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2018-01-10 20:49:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《Stoner》是一本由John Williams著作,Vintage Classics出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 8.99,页数:305,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助




  看完这本书我一直有个特别强烈想法作者John Williams没准儿看过围城,很多地方Stoner都像极了方鸿渐,还有学校里那个Stoner的死对头,瘸子Lomax也能看出口吃的韩学愈和歪脖陆子萧甚至李梅亭的影子。看到最后Stoner病入膏肓时候反省自己的这一生,简直跟围城最后方鸿渐对自己婚姻和爱情的回顾如出一辙。甚至还有Katherine和唐晓芙,这个两个仅有的在书里都没有被作者忍心挖苦过一个字的女性角色。不过好像围城最早的英译本是在1979年出版的,那会儿STONER早就付梓了,这些应该是对人生百味洞若观火的两位智者无意中的共鸣吧。




  quot;Because in the long run, it isn't Edith or Grace, or the certainty of losing Grace, that keeps me here; it isn't the scandal or the hurt to you or me; it isn't the hardship we would have to go through, or even the loss of love we might have to face. It's simply the destruction of ourselves, of what we do."



  在序言里,作序者引用了一段作者John Williams对Stoner的评价"I think he is a real hero..." 一下子让我想起了几年前在上海的酒吧里跟Brian和Jennifer聊天,Brian让我们每个人说一个自己心目中的英雄,不管是现实中的还是虚构的,忘记了Jennifer的答案,只记得Brian说的是Lord of the rings里的Sam Gamgee。因为他的忠诚和坚持才是胜利关键。我说我的英雄是The catcher in the rye里的Holden Caulfield。那会我也说不清楚为什么会想到Holden,可能是那本书实在对我的人生影响巨大。其实原因跟我现在这么喜欢这本书一样。Holden和Stoner一直在用自己的方式去反抗虚伪残酷的现实,还有这种现实想要强加给他们的生活。其实懦弱英雄的反抗方式很简单,抓住什么东西一直活着然后直面死亡。活着是为了对抗荒谬的现实,直面是为了不让死亡这个注定的终点剥夺了最后的一点儿尊严










  《Stoner》读后感(三):What did you expect?


  What did you expect?



  二十岁的Stoner的全部世界是农场和土地,是劳作和汗水,是一种近乎执拗的执着和麻木,掩埋在土里,别无知觉。父亲将他送入大学,只为学得技术回家种田。第二年,Archer Sloane的课上他第一次领会到了美,出离地拥有了感知,凝固了时间。也是一种奢侈吧,简朴愚钝的生命中初次被点亮敲醒的那一刻,该是窒息般地令人神往。转专业。至此才真正开始他的人生。

  他的生活变成大学,教书和研究。两位好友,Dave Masters,在随后的一战中很快消逝了;Gorden Finch,战后回到大学与他回到相似的轨迹,却其实也是大相径庭的。他们在酒馆的谈话,在这本书的开始便写出了所有的真相,大学实际上是他们的避难所,是对世界的对抗。Sloane在战时迅速地衰老了,Stoner看到他的脱离和嘲讽,看到他的痛惜和深爱,看到疯狂吞噬着年轻的生命,留下虚无,看到Sloane被太过深沉的情感耗空。



  他追寻了爱情,他与Edith初见,似是触到了一种精致美好,但这感情是无法保存的,将他卷入失败而痛苦的婚姻。他投身学术,淡然的叙述下它对于学术的热爱和激情汹涌,似乎成为了生命燃烧的唯一支柱。他得到了友情,或许在他年轻还并未在意时早早逝去,或许陪同他走到人生尽头,他们是他得以与世界沟通的一线牵挂。他与Katherine的恋情是绝望中的极度快乐,还未开始便看到结局的故事,us against the world,二人相处时他找到了那个真正的自己,在四十岁边上,在世界的对立面。





  For every pleasure given to his life, there appears attached a disproportionate tragedy.





