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2022-04-06 03:04:21 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…




  本月初登录豆瓣时看到页面上有《温德先生》的售书广告,不理解为何如此大张旗鼓地宣传一本质量堪忧的书。我读后只觉写得粗浅拉杂,殊乏精彩,作者对历史背景和传主生活环境的了解很有限,不足以驾驭这样的题材。书中有不少明显背离基本史实和行文逻辑的硬伤,有些表述的荒唐程度更像是误译所致,到Google Books找来英文版对照,果然印证了猜测。4月7日那天顺手又点进广告,看了这本书的条目,发现打分很高,有动用水军刷5星之嫌,也有书评人给出了推荐性的书评。当时看到译者本人在一篇评论下现身回复,于是跟帖表示译本有缺陷,译者回帖要我具体指出错误所在。我以为发现问题如能及时纠正,不继续误导读者,可以不必公开责难,于是整理了一些例子用豆邮发出,建议等认真修订后再拿出来卖。身为外语水平扶不上墙的学渣,我深感译事之难,对辛劳而成的翻译成果一向抱有了解之同情,非到触及底线的程度从不苛求。但这个译本确是越过了我的底线,在发现豆瓣卖这本书前,我恰好曾在广播中吐过槽,没有指明对象,实则就是出自《温德先生》第17章。译者把原文的中立表述“the early stages of Communist rule in areas where they’d seized control”译成带有倾向性的“共*党之前在解放区所施的仁政”(敢问“仁”在哪里?),同时把“the abuses of the GMD”夸张地译为“国民党的烧杀抢掠奸淫”。我觉得这种译法堪称对原著的“烧杀抢掠奸淫”。译者4月9日上午曾回信说“您提的这些建议特别好,我会花时间再看看,然后回复”(仅此一句,原文引用)。一周过去,再无任何回音,书还照常在豆瓣卖着,昨天(4月17日)豆瓣书店又发了一篇推荐文章,看起来主事者并不认为书有什么问题。鉴于此种情况,我只有将部分整理过的误译公开贴出,聊供不知情者参考。





  3页,我们有一阵和其他“外国专家一起下乡”,很多人欢呼当局的仁慈。——英文为along with other “foreign experts, we were taken on field trips for a while, many of which exulted the benevolence of authority.句子结构上many of which应指trips,exult的主语也不是外国专家,否则应跟有一介词。

  4页,写到作者1984年夏末去拜访温德时,“我梦一般地骑着单车”前漏掉一句These interviews could be emotionally unsettling for both of us.——书中有不少可以想见是出于出版审查的删减,但这种无关政治的内容该不会是。



  12页,从护工王阿姨处拿到了温德“在五十年代‘反右’斗争中写的检讨”——原文的antirightist campaigns为复数,非特指1957年的反右,译文应体现出两者区别。

  13页,他不得不同样要面对一度威胁他们的反右运动——原文是he was subject to the same antirightist campaigns that periodically terrorized them,也是复数,periodically不是一度而是周期性的,指不断发生的一系列运动。


  16页、17页,洛克菲勒档案中心(RAF)特藏——应为RAC,后文全写的是英文RAC Special Collection。

  23页,实际上(就像温德确信自己是个男人),她家是“普通人家……社会地位一点也不显赫”——括号中原文是“or so Winter was convinced as a man”,应译为:或者成年后的温德这样以为。

  同页,“凯瑟琳自抬身价的手段使全家在困难年代过着漂浮的生活,就靠两个售货员的工资”——原文为“Katherine’s high measure of her worth helped keep the family afloat during the difficult years when they all lived on two salesclerks’ salaries”,意为凯瑟琳对自身价值的高定位使得在全家仅有两份售货员收入的困难时期也能设法维持生活水准。

