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《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感10篇

2017-11-18 22:45:22 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感10篇

  《84, Charing Cross Road》是一本由Helene Hanff著作,Penguin (Non-Classics)出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD13.00,页数:112,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感(一):動人的段落 (寫於2008年8月29日)

84, Charing Cross Road was no bestseller, you understand; it didn't make me rich or famous. It just got me hundreds of letters and phone calls from people I never knew existed; it got me wonderful reviews; it restored a self-confidence and self-esteem I'd lost somewhere along the way, God knows how many years ago. --- Helene Hanff

  《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感(二):If you happen to pass by 84 charling cross road, kiss it for me! I owe it so much!

It is strange that two person who never met in their whole life became true friends in 20 years. From this book, I believe that there are some kind of invisible spiritual bonding among people, and those powerful magic can drive each one to eventually find their own soul mate or Mr. right. Also, just purely from their correspondence letters, readers from anywhere can perfectly see each characters' personality, and be touched by their long-lasting bonding. That is the supreme beauty of words, I believe. In the end, I am always touched by Helene's words like, "Frank, you are the only living soul who actually understands me". And always be moved to see that when Helene eventually was able to get to London, Frank was not able to see that happen......Unlike viewing it as romance, I regard it as a pure friendship and enthusiasm for finding soul-mate. And that just lifted the book to a higher level.

  《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感(三):爱书人的圣经?

在kindle封面推荐看到此书,又看到豆瓣评论人数还不算少,分数也不算低,而且还有改编的电影和话剧。还有那句“爱书人的圣经”。于是找来了中英两个版本。英文本看到三分之一都没能看出什么兴趣来。于是去翻中文本,第一篇序言看的有些云里雾里不知所云,后面附录两篇也不是很有共鸣。但是,还是回头把英文本读完了。直至读到最后一句,“If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me? I owe it so much. ”总算有了一些感觉,也不算白读吧。或许我算不上爱书之人,或许生活于实体书店时代的人会有更深认同?但是爱书人的圣经实在不是一个贴切的比喻。love affair 也让人误解。不过既然已经看了,改天有机会就去看看电影吧。

  《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感(四):A charming little book

When I think about charming little book, “the importance of being Ernest” by Oscar Wilde comes to mind. “84 Charing Cross Road” is another charming little book. The physical copy is slim (less than 100 pages) and small, yet very intimate.
The book is the collection of letters exchanged between Helene Hanff, “a poor writer with an antiquarian taste in books” in NYC, and Frank Dole, a staff from Marks & Co., “an antiuarian bookseller” in London, in a span of 20 years (1949-1969). It started out like usual business correspondence, Miss Hanff wanted to see whether the bookshop could solve her “most pressing problems”, namely, any cheap clean secondhand copies of the books she wanted. It then became gradually personal, they became pen mates and friends, and the topics ranged from books to other more general things in life, like family, friends, and coworkers. The correspondence also included letters written by other people in the circle, such as Frank’s wife, the old lady who gave Helene the gift of embroidered cloth, and other staff at the bookshop.
All the letters were short, some better written than others, but the personalities of their authors were so evident. Helene was intelligent, has a sense of humor, and more outgoing in her letters, whereas Frank is more calm, with English gentleman’s coolness all around him. The letters served as snapshots, and we had glimpses of their life’s along the way. For example, we noticed the hard life in the postwar London where food and other everyday supplies were rationed, and Helene’s generosity of sending meats and tins as gifts across the Atlantic; we felt Helene’s struggle as a starting out freelance writer in NYC; we were enchanted by her love for the books, the physicality of the book -”the Stevenson is so fine it embarrasses my orange-crate bookshelves, I am almost afraid to handle such soft vellum and heavy cream-colored pages. Being used to the dead-white paper and stiff cardboardy covers of American books, I never knew a book could be such a joy to touch”, the love of reading – “I love inscriptions on fly leaves and notes in the margins, I like the comradely sense of turning pages someone else turned, and reading passages some one long gone has called my attention to.”
And for the bookshop itself? “It is the loveliest old shop straight out of Dickens…it is dim inside, you smell the shop before you see it, it’s a lovely smell, …. It combines must and dust and she, and walls of wood and floors of wood.”
We share her dream of London-”a newspaper man I know, who was stationed in London during the war, says tourists go to England with preconceived notions, so they always find exactly what they go looking for. I told him I’d go looking for the England of English literature, and he said: ‘then it’s there.’” She so wanted to see her bookshop, yet unable to in the end, therefore the two never met, but I guess their souls have, most certainly, through the letters they wrote each other.
List of books mentioned
Selected essays Hazlitt, Nonesuch ed.
Virginbus Purisque.
Stevenson Leigh Hunt essays
Volume II of the Works and Life of Walter Savage Landor
Oxford book of English verse
John Henry Newman – Idea of a university
Sam Pepy – diary
The Quiller-Couch Anthology,
the Pilgrim’s way
Eighteenth century essays
Walton’s Complete Angler
Pride and Prejudice
The booklover’s anthology
De Tocqueville’s Journey to America
Tristram Shandy with the Robb illustrations
Four Socratic Dialogues by Plato
Wind in the willows
Lamb’s a Essays of Elia
Canterbury tales
The complete poetry and selected prose of John Donne and the complete poetry of William Blake
Memoirs of the Duke de Saint-Simon
A house is not a home by Polly Adler
Common reader by Virginia Woolf
Diary of a Provincial Lady by E.M. Delafield

  《84, Charing Cross Road》读后感(五):一个傲娇的女主顾和一个粉红水晶萌萌心书店

彼时我在英格兰,为了朝圣,去了贝克街,去了bath,就算房间再小,地方再不起眼,却还是有种愿望达成的喜悦,恨未能早日读此书,便能再去84, charing cross road看一看,虽如今只余牌子一块聊以纪念。


