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The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In经典读后感10篇

2018-01-16 21:38:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In经典读后感10篇

  《The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In》是一本由Khaled Hosseini著作,Penguin USA出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 5.86,页数:402,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In》读后感(一):A Heart Wrenching Story

  The Kite Runner is a very moving and powerful story, and for me, it doesn't feel like a story but it is like some real scenes that have ever happened in somewhere of the world, most likely, Afghanistan. Some scenes even kept haunting in my mind. At a point that Hassan chased the kite for Amir was very astonishing for me. I can see Hassan treated Amir as a friend and brother indeed, he dared to take any risk to chase the kite for Amir. But it turned out Amir was coward who abandoned his friend and stood by when his friend was in danger.

  I felt so terribly sorry for a friend like Amir. However, at the same time, Amir was very miserable. He got bogged down with the horrible dilemma for helping his servant or not which was not only last for a while but it had been plaguing him during his whole life. Guilty was like a ghost spinning around his life.

  Honestly , I couldn't be much more admire the qualities that owned by Hassan. He is such a little loving, accommodating , honest and loyal creature.Virtually i could think of numerous good words to label him for the fact that he was so perfect in personality. And i would love to have a friend like him. Unfortunately, he suffered a tragic ending. To my amazement, he was the son of Amir's father while he had no clue about any of it during he lifetime and he had no chance to enjoy an affluent life as Amir.

  At the very beginning, i disliked or even hated Amir for he had no decency at all. How come he discard Hassan and leave Hassan alone when he was being tortured by some dicks. As the story developed, i found some transformations on Amir. During the days he returned to Afghanistan , he felt ashamed for what he had done and realize how bad he was. I saw him cultivating a good man in himself gradually during his trip in Afghanistan reminding me no man was born to be good, mistakes and faults shaped a real man.

  This is a vivid and captivating story which lead to a continuous reading. It is a book worth reading!

  《The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In》读后感(二):冒天下之大不韪说几句坏话,希望没人能看到也没人跟我吵.....






  《The Kite Runner. Movie Tie-In》读后感(三):为你,千千万万





  阿米尔满心欢喜地等着哈桑为自己带来战利品,可哈桑迟迟没有回来,阿米尔出去寻找。在一个巷口,阿米尔看到了一辈子都无法抹去的场景:追到风筝的哈桑遇到了麻烦:正被几个曾经找过阿米尔麻烦的坏孩子胁持,对方逼迫他拿出风筝,而哈桑不愿意,于是,势单力薄的他因此遭受了自己人生最大的耻辱,被这几个坏孩子XX了!而即使在这样,他死命地保护好那只被击落的风筝。站在巷口的阿米尔全部看在了眼里,可他却没有勇气上前制止 !







