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2018-01-19 21:20:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…









  自然,这个分布是(1,6,15,20,15,6,1)/64 二项分布嘛。











  1. 1947年印度刚刚独立,德里附近发生暴乱,某少数民族团体避难至受保护区域。承包商负责向政府索要生活必需用品,提供给难民。由于敌对关系难以实地调查,如何估计难民人口数量

  2. 二战期间招募士兵,由于某种罕见疾病需要进行血检。患病率很低,需要尽量减少检验工作量,怎么办?










  1.1 蒙特卡洛办法

  计算矩形中不规则物体的面积,以多少点落入不规则物体,总共多少点落入矩形计算,damn right

  1.2 抽样调查,实验设计,密码,建模(利用随机断片构造一个国家不规则的海岸线)

  1.3 解决复杂问题,为推销员找最短路线,国际象棋 AI,我的理解是,由于随机数没有特性形式,但包含所有形式,那么就直接计算所有随机出来的选择,哪种最好就哪种。damn right

  1.4 对随机数列的误解

  1.4.1 如果过去几天连续出生的女孩变多,那么会增加一对夫妇生男孩的机会,哈哈!!!

  1.4.2 同一事件在短时间容易连续发生。(其实一个稳定均匀的系统可以按一定频率展示某些局部的不均匀性)

  1.4.3 大多数动物种类存货总数以3年为一周期,好像找到了自然规律(其实,任给三个随机数的集合,中间一个数最大的概率为三分之一,那么平均间隔3年就很正常了!)

  1.5 对敏感问题的随机反应经典!!!)


  a = 吸大麻的概率

  = 手机尾号为偶数的概率

  c = 回答“是”的概率

  必有 (a + b) / 0.5 = c

  damn right



  测量,重复测量,再重复测量 就能找出误差,以及误差的误差。 我的一个数学朋友告诉我说,电视台有10个气象学家,要询问每一个人明日是否有雨,如果其中有3个回答有雨,那么电视台则报道明日有雨的可能性为30%。 数学是我们并不知晓我们谈论的对象,也不关心所言及内容真假的一门科学。 ——罗素(B.Russell) It is truth very certain that when it is not in our power to determine what is true we ought to follow what is most probable. A federal appeals court has wisely corrected a gross miscalculation of government liability in a case involving weather forecasting. Last August, a U.S. District judge awarded $1.25 million to the families of three lobster-men who were drowned during a storm that had not been predicted. The judge said the government was liable because il had failed to repair promptly a wind sensor on a buoy used to help forecast weather conditions off Cape Cod. The award was overturned the other day by the appeals court or grounds that weather forecasting is a "discretionaryfunction of governmen1 and not a reliable one at that". "Weather predictions fail on frequent occasions" the appeals courl said. "If in only a small proportion of cases, parties suffering ir consequence succeeded in producing an expert who could persuade a judge that the government should have done better," the burden on the government "would be both unlimited and intolerable. " * How are the data ascertained and recorded? * Are the data free from measurement and recording errors? Are the concepts and definitions associated with measurements well defined? Are there differences between observers? *Are the data genuine, i.e., ascertained as stated, or faked or edited or adjusted in any way? Are any observations discarded at the discretion of the observer? Are there any outliers in the data which might have undue influence in statistical inference? * What is the effective population for which the observed data provides information? Is there any non-response (partial or complete) from selected units of a population under survey? Are the data obtained from a homogeneous or a mixture of populations? Are all relevant factors for identification and classification of sampled units recorded? * Is there any prior information on the problem under investigation or on the nature of observed data? Scientific laws are not advanced by the principal of authority or justified by faith or medieval philosophy; statistics is the only court of appeal to new knowledge. P.C. Mahalanobis A beautiful theory, killed by a nasty, ugly little fact. Thomas H. Huxley Supporting evidence for a scientific hypothesis is merely an attempt at falsification which failed. Every number is guilty unless proved innocent. Life is the art of drawing suflcient conclusions from insuflcient evidence. Samuel Butler To understand God's thoughts we must study statistics, for these are the measures his purpose. Francis Nightingale Science is for everybody. Not long ago, there were misconceptions and skepticisms about statistics expressed in statements such as the following: * Lies, damned lies and statistics. * Statistics is no substitute for judgement. * I know the answer, give me statistics to substantiate it. * You can prove anything by statistics. Statistics was also the subject of jokes such as * Statistics is like a bikini bathing suit. It reveals the obvious but conceals the vital. Now statistics has become a magic word to give a semblance of reality to statements we make: * Statistics prove that cigarette smoking is bad. * According to statistics, males who remain unmarried die ten * Statistically speaking tall parents have tall children. * A statistical survey has revealed that a tablet of aspirin every alternate day reduces the risk of a second heart attack. * There is statistical evidence that the second born child is less intelligent than the first, and the third born child is less intelligent than the second, and so on. * Statistics confirm that an intake of 500 mg of vitamin C every day prolongs life by six years. * A statistical survey has revealed that henpecked husbands have a greater chance of getting a heart attack. * A statistical experiment showed that students do better on a test of reasoning after hearing 10 minutes of Mozart piano sonata than they do after 10 minutes of relaxation tape or of silence. Round numbers are always false. When asked why he does not believe in astrology, the logician Raymond Smullyan responds that he is a Gemini, and Gemini never believe in astrology. Laws are not generally understood by three sorts of persons,viz. by those that make them, by those that execute them, and by those that sufler if they break them. Halifax