  34页,埃文斯顿高中校刊上发表署名该校学生的关于中国山东问题的社论,“文风和思想酷似温德,他是这份刊物的指导教师之一,已经开始培养学生对中国事物的活跃兴趣,并施以援手。”——英文为“…the style of prose and thought suggests the likelihood that Winter, who as one of the paper’s faculty advisors and who had already begun to cultivate an active interest in things Chinese, had lend a hand.意为行文和思维的风格都表明温德可能帮了忙,他是校刊的指导教师之一,当时已开始热衷于中国的东西。温德自己热衷,没有培养学生的意思。

  35页,巴黎和会上美国反对将德国在山东的特权转交于日本,“但势单力薄”。——原文是说美国“had opposed…but only feebly”,意为“仅仅是软弱无力地反对”。这和势单力薄不是一个意思。

  36页,白英说闻一多是啥啥之后,原文还有一句未译出:More sadly, after his later role as a high effective opponent of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist regime, he would end as a political martyr.这种内容也不像是审查删节的。


  37页,温德翻译了这位年轻中国诗人写于芝加哥的诗歌新作——原文为Winter asked Wen to collaborate in a translation of the young Chinese poet’s new work written in Chicago.只是邀请闻一多合作翻译,没有实际翻译过的证据。这句和下一句都是出自闻一多致梁实秋的信,原文是“他叫我跟他合同翻译我的作品。他又有意邀我翻译中国旧诗。”



  41页,在南京的一段日子是他未来两年中较好的一段时光。——原文是to remain there for the better part of two years,意为在南京呆了两年中的大半时间。better part意为大部分,不含有较好的意思。

  43页,尽管吴宓传递给他相当重大的智识包袱——原文是Wu Mi had freighted himself with this rather grave intellectual baggage,应为吴宓给自己背上了这个包袱。

  43-44页,庞德的The Rest一诗译得驴唇不对马嘴,不知所云,需全文重译。

  46页,吴宓是现代中国人文主义者的样板——原文是he was one version of the modern Chinese humanist,版本,非样板。

  48页,新生代知识分子……成功地以批判理性作为工具,唤起了那些未被充分启蒙的世人,毛泽东及其同仁正是如此——原文是as Mao and his cadres more successfully would do in the still distant civil war between the Guomindang and the Communists.应译为:新生代知识分子……以批判理性作为工具唤起有待启蒙的民众,在此时仍然很遥远的国共内战中,毛泽东及其同仁在此方面更为成功。译本的表述会让人误解为作者是把毛泽东作为五四时期新知识分子的代表人物。

  同页,罗家伦……也是新文化阵营的创建者——应为罗是新潮社(New Tide Society)的创始人之一。

  49页,一战中“参与这场巨大屠戮的并非专业军人,而是普通人”——原文为with large-scale slaughter not of professional soldiers but of ordinary men,意为不是对军人,而是对平民进行的大规模屠杀。

  50页,杜威把中国挪上正道。对中国而言,他代表西方,因为他们最易理解的是“变”的实用、笃定和自信。——原文为Dewey stroked China the right way. He represented the West for the young Chinese as they could best understand it: pragmatic, engaged, confident of change.意为杜威搔到了中国的痒处。对中国年轻人而言,他代表了他们最好理解的西方:务实、做事、敢于变化。


  53页,温德在吴宓家吃饭,吴宓让太太上桌一起吃,中国家庭这样待客是破天荒的——原文为a thing that normally was never done in the case of guests outside the family,意为招待不是自家亲戚的来客时是反常之举。不是亲戚这个关键没有译出。

  55页,它的气氛不紧张,应该是辉煌而有生机——原文为in an atmosphere uncritical, perhaps, but oh so gloriously alive.意为在一种或许是不加甄别,但活泼泼的氛围中(什么都有)。

  56页,假装从没看见我,因此余下了他的感受和我自己的感受——原文为Making a pretense of never having seen me, so as to spare his feeling and my own. 应为假装没看见以照顾彼此感受。

  57页,上海的事触发了后来的五卅事件——原文为The episode in Shanghai that triggered this event came to be known as the May Thirtieth Incident.应为引发(黄包车夫排斥温德)此事的上海发生的事件被称为五卅运动。

