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  不仅如此,小农经济在面对资本主义资本积累的时候还有另外一个优势,就是“无剥夺的积累”。这是阿里吉从吉莉安.哈特《去全球化》(Disabling Globalization)一书中借用的观点。在这本书里,哈特比较了南非和中国的工业化过程。她发现,在南非,大量没有土地的黑人离乡背井,当他们变成产业工人的时候,由于没有了土地的保障,要保证他们的生计,工厂就必须支付较高的工资;在中国,由于农民拥有土地,他们对工资的要求就较低,因此中国工业化的成本比较低。南非的工业化是一个黑人遭受剥夺条件下的资本积累过程,而中国的工业化是一个无剥夺的资本积累过程。




  乔万尼·阿里吉(Giovanni Arrighi)








  文·佩里·安德森 海裔








  为什么我要提这个问题呢?阿里吉在分析清朝中期的经济政策的时候,没有提一项重要的制度设置:清朝仍然坚持了历代以来对于商人政治地位的限制。商人和他们的子弟不能考科举,不能成为政府官员,如果想当官,他们只能转为地主。在中国,这是一项非常重要的政策,它鼓励资本回流到农业领域,而这正是亚当·斯密想要的效果。但亚当·斯密会支持这样一项制度吗?显然,他不是资本家的同盟军。他警告他的读者,要小心资本的使用者(capital holders)忽悠公众,将小集团的利益说成公共利益;他甚至建议,法律上必须抑制他们抱团搞垄断,甚至对他们搞慈善事业都要提防,因为一旦互通声气,就有搞垄断的可能。但是,他会建议限制商人们获得政治权力吗?他会赞成让地主而非资本家来掌控政治权力吗?这点似乎并不明朗。


  此外,阿里吉也没有明确认定资本主义国家的门槛标准。他承认对于本届中国政府很难判断。首先是时间太短,资料不够。但是更为关键的问题是,他没有给出一个操作性的门槛标准(operational threshold),去认定一个政府是否已经被资本家所“俘获”。他对于“社会主义新农村建设”的讨论也比较简单。对于一个认定当今中国政府已经被资本家“俘获”的人来说,“社会主义新农村建设”何尝不可以解释为资本家为了“可持续剥削”而采取的做法呢?










  你和你的集体对于《亚当·斯密在北京》的评论让我印象极其深刻,所有观察都很敏锐。我非常同意你的如下几点:1.日本;2.科举制度——斯密肯定会批评这个考试制度需要太多的非实践性的学识;3.剥夺式积累;4. 你非常精彩地以“门槛”这个词提出来的“资本主义”认定标准问题,这一说法我以前从没有看过。至于5. 休克疗法,我想斯密对于它的反对表明了斯密的保守个性。在他一生中,他从逻辑上会支持的重大治疗是废除奴隶制,但从政治上来看,很明显他并没有这样做——我们不应该将他理想化。至于5. 改革时代,我怀疑人们可以将你的“操作性门槛”的概念也用于思考新自由主义概念在多大程度上可用于分析改革整体。





  2009年6月29日, 星期一

  (佩里·安德森,加州大学洛杉矶分校历史系教授 。海裔,加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学博士、北京大学法学院讲师)











  《亚当·斯密在北京》读后感(五):Critical Book Review

  OLS 1120 Introduction to Political Economy

  Instructed by Professor Michael E. DeGolyer

  Critical Book Review

  lt;Adam Smith in Beijing:Lineages of Twenty-first Cenury>

  y Giovanni Arrighi

  (Publ Info:London;NewYork: Verso, 2007

  Call:330.951 Ar694A 2007)

  Reviewed by

  Jiang TianYi Peterson


  Hong Kong Baptist University

  ov 2013

  *Special Thanks to Mehmet SOYLEMEZ for his kind and informative instructions


  lt;Adam Smith in Beijing:Lineages of the Twenty First Century> is a book written by Giovanni Arrighi in the year of 2007. It widely received recognition from both inside and outside of the field of political economy ever since its publication. Giovanni Arrighi was an Italian scholar with interest in geopolitics and used to be the professor of sociology at the University of John Hopkins.. In this book, he mainly argued the following thesis, China has undertaken a distinct developmental path as opposed to the western one, which is more in line with the natural path that Adam Smith has described in his book <The Wealth of Nations>. Some scholars claimed it to be “the best book yet on what he rightly sees as the most significant development in this century”[ Richard Lachmann, “A Chinese World System, Agian?” Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 2 (March 2010).p. 135

