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2018-06-19 20:18:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《寻找幸福的赫克托》是一部由彼德·切尔瑟姆执导,西蒙·佩吉 / 裴淳华 / Tracy-Ann Oberman主演的一部剧情 / 喜剧 / 冒险类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众观后感希望大家能有帮助


  《Hector and the Search for Happiness》是我最近最经常向他人推荐的一部电影。它讲述了一位生活高级公寓拥有独立心理医生诊室和极品女友的Hector,突然发现自己不快乐,然后踏上了寻找幸福之旅的故事

















  师娘林志玲溺水时,画面爆炸粉红色是什么?是再向观众交代:这一幕是奇幻的,这一幕有超越它本身的含义,它将会把我们引领导一个超越现实的含义中——是道士悟道的仪式,就像是节日仪式中的烟花一样。这个香消玉殒的粉红色爆炸和《Hector and the Search for Happiness》里面MRI测量出的情绪的翻涌看起来如此一致





  低分命题作文的第一个特征:不现实的情节。整部电影充满了不现实的情节,比如hector和价值观迥异的富商为朋友,比如hector刚好帮到黑帮大哥而救了自己一命等等。这听起来有点除毛求疵,毕竟电影里总是充满了各种巧合与不可能,但是当电影想严肃的告诉观众幸福是什么的时候,太站不住脚的情节大大削弱了电影的说服力。还有,为了说明happy=be who you are而让主角好友出柜这种毫无铺垫生硬的情节我实在无力吐槽。。。


  低分命题作文的第三个特征:没有铺垫的高潮与刻意的点题。影片最重要的一场戏就是hector和女主的最后一通电话,hector如醍醐灌顶一般突然了解了幸福就是和女主在一起,但问题是,why now???为什么在非洲死里逃生的时候他都没有领悟呢?这个时间点到底是什么让他突然明白了呢?这些很重要的问题电影都没有给出清楚的交代,让人觉得莫名其妙。另外,影片快结尾的时候,hector和高僧skype那场戏简直是我见过最刻意的“交代电影主旨”,高僧不忘一直教导hector”你的立意不够高哦!”直到hector给出了让高僧满意的答案:we all have an obligation to be happy. 导演也许是觉得观众太笨无法领悟他的意思,一定要通过台词明确的传达出来吧。。。


  再说说好的,本人是simon pegg粉,他天生的喜感和真诚总能打动我,这部电影也不例外表演上似乎更内敛了。而Rosamund pike演出的略带神经质的女友也很让人惊喜。toni collette和Christopher Plummer戏份虽少也都很出彩,尤其老教授那段presentation或许比整部电影都更发人深思


  如果你和我一样喜欢simon pegg,那还是可以看看这部电影的。两星半。







  有一天,在一个病人(神婆)的推动下,在对生活没有盼头的情况下,出发世界旅行(btw, 我的目标),第一站,中国,不知道为什么,外国人眼中的中国总是喧闹、情色、落后(哪怕变形金刚也是这种感觉)。在上海,男主游离在美好肉体前,感情已抛在脑后(看霍金的时候,有一段对话,有朋友问:那个渐冻人,全身地方都不能运动,那个地方呢?霍金说:那个是自动的。可见,男人的本性。。。)说回hector,然后,他去了西藏的一个寺庙,在那里,他需要找到快乐的方程式,在太阳下,在彩旗下,大家自由呼吸空气享受大自然的一切,然而hector却感受不到,他无法了解,那些僧人的感受。然后他又去了非洲。。。直到最后,他去了洛杉矶,去解开心中的那个结-那个女孩

  女孩早已结婚生子,早已心有所属。当时的那段情,是时间慢慢的消磨了一切(那时间是否是一种物质,又跳了)。她告诉hector, 其实,在那个时间,真的很爱过。只是,过去了。。


  推荐理由:前段时间看的gone girl, 女主太深入人心啦,这一部的女主也是她,不禁被惊吓一下,怕又出现腹黑女主。还好,重点还是男主。





  另外,男主在中国被高级妓女伤了心后,去往西藏,沿途的配乐非常棒!!!!这部电影的配乐由Dan Mangan和Jesse Zubot完成。非常喜欢Dan Mangan的曲子!!!他的声音可以忧郁又不缺阳光,沙哑恰到好处。我对于电影的音乐总是特别感兴趣,只要听到喜欢的就会收藏



  Hector (Simon Pegg) is flying one of those old World War II biplanes. His dog is in the backseat and they are happy. Hector does a loop and the dog falls out. Hector realizes and starts screaming. A comic book type villain pops up from the rear of the plane and they begin to fight. Hector wakes up.

  Hector and his girlfriend Clara (Rosamund Pike) live a neat and tidy life of habit and order. He is a successful psychiatrist. His rates haven't changed for years and neither has Hector. She works for a drug company and has launched a new pill called Tranqualine.

  One nigh, Hector and Clara go to a restaurant to celebrate the success of Tranqualine. Clara's boss is happy that Clara never left them for a maternity leave and is totally devoted to the company without the interference of children.

