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《Learned Optimism》读后感10篇

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《Learned Optimism》读后感10篇

  《Learned Optimism》是一本由Martin E. P. Seligman著作,Vintage出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 15.95,页数:319,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Learned Optimism》读后感(一):乐观原来是很靠谱的—Learned Optimism 简介


  One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think.”

  —Martin Seligman



  积极心理学(positive psychology,台湾和香港分别翻译为正向心理学和正面心理学)之父Martin Seligman教授在Learned Optimism这本书中,为我们层层深入地提供了详细的答案。他认为乐观不是我们通常认为的积极性思考,也不是对自己说肯定的话,而是我们在遇到挫折的时候所用的“非负面思考”(non-negative thinking)的方式,也就是改变具有摧毁力量的自我想法。一个人是乐观还是悲观取决于他怎样解释(interpret) 生活中遇到的不如意之事。通过学习一系列认知的方法和技巧,悲观者可以转变为乐观者。这也是本书的副标题—如何改变你的想法和生活 (How to Change Your Mind and Your Life),所要表达的意思。

  这本于1991年首次出版的书,是Seligman教授从事相关研究近25年后获得的成果,出版后广受大众欢迎,多次再版,至今仍然是畅销书。在2005版的序言中,Seligman教授提到,正是这本书的广受欢迎,使得他能在1996年以史上最高票当选美国心理协会(APA)主席。这本书也为如今方兴未艾的积极心理学提供了思想基础,也是形成积极心理学的三部曲中的首部 (其他两部分别为The Optimistic Child 和 Authentic happiness)。






  《Learned Optimism》读后感(二):很学术的心理学科普书

  对Martin Selegman感兴趣是看过Tal在哈佛的著名的“幸福课”后的事情。

  这个名字Tal提到了无数遍。一查Martin Selegman的简历,心理学界大神啊。于是下决心买本他的书看下。

  之前也在TED上看过他的讲课,和Tal生动形象的风格不太一样,Martin Seligman的学术气更浓一点。



  《Learned Optimism》读后感(三):leaned optimism 读书笔记

  终于明白, 若要在成功的路上走的更远, 只有能力, 只有成功的愿心 是不够的, 而且远远不够。 必须加上乐观。 没有乐观, 就像那只被训练过的大象, 被小小的木桩栓住。 因它已经从小就被训练出了不能挣脱的悲观性无助, 已经不再尝试去挣脱。

  我们每天都在成长, 也就是说, 我们每天突破自我瓶颈的几率都在增加。 所以, 不要把过去的失败变成束缚自己的枷锁, 而用自己的努力增加自己挣脱自我的乐观。

  方法呢, 当然就是书里提到的ABCDE了。 Adversity, Belief, Consequence, Disputation, Energizing. 失败或挫折需要客观的个体性客观分析, 不能归结为不可变的个人性永久因素。

  有了乐观, 你的路上会洒满阳光。

  唯一的提醒是, 不要过于乐观,不要过到simple and naive的程度。 适当switch到悲观看一下灰色世界。 人是形形色色的人, 并不都是善主。 事也是形形色色的事, 再从中提取到对个人的有利之处外, 也要看看是否其中埋藏恶意的alternate motive.

  往最好的方向努力, 从最坏的情况考虑。 这样才考虑周全, 结果完美。


  《Learned Optimism》读后感(四):Summary

  1 resilience. Positivity can be learned.

  quot;According to Hiroto's findings, one out of every three people whom he had tried to make helpless did not succumb. That was powerfully significant. One out of three of our animals, too, did not become helpless following inescapable shock."

  quot;About one in ten of the people who received no shock just sat in the "shuttlebox" from the outset, not moving, doing nothing about the aggravating noise. This again was a strong parallel to our animal tests. One in ten of our animals also was helpless from the start."