  ] while others thought the original theory developed in his book based on Adam Smith was “too optimistic”[ Fabio Massimo Parenti, “ Book review: Arrighi, G. 2007: Adam Smith in beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century.” Progress in Human Geography, 34(2) (2010), p. 268


  The following passage will be a critical review of this book and it will be divided into four sections: In the first section, I tried to recount the main points that Giovanni has made in 4 parts of the book. More attention would be put on the first part, the “Adam Smith” part, and the last part, the “Beijing” part. The second section is the comparative analysis in which I chose a chapter from David Harvey’s book to compare it with the last chapter in <Adam Smith in Beijing>.The third section would be the footnotes check part, I traced the original works from Adam Smith, Henry Kissinger, E.G. West, R.J Samuelson and Rober D. Kaplan respectively to check the accuracy of Giovanni’s citations. The last section would be dedicated to the review of the reviews from LinSun Cheng, Peter R. Moody and Eric Sheppard.

  1. General review of the book

  art I Adam Smith and the New Asian Age

  This part laid down the theoretical underpinnings for the whole book. Giovanni first began by surveying the theory of Brenner, Harvey,Wong, Frank, and Pomeranz to provide the basis for understanding Great Divergence. However, Giovanni finally chose the theory by Sugihara as the foundation for his argument, “The central argument of this book is a revised and expanded version of this thesis”. The primary reason propelled him to choose Sugihara’s thesis was that it pointed out the “distinct technological and institutional path “ which China had undertaken for its own development . The following chapters of the this part focused on the reexamination of Adam Smith’s thoughts. In relation to the “distinct path” identified by Sugihara , Adam Smith actually claimed even before him that the East Asian developmental path represented by China is in strict contract with that of the Western developmental path represented by Holland. Adam Smith termed the former developmental path with “natural” , the latter with “unnatural”.It was natural in the sense that “the greater capital is first directed to agriculture, afterwards to manufactures, and last of all to foreign commerce”. By the same token, from the historical viewpoint, western developmental path was an path with an inverse developmental order. It is largely based on this notion that Giovanni claimed Adam Smith was in Beijing. Apart from this central contention, Giovanni also moved on to pointed out several common mistakes in understanding the contentions made in <The Wealth of Nations> : (a) In contrary to what most people think, Adam Smith was not an advocate of self-regulating markets. He holds the market as instrument of government . (b) “Falling rate of profit” was not Marx’s idea but Smith’s . (c) He was not the advocate of the division of labor described in the first chapter of <The wealth of nations> [ Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century., (London;New York: Verso, 2007) pp.22,27,39,33,57,42,50]. (d) As mentioned above, the distinction between “natural” and “unnatural” developmental path. (e) National defense should override national economic development. The writer concluded the this part by incorporating the theory of Sugihara with that of Adam Smith into his own original thesis which he will further elaborate with empirical examples in the final part of the book.

  art II Tracking global turbulence

  Just as the title of the chapter signified, this part mainly tracks the historical period preceded the proclamation of the Project for a New American Century and China’s economic ascent. Giovanni traced the growing turbulence of that stage mainly to “over-production” which led to the later crisis of hegemony, though he claimed this attribution was “far from perfect”. Here he distinguished “signal crisis” of hegemony with “terminal crisis” of hegemony. Based on these two notions, he claimed that “in the wake of September 11, have precipitated the terminal crisis of US hegemony and consolidated China’s leadership of the East Asian economic renaissance”

  art III Hegemony Unraveling

  This part analyzes the debacle of Bush administration’s adoption of the Project for a New American Century. It identified China as the true winner of the terror war on Iraq (P261)[ Ibid., pp 63,166,151,261]

  art IV Lineages of the New Asian Age

  In this part, Giovanni first identified three representative prediction on future Sino-US relations. Respectively, I summarized them as: “Cold War”, “Strategic Confrontation” and “Happy Third”. Giovanni argued that their conclusions are all derived from a weak premise which assumed China has undertaken the same path as western countries did to develop. However, as what he have established in the Part I of the book, The purpose of this chapter is to show that, not just China, but the “entire East Asian system of interstate relations has been characterized by a long-term dynamic that contrasts sharply with the Western dynamic on which Mearsheimer’s theory is based “.

