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《Bringing Up Bébé》经典读后感10篇

2018-09-25 03:39:02 作者:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《Bringing Up Bébé》经典读后感10篇

  《Bringing Up Bébé》是一本由Pamela Druckerman著作,Penguin Press HC出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:$25.95,页数:304,特精心网络整理的一些读者读后感希望大家能有帮助

  《Bringing Up Bébé》读后感(一):养个有礼貌的讲规矩的娃


  《Bringing Up Bébé》读后感(二):摘抄 养育一个孩子也不必牺牲自己






  观察婴儿的睡眠节奏 而不是第一时间应对孩子需求





  《Bringing Up Bébé》读后感(三):看过了太多育儿书,目前这本最有启发














  《Bringing Up Bébé》读后感(四):To Be French Parents


Of course, some French babies miss the four-month window for sleep teaching. When this happens, French experts usually recommend some version of crying out.Sleep researchers aren’t ambivalent about this either. The meta-study found that letting kids cry it out, either by going cold turkey (known by the unfortunate scientific term ‘extinction’) or in stages (‘graduated extinction’), works extremely well and usually succeeds in just a few days. ‘The biggest obstacle associated with extinction is lack of parental consistency,’ the study says.” (Chapter 3 doing her nights—P51)









饮食关键词:keep trying



  总体感觉《Bringing Up Bébé》是本不错的育儿理念分享书。只是感觉每章的篇幅都可以缩短一半,很简单的一个道理必要花上十几、二十页来论述。像是举例法国的day care,作者还顺带讲述了day care在法国被创造,甚至后来流行起来的历史,着实是赘述了。


  《Bringing Up Bébé》读后感(五):摘錄



  Un Enfant Heurex (A Happy Child) by Didier Pleux

  quot;It's simply that the child must learn, from a very young age, that he's not alone in the world, and that there's a time for everything."


  Walter Mischel

  quot;If kids have the experience that when they're told to wait, that if they scream, Mommy will come and the wait will be over, they will very quickly learn not to wait. Non-waiting and screaming and carrying on and whining are being rewarded."



  . 59

  … you also have to believe that a baby is a person who’s capable of learning things (in this case, how to sleep) and coping with some frustration.


  . 76

  “The most important thing is that he learns to be happy by himself,” she says of her son.

  arents who value this ability are probably more apt to leave a child alone when he’s playing well by himself.


  . 77

  Mischel says the worst-case scenario for a kid from eighteen to twenty-four months of age is “the child is busy and the child is happy, and the mother comes along with a fork full of spinach…

  “The mothers who really foul it up are the ones who are coming in when the child is busy and doesn’t want or need the, and are not there when the child is eager to have them. So becoming alert to that is absolutely critical.”



  A French psychologist writes that when a child has a caprice—for instance, his mother is in a shop with him and he suddenly demands a toy—the mother should remain extremely calm and gently explain that buying the toy isn’t in the day’s plan. Then she should try to bypass the caprice by redirecting the child’s attention, for example by telling a story about her own life. “Stories about parents are always interesting to children,” the psychologist says.

  The psychologist says that throughout this the mother should stay in close communication with the child, by embracing him or looking him in the eye. But she must also make him understanding that “he can’t have everything right away. It’s essential not to have him thinking that he is all-powerful, and that he can do everything and have everything.”



  “Do you know the surest means of making your child miserable?” he writes. “It is to accustom him to getting everything. Since his desires grow constantly due to the ease of satisfying them, sooner or later powerlessness will force you, in spite of yourself, to end with a refusal. And this unaccustomed refusal will give him more torment than being deprived of what he desires.”


  . 149

  What’s different about French moms is that they get back their pre-baby identities, too. For starters, they seem more physically separate from their children.

  ome French parents store toys in the living room. But plenty don’t. The children in these families have loads of playthings, but these don’t engulf the common spaces. At a minimum, the toys are put away at night. Parents see doing this as a healthy separation and a chance to clear their minds when the kids go to bed. Samia, my neighbor who during the day is the extremely doting mother of a two-year-old, tells me that when her daughter goes to bed, “I don’t want to see any toys… Her universe is in her room.”


  . 180-181

  Making kids say bonjour isn’t just for the benefit of grow-ups. It’s also to help kids learn that they’re not the only ones with feelings and needs.

  “It avoids selfishness,” says Esther, who dragged out her daughter—an adorable, doted-on only child—to say goodbye to me. “Kids who ignore people, and don’t say bonjour or au revoir, they just stay in their bubble. Since parents are dedicated to them already, when will they get the sense that they are there to give, not just to receive?”

  … If she’s exempt from that first rule of civility, she—and everyone else—will be quicker to assume that she’s exempt from many other rules, too, or that she’s not capable of following these rules. Saying bonjour signals to the child, and to everyone else, that she’s capable of behaving well. It sets the tone for the whole interaction between adults and children.

  … “I think the child who doesn’t say bonjour cannot really feel confident.”


  . 215

  “The couple is the most important. It’s the only thing that you chose in your life. Your children, you didn’t choose. You chose your husband. So, you’re going to make your life with him. So you have an interest in it going well. Especially when the children leave, you want to get along with him. For me, it’s prioritaires.”


  . 264

  “In America, it’s acceptaed that when you have kids, your time is not your own,” … “The kids need to understand that they’re not the center of attention. They need to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around them.”


  . 268

  “The more spoiled a child is, the more unhappy he is,” she tells me, almost as soon as we sit down.


  . 272-273

  His favorite paradox is that in order for parents to have authority, they should say yes most of the time. “If you always forbid, you’re authoritarian,” Marcelli tells me, over coffee and chocolates. He says the main point of parental authority is to authorize children to do things, not to block them.



