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2022-05-24 21:40:33 作者:眯眯眼的流沙 来源:眯眯眼的流沙推荐 阅读:载入中…


  她说,婚姻过日子是和钱过的,所以说贫贱夫妻百事哀。旅游本不是为了向别人说我去过哪哪哪的,而是为了充实自己的精神世界,为了让自己知道世界很大,而我们很小,所以有时对那些俗事可以宽容,不必太在意太较真。虽说这是我第一次外出旅游,什么也不懂,但是特产什么的一袋又一袋,送礼的钱花得比游景点的钱还要多。反观法医哥哥的骑行,我更觉得游行到别处真不该是为了告诉他人我去了哪,而是要为自己奉上一份精神粮食。以前我觉得薏茗真的很好很优秀的,经过这次,我会觉得人真的很难十全十美的,总是会有这样那样的缺陷。她说,她也重感情,但是重的却是亲情时,我挺心寒的,因为我重的是友情。当两个人内心深处的信仰出现差异时,就很难做到心心相印了呀!曾经再怎么要好,在我们毕业那天就注定只能成为曾经了,我们的情谊已经曾经了大半年了,只是我还停留在过去不愿离去罢了。人真的很复杂,如果不是手足,无论有怎么难以割舍的感情,一触及钱财,转身就能反目成仇。钱字真是害人不浅。自私是人的天性,来到大北方,我见到很多人,有善良热情的,也有自私无情的。She said, marriage is to live with money, So said poor husband and wife Pepsi. Travel is not to tell others where I have been, but to enrich their own spiritual world, in order to let themselves know that the world is very big, and we are very small, so sometimes can be tolerant of those vulgar things, do not have to care too seriously. Although this is my first trip out, do not know anything, but the special products and bag after bag, the gift money spent more than the tourist attractions. On the other hand, my brother’s bike ride made me feel like I shouldn’t be marching anywhere to tell people where I was going, but to serve myself up a mental meal. Before I think Yi Ming really good very good, after this, I will feel that people really very difficult perfect, there will always be such defects. She said, she also heavy feelings, but heavy is the family, I was very cold, because I heavy is the friendship. When two people’s innermost beliefs appear to be different, it is difficult to do heart to heart! Once again how good, in our graduation day is doomed to be once, our friendship has been more than half a year, but I still stay in the past do not want to leave. People are really complicated, if not brothers and sisters, no matter how hard to give up the feelings, a touch of money, can turn against each other. The word “Money”really hurts. Selfish is human nature, came to the Great North, I saw a lot of people, there are kind-hearted enthusiasm, but also selfish ruthless.