  同页,五卅……使学生运动武装化——原文为made the student movement more militant,应为使学生运动变得更激进。

  同页,五卅事件的另一结果是像朱自清这样的五四老将开始抛弃对批判理性的信仰,转向革命道路。不过,他们中的大多数仍坚守底线。——原文为some May Fourth veterans like Zhu Ziqing now began to lose their faith in critical reason and to turn down revolutionary paths. Most of them, however, held their ground.应译为:一些五四老将,如朱自清,在五卅后拒绝了革命道路,而大部分仍坚守原来的立场。


  61页,温德,没进没出,留在家里——原文为Winter, being neither, stayed home.意为温德既非农民也非富人权贵,故而呆在家里。

  同页,北伐军——原文为the northern army,指的是奉军,非国民革命军,译为北方军队即可,不能译为北伐军。


  65页,第二段,从第二句后中译和英文不对应,Google上这段原文是:… a political man. Yet he landed at Tsinghua at a time when it was rough sea of clashing political views in which Wen was one of the helmsmen. Winter thus had little contact with him. He taught Shakespeare and other Western classics against the din of clashing ideas about China’s future.没有中文版“闻一多太忙碌,无暇维护私人的友谊”这句。

  70页,知识分子要充当社会的公正批评者——原文为Arnold’s idea of the man of letters as disinterested critic of his own society.应为超然的批评者。Disinterested意为无关个人利益的,后文76页“中国知识分子开始将无关利益的探索视为追求真理的关键”也是这个词,这次却译对了。


  72页,虽是中国人,而非英国人,但他并不了解中国人——原文为More Chinese than English, Wong-Quincey in fact did not know Chinese very well.应为王文显虽是个中式多于英式的人,但实际上他的中文不太好。原文有歧义,也可以理解为不了解中国人,我觉得按中文来理解更妥,符合王的情况。

  73页,温德九十多岁还健朗的时候,仍是一位游泳高手。施美士一家在北戴河边的小屋里消夏,他有时去拜访他们。——这段英文开头原本还有两句未译出:Winter had been graced with a strong and passionate mind. He matched that with a strong and vigorous body.接下来才是Well into his nineties, Winter “was a great swimmer.” During the summer spent in this Western colony, he sometimes visited the Smiths for several weeks at their seaside cottage in Beidahe.九十多岁时,温德还是个“游泳健将”。这句是承接前两句的,中译本会让人误以为温德九十多岁时还去北戴河游泳,实则此事发生在任教清华时的暑假。

  78页,军阀冯玉祥进据天津大沽口,以制约对手张作霖,而日本人勒令国民军撤出大沽口,声称这是在干涉他们的势力范围,学生们再次聚集天安门,联合起来,要求“主权”(总统尚未选出,冯玉祥将此给予他在北京的代表),否决日本的最后通牒。”——原文是When the warlord Feng yuxiang mined the harbor of Tianjin in order to prevent his rival, Zhang Zuolin, from making a landing, and the Japanese ordered the harbor cleared because it interfered with trade in what they considered to be their sphere of influence, the students again rallied on Tiananmen. Organized jointly by representatives of the Communist Party and the Guomindang, they demanded of “the chief executive” (the title General Feng had given to his own representative in Peking, in the absence of an elected president) that they reject the Japanese ultimatum.应译为:军阀冯玉祥在天津港口(大沽口)内布雷,以阻止其对头张作霖登陆。日本人令冯玉祥清除水雷,因为这干涉了他们认定的势力范围中的贸易活动。学生再次在天安门前集会。在共产党和国民党代表的联合组织下,他们要求“(临时)执政”(这是冯玉祥在经选举上台的总统空缺期间给他在北京的代理人安的头衔)拒绝日本的最后通牒。


  84页,清华开设欧洲文学史,温德富有激情的教学使得该课程大受欢迎。——原文是Winter’s electric teaching was central to the program.意为温德的电化教学是该课程的核心。电化教学应指温德在课堂上放幻灯片,放唱片。

