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2017-11-29 21:27:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《M就是凶手》是一部由弗里茨·朗执导,彼得·洛 / 艾伦·维德曼 / 因格·兰德特主演的一部剧情 / 犯罪 / 惊悚类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。



  《M就是凶手》观后感(二):Tracing Human Abnormality in Modern Berlin

        Fritz Lang, one of the most celebrated auteurs of Germany's national cinema, lays out a chilling crime story in M(1931). In this provocative motion picture, a search for the cruel child murderer, Beckert, drives the whole city to turmoil. As all members in the city become involved in the search for the criminal, two different forms of human abnormality lurked in the city are exposed: the criminal mentality as well as the conflict between the institutional authority and the general public of which it is in charge. While the search continues, both forms of human abnormality keep growing unchecked; yet, eventually, the citizens identified with such abnormality have to face the catastrophic consequences of their behavior. Through innovative use of sound and provocative editing techniques, Lang points to the city as the foster home of both forms of human abnormality. Furthermore, he invites the audience to question the unforeseen detriments of a city in modernity that all its members eventually have to confront.
        As Lang's first film with sound, Lang ingeniously manipulates this new technology to portray the city as an adoptive home of human abnormality. At the very beginning of the film, before any image appears on screen, the audience first hears a child singing a familiar tune: “Wait, wait just a little while/ then the black man will come after you/ with his little chopper/ he will make mince meat out of you.” According to Todd Herzog, this tune is a homage to the “Haarmann song” that tells the chilling crimes of the notorious serial killer Fritz Haarmann. Herzog believes that this song serves to, “locate M in a specific historical context, the world of the Weimar Republic at the time of the film's release, and to place it in dialogue with that world”(Herzog, “Fritz Lang's M(1931), An Open Case”, P232). Nevertheless, Fritz's use of this song to begin the film allows a different interpretation. As the film begins with the dark screen and the nursery rhyme, an image soon appears in a few seconds. A medium shot locates the source of the sound in the yard of a mietskascerne, where a group of kids are playing and singing. By placing the source of the cruel tune in the mouth of a naïve child, Lang further implies that the modern city has become a sink of iniquity, even for the innocent who have yet to understand the city in which they are situated. The victim of today is just as likely to become the perpetrator in the future.
        Beckert's whistle is a repetition in the film which symbolizes his criminal mentality. Each time when he begins to whistle, the audience witnesses the awakening of the monstrous murderer within him. Thus far, Lang constantly shifts the source of the whistle from on-screen to off-screen; such manipulation of the sound source sheds light on the unlikelihood to locate the specific origin of human abnormality in a modern milieu. In a scene when Beckert stands on the street and looks into a shop-window, the sequence is accompanied with no diegetic sound. All what the audience can see is that Beckert dramatically changes his facial expression when he sees a little girl in the reflection of the shop-window. As the girl walks away, the camera moves out of the shop to the street and captures Beckert staring in the direction that the girl is walking. The audience then hears the diegetic sound of the street traffic, and Beckert's whistle simultaneously joins in as he starts following the girl and walks out of the frame. In the next medium-long shot, the camera tracks the little girl as she walks on the street. The whistle continues in the background; however, Beckert no longer appears on-screen in this tracking shot. While the audience has been led to believe that the whistle comes from Beckert by the previous shot; Lang purposefully leaves the established sound source off-screen in the following shot, which leads the audience to question whether Beckert himself is the source of his abnormality, or if the city is that with which has fostered his brutal crimes.
        Lang further manipulates sound to create off-screen space that contrasts the on-screen image in order to depict another form of human abnormality: the revolt against the political authority. The conflict between the underworld business and the police points to a divergence between the authority and the public, which is previously kept in disguise by a seemingly stable social order. However, as Beckert's crimes disturb the social order and alarm the police, they immediately assume that the criminal must be someone from the underworld, and decide to break the ostensible peace and raid their gathering spots. One night, the police secretly surround one of the underworld's gathering place; in which the entire process is accompanied with no sound. The camera soon moves downstairs into the basement where people in the underworld business gather. As a woman shouts out that the police is here, everyone begins rushing towards the exit to leave the basement. In a medium shot, the camera awaits at the top of the stairs and looks slightly down as everyone starts running towards the camera. Among the frenzied noises, the audience first clearly hears a woman's scream as the policemen yell back at her; yet the entire action takes place upstairs in off-screen space while the shot remains still, featuring the panicking crowds. Soon, the police enter from the lower frame and gradually push the crowds back into the basement for investigation. The image on-screen contrasts the actions taken place in off-screen space; such contrast allows the audience to look beyond the images shown on-screen and picture the entire city, where its underlying instability and human abnormality are close to outbreak due to the police's disruption of a public order that does not solve social problems, but merely hides them unseen.
