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The Power of Less的读后感大全

2020-09-25 20:20:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Power of Less的读后感大全

  《The Power of Less》是一本由Leo Babauta著作,Hyperion出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 16.95,页数:192,特精心网络整理的一些读者读后感希望大家能有帮助

  《The Power of Less》精选点评



  ●life is a style.




  ●部分观点非常有用,比如:important things start fist;small increment to ensure success。

  ●有很多已经熟悉的观点,但读出的新意是自知的基础上从小程自觉,limit the essentials


  ●a bit long and boring for me..

  《The Power of Less》读后感(一):一本让你循规蹈矩却终获自由好书

  一本好书就像一位循循善诱老师,你听从地越多,按部就班的越多,你所受的影响就越多。而《The power of Less》就像一位老师,我崇拜的、任的老师,我按部就班的照教我的做。在按部就班中渐渐收获自由和自信


  《The Power of Less》读后感(二):Simplicity is a philosophy

  Two steps:

  1. Identify the essetial.

  2. Eliminate the rest.

  ix principles:

  1. Set limitations.

  2. Choose the essential.

  3. Simplify.

  4. Focus.

  5. Create habits.

  6. Start small.

  Multitasking or not?

  Inevitable and learn to get used to it. Multitasking should be at project level, not at task level.

  In addition, the author's blog, zenhabits.net, is great.

  《The Power of Less》读后感(三):少则得,多则惑


  一直以来最喜欢博客就是ZenHabits.net,读过Leo的Zen To Done,所以很期待这本实体书。今天花了半天时间一口气读完了。文笔简洁流畅,一如ZenHabits上的文章。这本书提出了6个原则

  1.set limitations

  2.choose the essentials



  5.create habits

  6.start small





  《The Power of Less》读后感(四):Need & Want

  前些日子读完Leo Babauta的The Power of Less,内有一论深以为然,曰:要拒绝want,只留need。

  只是近日实践中,又有点疑问,即:want难道不也是一种psychological need?纯粹依靠need生活,与其说是禅的生活,不若说是机器人的生活。譬如做,要说只允许need的话,就只能为了生育而做爱,不能为了享乐而做爱了。那是禁欲,显然与我的人生观不符。



  《The Power of Less》读后感(五):读书摘抄+感谢

  ower of less principles:

  1. Set limitation

  2. Choose the essential

  3. Simplify

  4. Focus

  5. Create habits

  6. Start small

  The Haiku - "Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.


  rinciple 1: By setting limitations, we must choose the essential. So in everything you do, learn to set limitations.

  rinciple 2: By choosing the essential, we create great impact with minimal resources. Always choose the essential to maximize your time and energy.

  rinciple 3: Simplifying - eliminating the non-essentials

  rinciple 4: Focus is your most important tool in becoming more effective

  rinciple 5: Create new habits to make long-lasting improvement

  rinciple 6: Start new habits in small increments to ensure success


  low down

  - Slow attention: do some yoga or meditation to calm down

  - Slow working: focus on MIT, enjoy the work.

  - Slow eating: enjoy the food, less stress.

  - Slow driving: save lives, that 5 minutes saved from fast driving, does that really matters?





  我最大的take away是:

  1. Set 3 MIT (most important tasks) by the end of each day

  2. Process the inbox to empty by the end of each day


