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Codex Seraphinianus读后感精选

2022-05-15 02:10:43 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

Codex Seraphinianus读后感精选

  《Codex Seraphinianus》是一本由Luigi Serafini著作,Abbeville Press出版的1983图书,本书定价:Hardcover,页数:,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Codex Seraphinianus》精选点评:











  《Codex Seraphinianus》读后感(一):Codex Seraphinianus


  《Codex Seraphinianus》读后感(二):观点

  “塞拉菲尼的语言被赋予了一种权力,它将要唤醒的是一个其内在语法完全颠覆的世界。”——卡尔维诺 1.1949年8月4日,鹿易吉•塞拉菲尼出生于罗马。1955年10月6日,他在打球时摔倒在玻璃上,割伤了手,从此之后,他决定开始画画。 2.在靠近佩达索山丘之间的一处别墅,塞拉菲尼度过了童年部分时光。

  《Codex Seraphinianus》读后感(三):...




  《Codex Seraphinianus》读后感(四):趋势

  Codex Seraphinianus,有人翻译成《塞拉菲尼抄本》。其中Codex来自拉丁语caudex,有书、手抄本、笔记本、账本等多个意思,中文习惯翻译成抄本,类似的比如Codex Mendoza(曼多撒抄本);Seraphinianus相对比较复杂,其中Seraphini来自作者的姓氏Serafini,不过fi变成了phi,再加上-anus的后缀,感觉颇有古罗马人名的意味,譬如马库斯·法比尤斯·昆提利安(Marcus Fabius Quintilianus)、特尔图良(Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus)、西普里安(Cyprianus, St.)诸如此类等等。从语义上看,意大利语中Serafini是Serafino的复数,而后者的词源是拉丁语seraphim,即圣经中的“六翼天使”,这就有点神秘主义的色彩了。

  《Codex Seraphinianus》读后感(五):Luigi Serafini


  During his studies of architecture, he works with Maurizio Serafini Sacripanti and Luigi Pellegrin. In 1971 he travels through the United States with a sleeping bag and his Rolleiflex and stops working with Paolo Soleri at the rising Arcosanti. In 1972 goes as far as Babylon, along the Euphrates. In 1973 he visits equatorial Africa and the Congo River. Lateron, he begins his career as an architect.

  In 1981 he publishes the first edition of the Codex Seraphinianus with Franco Maria Ricci Editore, which captures the attention of Roland Barthes and on which Italo Calvino writes an essay published in the collection “Collezione di sabbia” (Oscar Mondadori). The Codex Seraphinianus has also been inspiring, since 1986, for the French choreographer Philippe Decouflé, author of the ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Albertville.

  In addition to being a painter, sculptor, ceramicist, jewellery artist etc., Serafini does his brave raids into the field of design, as in 1981 with the collective Memphis by Ettore Sottsass and then projects clearly metalinguistic, as the chairs “Suspiral” and “Santa” for Sawaya & Moroni or glasses and lamps for Artemide.

  In 2002 he made “Geometrindi and Matematindi”, a big round painting for the Council Room of the Department of Mathematics Francesco Brioschi of Milan Polytechnic.

  In 2003, in correspondence of the new station Materdei Naples Metro exit, was installed his large, bronze, polychrome sculpture named Carpe Diem, with a facing floor decorated with bas-reliefs in coloured polyester, named “Paradiso Pedestre”.

  From May to June 2007 it took place, at the PAC (Pavilion of Contemporary Art in Milan), an “Ontological Show” entitled “Luna-Pac Serafi with almost as many as 11,000 visitors in its opening 30 days.

  In July 2008 it was made the border installation, “balançoires sans Frontières”, in polychrome wood (Swings Without Borders) in Castasegna, along the Swiss-Italian border, after Chiavenna on the way to St. Moritz. The structure allows swinging between the two neighboring countries and was recently acquired by the city in Switzerland.

  He has published stories with Fandango, Bompiani, Archinto as long as articles on many Italian newspapers and worked with programs on Radio Rai Tre.


