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How To Win Friends And Influence People经典读后感10篇

2017-11-13 22:46:21 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

How To Win Friends And Influence People经典读后感10篇

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》是一本由Dale Carnegie著作,Simon & Schuster (New York)出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 5.50,页数:276,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(一):經典的人際關係法則

卡內基人際關係法則1: 不批評、不責備、不抱怨
卡內基人際關係法則2: 給予真誠的讚美
卡內基人際關係法則3: 激發他人的渴望
卡內基領導力法則1: 指正之前,先給予肯定
卡內基領導力法則2: 以間接的方式提醒對方的錯誤
卡內基領導力法則3: 指正對方前先談論自己的錯誤
卡內基領導力法則4: 以詢問的方式引導對方採取行動,不要直接下指令
進一步參閱: http://bit.ly/1gwoF6X

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(二):短期有利,长期有害

关于这本书的书评,更精彩、更激发我的思考是国外的goodreads 对本书的评论,尤其注意给二星以下的评论:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4865.How_to_Win_Friends_and_Influence_People?ac=1
举个例子,goodreads的读者Caroline说,她听了书中的建议,在个人生活中做了很好的倾听者,对很个人都nice, 经过一年后,在她身边聚集了一堆“好朋友”,其中不乏那种以自我为中心的朋友。她根据书中的建议,努力从这些朋友身上找到闪光点,然后真诚地赞美他们。
(P.S. 对于这些问题,卡耐基在书中没有给出很有说服力的回答。而且根据goodreads上读对其的深挖,卡耐基写此书的动机,很可能出于对金钱和权力的追求。有兴趣的读者可以看goodreads的书评。)

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(三):用心才会令生活变得更好


  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(四):一本提升EQ的宝典

Dale Carnegie的这本How to Win Friends and Influence People可以说是大幅度提升EQ的宝典。Carnegie在这本书里写了他经历过的或听说过的各种各样小故事,借这些小故事以阐释出与人相处的各个原则。书中每一小节后面都会精炼出一句话来总结,很方便记忆。这么多原则中,我感觉最核心的是“站在对方的角度考虑问题”,其中很多的原则的立足点也是这一条。站在对方的角度考虑问题需要我们去了解对方、了解自己,需要我们知道人的心理到底是怎样的。可能有很多人同样站在对方的角度考虑问题,可是收效甚微。跟人交往相处的时候,心里面最要清楚的一点是:“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” 当我在书中读到这句话的时候心里面特别震撼、感觉真是非常受用。了解了人的本质也就容易理解和人交往的这些原则。这本书非常适合刚刚入世的学生阅读,静下心来,放下对成功学的偏见,客观地细心地阅读,这本书会给你终身受用的宝藏。

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(五):不是在看一本书,是在完善一种性格。说话做事,果然还是很有学问的。

Roosevelt 和 taft的争执,让我想到自己。

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(六):在交往中找到自己

At the beginning of the book, the author said:
A deep, driving desire to learn, a vigorous determination to increase your ability to deal with people.
How to develop this urge?
By constantly reminding yourself how important these principles are to you.
Picture to yourself how their mastery will aid you in leading a richer, fuller, happier and more fulfilling life. Say to yourself over and over:” My popularity, my happiness and sense of worth depend to no small extend upon my skill in dealing with people.
You learn the skill of dealing with people not because of other people told you that you should do not, but you yourself have the urge to learn and know this is important to yourself.
The author also said Nothing will work in all cases-and nothing will work with all people. If you are satisfied with the results you are now getting, why change? If you are not satisfied, why not experiment?
Every person who is reading the book has the idea to get something or to improve something. The right way to do with this book is act according to the principles that you accept, for the rest, keep an attitude of neutrality, which also offers a different angle to look the world.
书中有Chapter 10
An appeal that everybody likes
a person usually has two reasons for doing a thing: one that sounds good and a real one
 Please do not publish that picture of me any more. My mother does’t like it.