  《Stoner》读后感(四):Stoner: A NOVEL

  A great , beautiful and moving English novel I have read recently,as sweeping, intimate and mysterious as life itself. It is a biography of stoner, which describes the whole ordinary life of a diligent, academic and unexceptional man and ‘tells of the conflict, defeats and victories of human race that pass unrecorded by history, and reclaims the significance of an individual life’.‘To the older ones, his name is a reminder of the end that awaits them all, and to the younger ones it is merely a sound which evokes no sense of the past and no identity with which they can associate themselves or their careers’. Because of the author Willams’s gift for emotional precision, the novel elevates one man’s story into something universal or uncovers a story of universal life. Therfore we can find something of our life from the vivid description of the life of stoner. Maybe it will be the future of my or your life. So I have read this novel with sympathetic reaction, an empathy that shows me why this unassuming life is worth living. Stoner with truthfulness, compassion and intense power is something rare and precious that should never be forgotten and should be forever savoured. I especially appreciate the following sentence in the books,‘that the person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last, and that love is not an end but a process through which one person attempts to know another’.


  ortheast Normal University and Jilin University

  May01,2015——May07, 2015

  《Stoner》读后感(五):A noble character

  toner is normal person, but to me, he is a noble man. Beneath his clumsiness is his intensive affection and steady move I admire the most. Not many people know what they want exactly. But Stoner knows from the beginning and give his passion freely. He knows he like English literature and would dedicate to be a teacher. He knows he likes Edith the first they met although the marriage is a big failure. He knows he loves his daughter a lot though he is unable to save her from the battles. Yes, just like other lives, conflicts and battles do exits. And in this novel, Stoner doesn't look like a successor. However it seems to me that never did he want to be the winner, what he wants is that let him be himself. What he do will defined who he is.

  It simply said: Look! I'm alive.

  《Stoner》读后感(六):You know William Stoner spent a quite interesting life that even himself didn't notice that...

  The story took me only like 3 nights and 1 afternoon to process, it's actually quite amazing.

  William Stoner presents us a life which seemed normal, sad, reserved, unfullfilled but after all, without considering about winning a marathon in life match or not, this is not the truth.

  All the truth about life is tight struggles. It sometimes begins from a poor, awkward and timid background, that he just knew that his life started from no purpose. A simple purpose to start campus life is not even a little about the eager to change the original life given by parents, but something pure and native.

  Then it came to appear like an adventure which described like "nothing special". Eventually, Stoner got a position in university, it was not even close to a "career". It was simply like a passive acceptance of "what happens is without extra efforts". Eventually, Stoner was in a circle of fellows, which looked like friendship or its just simple gatherings. Eventually, Stoner was in love and got married, and had kid. All these main stream of life is no other but fixed script.

  Why Stoner was different and remarkable. And he was not.

  I see the sparkle because like everyone else in this world, we feel strongly about the intimate and persistent friendship that could sustain us from the struggle and competition among humanity. we also feel strongly about the happy marriage and long existing passion that we might have from our spouses. We long for true love that it never gets lost in the chaos and disapointment in life itself. We want to have a career which represent who am I. And we even dream about the candor, or some definite purity.

  What Stoner did, instead of achieved, was all about these.

  The most exciting parts of the novel leaded to the questions which Stoner proposed at the defense of Walker's. Candor you may say. However, it was the truly delightful and self faithful for a man when he standed for knowledge and research. It was a battle between two kinds of people-- if you respect the knowledge or not. Respecting for knowledge is something that Stoner never wanted to lose from politics and threatens. The consequence was the failure in promotion, the unfair treatment work allocation... Stoner didn't lose it at all. He was the winner, when he stand proudly in front of his belief, in front of literature, in front of Shakespeare, in front of the truth.

  And actually he fought back and he wined of course. He walked straight into the junior class which was the only place he ruled. He refused the textbooks which were regulated, and just started lecturing in a composed and relaxed way of his own. The challenge and the revenge which I believe, had made all readers excited and mad.

  About love, about Katherine, I think when Stoner finally touched the book she published to demonstrate to W.S. It was everything about fulfillment. It was everything about great love.

  obody should miss Stoner ever when he is bored about daily life, routines, works or gets lost to approach success, love and hope. It is always more interesting than you ever imagine. And it is always covered by the veil of "day-to-day". You are the only one to unveil and discover the truth about yourself even before you actually notice it.