  There are two fundamental differences between Eastern path and the Western one: First, “near absence of intra-systemic military competition and extra-systemic geographical expansion” Second, “The absence of any tendency among East Asian states to build overseas empires in competition with one another and to engage in an armament race in any way comparable to the European” Later in the chapter, apart from the “natural” characteristics stated in the earlier parts of the book, Giovanni mainly made three important contentions: first, as opposed to the reasons neo-liberalism economists have given for the rise of China, Giovanni attributed the ascent to the “high quality” of the labor force. Second, the market system was formed naturally in China and with it as the center, it developed well into a coherent structure across the broader East Asia, before the intrusion of western imperials. Third, though Chinese capitalist diasporas contributed largely to the shape of initial capitalist development in China, Giovanni rejected the inference that it could be taken as a prove of emergence of capitalist development path within the country. “unless the state has been subordinated to their class interest, the market economy remains non-capitalist. “According to him, this subordination did not happen in history. But I think this assertion is too assertive since Giovanni did not come up with concrete criteria of this subordination, say, the method that could be undertaken to measure the extent to which the state has subordinated to the class interest.[ Ibid., pp 313,316,332]

  In the next part, I will focus on the last chapter of Part IV and compare it with another chapter written by a leading Neo-liberalism economist David Harvey.

  2 Comparative analysis

  For the comparative analysis part, I selected a chapter “Neoliberalism ‘with Chinese Characteristics’” from David Harvey’s book <A Brief History of Neoliberalism>. Two reasons made me choose this chapter, first , Giovanni mentioned specifically this chapter in his book but later battled it down with his own analysis. So I am curious about what David Harvey have said in his original work. The second reason is that David Harvey is a representative figure for a group of western economists employing neo-liberalism viewpoints at understanding Chinese ascent, and their voice has increasingly become the dominant one within the field of the subject.

  Let me commence the analysis with David Harvey, who traced the driving force of Chinese ascent back to the “Reform and open” policy in which three factors, “market forces”, “open to foreign trade” and “cheap labor” played significant roles in shaping the developmental path of China. Based on the identifications with these features, David further claimed that neo-liberalism has found its place in China.[ David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, (Oxford;GBR: Oxford University Press, 2007) pp. 120,130]

  Giovanni admitted the presence of open market in China, especially when compared to to its neighbor Japan, but he rejected the inference that “China has thereby adhered to the neo-liberal prescriptions of the Washington Consensus”. Instead, Giovanni attributed to the “High quality labor reserves”[ Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century., (London;New York: Verso, 2007) pp.351,354] for the rise of China.One important thing needs to be noted here is that he agreed with David that the pool of labor is relatively large in China, but he distinguished his argument from David’s in that it was not because of the quantity of the labor but the quality of the labor that made China a special case. He argued that countries in Africa, Latin America or India all have pretty huge reserve of labor, but none of them could emulate the development of China. In the later part of the chapter, Giovanni attached a

  Figure 1 Adult Literacy rate, 1970-2000 [ Source: calculation based on adult literacy rates from United Nations Population Divison 2005.]

  figure graph (Above, figure 1) to show the disparities of the literacy rate between the countries or regions mentioned above in opposition to China.

  Rural migrants, for David, is the major component of the pool of labor reserve. He traced back the historical accumulation of the population of this group with concrete supportive data as well as their corresponding developing stages. But as for the quality of this labor force, he does not analyze it as detailed as Giovanni does. So from this point I tend to be for Giovanni over him.