  86页,温德和不太熟练的我下起了中国象棋——原文是Bob tried to refresh my little knowledge of chess.意为温德试图教我象棋,我原本所知甚少。


  91页,翟孟生略显浮夸——原文是Jameson was less flamboyant than others.应为翟孟生不像其他人那么浮夸。

  92页,温德俨然已经成为一位中国通,对于中国深得其中三昧——原文是he already seemed the thing itself, the acclimatized Westerner,直译为他已经像是个“自在之物”,一个适应了中国的西方人。“深得其中三昧”译得太过火。


  同上段,虽然温德在中国生活得还不长,但在这群灿若繁星的人物中间,他也已经声名鹊起——也是译得过火,灿若繁星原文是in this environment of vivid characters,应为在这群性格鲜明的人中,前半句是even at this early date,直译为即使在来华早期,他在……也是……

  同页,当时的黄包车夫还梳着长辫,飞奔在从清华到北大的路上,风雨无阻。——原文是When rickshaw collies still wore pigtails and white socks and ran the 14 miles from Tsinghua to Peking and returned in all weathers and at great speed.穿着白袜子,往返,14英里这几个细节译丢了。

  93页,黑头发的中国人……一句——自强不息原文为stable,应译为沉稳持重。彬彬有礼原为custom-ruled,应为循规蹈矩。人类是可以在艰难时日中相互扶持的原为human beings can live safely together under conditions of daunting hardship and impoverishment. It was a deep lesson in what matters,意为在令人生畏的艰苦贫穷的条件下人类如何安全共存。无相互扶持之意。

  同页,上述之人无异于只剩下认识能力——原为which had diminished our capacity for other kinds of knowing,意为(执迷于理性和科学知识)削弱了其他方面的认知能力。

  94页,孟子的心理学不像西方心理学那样有一种普遍存在的二元论倾向——原为Mencius’s psychology lacked a dualistic bent of mind that our psychology considers universal.应译为孟子的心理学缺乏一种西方心理学认为是普遍存在的二元论倾向。


  96页,一部分来自各方人士的资助(有识之士信赖这个项目,深知它对人类的互相理解功德无量)。——原为partly from gifts from sympathetic persons “who had faith the project and realized its value for international understanding,意为一部分是来自“对这个项目有信心,认识到它在国与国间互相理解上的价值的”同情者的资助。“功德无量”太过火。

  99页,以前的中西方人士“虽然说着彼此的语言,但未曾意识到它们代表了截然不同的思维模式”,这也解释了之前“以西方为榜样,重建中国的社会结构”的努力为何始终收效甚微。——原文Previous failures to do this and blindness on the part of both Chinese and Westerners to the fact that “though they may use the same verbal symbols in speaking each other’s language, these symbols refer to entirely different fields of discourse” accounted for the slight success of attempts to rebuild “China’s rural and social structures along Western lines.”应译为:此前没能移植这一思维习惯,并且部分中国人和西方人没能认识到“虽然他们在说彼此语言时可能用的是同一言语符号,所指的是完全不同的话语范围”,故而“循着西方轨迹重建中国乡村和社会结构”的努力收效甚微。fields of discourse也可译为语场。

  100页,教育部长——原文误写为T. C. Kung(龚自知),应更正为王世杰,删掉人名不妥。

  同页,翟孟生的中国正字学会虽然人手不足,但他们有充分的理由相信基本语运动前途一片光明:“之前,对基本语的热情与争议并存。但今天,这一切都让位于一种确信:基本语并非一时风尚,而是为一个重要问题提供了可行的解决方案。”——原文In sum, though Jameson and his staff could not keep up with the demands on them, they had reason to feel sanguine about the future of the movement: “The enthusiasm and controversies of 1933 have given way before a realization that we are neither an emotion nor a fad but that we are offering reasoned approach to an important question.应译为:总而言之,尽管翟孟生和他的员工没能跟得上对他们的要求,他们有理由对基本语运动的前景持乐观态度:“1933年时的热情和争议已不复存在,继而产生的认识是:我们既不是感情用事也不是一时兴起,而是为一个重要问题提供理性的方法。”