  2 "THERE ARE three crucial dimensions to your explanatory style: permanence, pervasiveness, and personalization"

  These are three dimensions that characterize the differences between optimism and pessimism. I keep asking this question: where is realism? Here's an example: suppose I got an F for my psychology class. A pessimist would think of a pervasive, permanent, an pessimist explanation like "I am a failure." A optimist would say " The teacher is unfair." Both explanation is a distortion of reality. Seligman is thinking in the way as if reality were irrelevant.

  I, as a realist, would say: I did badly on this course.

  3 "Study after study has found that during the twentieth century, depression has struck women more frequently than men. The ratio is now two to one."

  quot;Women thought and analyzed their mood; men distracted themselves".


  Cognitive Therapy and Depression

  Cognitive therapy uses five tactics.

  First, you learn to recognize the automatic thoughts flitting through your consciousness at the times you feel worst.

  econd, you learn to dispute the automatic thoughts by marshaling contrary evidence.

  Third, you learn to make different explanations, called reattributions, and use them to dispute your automatic thoughts.

  Fourth, you learn how to distract yourself from depressing thoughts.

  Fifth, you learn to recognize and question the depression-sowing assumptions governing so much of what you do.


  The explanatory-style theory of success says that in order to choose people for success in a challenging job, you need to select for three characteristics: I. aptitude 2. motivation 3. optimism All three determine success.


  quot;It's a disturbing idea, that depressed people see reality correctly while nondepressed people distort reality in a self-serving way.

  There is considerable evidence that depressed people, though sadder, are wiser.

  erhaps what we have considered good therapy for a depressed patient merely nurtures benign illusions, making the patient think his world is better than it actually is. The button pressing experiment.

  On average, optimistic people will distort reality and pessimists, as Ambrose Bierce defined them, will "see the world aright."

  Why don't we just put realism in the equation?

  quot;Evolution, however, has also given us our ancestors' Pleistocene brain. Through it come the naggings of pessimism: Success is fleeting; danger lurks around the next comer; tragedy awaits us; optimism is hubris. But the brain that accurately mirrored the grim realities of the ice ages now lags behind the less grim realities of modem life."


  quot;the girls gave permanent and pervasive explanations for their failures; the boys, on the other hand, gave much more hopeful explanations-temporary, specific, and changeable"

  quot;we learn our explanatory style from our mothers."

  quot;the reality of the crises we go through as children shapes our optimism"

  O WE HAVE evidence for three kinds of influences on your child's explanatory style. First, the form of the everyday causal analyses he hears from you-especially if you are his mother: If yours are optimistic, his will be too. Second, the form of the criticisms he hears when he fails: If they are permanent and pervasive, his view of himself will tum toward pessimism. Third, the reality of his early losses and traumas: If they remit, he will develop the theory that bad events can be changed and conquered. But if they are, in fact, permanent and pervasive, the seeds of hopelessness have been deeply planted.


  quot;I think "talent" is vastly overrated. Not only is talent imperfectly measured, not only is it an imperfect predictor of success, but also the traditional wisdom is wrong. It leaves out a factor that can compensate for low scores or greatly diminish the accomplishments of highly talented people: explanatory style."


  Guidelines for using optimism: the ABCs - adversity, beliefs, consequence.

  How to deal with pessimism: distraction and disputation.

  《Learned Optimism》读后感(五):3Ps-Sheryl Sandberg伯克利分校毕业演讲

  ermanence: Optimistic people believe bad events to be more temporary than permanent and bounce back quickly from failure, whereas others may take longer periods to recover or may never recover. They also believe good things happen for reasons that are permanent, rather than seeing the transient nature of positive events. Optimists point to specific temporary causes for negative events; pessimists point to permanent causes.

  ervasiveness: Optimistic people compartmentalize helplessness, whereas pessimistic people assume that failure in one area of life means failure in life as a whole. Optimistic people also allow good events to brighten every area of their lives rather than just the particular area in which the event occurred.

  ersonalization: Optimists blame bad events on causes outside of themselves, whereas pessimists blame themselves for events that occur. Optimists are therefore generally more confident. Optimists also quickly internalize positive events while pessimists externalize them.


