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2022-05-27 02:08:59 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《在这个世界》是一部由蕾克·贝尔执导,蕾克·贝尔 / 弗雷德·迈拉麦德 / 迪米特利·马丁主演的一部喜剧类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。






  我国曾经的配音演员,也就是大家耳熟能详的那些著名译制片配音演员,邱岳峰(《简·爱》、《红菱艳》、《大独裁者》、《大闹天宫》)、乔榛(《魂断蓝桥》、《叶塞尼娅》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《罗宾汉》、《追捕》、《哈利·波特》系列、《铁面人》)、丁建华(《魂断蓝桥》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《追捕》、《远山的呼唤》、《龙子太郎》、《悲惨世界》、《战争与和平》、《卡桑德拉大桥》、《谜中谜》、《真实的谎言》 )、童自荣(《少林寺》、《佐罗》)、沈晓谦(《亡命天涯》《福尔摩斯外传》《勇闯夺命岛》《美丽人生》《西游记》《精灵鼠小弟1》)、刘广宁(《叶塞尼亚》)、



  除了翻译影片(包括外国语 翻译和普通话、粤语、方言、少数民族语言之间的互相翻译,都需配音演员配录台词外,在有的影片里,由于演员嗓音不好、语言不标准或不符合角色性格的要求,都不采用他们本人的声音,而在后期录音时请配音演员为影片配音。现今大多数的配音员都指是广义上的配音员,配音员的工作种类已经趋向多元化,而非仅限为人物配音。







  请看 原载于2012年3月10日《北京晚报》 文章《被星光屏蔽的声音》

  北京晚报 近年来,内地影视剧产业快速膨胀,演员群体也急速扩大,但人员参差不齐,也导致了一些作品不可避免地粗制滥造。有些明星没有经过严格台词训练,幕后的配音演员成了他们声音形象的“矫正器”,但很少有人知道他们的辛酸苦辣。为了维护台前明星的“声誉”,不给幕后配音演员署名甚至成了行规。

  “我能配院线影片的主角,我很开心,我不在乎多少钱,这是我职业的诉求,是一个证明。”一位著名配音演员正在为某大片配音,因签了保密合同,不能透露姓名。他说,十几年中,国内外的影视剧拍摄方式、风格都在改变,配音行业也在变。“八九十年代,我们配港台搞笑片的演员还是很少,但是在2000年之后,配音演员再不能去配这方面的电影,你就被潮流抛弃了。” 在大陆,很多配音演员为一部电影配音后, 好的能拿到的报酬为一两千元,一般也有几百元的情况。而对于影视剧演员来说,片酬几十万一集已不是什么新鲜事。由于隐身幕后,配音演员的很多权益都无法保障,由于普遍都是自由职业者,工作时常常没有一纸合同。采访中一位配音演员现身说法,曾经有一个大腕儿演员找他配音,按当时的行价一集电视剧250块钱,但配音演员最后点钱时发现是按一集150元的标准给的,回去讨要却被演员指着鼻子大骂,“你凭什么值250。”当然,这事在配音圈里传开后激起公愤,但欠薪是无力追讨的,时隔多年,这位配音演员还不禁自嘲,“想想我当年还真是250,这么大腕儿的演员都敢得罪。”




  “声优”,随着动漫的走红,如今这一称谓已经逐渐被海外所接受。本期节目将通过采访“偶像声优”平野绫和正在努力成为“声优”的年轻人,以及来自中国的“声优” 刘婧荦,为大家介绍日本“声优世界”的现状。









  影片的英文名颇有深意,而中文名却有点跑题。In a World…,后面有不起眼的省略号,看完这部影片,这个省略号就显得格外刺目。

  In a World…讲述的是配音演员的故事。



  In a World…在男人的世界中,无论面对的是女人还是情人,男人是不允许女人在事业上超越自己,他们要么忽视、要么歪曲女人的实力;而在现实世界里,女儿最终超越了父亲;在崩溃的情人面前,一直卖嗲的小情人,一副精干母亲模样,呵斥迷失自我的老情人。In a World…女人可以主宰自己的命运,而且女人也主宰着自己的命运……

  本片,编剧、导演、主演,就是这个年轻的“卡罗尔”,蕾克·贝尔,她以这样的方式宣告In a World…她来了。虽然,在故事构架和细节设计上,这部影片还有可以提升的空间,但是,蕾克·贝尔不容忽视。