  101页,让他们“各司其职可真难”。“来自西方的支援很难持久。”——前一句原为keeping them “on the boil is no light business”,应为使他们“保持热情可不轻松”。后一句为“Less than a certain constant supply of energy from the West”,引文不完整不好判断,我理解是说西方没能持续地提供支援。

  同页,清华的一小撮人——原为a faction at Tsinghua,应为清华中的派系斗争。

  同页,拉帮结派——原为ancient feuds,应为早年的积怨。

  同页,正字学会招募了新的中国员工——在陆志韦之前漏了一位Mr. Liu。

  102页,他深谙中文和中国人心理,无疑也是一个优点。——原为His knowledge of the Chinese language and psychology of the Chinese will also be extremely helpful. 前一半译得过火,后一半欠火候。应译为他的中文知识和对中国人心理的了解也将大有裨益。

  同页,增加了200美元收入对他的生活不无小补——原为provided him a very substantial improvement of his standard of living,应译为极大地改善了他的生活。不无小补的分量太轻。

  103页,第二期暑期培训班……将在北师大举办,因为北师大是北方最主要的师范大学。——原为Richards preparing for a second summer training program, this one at Shi Ta, the chief teachers training college in North China.这里没有因果关系,应译为第二个暑期培训项目设在华北最主要的师范院校北平师大。

  同页,瑞恰慈原先住的胡同——原书写了是Ta Yan Yi Pin Hutung,大羊宜宾胡同,译丢了。

  同段,半夜两点,他正奋笔疾书,卖汤的还在“街边叫卖,吸鸦片的在这个点清醒了,会出来溜达,吃晚饭”。还有巡夜的,敲着梆子,“让人小心盗贼”。卖汤的叫卖声,巡夜的梆子声,夹杂着“三码外三个邻人的相骂声,还有老鹰呼呼飞过,也不管邻人是在吃饭还是休息”。——原文At 2: 00 a.m. on a summer night, while he was catching up with correspondence, the soup sellers were still “wandering through the streets calling their wares so that the opium smokers could have their late meal after waking.” Then there was the night watchman, clacking his stick “to scare the thieves out of his path.” Added to the soup sellers’ cries and the watchman’s clacking, there was also the problem of “three quarrelsome neighbours only three yards away, and an especially vociferous stream of hawkers passing by whenever the neighbours are eating or resting.”译丢了“on a summer night”。“奋笔疾书”应为“赶着处理信件”。是卖汤的在街上溜达,不是抽大烟的溜达。“让人小心盗贼”应为“把贼吓跑”。胡同里哪来的老鹰(hawk),是沿街叫卖的小贩(hawker)!

  104页,收入有限的西方人——原为Westerners on fixed income,应译为靠固定收入的西方人。

  同段,温德所收藏的家具品质上乘,远胜乔治•凯茨那部经典著作《中国家具》中的藏品。——原文Well within the budgets even of Westerners on fixed income, like Winter, whose own furniture collection was sufficiently discriminating to win photographs in George Kates’s classic volume on Chinese furniture.应译为:温德自己收藏的家具颇有辨识度,得以被乔治•凯茨收入了那本关于中国家具的经典著作中。

  同页,温德为大学二年级生开设的欧洲文学史课。温德在课堂上大力推荐普鲁斯特。——原文无“史”字(这个课名叫“西洋文学史分期研究”)。后一句应是“试图使学生欣赏”(trying to make them appreciate Proust),没到“大力推荐”程度。

  同段,他在课堂上极力诋毁中国人——原为he cursed the whole Chinese race,应为他在课堂上骂了整个中国人,没到“极力诋毁”程度。


  109页,昼短苦夜长,长乐终有尽——原文只是no joy remains unchanged,“长乐终有尽”足矣,不应添入原文没有的意思。


  110页,奥格登则有能干的洛克哈特等人相助——原文Ogden, with the help of his able coworkers Lockhart and Graham (“tremendous workers”—about 40 Chinese power each)格雷厄姆莫名变成了“等人”,括号中的“‘干活特棒’——一个人能顶四十个中国人”未译出。

