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2021-01-13 12:01:51 作者:秀儿 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  1. My thoughts about the story so far are Golding uses a great example to showcase human nature. He wants to tell us that when free from the constraints of society, draws people away from common sense to savagery, and Golding always good to use many types of tone to create readers' mood that makes reading more fun and exciting. Another thing I want to talk about is Simon he is the character that I most curious about; He is a very kind person and always supports the rational side which is Ralph. And I think he is representing the rational according to the story he said "Maybe there is a beast… Maybe it's only us." showed he is more like a prophet that knowing people will be more savagery and that's the reason why he will be the one participate in the construction of the shelter.

  1. 到目前为止,我对蝇王这个小说的想法是,戈尔丁用一个很好的例子来展示人性。 他想告诉我们,当摆脱社会的束缚时,人们会远离常识而变得野蛮。戈尔丁总是善于使用多种类型的语调来创造读者的心情,从而使阅读更加有趣和令人兴奋。 我想谈的另一件事是西蒙,他是我最好奇的角色。 他是一个非常善良的人,并且总是支持理性的一面,即拉尔夫。 而且我认为他根据他说的故事“代表理性”:“也许有野兽……也许只有我们。” 表明他更像一个先知,认识人会更加野蛮,这就是他将成为参与住房建造的人的原因。

  2. My thoughts on how Golding’s writing style is very descriptive and he changes the mood of the story that it almost feels like your in the story and you can feel the emotions. For example in this text it shows how he describes the setting “The squareness of the rock allowed a sort of plinth round it, so that to the right, over the lagoon, one could inch along a ledge and turn the corner out of sight. It was easy going, and soon he was peering round the rock.” He also describes the movements the boys do . For example this text states “He forced his feet to move until they had carried him out on to the neck of land.” Golding writing is well written and he is descriptive when describing a setting or a certain emotion.

  2. 我认为戈尔丁的写作风格具有很强的描述性,他改变了故事的气氛,使故事看起来几乎像您一样,您可以感受到这种情感。 例如,在本文中,它显示了他如何描述“岩石的直角形允许在其周围有一个底座”的设置,因此,在泻湖的右侧,人们可以沿着壁架踩一下,然后将拐角移到视线之外。 这很容易,很快他就在岩石上凝视着。” 他还描述了男孩们的运动。 例如,这段文字说:“他强迫他的脚移动,直到将他抬到地上为止。” 戈尔丁的写作写得很好,在描述环境或某种情感时具有描述性。