        Throughout the film, Long constructs several montage sequences which implicitly build cause-and-effect relationships between the modern city and human abnormality. In the beginning of the film, when Elsie's mother becomes worried about Elsie for having not returned home, a medium shot shows Elsie's mother walking towards the window and looking out. When she begins calling out “Elsie”, the image cuts to an aisle shot of the stairwell in the Mietskaserne. As the mother's cry echoes down the stairs, the audience then follows the camera to an empty space where people in the neighbourhood hang their laundry; Elsie is still absent on-screen. The sequence continues as it cuts to a close-up on the lunch table, where Elsie's seat remains empty. The grieving howl of the mother has now ended, yet the sequence did not until the audience are shown with two more shots: Elsie's ball rolling on the grass, and the ballon that the criminal Beckerd bought for Elsie entangled in the electric wires on the city street. In this sequence, Lang juxtaposes the mother's continuous calling for Elsie with discontinuity editing of on-screen images. The audience follows the mother as she searches for Elsie in all public spaces in the city where Elsie can possibly be; yet Elsie's ball and ballon at the end of the sequence tell audience that Elsie must have already been slaughtered by the murderer Beckerd. In this sequence, Lang associates the befalling of Elsie's tragic death with the city itself: the development of the modern metropolis not only enlarges the public space, but also catalyses crime and threat among the citizens.
        In another scene when the minister condemns the police chief on the phone for the police department's incompetence in finding the killer, Lang edits a flashback as the chief explains their difficulty. The editing of this flashback again connotes the unforeseen detriments of a city in modernity. When the chief tells the minister about a white paper bag that they found behind the hedge, a close-up on the paper bag gives the audience a clue that it is a candy wrapper, and the store's name was on the wrapper. Then, the image cuts to a close-up of a map of the city, in which circles and circles are drawn with a pair of compasses in increasing radius. While the search widens, the police interrogates owners of candy stores all over the city. However, all owners shake their heads and cannot remember who had bought the candy for little Elsie. As population increases, the city provides perpetrators the opportunity to disguise their abnormality and let it grow unchecked. The editing of this sequence connects the failure to identify the abnormal with the city itself.
        Lang further implies a cause-and-effect relationship between the city and another form of human abnormality, namely, the public and the institutional authority's revolt against each other. As both the leads of the underworld and the chiefs of the political institutions gather for two separate meetings to discuss their objectives on the case of Beckert, Lang uses cross-cutting to juxtapose both meetings. The heads of the underworld complain about the consistent police raids' harm to their business and decide to find the killer by themselves in order to resurrect their business. As the underworld head waves his hand, the shot cuts to the head of police's same action. The police simultaneously decides to continue their search for Beckert without the help of the public, by organizing more police raids and search among public spaces. While the underworld condemns the police for interfering the underworld's business, the police chief Lohmann also refuses to ask the public for help as he states, “Don't talk to me about the public helping, it disgusts me.” The cross-cutting technique invites the audience to contrast the underworld and the police's conflicting attitudes against each other. Such social conflict is another form of human abnormality that is against the democratic ideal of the Weimar republic.
        As the underworld collaborates with the beggars and has seized Beckerd from the building, together they leave the scene in a hurry. Lang then presents the audience with a montage sequence in which he rewinds the crimes that the underworld has just committed. The audience follows the camera into the room where both watchmen have been knocked out and tied up. Then, the sequence continues with still shots of the forcefully broken office door, the compartment's broken fences, and ends with the hole they have dug on the floor in order to make the crime scene look like a result of burglary. This montage sequence is shown with no sound, leaving the audience in contemplation of the underworld's motive and the destructions their abnormal behaviors have caused. The heads of the underworld are provoked to capture Beckerd not because that they find Beckerd's behavior immoral, but because the underworld's business is interrupted by the police's consistent raids. In turn, they decide to look for Beckerd without collaboration with the police, and purposefully commit a series of crimes in order to achieve their goal. The lack of stability in the city's social order has fostered the formation of the underworld, and the underworld's distrust with the political authority. Yet, their abnormal behaviors will lead them to their final conviction.
        The film ends with the final conviction of both the underworld and the child murderer. The audience should not forget that it is the underworld, despite their unrighteous motives, who has asked for help from the beggars and successfully seized Beckert. Nevertheless, both parties have to eventually face the catastrophic consequences of their abnormal behaviors. The first being the underworld's imprudent disruption of the public order for their own economic benefits, and the second being the brutal crimes that Beckert has committed. Throughout the film, Lang manipulates the sound effects and the editing of the sequences to point to the modern city itself as the very cause of all forms of human abnormality preeminent in it. The diegetic world in the film, which is the Weimar Republic in the 1920s, still echoes the modern milieu in which we live. However we try to trace any form of abnormality that hinders the public order, we are always led back to the society as the cause, without identifying the specific origin. Perhaps, the only way of prevention lies in the hands of the people who make up the society, with self-awareness of their behaviors, and positive objectives to make changes.
                                      Works Cited
Herzog, Todd. "Fritz Lang's M(1931): An Open Case." An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era Weimar Cinema. Ed. Noah Isenberg. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009. 291-309. Print.
M. Dir. Fritz Lang. Perf. Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann, Inge Landgut. Criterion Collection, 2004, DVD.