  《在这个世界》观后感(四):In This World, Her Voice Speaks Volumes

  I am not a fan of voice-over movie trailers. To me, a narrator’s voice trying to glamorize an upcoming film alien- ates me from the actual story and belittles my intelligence, for it bears the assumption that I can’t evaluate the film’s potential without someone explaining to me how great the movie is going to be. And the industry knows this too: voice-over trailers are by now a memory, too often the subject of homage or parody. Without question, however, the booming voices over two-and-half-minute montages have for decades defined the wonder of the silver screen. In sharp contrast to the once ubiquitous voice-over trailers, the world of voice actors remains re- condite to the general public, its portrayal as hidden as the faces behind the microphone — until now. Titled af- ter the phrase coined by the legendary voice actor Don LaFontaine, “In a World...” fills the gap in the public imagination with a sense of ease and goofiness that characterize the sophisticated humor and the sharp wit of Lake Bell (“Boston Legal”), whose triple threat in writing, directing and acting in the film has established herself as a new force to be reckoned with.

  The film roughly follows the daily life of Carol Solomon (Bell), a voice coach whose burgeoning career puts her into serious contention with the voice-over industry’s heir-apparent Gustav Warner, played by Ken Marino (“Burning Love”), as well as her own father Sam Soto (Fred Melamed, Hampshire College ’78), who is about to receive an industry lifetime achievement award. As the three battle to narrate a highly sought-after trailer for the fictional “The Amazon Games” tetralogy, Carol navigates the unexpected turns of independent adulthood as she moves out of her father’s house and juggles the affection of Gustav and Louis (the delightful Demetri Martin), an endearingly gauche sound engineer at the studio Carol works with. Meanwhile, Carol unwittingly becomes entangled in her sister’s marital crisis sparked — believe it or not — by an Irish accent.

  It is rare to see a film as fulfilled in the artistic vision of a female filmmaker as “In a World...,” especially one drawing inspiration from a male-dominated arena. (According to Horatia Harrod at Telegraph, only once has a woman ever been the voice for a major movie trailer: Melissa Disney in the trailer for the thriller “Gone in 60 Seconds” 13 years ago.) Yet Bell handles her three roles with equal alacrity, her execution as slick as a hot knife cutting through butter. As a lightweight screwball comedy with rambling dialogues, the film feels like a whim- sical trip, its detours as refreshing to explore as the main path. Even though this kind of narrative essay requires nothing less than wide-eyed fascination to appreciate — otherwise it would seem to lack focus — Bell’s ingenu- ous writing blends the mundane with the fancy to keep that fascination alive in us: we are eager to follow through, but not too eager to lose patience with the details.

  ell respectably shies away from the self-congratulation or the sensationalization that often accompany works shedding light on a little-explored corner of society. “In a World...” uses the life of Carol and other voice actors only as the means rather than the end. Instead of mystifying the characters, the film harnesses our curiosity of them to illuminate their life as familiar and intimate to that of our own, not without hunting for jobs, losing loved ones, dealing with everyday problems and successfully navigating messy courtships. Assisted by indie photography maven Seamus Tierney (“Liberal Arts,” “Adam”), the laughs, the tears and the many intentionally awkward pauses are all palpable. It might be a story about the people most of us have never met, but it is also a story we can all relate to dearly.

  erhaps it is due to the charming humanization throughout the entire film that the arbitrary sublimation of the ending comes as the biggest disappointment, where in a mere span of ten minutes we suddenly find ourselves catching up on not one, but two grand messages. Granted, the film does dip briefly (one or two lines meant to be funny rather than insightful) on gender norms, and Carol’s struggle as a female voice in a world (forgive my reference) of baritone is apparent, but the feminist twist in the end sounds too much like a plug-in for Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” to be taken seriously. And even though the development of the film imbeds family dy- namics, the warm and fuzzy “blood-is-thicker-than-water” speech at the climax all but negates the delicacy of the script before that moment. It is like finishing a dainty, painstakingly prepared dish with a thick coat of bar- beque sauce: some people might like it, and the food is still there, but the nicety of flavors is sacrificed.

  As demand for household names elevates, voice actors these days find their existence cornered by celebrities: just take a look at the star-studded cast list of recent animated films like “Fantastic Mr. Fox” (George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson) or “Hotel Transylvania” (Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Cee Lo Green). If the music industry is any indication, a beautiful voice alone will no longer go far. To a certain degree, then, I do hope that the legacy of Don LaFontaine, whose deep, magnetic and richly layered “Voice of God” decorated thousands of movie trailers in the past decades, will evolve, transform and prosper, be it in the form of the endlessly fun accents that Carol arduously records from ordinary people, or the next iconic sound to have people talk about for years (e.g. Andy Serkis as the voice of Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy). After all, it is no less than a miracle the wonder a sound from two foldings of a thin membrane can elicit. May the magic live on.


  First published in The Amherst Student, Issue 143-3