  However, as for the general approach, or the quality of evidence, I am certainly with David instead of Giovanni, for two things. One is that Giovanni adopted a relatively theoretical approach in which the Smithian model he created in the Part I of the book nearly dominated his whole thinking in Part IV. On the contrary, David adopted a rather empirical approach with many concrete examples and figures to support his argument. Within this chapter, David attached four related graphs or charts but Giovanni only got two. I think David’s method is more appropriate here since they are not arguing for a theoretical problem but a real case in contemporary world, so necessary figures and examples should be more convincing to the readers and more integral to the argument. The other reason is that David integrated a large group of factors influenced the development of China into a coherent dynamic while Giovanni seemed to be locked in his own theoretical model only searching for empirical examples in line with his established model instead of approaching the case from an objective stance.In consequence, it inevitably deteriorated the balance of the research.

  3. Footnotes Check

  The first footnote check goes to Robert Kaplan’s journal article “How we would fight China?” published in 2005. Giovanni nearly copied precisely word by word what Rober have said in this article, however, he omitted a sentence “But they are seeking a liberated First World lifestyle for many of their 1.3 billion people”. But I think the deletion of sentence does not deflect the citation from its original meaning, especially in the context of Giovanni’s argument, this sentence is not an integral part of it.[ Robert D. Kaplan, “How We Would Fight China,” Atlantic Monthly (June, 2005), p. 51]

  The second footnote check moves to Adam Smith’s <Wealth of nations>, Giovanni cited Adam’s description of “natural path” as the foundation for his thesis. I searched the original version of <Wealth of Nations> for the accordingly different developing paths. In the Book III “of the different progress of opulence in different nations” chapter I “of the natural progress of opulence”. However Giovanni here lacked a necessary clarification when referring back to Smith, since in the <Wealth of Nations> Adam Smith wrote “this order of things is so very natural, that in every society that had any territory, it has always, I believe, been in some degree observed.” So the validity of this naturalness of developmental path, Adam Smith implied, derived at least in part from the observation of the economic situations at that time. It was proper for Adam Smith to claim so because of the historical limitation which prevented him from seeing the later Industrial Revolution. But there is no such limitation for Giovanni , so he should at least point out this “observation” as a source of validity for Adam’s theory and tried to figure out how does Adam’s theory, after Industrial Revolution still relate to the present world state. Unfortunately, he did not mention it.[ Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (New York: Modern Library, 1994), pp 310]

  I chose the article “Great Wall of Unknowns” written by R.J. Samuelson published in 2004 as the third footnote to check. Among the three up until now, this source remains the highest fidelity to the original article. Though, I think the conclusion “All we know for certain is that we really don’t know” adds nothing to our understanding of the current situation .[ R.J. Samuelson, “Great Wall of Unknowns,” Washington Post, May 26, 2004]

  The fourth source comes from H.A. Kissinger, the famous former US diplomat and one of the expertises in the field of Sino-US relations. Giovanni remained the general spirit in his citation, but he had omitted two challenging issues ,which Henry Kissinger had pointed out in the essay, for this Sino-US cooperative policy: one is the Taiwan issue, “the task now is to keep the Taiwan issue in a negotiating framework ”, the other is the nuclear weapon in North Korea, “The issue of nuclear weapon in North Korea is an important testing case”. [ H.A. Kissinger, “China; Containment Won’t Work,” Washington Post, June 13, 2005]

  The fifth source is from E.G. West’s paper “Adam Smith two views on the division of labor” published in 1964. E.G West’s finds a “striking inconsistency” between the disparate views that Smith has on the division of labor. Respectively, they are observed from economic perspective and sociological perspective. Giovanni grasped the whole idea of E.G. West, it is a nearly perfect citation.[ E.G. West, “Adam Smith’s Two Views on the Division of Labour,” Economica,31,122 (1964), p.26]

  4. Review of reviews

  1 Review by LinSun Cheng

  LinSun Cheng is the Professor at University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. He received his M.A degree from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in economics, and later received his Ph.D degree in history at Washington University. [ Curriculum Vitae (2013 Nov 27th) “Professor LinSun Cheng” (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth), para. 1]With regard to the historical and economical analysis that Giovanni has employed in <Adam Smith>, I think he is fully qualified for this review. Also as a Chinese scholar working in US, he has experiences in dual environments.