  111页,他的卓荦高才在其中居功至伟——原文the workings of Richards’s particular genius tendering himself useful,应为不寻常的天分使他得以派上用场。“卓荦高才”“居功至伟”都太过火。

  同页,翟孟生对此“欢欣雀跃,但如履薄冰”——原文Richards was glad to learn that in response to the resolution Jameson was “treading warily.”应为瑞恰慈欣然得知,对这一决议,翟孟生“如履薄冰”。

  112页,由约翰•马歇尔和洛克菲勒基金会组织的——原文arranged by John Marshall of the Rockefeller Foundation,应为由洛克菲勒基金会的约翰•马歇尔组织的。

  同页,三十二年后,瑞恰慈如此写道,这果实,具体来说包括“(1)中西方人民更易了解彼此;(2)为人们提供工具,以应付我们这个星球越来越棘手的难题。”——原文:As he would define it some thirty-years later, that goal was “(1)to do something to ease, in time, the task set the Chinese people and the Western people of understanding better one another’s positions for living, and (2) by the same means help forward and speed up a supply of persons more competent to meet what was clearly going to be the ever more taxing problems of our planet.” Now, at least the solid beginning of that task was at hand, and with it the realization of what Richards had come to recognize as his lifework.前面过度简化,最后少译一句。

  113页,委员会其他成员还有:陆志韦……吴富恒等,他们与中国正字学会的工作都有直接或间接的关系——原文Other members of the committee included C. W. Luh, … Wu Fuheng and other persons directly or indirectly in close touch with the work of the OIC,应为委员会成员还包括陆……吴和其他直接或间接同正字学会的工作往来密切的人。Other persons非指代陆吴。

  116页,命丧黄泉——原文blow to bits,此处是记叙北平惨遭日军炮火攻占,应准确地译为炸成碎片。

  同页,这趟旅程少不了每日跋山涉水,不过瑞恰慈仍旧留意四处招募才俊,寻找远离日本人的安静之所在开展工作。留在北平的翟孟生却不一样,在瑞恰慈看来,他如墙头草般摇摆。——原文Though mountain climbing was as always an important part of his itinerary, Richards was also searching out the abundant “disengaged talent” that be free down there and looking for a new place to carry on the work away from “our new rulers,” with whom Jameson, unlike himself, according to Richards, was “admirably fitted” to come to terms.应为尽管爬山仍是瑞恰慈旅行日程的重头戏,他同时也在那边搜寻大量的“闲散人才”,寻找一处能远离“我们的新统治者”开展工作的新地点。而在瑞恰慈看来,翟孟生与他不一样,“可敬地适合”忍受继续在北平工作。此处的爬山是呼应前后文描写的瑞恰慈的个人爱好,非指以爬山方式撤退到后方。


  119页,此地像欢迎飞机一样欢迎新观念,这颇令人惊异——原文The amazing thing is that ideas are as easy to bring here as airplanes.应为:令人惊讶的是,向这里输送新思想就像输送飞机一样容易。

  同页,了解到喜马拉雅山的进山路径,打算攀登5700米的雪峰——原文they intended to climb the 18,700 feet Ha-pa Shan(“Snow Mountain”),应为登哈巴雪山。译文使人误解为登喜马拉雅山。


  121页,最后一段开头“北京沦陷”前漏译一句But not all his energies went into editorial matters.北京应译为北平。

  《温德先生》读后感(二):‘Winter in China: An American Life’ by Bert Stern


  This is a new book from writer/poet/scholar Bert Stern of Union Square, Somerville. It is reviewed by Somerville Bagel Bard, Lawrence Kessenich.

  The biography of a well-known historical figure has its appeal — it gives us (we hope) insight into a person we’re more or less well acquainted with. Bert Stern, on the other hand, lifts a fascinating and barely known historical figure, Robert Winter, out of obscurity, illuminating the life and his times of a man who, without Stern’s diligence, few of us would ever even have known existed. And we’re all the richer for his effort.