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(七):the first step to pursue a thousand mile journey

How to win friends and influence people 中文译作人性的弱点 是我立志读万卷书的第一步 这也算是一种缘分
忘了具体是怎么发现这本书的 印象中也是豆瓣上某人推荐 之后就找到了这本书的原版 因为是学语言出身 大致浏览下觉得carnegie的用词 很值得推敲 所以也就下定了决心看了起来 让我下定决心看一本书是多么难 天知道我22年里是否完整一字不漏的读过书 估计没几本 之所以想看这本书 也是因为自己想要迫切地想要提高自己待人处事 说话的技巧 作为一个专业背景不算很出色的姑娘 和人交往的情商必须是很高 无论是在工作还是生活中
  9月27日开始看 10月24日看完 今天开始写读书笔记
总体是觉得这本书是非常值得一读的 在过去一个月里 我一边读 会一边思考过去和别人交往的种种经历 有很多茅塞顿开的感觉
这本书分为四个部分 每个部分围绕这某一原则进行举例叙述 这些原则很多都是相通的 我现在就书中的各个原则写下自己的感受
Part 1 Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
1. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain
这是第一条原则 可见是多么的重要 我本身是个说话特别直接的姑娘 从小受妈妈影响 又被家里人宠的 对熟悉的人 朋友同学啊 都特别直接 经常会撂一两句狠话 美其名 我和你熟 所以在你面前表现出真实的自我 其实无论人之间是多么的亲近 都是不愿意听对方的批评和抱怨的 更何况人人之间哪有那么近的呢 所以无论什么时候 就算是对家人也好 也不可以批评和抱怨 这得养成习惯 习惯就成自然 你已经不是小孩子了 别那么多公主病 以后想撂狠话时先缓缓 转移下注意力 之后你就会发现当时没说那种话是多么的明智了
2. Give honest and sincere appreciation
多说谢谢 表达对对方的感激 让人觉得没白对你好 是非常重要的 养成说thank you 的习惯 你可以留意下自己一天有多少次说谢谢
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want
这条原则也是本书的基本原则之一 就是要从别人的角度看问题 你主观上觉得好 并不代表别人也会觉得好 所以要从别人的角度出发 去影响别人 凡事把自己放后 别人放前 多一点you 少一点I
Part 2 Ways to make people like you
1. Become genuinely interested in people
这条原则使我收益良多 之前有个同学就说我 有点冷漠 其实我是个热心肠啊 一旦是答应别人的事情 就是赴汤蹈火也要做好啊 可是为什么还是觉得冷漠呢 因为我是个很有压力感的人 可能是考研后遗症 总觉得自己有很多的书要看 要很多时间 去学习 其实自己真的把这些时间都花在时间上 多半是宅了 所以以后一旦无聊了 还不如花点时间给朋友 跑题了 跑题了 其实最重要的思想 书里面的一句话表达的很清楚 put ourselves out to do things for other people, things that require time, energy, unselfishness and thoughtfulness 所以以后不要吝啬自己的时间了 不为目的的去为别人做点时间 关心别人 这个世界才能别的美好嘛 多关心别人 问候别人的健康 各种事业的发展 其实不麻烦 不耗时 只要留个心眼就行了
2. Smile
这个不用多说了 每个人都喜欢笑眯眯的人 以前也有同学说 我看起来很凶 可能我专注干一件事情的时候会显的比较严肃吧 以后会经常笑 特别是与人说话 走在路上的时候 你的笑容 不仅给别人带来好心情 也会给自己 所以以后无论有多少事压在心头 只要出门 就得精神抖擞
3. To remember other's name
这也是特别使用的建议 我总是记不住别人的名字 特别是外国同事的名字 这个得改 以后别人和你说名字 可以再反问一下 自己说几句 向别人确认 这是小细节 但真的很重要
4. Listen to others, encourage others to speak
5. Talk in other's interest
这两点是互通的 也就是和人聊天 交流的技巧了 为什么有的人你会很喜欢和他聊天 和他交流 因为他会说你想听的话 你会觉得和他说话有所收获 而且你也有机会表达你的想法 我以前和人聊天时基本上说自己的事情 说的都忘了别人的存在了 只是很不好的 让别人多说 关注别人的话 别老在脑子里盘算接下来说什么 反而忽略别人正在说的话
6. Make the other people important
这条还没琢磨明白 以后有感想了再补充吧
Part 3 How to win people to your ways of thinking
第三部分 主要讲的就是如何在生活中处理矛盾
我是非常不擅长和别人处理矛盾的 从小就是个傻x火爆脾气 小姑娘家家的 上学期间甚至会和男孩子打架 现在想想 哎呀 真是可怕
1. The way to avoid an argument is to avoid it
这条主要我的理解是在矛盾出现时 先别急着解释自己的立场 和人吵 就算是表现自己修养 也得耐心听人说完 不要打断 思考一下 再回答 不要让你的自尊心 掌控你的脑子
2. Show respect for other person's opinion
不要说 不对 不是 这样的话 你说这话频率之多 可能你自己都没发觉 这世界上很多事情没有标准答案 好不好 你懂的不一定就是要证明 比别人多 好不好 如果你想提出 自己的意见 你可以说 你说的有道理 不仅如此 而且 干吗非要说 不是这样的 我觉得 而且别人和你意见相左 要积极的对待 别总是装出被迫害臆想症
3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically
其实有些时候 说句对不起 比解释 开脱 更来的效果好 这点 我用过我的landlady上 之前她说我 我总是第一反应是找理由啊 我妈从小就说我爱找理由 我还死不承认 那天我有点累 一反常态 不想多说话 只是重复了几句 je suis desolee je suis vraiment desolee 她反而不罗嗦了 说没关系啊 所以嘛 以后呢 少找理由 直接说对不起 come on nobody wants your excuses 他们只是想让你给个态度 就算找理由 迟点再说咯
4. Begin in a friendly way
你的语气很重要 不要大嗓门 不要摆臭脸 淡定淡定 话说我妈小时候总是说我相难看 哎 老妈确实指出过我很多问题 可是她也得看看这本书 她的方式确实有够冲
5. Get the other person saying yes yes immediately
这个小技巧也很适用 和人打交道 谈判是 可以先从共同点 小问题 出发 慢慢的解决复杂 难度大 分歧点多的问题
6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking
别人不开心愤怒 对你不满时 有些时候 你是需要当下出气筒的
7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers
有些时候 就算你已经有了自己的注意 也要耐心点 先别亮出来 问别人的意见 再向自己的观点靠拢 让人感觉他也有贡献 他很重要 所以才会赢得合作
8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view
这种empathy 是我要一直要努力去学习的精神
9. Be sympathetic with the other people's ideas and desires
关注别人的话 表示你的关注度 让人感觉有情感共鸣 所以当你不知道该说什么时 把别人的话 用自己的语言再说一遍 向别人确认吧
10. Appeal to the nobler motives
 这条还没用到过 以后用到再说吧
11. Dramatize your ideas
这个好 要有showmanship 一个好的speaker 不仅要说 还要会充分带动别人的视觉 听觉 味觉 嗅觉 和触觉 嘿嘿 得动动脑子怎么让人印象深刻
12. Throw down a challenge
 要学会用游戏的方式 大人和小孩 都是爱游戏的 哎 可是我从小就不是个很会玩的姑娘 这点得学习 尝试
Part 4 Be a leader
1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation
2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly
  少用but 多用and 学会幽默
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other people
  这条技巧很好 先说自己也犯过同样错误 别人就不会认为你是在批评 反而觉得你是在分享经验 而且自身经历 会让人感觉更信服
4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders
这条也非常的好 因为 我本人就很反感别人让我做什么 不要做什么 可能因为老妈小时候对我还是比较强势的 让我养成了这种讨厌强权的心态 哈哈 老妈又躺枪了 但我自己却反过来很爱控制别人 常常与其太过强硬 以后学会温柔地 女人味地表达自己的意愿 并不是你表现的越饥渴 越强势 别人就会买你的账 好不好 女人嘛 要学会以柔克刚
5. Let the other person save face
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to
8. Use encouragement. Make fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest
快写累死了 以后会继续添加感想

