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2017-11-08 21:26:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《Rework》是一本由Jason Fried / David Heinemeier H著作,Crown Business出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 22.00,页数:288,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


现实世界的概念 人们的思维形式总是在考虑某个方案在“现实世界似乎行不通”,但实际上这个词的基础是对于过去已有格局的一种抽象,所以是基于历史的。而创业如果是陷入已有格局而不是颠覆它,岂不是违反了创业二字的本意?所以,不要以“现实世界行不通”之类的成见来反驳一个idea,因为这其实都是按照既有的格局在思考,一思考就进入当下已知的模式和陷阱。
小而美的方案 德拉吉报道是一个个案,一个靠一个人做起来的新闻聚类网站;craigslist也是一个异类,没有太多花俏设计和背后的支付平台之类,更没有各种先进的搜索技术,只是一个信息发布中介渠道,销售额却奇高。小而美也可以用在产品设计上面,例如只有一个死飞的自行车,没有复杂功能的摄像机等等。这些说明了,某些奇葩方案,抓住了根本的需求,而这些需求对于复杂花哨的形式是不敏感的。
服务型经济 电商做的是平台,表面看上去是物品的堆砌,实际上是信息的集合,团购、点评、社区都是以信息聚类为主,客户管理、分工协作管理软件则是对信息流有安排的进行聚类来统筹协作,说白了,信息化服务所提供的信息越来越往纵深进行发展。个性化设计服装,就是需要深挖设计师资源,并将这些关于设计的信息上线;一些小型的,用作中小企业分工协作的团队协作软件,需要对市场的需求有更加深入的理解。如果把游戏也看做是一种信息服务的话,那么就是音乐、图像、进攻防御参数的汇集,游戏世界会有一种“标准答案”,只要达到这种标准答案,你就赢了,否则就输了。这个标准答案就是由各种信息量之间的互动产生,游戏策划设定好各种参数,于是让用户自己产生信息流,是一定程度上的“自媒体”,所以其实任何游戏在本质上都是一定程度的自媒体,靠用户自己产生信息流,最终产生不同的结果,而用户非常乐意看到自己使用自己的信息输入所得到的满意的信息输出,当用户满意度达到一定程度,这款游戏就成功了。
了解自己的需求 别人的需求就是在一抹黑中前行,容易找不到方向,但是做一款让自己满意的东西,就明确的多。
新营销 砸钱买眼球已经是一种落后的模式了,就好像现代战争还用狂轰滥炸而不是精确制导一样,是一种浪费。网络的低成本使得自媒体的成本极低,而带宽的增加使得视频内容发布成本很低,普通的新闻就好像是投递到邮箱但是没有什么新意和信息量的垃圾邮件,在新营销时代这种信息都是过剩的,受众需要的是个性化的方案,能够拉近彼此距离,而不是冠冕堂皇的信息公布。此外,营销是一种自上而下,整体出动的概念,而不是一个营销部门做点策划就可以解决的。
团队鸡尾酒会 一群陌生人,相互客套,大家都不敢相互得罪,最后就得出不了什么结论。这就是团队迅速做大的问题所在,团队变得像一群没有目的、没有主见的动物一样,渐渐变得没有活力。
官僚化过程 随着企业变大,需要稳定的合同,而不是到了时间节点才去找项目,因此长期项目的签订意味着大部分的人力和资源是在维持已有的市场而不是去开拓新的市场;人员维持一定的冗余,使得能够提供稳定的服务,但同时也意味着巨大的成本支出,以及对于风险项目的回避,和标准化流程的建立,导致大家各司其职,能够独当一面的工作岗位越来越少;由于事情的复杂性和方方面面的考虑,导致了流程的繁琐,各种事情为了怕有疏漏,需要通过定期会议分步骤和团队进行操作,决策的过程变长,大家下意识的认为每个新的项目都要保证成功率而没有试错空间,从而导致创新停滞;各种投资,铺面、设备、人力资本的,都是沉没成本,突然不加以利用的话,等于白白浪费,相当于一笔没有收入的成本,所以决策基础都在已有的资源上面,而不是破釜沉舟






37 signals以员工在家办公而被津津乐道。同时他们还拥有DHH这样的明星员工。
很难不认为37 singals是一家互联网公司,因为他们
        1. 不求多而求极致,力求给客户提供最好的产品和最好的体验。
        2. 崇尚简单,反对臃肿的组织,冗长的会议各种繁文缛节,官僚制度。
        3. 创新和分享,行动敏捷而有效。
        1. 不烧钱,不以赢得投资和上市为目的,而是从一开始就追求赢利并做到了。
        2. 不空谈梦想、使命和野心,不说要改变世界,而是踏踏实实做产品。
        3. 务实,节俭,不盲目扩张。
Rework就是37 singals讲述他们如何经营自己的事业,包括商业模式,招聘,客户关系,管理方式等。

