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《英国铁路纪行 第一季》的影评大全

2021-02-19 23:23:35 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

  《英国铁路纪行 第一季》是一部由BBC执导,Michael Portillo主演的一部纪录片类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《英国铁路纪行 第一季》精选点评:








  ●2014.04.09 补记,那段时光!



  《英国铁路纪行 第一季》影评(一):啦啦啦啦!~第三季DVD终于要出了~






  顺便,Michael Portillo这位主持人也不闲着,继续了新的旅程~

  他的新节目:欧洲铁路纪行《Great Continental Railway Journeys》


  貌似纪录片之家论坛有人正在发布720p HDTV的高清片源~


  《英国铁路纪行 第一季》影评(二):铁路追忆帝国往事



  去英国前看了这个系列做“预习”,非常实用,感谢>w< 现在回来了再看那些熟悉的车站和风景,好亲切!

  又PS 主持人是前内阁成员交通大臣233 终于看到一个活的不是Jim Hacker风格的大臣来给大臣正名了2333


  《英国铁路纪行 第一季》影评(三):铁路旅行笔记

  第一部分: Liverpool to Scarborough


  第一集: Liverpool to Eccles.

  Michael begins his journey on the world's first passenger railway line, learns to speak Scouse in Liverpool, finds out about the first railway fatality and explores the origins of the Eccles cake.

  第二集:Manchester to Bury

  Michael is in Manchester to find out more about George Bradshaw himself. He also gets fitted for a trilby in Denton and learns how the railways helped to create a national institution - fish and chips.

  曼城——george bradshaw的出生地,棉花贸易时期的棉都,现在还能看见的铁质马路牙子就是那个时代的见证;古老的建筑:皇家交易所、市政厅,皮特兰街上的瓦特的新仓库大楼;重建的皮卡迪利车站不复古老,而是现代得像机场的候机楼;丹顿的呢帽制作工厂;去约翰赖兰斯大学图书馆查找150年前George Bradshaw制作的全国列车时刻表;贝里的fish and chips。。。

  第三集:Todmorden to York.

  On his first journey from Liverpool to Scarborough, Michael travels back in time on the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway, finds out about the latest Roman discoveries in York and takes to the air in the Network Rail helicopter.


  第四集: Pontefract to Bridlington.

  On his first journey from Liverpool to Scarborough, Michael searches for the last liquorice grower in Pontefract, discovers how the railways turned Hull into one of the largest white fish ports in the world and goes fishing for sea bass in Bridlington.


  第五集: Filey to Scarborough.

  Michael goes bird-watching on the wild cliffs of Flamborough Head, learns to decipher traditional knitting patterns in Filey and meets one of Scarborough's oldest residents - a 4000-year-old skeleton called Gristhorpe Man.


  第二部分: Preston to Kirkcaldy

  第六集:Preston to Morecambe.

  He explores the origins of the temperance movement in Preston, samples the attractions of Blackpool, a resort made by the railways, and takes a walk across Morecambe Bay with the official Keeper of the Sands.

  普雷斯顿戒酒运动;海滨城市黑泽,情感列车黑泽拜耳,风景绝好的黑泽塔,黑泽塔舞厅,彩灯节,“政客酒店”,喜剧演员Joey Blower;莫克姆湾的流沙滩。

  第七集: Settle to Garsdale.

  He returns to the historic Settle-Carlisle line to find out what has happened to it since he helped save it in the 1980s. Along the way, he explores the magnificent Ribblehead viaduct, finds out about the navvies who helped to build it and catches a steam train along the line.


  第八集: Windermere to Kendal.

  He takes a steamboat tour of Lake Windermere, visits Wordsworth's home village of Grasmere and makes sausages with a local Herdwick sheep farmer.


  第九集:Carlisle to Glasgow.

  He meets the wild clansmen of Carlisle, the Border Reivers, witnesses a wedding in Gretna Green and visits a secret World War One munitions factory.


  第十集:Edinburgh to Kirkcaldy.

  He makes apple juice in the Clyde valley orchards, pays a thrilling visit to the top of the Forth Rail Bridge and relives his childhood memories in his grandparents' home town of Kirkcaldy.



  第十一集: 斯文顿至布里斯托尔

  Michael finds out about free holiday trains for the GWR workers in Swindon, samples the Spa in Bath, and tries his hand at glass blowing in Bristol.


  第十二集: 亚顿至滨海韦斯顿

  Michael samples local Cheddar strawberries, explores Cheddar Gorge and the famous caves, and visits one of the oldest piers in the country at Weston Super Mare.


  第十三集: 托基到托特尼斯

  Michael finds out about Torquay's micro climate, goes salmon fishing on the Dart estuary and spends some of Totnes' new local currency.


  第十四集: 布格尔到梅瓦吉西

  Michael visits the largest clay mine in the world near St Austell, goes pilchard fishing in Mevagissey and finds out how the estate of Heligan shaped British gardens.



  Michael searches for the lost church of St Piran, explores the last working tin mine in Cornwall and harvests oysters on the Helford River.



  第十六集: 巴克斯顿到马特洛克.

  Michael visits an architectural wonder, the Duke of Devonshire's stables in Buxton, helps to repair the ancient peat landscape of the Peak District and travels on the historic steam railway to Rowsley.



  Michael visits the oldest working factory in the world at Cromford, explores the country's first public park in Derby and finds out why Burton's beer is said to be the best.


  第十八集: 沃尔索尔到伯恩维勒

  Michael meets the queen's saddler in Walsall, learns how to cook an authentic Indian curry in Birmingham and visits Bournville, rumoured to be the best place to live in Britain.



  Michael relives the Coventry Blitz, meets the last pure breed Aylesbury duck farmer in Buckinghamshire and finds out how the trains helped to evacuate millions of children during World War II.



  Michael explores one of the grandest railway stations and hotels in the country: St Pancras. He rides the world's first tube line to Smithfield market and climbs up the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament to hear Big Ben chime.



