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The Elements of Style的读后感10篇

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The Elements of Style的读后感10篇

  《The Elements of Style》是一本由William Strunk / E. B. White著作,Longman出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 19.95,页数:128,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(一):我的忏悔

  剑桥英语语法主编溥哲夫(Geoffrey Pullum) 痛骂Strunk和White的ELEMENTS OF STYLE. Pullum在句法理论领域的学术水平完全超越怀疑。看完之后,我觉得他的批评很有道理。小白书的两位主编确实是不太懂英语语法的小白,我为我的盲从感到羞愧。




  This was most unfortunate for the field of English grammar, because both authors were grammatical incompetents. Strunk had very little analytical understanding of syntax, White even less. Certainly White was a fine writer, but he was not qualified as a grammarian. Despite the post-1957 explosion of theoretical linguistics, Elements settled in as the primary vehicle through which grammar was taught to college students and presented to the general public, and the subject was stuck in the doldrums for the rest of the 20th century.


  ome of the recommendations are vapid, like "Be clear" (how could one disagree?). Some are tautologous, like "Do not explain too much." (Explaining too much means explaining more than you should, so of course you shouldn't.) Many are useless, like "Omit needless words." (The students who know which words are needless don't need the instruction.)


  quot;There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground" has no sign of the passive in it anywhere."

  It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she had" also contains nothing that is even reminiscent of the passive construction.

  quot;The reason that he left college was that his health became impaired" is presumably fingered as passive because of "impaired," but that's a mistake. It's an adjective here. "Become" doesn't allow a following passive clause. (Notice, for example, that "A new edition became issued by the publishers" is not grammatical.)


  And then, in the very next sentence, comes a negative passive clause containing three adjectives: "The adjective hasn't been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place."

  有些是根本错误的主张,比如split infinitive, 在历史上就从来不是错误的用法,根本谈不上审时度势地用。至于说在动词与to之间插入副词是起强调作用,更是子虚乌有。

  又如'none of us' 需后接单数动词的说法,并无证据支撑。历史文本始终显示单复皆可。我刚刚去BNC搜索,结果也大致是五五开。


  White在追求语言纯洁之路上走得更远,不仅添加了不用'which'表限定性定语从句的规则,还干脆把Strunk原书中所有类似用法都删掉。溥哲夫的评价:“It's sad.”

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(二):关于方法的知识,永远是最有用的知识




  1. Make definite assertions 多用肯定句

  2. Use short sentences 善用断句

  3. Negative words other than NOT are usually strong. 一般来说,NOT以外的否定词,语气更强

  4. Statements qualified with unnecessary auxiliaries or conditionals sound irresolute. 多余的助动词和限定词使语气犹豫不决。

  5. Prefer the specific to the general, the definite to the vague, the concrete to the abstract. 特指而不是泛指,确定而不是模糊,具体而不是抽象。

  6. Ommit needless words. 删掉多余的词

  7. The active voice is more concise than the passive, and a positive statement more concise than a negative one. 主动语态比被动语态准确,主动描写比被动描写准确。

  8. Express coordinate ideas in similar form 用排比句

  9. An article or a preposition applying to all the members of a series must be the same. 文章中段落和介词的风格应保持一致。

  10. Keep related words together. 相关的词一起用

  11. The relative pronoun should come, in most instances, immediately after its antecedent. A noun in apposition may come betwwen antecedent and relative, 关系代词应该紧跟在先行词之后,但如果先行词是名词的话除外。

  12. In summarizing the action of a drama, use the present tense. In summarizing a poem, story, or novel, also use the present, thought you may use the past if t seems more natural to do so. 戏剧应用现在时,诗歌故事或小说也用现在时,如果你觉得过去式更自然的话,也可以用。

  13. Apart from the exceptions noted, the writer should use the same tense throughout. 除非有例外,作者通篇都应该使用一种时态。

  14. Place the emphatic words of a sentence at the end. 把起强调作用的修饰词放在词末。

  15. Do not enclosing colloquialisms, such as slang word or phrase, in quotation marks. 使用口语化的词汇或短语时,不要加引号。

  16. Do not atempt to emphasize simple statements by using a mark of exclamation. 不要试图在简单句中使用叹号。

  17. If a manuscript is to be summitted for publication, leave plenty of space at the top of page 1.如果写作的手稿需要上交出版,则要在第一页上方留出大量空白。

  18. Hyphen. When two or more words are combined to form a compoud adjective, a hyphen is usually required. 当一个符合形容词由两个或两个以上单词组成时,通常需要在中间加上“连字符”

  19. Keep righthand and lefthand margins roughly the same width. 文章左右两边的空白应保持一致。

  20. When numbers occur in dialogue, most dates and numbers are best spelled out. 当数字出现在对话中时,最好把日期和数字完整写出来。


  《The Elements of Style》读后感(三):写字要像你做人那样

  The Element of Style

  y William Strunk & E.B.White

  读完英语书,有一小段时间脑袋是空白的。因为书评都是用中文写的,两者的衔接需啊哟时间。经典果然是经典,《On Writing Well》即便写得多好只是炒冷饭,EOS将英语写作说得很全面了。有一段话在EOS出现过两次。

  Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences only in outline, but that every word tell.