  《Rework》读后感(五):Jason Fried: Rework,另一種工作方式

微信公众号:shenshike-HK (心是主人身是客)
1999年,Jason Fried和两位小伙伴創立了一家名叫37 Signals的网絡設計顧問公司。天文學家曾收到37個疑為外星智慧的信號,他們以37 Signals命名公司,可能喻示著他們具外星人的思維。
15年來,37 Signals堅持精減及靈動的經營方針,拒絶擴充經營、開會、預算、董事局、廣告、銷售等等現代公司的慣常模式,維持著16名員工的規模,分佈在两大洲,採用不固定地點、時間的上班方式。為了讓分散各地的員工更好地協作,設計了一款項目管理工具Basecamp,供內部同事使用。由於實在好用,推出商用,大受歡迎,成為公司主打產品,帶來每年上百萬美元的利潤。2014年,37 Signals將公司正式改名為Basecamp。
創立者Jason Fried一边“哐噹哐噹”地數錢,一边著書立說,向大家分享其之所以成功的心得,他稱之為“reveal formula”。
回顧公司历史:1999年三人創立公司,2000年一個合伙人離開,2004年,另一名合伙人離開,只剩下Jason Fried一人,可見Jason Fried是多么難以合作啊!現在卻在這兒大談經驗,汗一個。
牛逼的人都有其臭的地方,不然怎么叫臭牛逼呢?想Jobs教主被下屬稱為“惡魔”,這位Jason Fried怎么都小巫見大巫。
Learning from mistakes is overrated
Planning is guessing
(讀到這個,我立馬說:I love this company, I’d like to join.)
Enough with “Entrepreneurs”
No time is no excuse
這句我就不譯了:The perfect time never arrives, you’re always too young or old or busy or broke or something else.
Building to flip is building to flop
如果一盤生意,創業時只盤算著什么時候可以被收購,又有什么意思呢?你拿了錢就去小島上天天呷著冷飲晒太阳,will that really satisfy you? Will money alone truly make you happy? (Yes yes yes, 我拚命點頭。在這兒,我和作者的立場發生嚴重分歧,money do makes me happy. 我工作就為了錢,有了錢誰還工作?神經!)
Be a curator
Meeting is toxic
Don’t be a hero
If you already spent too much time on something that wasn't worth it, walk away. You can't get that time back. The worst thing you can do now is waste even more time.
(同樣适用於一段bad relationship。當感情消失,彼此變得面目可憎時,赶緊止損離場。生命那么短暫,沒必要浪費一分一秒wasn't worth人身上。)
Go to sleep
睡眠不足致使的惡果中,作者說有一種“易怒”(Irritability)。缺睡時遇上傻逼(who’s acting like a fool)會怒不可遏。
嗯,某人最好讓我多睡, for his sake.
Long lists don’t get done
長清單是你的內疚之旅(Long lists are guilt trips.),越是長的清單越做不完,越做不完越不想去查看,因為感覺很差,感覺很差更不可能完成…….惡性循環。
Don’t copy
If you are copycat, you are always in a passive position. You never lead; you always follow.
沒有創意只好去偷的人很可怜。我評論低成本爛片“來自地球的人” (The Man from Earth):就是小學坐教室里上上課走神,天馬行空,想的也比這遠。
Say no by default
Deal with the brief discomfort of confrontation up front and avoid the long-term regret.(長痛不如短痛,看看吧,中文表達的优勢出來了。)
Don’t write it down
If there’s a request that you keep forgetting, that’s a sign that it isn’t important. The really important stuff doesn’t go away.
Drug dealers get it right
這一節大談試用、試食的好處。Don’t be afraid to give a little away for free, be confident in what you’re offering, you should know that people will come back for more, with money.
Do it yourself first
Everybody works
you need to avoid hiring delegators, those people who love telling others what to do.
They clog the pipes for others by coming up with busywork.
How to say you’re sorry
We apologize for inconvenience this may have caused.
這是典型的毫無歉意的歉意。杂貨店長長的走廊叫inconvenience, 你應該提供的服務卻沒有,嚴重影響別人,那是crisis.
什么叫May? 如果沒有搞到別人,你需要道屁個歉?都無須說啥。需要道歉,肯定弄到別人,不是May caused. (太屌了。)
Hire great writers