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(八):不过时的说话技巧

《How to Win Friends & Influence People》by Dale Carnegie 书评
值得一提的是,卡耐基也受到中华古文化的影响。比如在书里提到孔子的“ 三人行必有我师” Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him[微笑]

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(九):马克

Become genuinedly interested in other people.
A hen has to lay eggs, a cow has to give milk. But a dog makes his living by giving us nothing but love.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming inerested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.
carefully rehearshed in advance.
Whenever i went to the store, I would always talk to the soda clerk for several mins before talking to the owner to obtain his order.
require time and thoughtfulness.
have foggiest faith in
in a tone of voice that radiates interest and enthusiam.
his eyes fairly glowed as he talked.
his ability to make people like him is almost wholly responsible for his extradoinary success.
They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins.
a heartwarming smile, a smile that comes from within.
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Maria. you cant expect people to come to you.
Smiles and hellos are returned.
you will find yourself unconsiously sezing upon the opportunites that you always want.
the sun breaking through the clouds.
it costs nothing but creates much.
enrich those who receive without impoverishing those who give .
A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language
I discovered in early life that the average person is more interested in his name than all other names in the world put together.
perpetuate his name at any cost.
become vert personalized.
the most important ways of gaining good will is by remembering names and making ppl feel important.
write the names down on a piece of paper, looked at it, concentrated on it, fixed it securely in his mind.
set individuals apart.