  The review is a relatively comprehensive one in nature which recounted the main points that Giovanni has made in the books in the order of sections. In the end of the review, he provided his own comments on some shortcomings of the book, “It would be much more convincing, however, if the author had explained whether and how China can solve the serious problems that lie ahead, such as ‘the huge increase in income inequality and growing popular discontent with the procedures and outcomes of the reforms’ as the author briefly notes.” In spite of this short implicit criticism, he generally viewed highly of Giovanni’s work, at the very beginning, he claimed Giovanni’s work to be “fresh and challenging” and later on in the fifth paragraph, “The author succeeds in providing a theoretical and historical perspective on the causes of an East Asian, particularly Chinese, economic renaissance”. In the last paragraph, He wrote this “Undoubtedly, this brilliant and informative book will benefit various scholars.”[ LinSun Cheng, Book Review:Giovanni Arrighi. Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century, The American Historical Review, Vol 114(5), (2009), p.1423-1424]

  everal citations were used in this book review precisely.

  2 Review by Peter R. Moody

  eter Moody is the Professor of Political Science at The University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. Moody specializes in Chinese politics. He received his Ph.D from Yale University. And he acts as the editor of “Review of Politics” from 1983 until now. He had won numerous academic awards and honors so far. <Conservative Thought in Contemporary China> published in 2007 was one of his more recent books. [ Brief Biography (2013 Nov 27th), “Professor Peter R. Moody Jr.” (University of Notre Dame), para. 1.]

  In his book review, he first placed Giovanni’s book in both scholar and contemporary contexts. With short descriptions over the recent development of these two contexts, he introduced Giovanni Arrighi as “a noted proponent of world systems theory.” In the contrary to LinSun Cheng he did not repeat the main points in the book. Instead, his whole review is generally dedicated to the criticism of Giovanni. Mainly he raised two points, first was that he thought Giovanni lacked rebuttal of some necessary symmetrical counterarguments. “The author shows little evident interest in bringing along those who do not share his paradigm.”. Second point was that he thought that Giovanni’s attribution of the failure of Iraq war to the arrogance and incompetence of the Bush administration was not fair for the president. From his point of view, the situation facing before George W. Bush was too complicated that “suggested few obviously good responses.” Besides, countering to what Giovanni has said in his book, he did not regard the failure of America as “a cause for celebration, either by Arrighi, China, or anyone else.”[ Peter R. Moody, . “Adam smith in beijing: Lineages of the twenty-first century.” Political Science Quarterly, 123(3), (2008) p.533-535. ]

  The reviewer provided zero direct citations in this review, however the central points in Giovanni’s book to which he referred are all accurate.

  3 Review by Eric Sheppard

  Eric Sheppard is the Professor under the department of geography, environment and society at the University of Minnesota, His specialties include “trade and uneven geographies of globalization”, “geography of economic development”, “the spatial dynamics of capitalism”, “neoliberalism and its contestations” etc.[ Specialties (2013 Nov 27th), “Prof. Eric Sheppard”,(University of Minnesota) para.1] From his specialties, he could be seen as an expert on the field of geopolitics to which Giovanni is also affiliated with. Together with his professorship in a prestige university, I think it is fully qualified for him to make his review.

  imilar to LinSun Cheng, Eric analyzed the book in a rather detailed way, sections by sections. But in comparison with LinSun, Eric focused more on the theoretical part, which is the first part in <Adam Smith in Beijing>, and identified three major aspects of Smith’s thinking. Among the three book reviews I have selected, Eric’s review is the most balanced one, on the one hand, he praised Giovanni for his “fascinating summary of the thinking of critical China specialists.” and even claimed his book as a book “should be required reading for anyone who is concerned with shifting global geopolitics and geoeconomics”. On the other hand, he criticized Arrighi’s reliance on overarching categories whose “inadequacies have also been identified within political economy: family and community are hardly utopian, variegated Western capitalism embraces state regulatory traditions not unlike that described for China, and the north-south distinction is overly simplistic.”