  Winter was born in Crawfordsville, a small town in Indiana, where, when he heard tales of relatives killing Indians, he found himself sympathizing with their Native American victims. This was a harbinger of Winter’s discomfort with his own culture, which ultimately led to him to forsake it altogether and live for most of the last 67 years of his life (he lived to be 100) in China, during the tumultuous last three-quarters of the 20 th century. This period included the Japanese subjugation of China, World War II, the rise of ruthless dictator Chiang Ki-shek — supported, to Winter’s consternation, by the US —the Communist victory of Mao and the Cultural Revolution.

  Educated at Wabash College in Crawfordsville (where author Stern later taught, himself), Winter went on to advanced studies in the US, Paris and Naples, eventually teaching college-level literature in Chicago. It was here he first met Chinese scholars and was fascinated and charmed by the Chinese culture they represented. They, in turn, appreciated his interest in their culture, which ultimately led to an invitation to teach at Tsinghua College in Peking. Winter was a professor in China for the rest of his life.

  tern uses his knowledge of Chinese culture (he taught for a year in Peking, himself) and his personal knowledge of Winter (he interviewed Winter several times — and was even at his 100 th birthday party) to paint a vivid picture of a complex man in a complex time and place. The reader lives through a great deal with Winter over the course of this book, and I challenge any reader not to care about the man and his fate.

  What Stern explores, with a fascination that the reader can’t help but share, is what led Winter to adopt China as his home, and to retain his allegiance to his adopted country through an almost unbelievable amount of deprivation and danger. He found ways to help his fellow Chinese — especially his beloved students, who often suffered most — oppose first the Japanese and then the brutal Chiang and his Guomindang party. Winter was always willing to suffer along with them and to use his privileged position as a foreigner to do dangerous things they could not do — even, for example, putting his own life on the line by intervening when he saw someone being brutalized on the street by soldiers.

  What Winter attempted to do with his teaching — and his life — was to find the place where Eastern and Western cultures could meet and learn from each other. He taught Western literature and invited students to his home for evenings of listening to classical Western music — in fact, this last was another way he brought Western culture to China, by relating to his students in a personal manner, something Chinese professors rarely did. He also learned and grew from being exposed to the Chinese.

  One thing that fascinated Winter about Chinese culture was the way a certain delicacy and profound sense of community was able to survive brutality — and there was plenty of that during Winter’s tenure in China: wholesale slaughter by soldiers, artillery and bombs during the Japanese invasion; casual rape by American soldiers as World War II wound down; murder of peaceful demonstrators by the Guomindang after the war; widespread death by starvation as the world war and then the civil war between the Communists and Guomindang destroyed the economy. Winter often went hungry himself for months at a time, when his meager means of support by the university and by the Rockefeller Foundation was reduced or delayed.

  Through all this, Winter maintained his dignity, his honor and his commitment to his adopted people. It’s not overstating it to call this man a hero, though it was the modest kind of heroics that doesn’t often make it into the history books. Thanks to the diligent research and thoughtful interviews that Stern conducted in order to write this book, and thanks to his skill at translating that material into a vivid narrative, this modest hero now belongs to the ages.







  在中国,罗伯特·温德(Robert Winter)是一个谜一般的人物。几乎不被大众知晓,却曾与吴宓、叶公超、陈福田共事。与闻一多、费正清、李约瑟引为挚友,一代学人季羡林、李赋宁、杨绛、何兆武皆曾亲炙其学。其学生也包括王佐良、许国璋、周珊凤等中国外文学界的中流砥柱。可惜的是,温德多讲授,少撰著,如今未见有著述流传,不能与读者隔空对话。除伯特·斯特恩(Bert Stern)所撰《温德先生》传记外,温德的生平事迹,不乏人叙述,如杨绛、张中行、陶洁、郭冠球、赵鑫珊等先生的回忆文章。


  温德生于美国印地安纳州克劳福兹维尔的一个农场小镇,在沃巴什学院(Wabash College)获学士学位,曾留学法国、意大利,后任教于芝加哥大学、西北大学。



  《温德先生》读后感(五):我的疑问: 温德先生的英文教学效果到底如何?