  The owner of the restaurant notices that Hector isn't as boorish as the others. He tells her that he doesn't work for the company. He's a psychiatrist. She tells him she wants happiness, but because of her accent it sounds like wants a penis. Hector and Clara have a laugh about a penis, but truth be told, the conversation makes Hector start questioning his own happiness.

  His ordered life now feels like a drag. He begins to lose patience for his patients and eventually snaps. Eventually Hector snaps.

  He tells Clara that he needs to go on a journey to research happiness. While Clara packs for Hector she finds an old photo in his sock drawer of a younger Hector with another man and a woman. She doesn't say anything about it. Hector asks if shell still be there when he returns. She asks how long hell be gone. He doesn't know. Neither does she.

  Hector flies business class to China. He sits next to a cranky business man named Edward (Stellan Skarsgard). He finds that Clara has packed him a notebook to log his journey and to doodle. She also included the photograph she found in his sock drawer. Edward complains that things are better in first class. Hector notes:

  1. Making comparisons can spoil your happiness.

  Hector wants to order from the duty free store on the plane, but needs to fill out paperwork. He cant find a pen. Edward lets him borrow his, but tells him that it costs more than his car and he had better return it.

  At the airport, Hector fumbles with his map and realizes he still has Edwards pen. He runs to return it and Edward decides to show Hector what his happiness is. He takes him to a nice hotel and a nicer meal. Hector asks Edward what his happiness is. Edward says he works too much to think about it. Happiness is supposed to be retirement and enjoying life. But the only way to enjoy retirement is to not retire. But because Edward works so hard and makes so much money he is able to enjoy the most lavish or luxuries. Hector notes:

  2. A lot of people think happiness is being rich or important.

  Edward takes Hector to a very exclusive nightclub in Shanghai full of women. Hector meets Ying Li (Ming Zhao) and instantly falls for her hard. He notes:

  3. Many people see happiness only in their future.

  He also notes after having spent a non-sexual night in bed with a naked Ying Li:

  4. Happiness could be the freedom to love more than one woman at the same time.

  He takes her out to lunch. There are a group of poor women sitting on the street eating together and having a great time. They're surrounded by a sea of grim businessman, not completely unlike Edward. Hector asks what makes them so happy. Hector asks Ying Li to go with him to the mountains and together they can meet her family. She cant go because its shameful how she makes a living. On cue, we meet her pimp. Ying Li isn't a student. Ying Li is a prostitute. The previous night was a gift from Edward. Hector notes:

  5. Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole story.

  Hector goes up the mountains and visits some monks. He asks one how he can be happy even though hes suffered so much in life. The monk explains and Hector notes:

  6. Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.

  Hector helps the monks set up their dish network and hes able to Skype Clara. She asks how Shanghai was. Neither can help but to notice how evasive Hector is at answering that question. The wind blows down the radar dish and the signal is lost. The monks dance beneath many colored flags which dance in the wind. They find happiness where Hector is finding grief. Next, he goes to Africa.

  Hector flies on a terrifying plane. One of the African women tries to comfort him by noting how old the plane is. That means its never crashed. If they land safely he should meet her family for Sweet Potato Stew. He notes:

  7. Does the person you're with bring you predominately A): Up or B): Down?

  Hector meets his old friend Michael (Barry Atsma) from the photograph in the sock drawer. He and his bodyguard Marcel take Hector to his hotel. Its a dive. In the bar he meets a drug lord named Diego Baresco (Jean Reno). Diego is upset and quick tempered. He doesn't believe in happiness because his wife is unhappy in spite of taking medication to make her happy. Hector offers to look at her prescriptions. He finds out there may be some harmful interactions between pills and directs Diego to a colleague who may be able to help. He has to borrow Diego's pen though, because he's given Edward's pen back.

  Michael sees Hector talking to Diego and explains that Diego is a criminal and should be avoided. Hector still has his pen. He spends a week helping out at Michael's clinic and notes:

  8. Happiness is answering your calling.

  At the end of the week he finds out that Marcel is more than Michael's bodyguard. Hes his lover. And they're happy. Hector notes:

  9. Happiness is being loved for who you are.

  Hector meets the lady from the plane and has Sweet Potato Stew with her family. He notes:

  10. Sweet Potato Stew!

  On the way back to his hotel his vehicle is carjacked and he is kidnapped and locked in a rat infested cell. He notes:

  11. Fear is an impediment to happiness.

  The kidnappers are about to kill him. Hector says he's friends with Diego, but cant prove it. A gun is pointed at his head, but Hector asks if he can make one final note in his book about what brings his captors happiness. He pulls out his pen to write, its Diego's gold and engraved pen. He is able to prove that he knows Diego. The kidnappers let him go. He notes:

  12. Happiness is feeling completely alive.

  The previously stuffy Hector would never dance. The reborn Hector celebrates and dances with the woman from the planes family. He notes:

  13. Happiness is knowing how to celebrate.

  He Skypes Clara, who is getting dressed in a fancy gown. He explains that he was kidnapped. She's disinterested. She has plans of her own and has to go.

