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The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter读后感精选10篇

2018-01-27 20:06:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter读后感精选10篇

  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》是一本由Carson McCullers著作,Penguin Classics出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 16.50,页数:352,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读后感(一):寂寞 是无可救药的病

  The Heart is a Lonely Hunter










  The Heart is a Lonely Hunter



  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读后感(二):正在艰难的读着



  书的一开头很吸引我,两个mute的感情抑或基情着实让人有种吃惊感觉,佩服作者找到聋哑这个刻画孤独中寻找的绝妙切入点。目前只读到120页左右,读着有点辛苦,但希望像 life of pi 那样,冗长的开头之后能越来越精彩,但也担心也许又是一部great gatsby,又是古典作家的那种波澜不惊,最后的味道是淡淡的,像清茶一样

  读到现在,只觉得描写着一些孤独的人,孤独的Biff老板小女孩Mick,黑人医生,反而这个mute Singer,到时最不孤独的一个。不知道写作接下来会往哪里去,会如何升华……

  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读后感(三):心是孤独的猎手







  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读后感(四):The Carson is a lonely lady

  I would rather say that <the heart is a lonely hunter> is more like a movie rather than a novel because of its extremely imagery style. You read the book and find yourself already in it, a scene in a small cafe, 1930s, in America. It is not a black novel but it is really hurt. It is not a unconventional story, instead, it is so conventional that it buries you without effort. That woman was skillful at drawing people's mood. She would definitely make you sad by narrating a simple friendship between to men or a bad relationship between a father and his daughter. She was never on purpose to make anyone can't extricate himself but she did, definitely.

  《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读后感(五):孤岛

  《赫索格》《雨王汉德森》《白痴》《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》《约翰·克里斯朵夫》《大卫·科波菲尔》等等无一不是直接以人命名的名著。时间将一件件事情带向主人翁,他的反应选择一点一点组成他生命轨迹,我们得以一层一层地深入了解他。从而了解自己,了解世人。The Heart is a Lonely Hunter讲述了很多人的故事,他们的命运因相遇而纠缠影响彼此。他们都是一些背着理想主义包袱的人。正是这种理想主义,让他们在平淡日子中或是在经受打击时亦或在生活困窘梦想遥远时,熠熠生辉。是这种理想主义,闪耀着人性的光。我们读的是故事,更是一个个人


  With her it was like there was two places--the inside room and the outside room. School and the family and the things that happened every day were in the outside room. Mister Singer was in both rooms. Foreign countries and plans and music were in the inside room. The songs she thought about were there. And the symphony. When she was by herself in this inside room the music she had heard that night after the party would come back to her. This symphony grew slow like a big flower in her mind. During the day sometimes, or when she had just waked up in the morning, a new part of the symphony would suddenly come to her. Then she would have to go into the inside room and listen to it many times and try to join it into the parts of the symphony she remembered. The inside room was a very private place. She could be in the middle of a house full of people and still feel like she was locked up by herself.


  After that night nobody called him Bubber any more. The big kids in the neighborhood started calling him Baby-Killer Kelly. But he didn’t speak much to any person and nothing seemed to bother him. The family called him by his real name--George. At first Mick couldn’t stop calling him Bubber and she didn’t want to stop. But it was funny how after about a week she just naturally called him George like the others did. But he was a different kid--George--going around by himself always like a person much older and with nobody, not even her, knowing what was really in his mind.



  To adopt a couple of little children. A boy and a girl. About three or four years old so they would always feel like he was their own father. Their Dad. Our Father. The little girl like Mick (or Baby?) at that age. Round cheeks and gray eyes and flaxen hair. And the clothes he would make for her--pink crepe de Chine frocks with dainty smocking at the yoke and sleeves. Silk socks and white buckskin shoes. And a little red-velvet coat and cap and muff for winter. The boy was dark and black-haired. The little boy walked behind him and copied the things he did. In the summer the three of them would go to a cottage on the Gulf and he would dress the children in their sun suits and guide them carefully into the green, shallow waves. And then they would bloom as he grew old. Our Father. And they would come to him with questions and he would answer them.

  比起一位父亲,Biff更像是一位慈母,虽然他膝下无子。他心地宽厚,待人诚恳,乐善好施。心里填不满的这一块,就是孩子。妻子去世之后,他的一些稍显女性化的行为在家里反而得到解放。他如此温柔,如果有孩子的话,定是个慈母。可惜没有。只剩他和咖啡厅,以及这人来人往的孤独。留给他的是,每个入眠之前都要一遍遍体验的:The mutual distrust between the men who were just awakened and those who were ending a long night gave everyone a feeling of estrangement.


  Me and Jesus would sit across the table and I would look at him and he would look at me and we would both know that the other knew. Me and Jesus and Karl Marx could all sit at a table and--‘And look what has happened to our freedom. The men who fought the American Revolution were no more like these D.A.R. dames than I’m a pot-bellied, perfumed Pekingese dog. They meant what they said about freedom. They fought a real revolution. They fought so that this could be a country where every man would be free and equal. Huh! And that meant every man was equal in the sight of Nature--with an equal chance. This didn’t mean that twenty per cent of the people were free to rob the other eighty per cent of the means to live. This didn’t mean for one rich man to sweat the piss out of ten thousand poor men so that he can get richer. This didn’t mean the tyrants were free to get this country in such a fix that millions of people are ready to do anything--cheat, lie, or whack off their right arm--just to work for three squares and a flop. They have made the word freedom a blasphemy. You hear me? They have made the word freedom stink like a skunk to all who know.’


  4.Doctor Copeland(purpose)

  ‘We labor, but our labor is wasted. We are not allowed to serve. You students here this morning represent the fortunate few of our race. Most of our people are not allowed to go to school at all. For each one of you there are dozens of young people who can hardly write their names. We are denied the dignity of study and wisdom. ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. ‘All of us here know what it is to suffer for real need. That is a great injustice. But there is one injustice bitterer even than that--to be denied the right to work according to one’s ability. To labor a lifetime uselessly. To be denied the chance to serve. It is far better for the profits of our purse to be taken from us than to be robbed of the riches of our minds and souls. ‘Some of you young people here this morning may feel the need to be teachers or nurses or leaders of your race. But most of you will be denied. You will have to sell yourselves for a useless purpose in order to keep alive. You will be thrust back and defeated. The young chemist picks cotton. The young writer is unable to learn to read. The teacher is held in useless slavery at some ironing board. We have no representatives in government. We have no vote. In all of this great country we are the most oppressed of all people. We cannot lift up our voices. Our tongues rot in our mouths from lack of use. Our hearts grow empty and lose strength for our purpose.‘People of the Negro race! We bring with us all the riches of the human mind and soul. We offer the most precious of all gifts. And our offerings are held in scorn and contempt. Our gifts are trampled in the mud and made useless. We are put to labor more useless than the work of beasts. Negroes! We must arise and be whole again! We must be free!’