  《How To Win Friends And Influence People》读后感(十):Book Report on HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE

    I started reading this book quite by accident. Once I felt bored and would like to go to the bookstore to buy an English novel in order to increase my interests in English language. Unfortunately that bookstore I went was a tiny shop which kept only a few book printed in English. I paced up and down but I didn't find a normal English novel with imaginary characters and fascinating plots. My attention finally focused on this book named HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. To my first impression, it must be a book with difficult theories and even the words would be hard to understand for me. However, I still chose this book after hesitation. Now I really give much thank to the choice I made that time.
    The book was written by Dale Carnegie who was an American writer as well as lecturer. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them. The book was first published in 1936, it has sold 15 million copies world-wide and become one of bestselling self-help books ever published.
    What I want to point out are these aspects as follows.
    First of all, I surprisedly found that I saw no difficulty in understanding the general ideas of the paragraphs! I could generally read it fluently, which gave me confidence and interest to go on my reading! The writer exemplified his suggestions with many humorous short stories of all sorts. Most of them were real stories with real characters and names, which made themselves more convincing and attractive to the readers. I will give an example,
  Stan came home from work one evening to find his youngest son, Tim, kicking and screaming on the living room floor. He was to start kindergarten the next day and was protesting that he would not go. Stan's normal reaction would have been mind to go. He had no choice. But tonight, recognizing that this would not really help Tim start kindergarten in the best frame of mind, Stan sat down and thought, "If I were Tim, why would I be excited about going to kindergarten?" He and his wife made a list of all the fun things Tim would do such as finger painting, singing songs, making new friends. Then they put them into action.
    You can see, interesting plot, very easy to understand the idea and get into the story. The writer presented a normal situation and also mentioned the normal solution to deal with the problem. But it did not seem to have any effect. Then he presented the method he wanted to put up. Let’s see the result.
    "We all started finger-painting on the kitchen table---my wife, Lil, my other son Bob, and myself, all having fun. Soon Tim was peeping around the corner. Next he was begging to participate. 'Oh, no! You have to go to kindergarten first to learn how to finger-paint. 'With all the enthusiasm I could muster I went through the list talking in terms he could understand---telling him all the fun he would have in kindergarten. The next morning, I thought I was the first one up. I went downstairs and found Tim sitting sound asleep in the living room chair. "What are you doing here? 'I asked. 'I'm waiting to go to kindergarten. I don't want to be late. 'The enthusiasm of our entire family had aroused in Tim an eager want that no amount of discussion or threat could have possibly accomplished."
    After reading the story we could know that if you want to persuade somebody to do something, before you speak, pause and ask yourself: "How can I make this person want to do it?" What a brilliant idea it is! Maybe the theory is not fresh but if you read through the story, you will feel it is realistic and can be practiced in your normal life. Then you can find the effects of this method!
    Secondly, I find out that the outline of each chapter is quite clear. You will not feel lost or at sea about the idea the writer was presenting. The writer also gave a short and explicit summary at the end of one chapter. Then they are easy to be remembered by the readers. For instance,
Become genuinely interested in other people.
Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Make the other person feel important---and do it sincerely.
    Last but not least, I can really feel the honesty and enthusiasm in the author's heart. He was just teaching me something useful for my whole life. Just as the title of this book: " How to win friends and influence people" ,it is a normal title. But why can it attract so many people an sell in a so huge number? It's the honesty of the author. Once the author was stating the importance of seeing things from other person's angle and he quoted a letter written by a candidate who wanted to be employed by a company. But the author divided the letter to small sections. He brought his analysis of every sentence to me and sent me his advice and thoughts. I was deeply impressed and knew the right way to deal with these kind of difficulties ever since.
    Therefore, "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUECE PEOPLE" is definitely a good book and is worth reading and learning. It is not only a book, for we can consider it as a guide in our daily life. I believe that it will bring good effects to us and we will feel successful.
by 辛雨楣 WHU