  《M就是凶手》观后感(三):Shadow attached

As we know, America’s early sound era was filled with musicals and comedies. Whereas in Germany, M, as a thriller about child murder, shot a creepy start. This story was inspired by a real serial killer in Dusseldorf.
Children in the movie
Children are the most naïve and innocent group in the society. Their appearance can also enhance and deliver the horror atmosphere. This usage is common in contemporary thrillers like Orphan and Hard Candy. In this movie, the kids are also victims. Being regarded as the future of the society, kids’ sufferings can arouse great panic and hate among the whole city. Especially in the scene when every adult cursing the killer, Elsie still plays with her ball bouncing back and forth towards the wanted announcement. Unfortunately, this is exactly where she meets the killer and being killed. Kid’s innocence and killer’s cruelty reflect a distinctive comparison, which lay stress on the evil of murderer.
Becker’s shadow
“I have to roam the streets endlessly, always sensing that someone’s following me. It’s me! I’m shadowing myself!” Beckert’s monologue in the last part of this movie is the most unforgettable scene to me. Before the very end of this movie, the murderer is shaped as an absolute mob that causes great panic among all the society. Police and gangs both utilize the entire source in order to catch and punish this killer. His evil is so extreme that even can eliminate the opposite position between these two kinds of force, which represent the traditional justice and blackness. However, in the final part of the movie, when the killer is dragged into the basement being confronted by the citizens, he finally expresses himself as a psycho. He cannot escape the evil compulsions that control him and makes him a monster. Things become blur after his defence. He becomes a patient when he acts as a killer, so should we give him treatment to produce a nice person back to society or just execution to eradicate the hidden danger.
Fritz’s utilization of shadow to depict the creep figure of killer is so clever. Although Becker is the main character in this movie, most of his time on screen is in the form of shadow. Only in the end of the movie, his physical appearance reveals. This setting is so interesting if we regard the increasing physical presence as the trajectory from his shadow monster to the real him.
Police and the underworld
During the search for the killer, Fritz gives us series of parallel shots depicting conferences among police and the underworld. These two groups are so visually similar that I could hardly distinguish them. They sit around tables, smoke in the gloomy rooms and discuss the trail of killer. Their dialog can be even pieced together. I think this structure is kind of mock towards ineffectiveness of the government.
The killer uses candies and balloons to please kids and then kills them. The director Fritz Lang did not show the exact scene of the murder, but use the balloon, electric wire and the empty dinner plate to indicate the victim’s death. This kind of shooting method can be found in later crime movies as well.
M was Fritz Lang’s first sound movie but he was not that excited to make characters talking all the time. He left spaces for his camera to prowl through the streets and dives without any sound, which ease the tempo but actually draw more attention of audience.
M is not only a thriller, but also a meditation towards pathological human. As I discussed in the previous part, if we treat the illness to be the shadow of Becker, this shadow can be attached to every self in the society. If that happens, flushing one out of existence would be a problematic solution and so, caring these groups of psycho would not be simply about sympathy but a must-do of the society.


