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2018-01-13 21:39:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《情到深处》是一部由卡梅伦·克罗执导,约翰·库萨克 / 艾农·斯凯 / 约翰·马奥尼主演的一部喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情类型的电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《情到深处》观后感(一):Forget it,I don't care


  15年在岛上读书,美丽的Lenker小姐姐说“Jerry,you have to watch Say Anything", 我当然当天晚上就跑去看了~

  看到最后非常非常不开心,然后感叹自己竟然这么多年了感情观还是十七八岁那种想法,算是幼稚无聊高中生吧,因为我也很想问女主你只是需要个人陪还是什么?但是当John Cusack说出“Forget it,I don't care”时,我就觉得对啊,管他妈的,这就好啦,可惜这种精神很多时候很难应用到现实生活中,因为他说i don't care的前提是她得回来说i love you啊

  Ding,他们最后会圆满吗?nobody knows






  当然就跟故事的最后一样,少年的爱情故事总是没有结局的,我们只需要爱过也有get hurt过就好了。









  01:08:59 --> 我应该问问朋友们,可是他们能给我答案吗?

  [John] I should be like those guys who hang at the AM-PM or the Gas 'n' Sip. But do guys like that know the answers?

  [Buddy] No babe is worth it, you know? We'll teach you bibles of truths. You can't trust them. Know what it is?

  They spend your money and tell their friends. It's economics.

  You gotta find a girl who looks just like her...

  ...nail her and dump her.Get her off your mind.

  Diane Court is a show pony.You need a stallion, my friend.

  - Walk with us and walk tall.

  MAN: Walk tall.

  - Bitches, man!

  MAN: Give him a complex.

  - Dude, I better bail.

  MAN: Okay, man.

  - Later, Luke.

  - Be cool, man.

  [John] I got a question.If you know so much about women......why are you at a Gas 'n' Sip alone on a Saturday, with no women anywhere?


  [Buddy] - By choice, man.

  - It's a conscious choice.

  We're choosing to be here.

  - I'm choosing it.

  - Dude, where'd she dump you, man?

  [John] - My car.

  [Buddy]- Your car?

  - Dissed in the Malibu?

  - Oh, heinous!

  - That's your castle, man.

  - No chance with a girl like that.

  Hey, man. I was in love once, man.I got hurt really bad.

  I never wanna go through that again.

  - You're bringing me down!

  - Shut up, man!

  [Buddy] We're going to a kegger. We'd like you to come.

  We're gonna find you a babe, man. We're gonna find you one hot babe. Instantly! Promise! One hot babe for you!

  [John] I won't meet a girl like Diane at a kegger.

  he was different. We didn't even have to go out to go out. We'd just hang. The girl made me trust myself, man. I was walking around,feeling satisfied. Can you imagine that? And then she cuts me loose. I don't know why. She won't say.Who knows the reason?

  Maybe it's her father. She won't talk to me. Won't look at me.

  [Buddy] Come on!

  - Christ, what's up with you?

  - You're freaking out!

  - Chill, man!

  - You're wigging.

  lt;i>He's wigging, man</i>

  lt;i>He's wigging</i>

  I don't even feel that way

  about my car.

  lt;i>He's wigging every day</i>

  Dude, name a babe, okay?

  Any babe in Seattle. I'll set you up.

  [John] Diane Court!

  [Buddy] Dude, I can't do it, buddy.

  lt;i>Lloyd, Lloyd</i>

  lt;i>All null and void</i>

  lt;i>Listen to the truth</i>

  lt;i>You're trying to avoid, Lloyd</i>

  [John] That was a mistake. 找这群损友聊天就是个错误

  《情到深处》观后感(五):Something just breaks your heart...

  第二次看,发现,《独自等待》里夏雨去李冰冰的住所找她,并高举录音机那段是向这部电影致敬。也难怪,导演是个半老外,自然不会没有看过被Rotten Tomato奉为50部浪漫经典的Say Anything。事实上,我固执的认为,《独自等待》里的陈文和Lloyd不乏相似之处。

  The late 80s movie, with this special "brush font" title in the beginning, immediately set the tunes of this modern romance.

  With a speed boat in a trailer, the movie started its first scene facing the water, and then, roams to a house where there's three friends sitting together talking about their graduation. John Cusack as Lloyd Dobler, is trying to date the "brain", the seemingly unattainable class genius, Diane Court. And ready to take his second action.

  Despite everything his friends has warned, Llyod successfully asked Diane out and sooner they became boyfiend and girlfriend, until Diane's father got into some trouble (being investigated by the IRS for tax violation).

  Also, as a long-time friend, Jeremy Piven played a small part in this movie, as one of the other 4 guys hanging out at the 24-hour mart one night after Llyod broken up with Diane.

  After another desperate call, Lloyd showed up at Diane's house, and with a tape recorder in his hands raising high over his head, playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.

  Finally, two love birds get together on a plane to England.

  Well, this is a movie about love, family and traditional values in a modern society where there's a gap between the successful genius few and mess mediocres. We are living in a society where we can just give up or go for it no matter of what. The thing is, which route do you choose?

  orn in era of the rock & roll, aka the 60s, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, The Who, etc. John, Cusack started his career in the 80s, in movies like Better Off Dead and The Sure Thing. However, Say Anything brought him into fame, and later he was able to broaden his roles as an actor, in various movies, as The Grifters. And rolling down on his resume, you might be surprised by how industrious he is along his career path, except 1995 he has been working on at least one film per year, sometimes 4. And his new films Shanghai is in post-production.




  一个是父母不在身边,一个是单亲,他让姐姐gets a good mood,她也看到了母亲重新找到了另一半。男生遇到了每个人都会遇到的毕业职业选择和爱情,女生则是在爱情和信任父亲而要去英国留学的选择中徘徊,其中穿插了一段摆脱渣男的遭遇,谁能不遇到几个渣男呢。


  just take this pan please and write to me.

  o body really think it can work,do they?




