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《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》的影评10篇

2018-02-21 21:24:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》的影评10篇

  《老爸老妈浪漫史 第七季》是一部由帕梅拉·福莱曼执导,乔什·拉德诺 / 尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 / 杰森·席格尔主演的一部喜剧 / 爱情类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(一):Mobius Designs Has Failed,and so do I


  Mobius Designs Has Failed 为他的魔音效果吧,每次在虾米音乐随机播放到时都会不厚道开怀一笑。


  一路还是难过的哭了,我想去发泄,每天都很辛苦工作,可还是做得不够好,还是没得到领导认可是的,我觉得不值啊,很想矫情的说I totally deserve more啊,如果能买到一个早知道,最起码我今天在最后一天不会辛苦狼狈啊,然而我从来得到够上级对我的表扬,只在我被炒掉的前一刻他对我说你做得挺好的。在我还回味的时候,把我又打入了低谷。我哭了。

  于是就在我回到家,耳机里的传来第一首歌,竟然就是Mobius Designs Has Failed。哭笑不得了。sure,Mobius Designs Has Failed,and so do I.


  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(二):你妈逼你笑了吗?



  再见了,T.Mos, 人妻控

  再见了,Barney&Marshall, Men with daddy issues

  再见了,Robin&Lily, Women with daddy issues

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(三):While I am watching

  ep. 1 The Best Man

  Ted Mosby: I stopped believing [in destiny / the one / true love]. Not in some depressed I'm-gonna-cry-during-my-toast way. Not in a way I even noticed until tonight. It's just, every day I think I... believe a little less, and a little less, and a little less, and that sucks.

  ep. 18 Karma

  The hardest thing to do is to move on. My life has been so simple. Elementary school, junior school, high school, and finally college. I never wanted anything badly, except a bicycle for which I incessantly begged my mom to get one, and I got it. My life has been so content. I almost get everything I want (not a dream college though). Anyhow, now I am 20, and find the fact that I can never get the person I love to cruel to face. At first, I was not used to that stuff. Depression and sadness have become my friends for some time. But I guess I am so used to "move on": I like someone for someone, don't take any action, realize he does not like me at all, and then move on. However, I never succeeded. I kept my emotions inside, and not being loved back will kill me someday. 覆水难收, though depression and sadness subside with time, and then I am back to unrequited love again. Moving on is a lie if I will never be loved.

  Learning English

  I am rooting for you two. 我期待看好你们

  chicken out, sb. is a chicken: 胆小

  out of sb.'s league: a target too good for sb.

  Rhodes Scholar: The Rhodes Scholarship, named after Cecil John Rhodes, is an international postgraduate award for selected foreign students to study at the University of Oxford.


  I am getting ahead of myself: when you tell a story, you skip some parts and talk about a lot ahead in the future

  . bump into each other

  motorboat v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound.

  imbo: an attractive but unintelligent female

  abotage: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.

  kaputski: broken, in pieces, no longer working. Can be used to define objects but also relationships between people. e.g.Kevin and I are kaputski.

  ursery: 育婴房

  angria and tapas: Mediterranean food

  deuce: shit? je ne sais pas.

  artichoke: 朝鲜蓟

  ummer: a thing that is annoying or disappointing.

  oogie boarding

  Yeti: 雪怪

  leprechaun: a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief.

  convivial: 欢乐

  fisticuff: 格斗

  opeye: dalishoushou!!!!!!!!!

  kanky: 让人反感

  hobo: migrant worker or homeless vagabond, especially penniless.

  henanigans: secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering (what Barney does)

  ummer: an annoying / disappointing thing. e.g. Ted: Barney broke up with Kevin. Barney: Bummer. (妈蛋?)

  lobber: saliva dripping copiously from the mouth

  tiara: crown; pageant: xuanmeiguanjun

  tink: unpleasant

  fern: 蕨类

  root for, root against

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(四):对于生活我们依然充满希望







  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(五):老爸老妈的浪漫史,重点已不在老妈






  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(六):【script】I don't want kids


  Robin:No, Kevin, it's not just that I can't have kids, I don't want kids.

  I love you, but please don't just be the nice guy who says the right thing.

  My feelings on kids aren't gonna change.

  Your future always had kids in it.

  That is something huge you would be giving up for me.

  I just don't think I could ever owe someone that much.

  If we get married, you will never have children.

  Are you really okay with that?

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(七):他们一直在寻找的爱情


  喜剧看过很多 big bang modern family two broken girls two man and a halt ..等等等等...


  TED...那种傻乎乎的人 是不是每个女孩子的最爱?...我是男生白表示布吉岛

  巴尼呢、...其实觉得最有爱的是他了吧 他从第一季开始的play boy

  到了现在就快剧终 其实 他才是最专心的那个


  好吧 扯不下去了...

  love is forever

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(八):Barney&Robin

  E10虐死我了,心痛Barney,眼神真的是……软… 虽然不想说,但真的越来越喜欢上这部剧了。因为刚看完老友记,心理上对这部剧有那么一小丢丢的“排斥”。 大概是太喜欢Barney和Robin这对了。虽然RT也在一起过,在我心里只认BR~ 但不得不说美剧里的感情确实是乱,而且来回往复的。 E11/12太温馨了,虽然不站RT,但Ted确实对Robin超级好。为你打气是我的工作,不管你接不接接受,我都会做。 我想如果Barney become father,他一定是一个很好的Dad。虽然无厘头,可他一定会很爱很爱她。把自从小缺失的,一定会加倍给自己的孩子 He will be a awesome Dad!!! E14五个人一个都不能少,Marshall和Lily搬到长岛,其他几人口是心非说着不在乎,却做足了傻事。生活总要继续,我们也会成长,但Friends是永远的。“你们在哪儿,我们的卡座就在哪儿。” E16现在Barney都可以这么喜欢女孩了吗?不要再把Ted和Robin凑在一起了好吗?!

  E17 So Ted 终于放下Robin再次开始寻爱之旅,End画面好美

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(九):随手揣进心里的台词


  Ted: I want to be a complete head-over-heels idiot for one. *Me too.


  Robin asked her therapist in tears: why am i constantly looking for reasons not to be happy?

  Replied the therapist: maybe because the idea of finally being happy terrifies you.


  When you meet the right person, you know it. you can't stop thinking about them, they are your best friend, and your soulmate, you can't wait to spend the rest of your life with them, no one and nothing else can compare.

  If there's one thing i've learned as a therapist, it's that just because something needs to be told, doesn't always mean it needs to be heard. (Kevin i did something bad.) We've all done bad things, doesn't mean we're bad people. Look i don't care every detail from your past, and i hope you don't care about mine either. What i do care about is you and that from tonight forward, you are in this as much as i am.




  ...and pretending anyone who leaves you never existed in the first place.


  if it's meant to be, then it won't matter.


  Victoria: I really hope you get her someday.


  Kids, you can't cling to the past. cuz no matter how tight you hold on, it's already gone.

  Maybe we don't need to give meaning to every little thing, maybe we don't need the universe to tell us what we really want, maybe we already know that, deep down.


  it would be easy to say goodbye now that i know how much i mean to you.

  to be continued

  《老爸老妈的浪漫史 第七季》影评(十):S7EP3