关于第一个,的确明确了我排斥的观念的是,印度纪录片《印度的女儿》,被害人被强暴(是暴力施暴结果致死)到肠子都出来了——几个犯罪者,几个被判死刑、司机判重刑,但有一个施暴者17岁、离18岁还差一到两个月就被判去少管所还是什么的,总之结果是一段时间后“被教育后”可以释放完好无损“的”回归社会……拜戴头套在媒体镜头前保护他呢~ 我设想的这套权力游戏规则,我设想的是也许过去曾经有有权力的人,亲身孩子犯了大罪,权力者当爹妈的想要给孩子个“改过自新”的机会、透过政治斗争的游戏手腕造就了这套法则。总之我认为,孩子还是不是孩子、本质是人能对自己的行为负责还是不能对自己行为负责,不是以年龄划分的,而人本身的行为,人本身就该负责。没有其它瞎扯,也不存在争论,是我的直觉,和对事理的常识,良知,让我知道这样才是对的。






2,这部三十年代的有声片是对电影技术的又一次成功的革命性尝试。除了影片中 人物的口哨声等并没有多余的配乐。却能在将近两个小时时间的电影中将情节近乎完美的衔接。

  《M就是凶手》观后感(八):黑道白道 盗亦有道

    “我要求把我交给警察 受法院的制裁……”
    “希望你们能多关心点被害人 多关心孩子”
ps 1.最开始影片中提到了变态抓小女孩并与她们发生性关系,结尾时变态自己也说只有做那事时才会内心平静。我觉得这是符合弗洛伊的那种“一切心理变态问题与精神问题都是从小受到性的影响”也就是将所有问题的源头都归咎到“性”。以前我对这种观点不是很认同,但是从影片看却是如此。


    随后叙述警察追捕稍显冗长,可以砍掉部分,随后发动的丐帮追捕实在有想象力,恐怕中国观众对此应该有些共鸣吧。随后在大楼里的围捕更是高潮的开始,演员彼得·洛 Peter Lorre眼睛实在是大,和牛眼睛有的一比,躲在杂物间惊恐的眼神实在惟妙惟肖,特别是当他在偷偷摸摸的开锁的时候,突然间发现门把手自己竟然自己动了,吓的他呆若木鸡,眼睛活脱脱要掉下来一样,演技之传神,让我看的真是大跌眼镜啊。要知道这是1931年的电影。就算拿到现在他也肯定是个实力派。
    最后公开批斗完全是彼得·洛 Peter Lorre一个人在秀。演技同样精彩绝伦。比起现在这个随便拉个歌星当影星或随便揪个花瓶当影帝的时代要强千百倍,要知道这是1931年的电影啊!没有特技,没有特效,没有现在的后期剪辑。完全就演员+剧本撑起来的,这应该就是一部电影最本质的东西吧。
      影片最后很有意思,群众要处死他,彼得·洛 Peter Lorre,为自己辩护了一大堆,批判他的人竟然还给他找了个律师,律师竟然说了:没有人可以杀人,就算国家也不可以,申请将他送给警察。最后彼得·洛 Peter Lorre被以法律之手逮捕。还出现了法庭审判。。。。更令人不可思的是1931年的德国竟然有精神病法,替他辩护的律师认为他有精神病,不应该负责人!!!!我的天啊!!!什么叫民主?1931年的民主。




