味深长


  eXT就是当年教主在 Palo Alto 看到的除GUI之外的OOP,还有网络,网络大家都在做,不是NeXT一家,剩下的就是OOP了。


  产品的设计如果没有最初的灵魂(taste),就是 Microsoft 的产品,而之所以Microsoft的产品能够如此成功,是因为消费者也同样不知道产品的灵魂(no taste)。


  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(三):What's so interesting


  14岁从esquire上得知并制造出能免费打电话的blue box,一直把电话打到梵蒂冈、吵醒教皇。所做即所得也是巨大成就感

  What's so interesting is that we were young, and learned that we could build something, ourselves, that could control billions of dollars worth of infrastructures in the world.

  下一个鼓捣的东西就是终端机,Apple I 诞生。把车和计算器卖了,开始印刷电路,规模生产起步。实际上从一开始就是制造业,硬件。不是虚幻的高科技。




  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(四):《Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview》引发思考的关键词完全总结

  1. Steve举了一个他童年时候的例子,一位邻居将几块丑陋石头放到了易拉罐里,然后放在一个由咖啡机和驱动机相连接的那么一个自制的机器里,第二天,这些丑陋的石头变成了非常漂亮光滑的石头。Steve说,great team work is like this. People argue, work together and fight against ideas but they polish each other.

  2. “People got confused that the process is the content…. I found that the best people are the ones that really understand the content… and that’s what made great product. It is not process. It’s content.”

  这就是Steve对他存在的行业和他自己的价值本身的精确描述:Content and understand the content.

  3. “It (the computer) is the most awesome tool that we ever invented.” 关键词Tool.

  4. “Ultimately, it comes down to taste. It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done, and try to bring those things into what you are doing. And I think part of what made the Mac great is that people working on it were musicians and poets and artists and zoologists and historians, who also happen to be the best computer scientist in the world. But if it hadn’t been for computer science, these people would have all been doing amazing things in life in other fields. And they brought with them, we all bought to this effort, a very liberal arts air, attitude that we wanted to pull in the best that we saw in these other fields, that we saw in other fields into this field. And I don’t think you get that if you’re very narrow.” 关键词“cross-field”

  5. “ To me, the spark of that (Hippy) was that there was something beyond what you see every day. Beyond just a job and a family, and two cars in the garage, and a career. There is something more going on. There is another side of the coin that we don’t talk about much. And we experience it when there is gap, when we just aren’t really, when everything is not ordered and perfect, when there is kind of a gap. You experienced this inrush of something. Found out what it is. Hippie movement got a little bit of that, and they wanted to find out what that was about and that life is not about what they saw what their parents about doing…. And it’s the same thing that causes people to wanna be poets instead of bankers. And I think that’s a wonderful thing and I think that the same spirit can be put into products and those products can be manufactured and given to people and they can sense that spirit.” 关键词“Gap” ”find out”

  6. “They work with computer is because computer is best capable of transmitting some feeling that you have, that you want to share with other people. This is the medium that I think I can say something in.” 关键词Medium

  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(五):Why -> How -> What

  Describe the circumstances with well-defined direction

  earch the possible tools and solution

  Accomplish it in the right way with right person


  1.On Why Xeros crushed and buried?

  I actually thought a lot about that, and I learned more about that with John Sculley later on and I think I understand that now pretty well. What happens is, like with John Sculley, err... John came from Pepsi co., and they almost would change their product once every 10 years, to them, new product is like a new size of bottle, so if you are a product person, you couldn't change the course of that company very much. So who influences the success of Pepsi co.? -The sales and marketing people, therefore they would once get promoted and therefore they would once run the company, well, for Pepsi co., that might have been okay. But it turns out the same thing can happen in technology companies, that they get monopolies, like old IBM and Xerox. If you are a product person at IBM or Xerox, so you make a better cop or a better computer, so what? When you have a monopolies market share, the company is not any more successful, so the people who can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people. And they end up running the companies, and the product people get driven out of this decision making forms. And the companies forget what it means to make great products. It... sort of the product sensibility. And... the product genius brought them to that monopolistic position gets rotted out by people running this companies who have no conception of a good product versus and bad product, and they really have no feeling in their hearts usually about wanting to really help the customers.

  2.On professionalism: institutionalized process vs. content

  In my career, I found that the best people you know are the ones who really understand the content, and they are pain in the butt to manage, you know but you put up with it because they are so great at the content, and that's what makes a great product, it's not process, it's content.

  3. Teamwork with A-players

  ...through that group of incredibly talented people bumping up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise, and working together they polish each other, and they polish the ideas, and what comes out are these beautiful stones.

  Most things in life, the dynamic range between average and the best, is at most 2 to 1...In software, and it used to be the case with hardware too, the difference between average and the best is 15 to 1, maybe a 100 to 1, okay?