  《Rework》读后感(六):You have to believe in something

Over all this book is a bunch of simple proverbs relating exactly the problems I will face my entire career as long as I stay in the field I'm in.
Great businesses have a point of view, not just a product or service. You have to believe in something. You need to have a backbone. You need to know what you’re willing to fight for. And then you need to show the world.
When you don’t know what you believe, everything becomes an argument. Everything is debatable. But when you stand for something, decisions are obvious.
And we always keep features to a minimum. Boxing ourselves in this way prevents us from creating bloated products.
Remember, fashion fades away. When you focus on permanent features, you’re in bed with things that never go out of style
The business world is littered with dead documents that do nothing but waste people’s time. Reports no one reads, diagrams no one looks at, and specs that never resemble the finished product. These things take forever to make but only seconds to forget.
The problem with abstractions (like reports and documents) is that they create illusions of agreement.
A hundred people can read the same words, but in their heads, they’re imagining a hundred different things
That’s why you want to get to something real right away. That’s when you get true understanding. It’s like when we read about characters in a book—we each picture them differently in our heads. But when we actually see people, we all know exactly what they look like.
Is this actually useful? Are you making something useful or just making something? It’s easy to confuse enthusiasm with usefulness.
You don’t need to make it a formal process, but don’t let it slide, either.
Also, don’t be timid about your conclusions. Sometimes abandoning what you’re working on is the right move, even if you’ve already put in a lot of effort. Don’t throw good time after bad work.
And just as REM is when the real sleep magic happens, the alone zone is where the real productivity magic happens.
Your alone zone doesn’t have to be in the wee hours, though. You can set up a rule at work that half the day is set aside for alone time.
Or instead of casual Fridays, try no-talk Thursdays. Just make sure this period is unbroken in order to avoid productivity-zapping interruptions. And go all the way with it. A successful alone-time period means letting go of communication addiction. During alone time, give up instant messages, phone calls, e-mail, and meetings. Just shut up and get to work. You’ll be surprised how much more you get done.
Your day is under siege by interruptions. It’s on you to fight back.
Momentum fuels motivation.
A lot of times it’s better to be a quitter than a hero.
Yet some people still develop a masochistic sense of honor about sleep deprivation. They even brag about how tired they are. Don’t be impressed. It’ll come back to bite them in the ass.
Start making smaller to-do lists too. Long lists collect dust. When’s the last time you finished a long list of things? You might have knocked off the first few, but chances are you eventually abandoned it (or blindly checked off items that weren’t really done properly).
And a quick suggestion about prioritization: Don’t prioritize with numbers or labels. Do that and you’ll almost always end up with a ton of really high-priority things. That’s not really prioritizing.
Sometimes copying can be part of the learning process, this sort of imitation can be a helpful tool on the path to discovering your own voice.
Unfortunately, copying in the business arena is usually more nefarious.
And that means it’s tempting to try to build a business by being a copycat.
That’s a formula for failure, though. The problem with this sort of copying is it skips understanding—and understanding is how you
The copy is a faux finish. It delivers no substance, no understanding, and nothing to base future decisions on.
Plus, if you’re a copycat, you can never keep up. You’re always in a passive position. You never lead; you always follow. You give birth to something that’s already behind the times—just a knockoff, an inferior version of the original. That’s no way to live.
Be influenced, but don’t steal.
If you’re successful, people will try to copy what you do. It’s just a fact of life. But there’s a great way to protect yourself from copycats: Make you part of your product or service.
Pour yourself into your product and everything around your product too: how you sell it, how you support it, how you explain it, and how you deliver it. Competitors can never copy the you in your product.
Don’t confuse enthusiasm with priority.
Welcome obscurity.
Obscurity helps protect your ego and preserve your confidence.
Now’s the time to take risks without worrying about embarrassing yourself.
But you can afford to teach, and that’s something they’ll never do, because big companies are obsessed with secrecy.
Everything at those places has to get filtered through a lawyer and go through layers of red tape.
Teaching is your chance to outmaneuver them.
There’s a beauty to imperfection. This is the essence of the Japanese principle of wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi values character and uniqueness over a shiny facade. It teaches that cracks and scratches in things should be embraced.
Do it yourself first Never hire anyone to do a job until you’ve tried to do it yourself first. That way, you’ll understand the nature of the work. You’ll know what a job well done looks like.
You may feel out of your element at times. You might even feel like you suck. That’s all right. You can hire your way out of that feeling or you can learn your way out of it. Try learning first. What you give up in initial execution will be repaid many times over by the wisdom you gain.
Plus, you should want to be intimately involved in all aspects of your business.
Hire when it hurts Don’t hire for pleasure; hire to kill pain.
Always ask yourself: What if we don’t hire anyone? Is that extra work that’s burdening us really necessary?
Forget about formal education I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. —MARK TWAIN
Hire great writers If you are trying to decide among a few people to fill a position, hire the best writer. It doesn’t matter if that person is a marketer, salesperson, designer, programmer, or whatever; their writing skills will pay off.
That’s because being a good writer is about more than writing. Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Great writers know how to communicate. They make things easy to understand. They can put themselves in someone else’s shoes. They know what to omit. And those are qualities you want in any candidate.
Own your bad news When something goes wrong, someone is going to tell the story. You’ll be better off if it’s you. Otherwise, you create an opportunity for rumors, hearsay, and false information to spread.
People will respect you more if you are open, honest, public, and responsive during a crisis. Don’t hide behind spin or try to keep your bad news on the down low.
Here are some tips on how you can own the story: The message should come from the top. The highest-ranking person available should take control in a forceful way.
Also, remember that negative reactions are almost always louder and more passionate than positive ones. In fact, you may hear only negative voices even when the majority of your customers are happy about a change. Make sure you don’t foolishly backpedal on a necessary but controversial decision.
So when people complain, let things simmer for a while. Let them know you’re listening. Show them you’re aware of what they’re saying. Let them know you understand their discontent. But explain that you’re going to let it go for a while and see what happens. You’ll probably find that people will adjust eventually. They may even wind up liking the change more than the old way, once they get used to it.




