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2022-05-27 02:08:13 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《生命国界》是一部由拉杜·米哈伊列亚努执导,雅艾尔·阿贝卡西斯 / 罗什迪·泽姆 / Moshe Agazai主演的一部剧情类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。








  《生命国界》观后感(二):Que savez-vous des Juifs, et des Juifs éthiopiens?

  ur la croyance, l'amour, la tolérance. Et j'y apprends aussi un peu l'histoire des Juifs éthiopiens et l'Israël. J'ai adoré surtout la première partie du film. Bien sûr que le film est un peu "idéal" dans le sens où Salomon a rencontré beaucoup de gens bien qui l'ont aimé de toute essence, mais je crois que ce sont surtout l'amour, la différence, la cherche d'identité sur soi-même que le film veut mettre en évidence. Les sujets sont bien exploités et les acteurs s'y mettent, notamment Salomon enfance. Du coup, j'excuse ce côté quelquefois trop "rose" à mon goût habituel.

  《生命国界》观后感(三):live and become

  I read this film the night before my English course for a Bible study for review and relaxation. However, I am deeply touched by the story.

  With the heavy music, the suffering lives of the people in Ethiopia unfolded in front of our eyes. A mother asked her son to go, eventhough she knew that they might not see each other after this departing. She said to him, "go, live and become. "

  At the very beginning, he was afraid of adapting to the new life, he was afraid that if he changed his mother would not recognize him any more. However, just as the grandpa said, if there had not been risk, there would not be love.

  ew life did come, but there were also sufferings together with joy and love. Finally, he adapted into the new life but he never forgot his mother. Like what he said, Adam was red and alone, however, God was accompanied in the disguise of moon. In the same, he was here alone, but his mother was the moon in the sky watching him.

  Therefore, live and become, have some courage and confidence, you can go there, the kingdom of heaven, the real state of peace, joy and love.


  观后:「生命国界」揭示了一个沉重的话题:生命为什么要有国界。人类社会本就不大,大家都生活在一个地球村,为什么要人为的阻隔开来?人的生命本来就有限,为什么要有语言、肤色、种族、宗教,乃至国家的界限?而且界限的冲突,绵延数千年而不绝,界限的鸿沟,不减反增,任小小的我这片孤叶在狂风暴雨中吹打飘零。 怎样的力量才能让一个母亲眼睁睁地把儿子送给别人,从此天各一方?又是什么使得两个异国母亲收留一个素不相识的男孩?这就是《生命国界》要告诉我们的:爱无国界,生命永恒。不过,有一个痛苦的事实是,在这颗星球上,至少到目前为止,隔阂、歧视、迫害、杀戮还是那么多,也许大同世界永远只是个梦!


