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2018-03-17 20:23:01 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《鲨鱼黑帮》是一部由罗伯·莱特曼 / 维基·詹森 / Bibo Bergeron执导,威尔·史密斯 / 罗伯特·德尼罗 / 蕾妮·齐薇格主演的一部喜剧 / 动画 / 冒险类型电影文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众观后感希望对大家能有帮助



  看预览时看到了一群鲨鱼 很兴奋有这样的人设的动画

  可是看了动画才知道 真正的主角是那条小丑鱼oscar而不是鲨鱼Lenny... Lenny是个配角~



  oscar是美国文化中 那种街头的说唱小子 oscar还有其他三条小鱼都喜欢到处涂鸦 这点很有意思!~

  oscar的同事Angie喜欢他 什么都帮他 他却只把Angie当最好的朋友...


  中途却遇上了赌马场 没脑子的oscar竟然把珍珠拿去赌了 这种事情永远只有两个结果,一个一举成名,一个低落低谷.

  这两个结果中 编剧选择了让oscar输了.

  于是老板恼羞成怒 把oscar沉入海底.

  老板skyes的两个手下是水母兄弟 一碰到别人都会被电 虐待oscar就是电他~

  这时Lenny才真正进入戏中...虽然一开始就有Lenny一家镜头 但是一晃就过去了...

  Lenny是素食者 一吃肉就会想吐 不像其他凶恶的鲨鱼!这是个非常有创意的点

  Lenny的父亲lino和哥哥Frankie要把Lenny训练成一条真正的鲨鱼 而被捆绑在海底的oscar正是目标

  而在这个时候 Frankie非常无辜可怜的被一个锚给弄死了


  然后oscar在自己的故乡成了名人 城镇护卫队队长 出尽了风头 得到了敬仰 收尽了好处...好不要脸的主角...



  虽然看了众多的电影众多的书之后 明白编剧总要狠心一点 但还是觉得Frankie很无辜....

  Lenny因为内疚 离家出走 去了oscar的新家 改装画面 假扮成海豚去鲸鱼厂工作 这又是一个亮点!非常有想法有创意

  珊瑚礁区里鲸鱼就像是生活中的公车 不过好像只作广告


  Lenny把事实真相告诉了Angie Angie告诉了oscar自己喜欢那个没有出息的他 很生气离开了oscar

  Lenny说话很可爱 说的都是英文中小孩子用的词汇 “snuggly,buggly”

  坐着也不安分 扭来扭去的

  不仅不吃肉不杀生 而且还把父亲lino给他的餐桌上的小虾给放生了 这个鲨鱼太可爱了!!!

  lino听说了oscar是杀害Frankie的凶手 派了鲨鱼们和八爪鱼去调查 结果全部鲨鱼看到oscar都害怕~

  还有oscar和Lenny上演了一出 oscar无比强大 把Lenny打入海底的戏 使得鲨鱼们逃命般得离开了~

  后来 lino追杀oscar到了洗鲸鱼厂 被oscar用机器困住 给lino好好的洗了一下

  oscar也说出了事实的真相 Frankie不是自己杀的 自己不是鲨鱼猎杀者 不是英雄

  lino也接受了Frankie已死和Lenny是素食者的事实 父子终归于好

  于是oscar和lino(他是黑帮老大)达成了协议 珊瑚礁区从此以后不用再担心鲨鱼的攻击 于是oscar还是英雄

  并且鲨鱼们成了洗鲸鱼厂的常客 就像平时人们喜欢把自己的车弄些花纹 贴些车贴一样

  最最受人们喜欢的一点 最主流 也就是最俗的一点 莫过于Angie回到oscar的身边 两人相爱了~ (个人不大喜欢这么主流 这么遵照常规套路 最爱还是僵尸新娘男主角还给他原来的新娘子 自己非常伟大但是又凄凉的离开了...)

  大团圆结局 有一个搞笑的画面 lino和Lenny拥抱的画面 还有oscar和Angie拥抱的画面 和感人 于是oscar的老板也感动落泪 和他的两个手下水母兄弟拥抱 结果不用想也知道 老板被电到了~

  《鲨鱼黑帮》观后感(二):116 Holly

  As is vividly discribed about love affection,kinship and reality socialized in above movie ,called 'shark tale', it is a interesting adventure comedy cartoon as well as a reflect humanity great movie,you worth to enjoy it .

  it is discribed Lino ,the shark head of reactionaer gang who have two sons,franky and ranney.he is rather like better franky than ranney and disappoint at ranney due to ranney is an vegetarian. on the orther main role, Oscar is a crubber tiddle in lower position, he was responsible for clear whale's mouth rubbishs every day. in a one day.franky and ranney came to the tiddle gangs and discover their food -- Oscar,so franky try to attack Oscar ,but in this process franky died from an anchor unfortuately, so Oscar became a 'shark killer' hero accidently,while he enjoyed good reputation and wealth in tiddle gangs ,in addtion, he make a good friend with ranney ,and them ,they join a shark killer live program to cheat the public which the hero--Oscar became a superstar,but the happy days do not last long, Oscar suffered chased by LIno,but in this process Oscar defuse confict the nervous relationship between Lino and ranney ...