  When you get really good people, they know they are really good, and you don't have to baby people's ego so much, and what really matters is the work, that everybody knows that and that all that matters is the work, so people are being counted on to do specific pieces of little puzzle, and the most important thing I think you can do for somebody who's really good, and who's really being counted on is to point out to them when their work isn't good enough, and to do it very clearly and to articulate why, and to get them back on track. And you need to do it in a way that doesn't call in questions about your confidence and abilities, but...leaves not too much room for interpretation that the work they have done for the particular thing is not good enough... to support the goal of the team. And that's a hard thing to do. err...I always take a very direct approach, so I think if you talk to people who worked with me, err... the really good people have found it beneficial, some people hated it you know, but... I am also one of these people, I don't really care about being right, I just care about success. So you will find a lot of people that would tell you that I had a very strong opinion, and they present evidence in contrary and 5 minutes later I can change my mind, because I'm like that, I don't mind being wrong. And I admit that I am wrong a lot, doesn't really matter to me too much. What matters to me is that we do the right thing.

  4.What's the right direction?

  You know ultimately it comes down to taste, it comes down to taste, it comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done, and try to bring these things in to what you are doing. Picasso had a saying "good artists copy, great artists steal." We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas, and I think part of what made the Macintosh great was that people working on it were musicians, and poets, and artists, and zoologists, and historians, who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world. But if it hadn't been computer science, these people would have all been doing amazing things in other fields, and they all brought with them, we all brought to this effort a very liberal arts sot of air, a very liberal arts attitude that we want to pull in the best that we saw in other fields into this field, and I don't think you'll get that if you are very narrow.





  Ultimately everything comes down to the taste.:)


  1. 制度和流程没法创造出来产品。当然中国很多公司不是为了创造,只是希望抄袭,吃现成的!

  2. 创意和产品之间是有距离的,不是有了创意就一定能实现,很多创意可能无法实现,而且产品研发的过程涉及到大量环节需要去整合和平衡,所以过程很重要,需要把各种想法思路进行组合。在这个产品过程中,团队进行协作、争吵、辩论等等充分的碰撞,最后才能打磨出好的产品。

  3. 微软的优势:一、善于捕捉机会,二、锲而不舍。缺点:只会模仿,产品很平庸,没有灵魂和魅力。但是老百姓照样也是买账的,毕竟大部分人其实也没那么有品位,哈哈!我还是很喜欢微软的东西,够用就行。

  4. 君子善假于物也,计算机、自行车、秃鹫、效率,老乔的工作热情在于创造更好的工具推动人类的进步。

  5. 如何确定自己的方向是对的。关键在于品味。品味来自哪里,来自你对人类各个领域优秀成果的领悟,并他们应用到你的产品中。我赶脚那就是对美的追求,而美是相通的。另外,团队跨领域的融合往往能产生美。(计算机、诗、音乐等等)

  6. jobs理解的嬉皮士精神是什么?拒绝平庸,摆脱束缚,追求自由?把一种精神融入到产品中,并希望用户在使用时能感受到这种精神。现代做品牌很流行玩这套,NIKE——just do it!重在传递一种精神,而不只是功能。




  《史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈》影评(九):Some points which impressed me a lot.-<遗失的访谈观后感>


  1. He is very proud of his team. He said all of them are all A players. 但是即使这是一群世界上最牛逼最聪明的人;他就是有办法让他们为他工作。我觉得从今天商业的角度来说,Steve绝壁是个完美的team leader以及motivator.虽然他激励人的方式有时候真的是极其残忍和刺激。但是有什么关系呢。正如他说的I don't care if I am right or wrong. I care about the work, the outcome.如果你认为我是错的,那么你用你的逻辑你的证据来说服我。如果你能说服我,那我就承认我是错的。真的很佩服。很多大人物或者自认为聪明的人,他往往容不得别人说自己是错的。所以正如Walter Isaacson的《斯蒂夫乔布斯传》里面写到的,那些真正能说服乔布斯的人都能赢得他的极大尊重。

  2.记者Cringley问他年纪轻轻就能成功把公司经营地那么好,有什么诀窍吗?乔布斯很认真地想了一会开始说:“Jobs: (long pause) You know, throughout my years in business I discovered something. I would always ask why you do things. The answers that I would invariably get are: “Oh, that’s just the way things are done around here.” Nobody knows why they do what they do. Nobody thinks very deeply about things in business. That’s what I found.”。看到这个我又想起了这本书:




  Apple II发布时,乔布斯年仅21岁,从此之后,他的财富不断增加,23岁一百万,24岁一千万,25岁一亿美元。但是钱并不是乔布斯认为最重要的东西,重要的是人才、产品,是产品带给用户的价值。
