  In difference with all the other reviewers, Eric implicitly raised an alternative prediction on future Sino-US relation as “the scenario that China may both challenge the long history of European hegemony and exploit African and Latin American (and Chinese) ecological and human resources.”[ Eric Sheppard, Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-first Century, Economic Geography, Vol 86(1),(2010),p.99-101]



  Cheng, LinSun (2009) “Book Review:Giovanni Arrighi. Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the

  Twenty-First Century”, The American Historical Review, Vol 114(5), p.1423-1424

  Kaplan, Robert D.(2005) “How We Would Fight China,” Atlantic Monthly , p. 51

  Kissinger, H.A.(2005) “China; Containment Won’t Work,” Washington Post

  Lachmann,Richard (2010) “A Chinese World System, Again?” Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 39,


  Moody, Peter R. (2008) “Adam smith in Beijing: Lineages of the twenty-first century.” Political

  cience Quarterly, 123(3), p.533-535.

  arenti,Fabio Massimo (2010) “ Book review: Arrighi, G. 2007: Adam Smith in Beijing:

  Lineages of the Twenty-First Century.” Progress in Human Geography, 34(2) , p. 268

  amuelson, R.J. (2004) “Great Wall of Unknowns,” Washington Post

  heppard, Eric (2010), “Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-first Century, “Economic

  Geography, Vol 86(1),p.99-101

  West, E.G. (1964)“Adam Smith’s Two Views on the Division of Labour,” Economica,31,122 , p.26


  Arrighi, Giovanni (2007) Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century., (London;

  ew York: Verso)

  Harvey, David (2007)A Brief History of Neoliberalism, (Oxford;GBR: Oxford University Press)

  mith, Adam (1994) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (New York:

  Modern Library)


  Curriculum Vitae (2013 Nov 27th) “Professor LinSun Cheng” (University of Massachusetts,

  Dartmouth), para. 1, from

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  CALL:338.951 SE48PD


  (a debate between David Harvey and Giovanni Arrighi)



  本人在对海裔的关注中,发现他在学术网站上发表了对该书的断章评论,便积极与之接触,在与他交谈中得知其与英国著名新左学者同时也是《新左派评论》的主编佩里 安德森(我社也即将出版他的新书)交往密切,可喜的是他们曾专就此书有过书信往来。于是,有了新的书评,也即二人关于《亚当斯密在北京》的书信,海裔信中说,“几天前,我听说阿里吉教授去世,甚为震惊。我当时正准备给他写一封邮件,讨论他的《亚当·斯密在北京》。现在,他再也不可能读我的信了。这是一个多大的遗憾!”学人对阿里吉的尊重与认可可见一斑。佩里安德森的回信则说,“他(阿里吉)的死亡的确是一个悲剧性的损失。去年10月,他已被诊断出重症不治,但仍然以超凡的激情和勇敢坚持斗争到底,著述不止。很遗憾你没有机会和他会面。他是一个卓越的人,一个卓越的思想家和学者。我们成为朋友已达四十载。一个月前,一个向他致敬的大型国际研讨会在马德里举行,他本是要参加的。但动身前两天,他病魔缠身,无法旅行。最后,悲伤的一幕发生了,对我们所有人来说都是如此。”尽管在海裔和安德森看来,阿里吉在《亚当斯密在北京》中的论述,有或可商榷之处,但毫无疑问的是,二人都无法不承认阿里吉创作了一部杰作。






  刚读完它时,CNN采访温,温就昭示他在重读亚当斯密...当时热泪盈眶我把这个采访video转发给了Dr. Arrighi。几分钟后,得到了他的回信。简单的thank you两字。虽然很想造访他老人家,最终近在咫尺却最终天涯两隔。

  18大前。我的心态已经跟小将这个称号没有丁点关系,已经远离这个领域,几乎连baudrillard的名字都拼不出了。却又不知不觉地翻出了这书。湍流里,我一丁点也看不到他老人家说的equalibrium trap,但是又一厢情愿地认定冥冥中真的有这么一个东西。