  《鲨鱼黑帮》观后感(三):This is my comment of movie

  After saw the movie, I can got a lot of knowledges, I had a deep impression of OSCAR, Which i realized how to behave.

  First, if you do something wrong, you maybe to use a variety of reasons to go on lie, and than you will hurt your friends or family.

  econdly, we do something wrong, we need to brave to admit a fault.

  Finally, we should learn from oscar to say sorry to everybody, and OSCAR is a good example for us. (sibyl)






  《鲨鱼黑帮》观后感(五):shark tale

  After wath the movie,I think it is interesting and fun,As a father,The shark love his son very much,but he is not goodness,the little fish like to lie,so this lie always brought him a lot of trouble.the little shark is goodness,as a shark,but he do not like to eat little fish,and they can be good friend,just the beginning of the panoramic momentum of the city,the human worid and the seabed life perfect combination,and the same time to shou the details of humor.let a person laugh and comfortable. Rosa


  Last week ,we saw a film called Shark Tale.this movice happended in the unerdwater world and talked about a shark(Leney) and a little fish (Oscar)

  Leny is a vegeterian but his farther want leny to be a real shark and try to push leny te eat other fishes .leny can’t fo this and run away from home .after that ,he me t some fishes and made good friends with them.

  Every figures in this film has their own traits .such as Oscar ,he ilooks bad outside but good inside,he is nobody and trt to be somebody.Angel one of best friends of Oscar ,she is lovely and nice .she has a crush on oscar ,but he didn;t kown at start .Franky .the brother of leny ,even ihe libed in gang's family ,he was a good brother .unfoyunately he died in an accident when he taught leny to eat fishes .Lola a beautiful lady but shallow .the plot of this film is east to understand and the scence of this cartoon movieis colorful vivid and can draw people's eyes easily.the pronunciation of each figures are quitely clear ,in addition ,i learned some oral englishi from this movie .it's really worth watching (Joanna 116)




  特别是章鱼一不小心播放Sir Mix-A-Lot的打碟RAP《Baby Got Back》:

  I like big butts I cannot lie...(我喜欢大屁股~哈哈哈)


  还有Mary J. Blige唱的《Got To Be Real》(奥斯卡发达了坐电梯上摩天大楼时的插曲)

  拜金女萝拉出场时的《Gold Digger》 - (with Ludacris/Lil' Fate/Bobby V) (拜金女)





  《鲨鱼黑帮》观后感(八):shark tale

  After wath the movie,I think it is interesting and fun,As a father,The shark love his son very much,but he is not goodness,the little fish like to lie,so this lie always brought him a lot of trouble.the little shark is goodness,as a shark,but he do not like to eat little fish,and they can be good friend,just the beginning of the panoramic momentum of the city,the human worid and the seabed life perfect combination,and the same time to shou the details of humor.let a person laugh and comfortable. Rosa

  《鲨鱼黑帮》观后感(九):Shark Tale Review

  After watching the movie-Shark Tale,i learn a lot from it.The movie is mainly talks about the life between shark and fish.Oscar,is a ordinary fish,in other words,he is a nobody,but he always want to be a somebody.when he becomes somebody,he lies and then he loses his friends.But finally he changes himself and get a good ending with Angie. Angie is a girl who are very modest and simple.She always work hard in silence and she is very positive about life.Laney,is a shark,but he is different from others-he is a vegetarian.However,his father forces him to be a real shark,his brother advises him to obey his father in order to avoid the anger of his father.But he doesn't wanna do that and then the dead of his brother,Franky is happened accidently.Laney is very sad and won't want to come back to his family.He hides in somewhere.Later,he comes across with Oscar and live with him happily. In my opinion,i think this movie has really reflected the modern society.In our real world,we should have a positive attitude to face with our life so that we can be happy everyday.And don't live with more pressure,it will make us disappointed with our life.

  Amy 11(6)