  Hector flies First Class to Los Angeles. On the plane, he attends to a woman with a brain tumor. The pressure from the altitude is causing her extreme pain. She just needs to get to her sister to say goodbye. The pilot clears the plane for flying lower. When they land, everyone cheers. Hector tells the paramedics not to take her to the hospital, but to see her sister instead. She tells him he's very good at what he does. He explains he's not actually that kind of doctor. She clarifies that she means he's very good at listening. He notes.

  14. Listening is loving.

  Hector goes to the beach in Santa Monica where the photo was taking with him, Michael and Agnes (Toni Collette). She's pregnant and has two other kids. Agnes, Hectors one who got away, is happily married. He calls Clara to tell her he's in Los Angeles. She says she knew this whole trip was about rekindling an old flame. He explains that she's married and has kids. Hector tells Clara that smothering is mothering with an S. They break up.

  Agnes and Hector are going to meet with Professor Coreman (Christopher Plummer) who has written a book on and is studying the effects of happiness on the brain. On the way there, Agnes tells Hector that its unfair and insulting that he put her on a pedestal because she's better than his fantasy because she's real. She did love Hector at one time, but now she loves her husband and her family. He notes:

  15. Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

  During Coreman's lecture, he points out that people shouldn't be concerned with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness of pursuit. Afterwards, Agnes and Hector go to Coreman's lab and check out a project he's working on that will visually show, in real time, the brain and how it reacts to different emotions.

  Agnes is instructed to go into a room and think about three things, times when she was happy, sad and scared. She does and through his brain scanning technology, Coreman was able to tell which order she thought about the three emotions. Hector is next.

  He thinks about Clara marrying someone else. He thinks about his time being kidnapped and about Ying Li. His emotions are very blocked. Its hard to get a reading. Clara calls and Hector asks that Coreman give him a moment. His brain is still being monitored through the phone conversation.

  Clara tells Hector she wants to be a mother, not just his mother. Hector says he's sorry for not explaining his trip and tells her that he learned a lot and the most unhappy thing he could imagine would be to lose her and the happiest thing possible would be to become the man she would want to spend the rest of her life with.

  Hectors brain is no longer blocked, all the colors start firing because that's what happiness is. It's everything. We flash to the colored flags the monks were dancing around. They're just like the colors flashing in Hector's head.

  Hector rushes home and marries Clara.

  《寻找幸福的赫克托》观后感(七):Hector and the Search for Happiness


  The more important is not what you are searching for,but what you are avoid of.




  黑老大:If you want it,you take it.

  5、凭着耐心和坚持,you can climb your mountain.



  7、我不害怕,害怕死亡就等于害怕生存。你很有天赋。你误会了,listening is loving,

  8、It's all of them.万法归一。


  10、Hector:I won't pretending.

  巫女:That's right,no more pretending.对,不装傻扮懵。






  14、分数给我出谜题。cant get rid of,the riddle.

  我是季节的中心。I'm the mail hole,the season.

  理智给我出谜题。cant get rid of,the reason.



  废话给我出谜题。cant get rid of,the nonsence.

  abraham's seed serenem






  然后就华丽的去了西藏,这里真的是在暗指da lai,那个西藏大师从各个角度看都是在暗指那个在德国混的很爽的逃亡”大师“,藏独的中心就在慕尼黑,德国出品嘛。这个大师果然也是很有da lai的作风,忽悠人的水平一绝,有义务去幸福?这什么狗屁结论?哈佛的幸福课程分分钟打这片子的脸啊。这种说法也就吸毒的人才赞同,“我有义务把这20克吸掉,因为我要幸福”。然后非洲,西藏,非洲,北欧,这三个地方真是欧美人“寻找自我”的经典景点。另外,出去旅游英语比德语重要一万倍。



  《寻找幸福的赫克托》观后感(九):Be yourself and search happiness

  今天无意中搜到这部电影,然后认真看完了它。好久没有认真看过电影了,这部电影不说制作的有多好,内容有多充实,但是我确实从这里面明白了很多…… 幸福是什么?幸福如何得到?你幸福吗?这些无伤大雅的问题可能真的不好回答。影片接近尾声的时候,Simon和前女友去听教授讲课的那个片段,教授所说的话是我觉得这部影片真正的核心所在。你是否还能清楚的回忆起孩童时代的快乐,无忧无虑的时光,眼睛里充满了希望,如此的美好。随着时间的增长,这个世界得到的越来越多,可成人们的幸福度却越来越低。人们要追求的不是幸福的过程,而是幸福本身。Simon去非洲的时候,曾经的老友变为一名同志,他说幸福就是有人爱真实的自己。对呀,在这个浮躁的社会,我们穿了太多层衣服,尽管身心疲惫却还是不脱下累赘,那么你是否能保证那个现在爱你的人在你卸下虚伪的面具之后还能义无反顾的爱你接受你吗?对于身边发生的很多事我可能都没办法想通,但,做真正的自己吧,爱生活,爱家人,爱工作!










