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2021-10-26 08:30:49 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《之后3》是一部由卡斯蒂利·兰登执导,约瑟芬·兰福德 / 赫洛·费因斯-提芬 / 路易丝·隆巴德主演的一部剧情类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。


  三部选了好几个吸血鬼日记的演员 上一部Caroline 这一部Lexi 结尾那首歌还是吸血鬼日记最终季结尾插曲Never Say Never

  跑题了 总而言之 颜值能打



  仅仅因为她对前任有过动心瞬间就气的夺门而走跟别的女生出去?就算那个女生是同性恋也不太合适吧….这操作真的很下头 如果对前任一点感觉都没有还在一起那么久 那不是扯吗

  他可以跟之前的旧友在餐厅碰见叙旧 女主跟服务员点餐说话打趣 服务员就因此被哈登撞了一下 好无语啊好无语 咱们就是说原生家庭对他产生的一些影响 跟这种人相处真的很pain 女主快逃啊!?


  《之后》系列电影的第三部,之前两部都是市场商业片大火。。。所以制作方决定再接再厉再搞起来! 据说最后一部叫《After Ever Happy》

  本作由 Castille Landon 执导,同样改编自 Anna Todd 的同名小说。书接上文,Hardin 和 Tessa 搬到一起共同生活,两人约定:彼此没有秘密。。。。。然而,最终他们发现现实非常骨感。。。。。

  片中 Tessa 依旧困于其过往的经历遭遇,而 Hardin 则亦然感情脆弱。。。。。在片中两人问题彼此纠缠、纠结,威胁彼此情感纽带。。。。。

  There is no significant plot point, and it takes a considerable amount of forced effort to make frivolous conflicts seem unsurmountable. The characters are far from explored, and the narrative suffers from a slump of authentic ideas. The intimate moments are not potent enough, and there is a general lack of fervor in the film’s tonality. Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin, as Tessa and Hardin, respectively, are not given much to play with.

  Even the atmospherics and the conflicting situations do not fill the lacuna. The only saving grace for the After series and the reason behind its commercial success was that the makers knew how to tap into the teenage emotions and create reveries and nurture a yearning for it. But this time, the film loses the only X factor that helped it stay afloat till now.



