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《The Twilight Saga Collection》的读后感10篇

2018-03-03 20:39:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The Twilight Saga Collection》的读后感10篇

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》是一本由Stephenie Meyer著作,Little, Brown Books for Young Readers出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:540.00元,页数:2560,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(一):Finally finished, happy and empty for now

  I bought the books long ago, seems should be in 2010, when I just transfered my job from Guangzhou to Shenzhen several month before my colledge graduation. I had a lot of free time after work at that time. The Twilight movie was recommended by my classmates. That is the first time I know the movie and fall in love with the story soon after the movie broadcasting on computer. I remember there was only the Twilight movie. The beautiful story lured me too much that I can not held to search for the story that will going on. And that's it, I bought the boods right in the same day from internet, O(∩_∩)O~

  I prefer books to movies, always. There is so much mental movements that the screen can not show through. Every now and then while I am reading, I can find many many misunderstandings solved by the describtion on books. But sucks I am, I did not go on to finish all the books after I finish the Twilight.

  Last week maybe, I ran into the movie Breaking dawn 1 and it reminded me of the books again. The movie can not satisfied me with packed pictures. I found my books and continue to read the New moon and Eclips and Breaking dawn~~ only take me one week or so to finish three of them. There is overwhelm joyfulness for me, not only for the whole story to unveiled, but also my reading for the all four books. I know the though is akward. But there did exist some kind of triumph over the books, especially English books. It took me nearly one and a half year to read over my fist Enligh book Jane Eyre in my colledge...Anyway, It all owe to the attactive of the story~~

  ack to the books~~ Indeed there is not much to share. I am not that kind of person who can make mind sparkles out of novels.. I am just a story pursuer~~~So, sorry I can just show my enthusiasm for the story here. It is really a good story~~~absolutly worth reading~~~

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(二):教化


  但是又如果,某人问我如此沉迷了1个礼拜Twilight saga后,我学到了什么的话,我会说,我学到了平凡的定义。如此丰富多彩,多变得难以掌控。一个打算灵魂完全浸入到人生中的词。现在我认为这个词描绘的是这个内容




  现在我要做的是总结出第二位。我想应该是death is peaceful and easy,但与此同时,在破晓里,作者给出的像是呼应这句话的另一句:Always human and weak, the only thing I'd ever been able to do was keep going. Endure. Survive.在我幼稚地觉得自己简直不可理喻,因为沉迷一个过于美好小说而几乎丧失生活得渴望的时候,现在,至少我还有一句可以或多或少说服自己的句子。当我把这两句话的意思和平联系起来的时候,另一件事情就变得很明显了。面对生活,我已经错过了太多。每次面对美景,自己就像是没法集中注意力的弱智或者疯子一样,没来由地拒绝了享受他们,或者矫情地强迫自己摆出享受的样子来欺骗自己。一个简单事实可以证明。德彪西的cd,我相信音像店里,至少是好找的那一部分,已经都被我搜罗了。但是对于他们到底是怎样的,我只有一个模糊印象。我那弱智的本性让我一直以来是一个很排斥反复欣赏什么东西的人。如果它不够美好,一次不就够了?如果它足够美好,那多些想象空间,不是会更加美好?但事实上,我高估了自己的想象能力了。一个让我看了这么多遍的,并不甚高明的小说,和并不甚经典电影,已经给我带来了我那贫瘠想象力意外的这么多美好。或许我应该管管自己那闪烁不定的注意力了。




  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(三):MIND OVER MIND




  ella和Edward的爱,是冥冥中注定的爱。Human和Vampire,两个世界的人,历经Twilight的朦胧、New Moon的黑暗、Eclipse的挣扎 、终于迎来了Breaking Dawn的幸福永恒。Stephenie Meyer文笔细腻,情节跌宕起伏,极富想像力的背景,读来令人荡气回肠欲望爱情的挣扎,肉身与不朽的对抗,幸福如Forks镇上阳光甜蜜短暂,如履簿冰。


  正在读Midnight Sun ,算是Edward的心语。当他孤独了百年,阅人无数,看透人鬼两世的冷暖,却读不懂Bella时,爱情已经来临。心动与心痛,编织寂静的夜晚。读者亦如是......

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(四):questions on twilight saga

  1 vampires=gods?

  In Meyer's vampire world, vampires have been definded as the most beautiful things in the world. If they are living, they must be super models. They don't need to sit, to sleep, to eat and all the human things except sex.

  The vampires are so wealthy. They can get everthing by money, but only low profiles.

  They are versatile, almost good at everyting, even not so much craze for human blood by control and practice. So amazing!

  They are strong and can run fast. Their lives are durable with the all-things-proof skin, and can be destroyed only by fire.They even can hunt with a gentleman's grace.

  They are immortal. So they must be gods.

  2 the triangle love

  omebody says Bella is a bitch when she takes Jacob as a substitute for the absence of Edward and returns to Edward immediately when he comes back. But I believe that Mayer tried to convince us that Bella have been falling in love with Edward and Jacob at the same time. She loved both of them.

  ut in book four, the fervent love from Jacob suddenly becomes the imprint in Bella's daughter. It sounds absurd.

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(五):MIND OVER MIND




  ella和Edward的爱,是冥冥中注定的爱。Human和Vampire,两个世界的人,历经Twilight的朦胧、New Moon的黑暗、Eclipse的挣扎 、终于迎来了Breaking Dawn的幸福与永恒。Stephenie Meyer文笔细腻,情节跌宕起伏,极富想像力的背景,读来令人荡气回肠。欲望与爱情的挣扎,肉身与不朽的对抗,幸福如Forks镇上的阳光,甜蜜短暂,如履簿冰。


  正在读Midnight Sun ,算是Edward的心语。当他孤独了百年,阅人无数,看透人鬼两世的冷暖,却读不懂Bella时,爱情已经来临。心动与心痛,编织寂静的夜晚。读者亦如是......

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(六):I love Twilight Saga

  On a very boring and lonely night, I searched for something to kill time, complaining about Youku and Tudou blocking most of their movies. That was the first time when Twilight Saga caught my eyes.

  I liked the story, a triangle love between human, werewolf and vampire, an ordinary girl being loved by someone so special, so perfect yet so consistent. It's just like a dream every girl must have when they are 17, 18 years old or even 25.

  I was crazy enough to spend more 400 HKD on the whole set of Twilight Saga. But I was kinda dissappointed cause the writing is not well as expected. I felt goose bumps every time Bella declares how she was obbessed for Edward, simply like any girl who becomes irrational towards their beloved ones.

  It is the fourth book (breaking down) that altered my views. When Bella married Edward and conceived his child, everything changed. She is no longer that little girl who is fragile and breakable, who lives under others' shields. She becomes a shield herself. It is chemical that triggers love at first sight but it is love that leads to responsiblity which lasts forever.

  Maturity and maternity are not simply a matter of time. They involve revolutionary transformation, especially in thought. When we are young, we love because we love. We love because we know we can benefit in love. Now, we love because we know how to love. We love because we know we can share and sacrifice in love.

  ella does not realize she wants marriage until she stands at the altar. Bella does not expect she would die for her child until she carries the baby. Life is magic, isn't it? If life does not surprise us in such miraculous way, how meaningless it will be. Even if we will die someday, we still don't know what death prepares for us in the after life.

  Eat, pray, love. I will embrace and explore life in every possible way I could.

  《The Twilight Saga Collection》读后感(七):花痴一下





























  ANYWAY, 还是很好看的