  E.B.列了21条建议,教这样找到自己的style。我没记住几条,真的记在脑力的:写作要让自己写得得劲。Chuck 写Fight Club的时候一定很得劲(他也必须修改得很给力),于是他的读者——我也读得很得劲。






  《The Elements of Style》读后感(四):英语写作须知

  我多么希望有人给现代汉语写作也归纳这么一本prescriptive grammar. 起码别老是“你懂得”吧?我真TM不懂。

  一. 语法

  1. April to June, 1989

  June 4, 1989


  2. If, sir, you refuse to comply, We have to shoot you.

  Mao the dictator

  erry Link, Ph.D.



  3. 句子+逗号+连词+下一句

  Fuck you, and fuck me.

  用;连接无连词的两句,besides accordingly then therefore thus也得用;连


  4. Do you mind me fucking you? 我来?

  Do you mind my fucking you? 能来吗?


  二. 写作基本原则

  1. design, planning

  2. paragraph as basic unit

  egin the paragraph with topic or transitional sentence

  divide large paragraph

  3. active voice reigns

  4. positive, committed statement

  Avoid "no" and "not"

  avoid would should could may might can

  5. definite, specific, concrete language p37少用他妈的抽象学术词,给哥汇报清情况!

  6. omit the useless

  as to whether ------ whether

  there is no doubt----no doubt

  used for purpose----used for

  a man who----is

  in a adj manner----adv.

  the reason why is that----because

  the fact----omit

  7. 简单复杂句并用,请勿连续陈述

  8. 排比句就老老实实用一样的句式 p42


  10. 书评,总结,用一种时态,通常是现代时

  11. 重点词放尾巴 P 52

  三. 格式

  1. 用俚语别装逼

  2. 别乱惊叹号

  3. 第一页头上留地方给编辑改

  4. 造新词用破折号

  5. 对话中的日期数字请用单词写出

  6. 括号里写的东西必须能够删去而不影响句法

  7. 引用整段的另起一段并且不要“”

  8. reference时不要用单词,用符号

  9. 换行分词时要讲逻辑

  10. 标题前有作者所有格的话要去掉标题中的虚词

  四. 误用

  all right= agreed, go ahead, o.k.

  allude to a book

  allusion= indirect reference

  anticipate 不如 expect

  any body= any corpse

  is as good as, if not better

  as yet 放在中间

  regard as 而不是 regard as being

  case 经常可以删掉



  claim 不是 declare

  clever horse= good-natured horse


  compare to是不同类类比,compare with是同类比较

  consider + n + 补语

  contact 别当动词

  cope 别乱及物

  currently 用 at this moment


  disinterested = impartial unintered= not interested

  effect= bring about

  Etc.=other things 不能说人

  factor, facility, case, fact, feature, in terms of, nature, personally, possess多余词

  finalize是垃圾词, 不要乱lize



  hopefully= with hope



  in regard to

  ice, meaningful, literally


  别乱 xxx-oriented

  resently 尽量表示 in a little while

  first, second, third



  there is no degree of uniqueness or perfection


  《The Elements of Style》读后感(五):写作这门学问,无底洞






  《The Elements of Style》读后感(六):Strunk Jr.原版与White修订版有大不同

  W. Strunk Jr.的原著版本和E.B. White修订增补的版本有较大不同。

  除了在前几章中的规则有增删外,White还单独增加了一章新的内容“An Approach to Style”,主要讲解了一些写作的宏观原则。这些原则和前几章所讲的规则相比,更抽象更一般化,有些原则不仅限于英文写作,也可用来指导中文写作。


  “......style is the writer, and therefore what you are, rather than what you know, will at last determine your style......"

  这和我们常说的“先做人再作文”相得益彰。《The Elements of Style》本来就是要大家养成清晰明了的写作风格,而孔子讲”巧言令色鲜矣德“,反过来想这件事,岂不就是,”德厚文实“?由此观之,White所言非虚。

  也许这些东西并不重要,但是点出这些东西,却使得这本书着实升华不少。不然,仅仅几条规则,和一般的中学生作文宝典又有什么区别呢?又怎么值得大家去追捧这样一本50年前书(White修订版),甚至是有100年历史的书(Strunk Jr.原版)呢?