  [4月19日补记。我刚刚看到, Bert Stern英文原版第363页(属于该书的Endnotes)坦率地提到温德先生的同性欲望以及猥亵(molest)男生的情况。它与这儿的英文讨论无关, 有兴趣者可见我的日记, 我已原文照录。]

  quot;Winter in China: An American Life"于2014年由作者Bert Stern通过美国Xlibris公司自费出版, 中译本《温德先生: 亲历中国六十年的传奇教授》于2016年1月由北京大学出版社出版(译者: 马小悟、余婉卉)。

  此书的"内容简介"赞叹罗伯特·温德(Robert Winter)先生是"清华北大的一个传奇", "东南大学、清华大学、西南联大、北京大学的传奇教授", 中译本的封面上称"一代学人季羡林、李赋宁、杨绛、何兆武皆曾亲炙其学"。这些颂词让人眼花缭乱, 而我的问题是: 温德先生的英文教学效果到底如何? 可否通过他学生的英文水平反映出来?

  从下面李赋宁、杨绛的例子来看, 他们的英文水平体现不出"传奇教授"温德先生有多好的英文教学效果。

  李赋宁《学习英语与从事英语工作的人生历程》(北京大学出版社, 2005年), 第113页:

  quot;北大英语系有一位美国女教师Marcelia Yeh(叶玛西)问同事吴兴华'straight as a die'是什么意思。吴转问我。我记得die是名词, 是dice的单数。这个短语是'清一色'的意思。看来读字典也是一种有用的学习方法。"

  实际上, "(as) straight as a die"不是"清一色"的意思; 这个短语的意思是extremely straight(笔直), completely honest(完全坦白, 非常诚实)。可查下面的词典:

  The link: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/zhs/%E8%AF%8D%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD/as-straight-as-a-die

  李赋宁, 第136页:

  quot;我记得他在作文中说北京是一个消费城市: 'Peking is a consumptive city.' 我觉得consumptive用得不妥, 请教英籍教师。他说: 'Consumptive means ill.' 我想起是'癌症'的意思。"

  不管那位学生的本意如何, "Peking is a consumptive city"本身并没有错误, 当然这种消费带有贬义, 正如英籍教师所指出的。另外, consumptive是一个很普通的单词, 用作形容词是指"患结核病的", 用作名词是指"肺结核病人", 没有李赋宁所说"癌症"的意思。

  很难找到杨绛写的英文, 不过有一篇杨绛为《钱钟书英文文集》写的英文序:



  这篇英文序很短, 但笑话倒是不少。

  quot;because he was equally adept at writing in English or in Chinese through early training"

  很明显, 这儿不能用"or", 应该用"and"。

  quot;He held professorships in various Chinese universities lecturing on foreign literature and was concurrently the editor-in-chief of Philobiblon, a literary quarterly in English."

  看来杨绛不明白"concurrently"(同时发生)的意思。钱钟书1938年回国后就在大学任教, 而他在1946年至1948年间才主持编纂《书林季刊》("Philobiblon")。

  quot;Nevertheless, he [Qian Zhongshu] left behind some miscellaneous articles written in English, now compiled in this Collection, for the sheer purpose of preserving some specimens of Qian's writings in English so that readers may have a taste of his unique flavour straight from his own pen."

  这句句子的语法很容易: 主语是he[Qian Zhongshu], 用逗号与长句隔开的"now compiled in this Collection"是插入语, "for the sheer purpose of"是跟主语的。但整个句子变成了钱钟书自己称赞自己的英文有独特风味, 希望读者来品尝。不过话又说回来, 也许这儿杨绛是在讽刺刻薄"钱翁卖瓜自卖自夸", 谁知道呢。

  盛名之下, 往往其实难副。不知你是否同意我的看法?

  quot;Winter in China"


