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《终结者外传 第一季》好看吗?经典观后感10篇

2022-05-16 12:43:15 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《终结者外传 第一季》好看吗?经典观后感10篇

  《终结者外传 第一季》是一部由David Nutter / Josh Friedman执导,Lena Headey / Thomas Dekker / Summer Glau主演的一部动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(一):关于S1E4




  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(二):每集开始和结尾时的旁白


  现在都忘了这部剧是讲什么的了,只记得我很迷Summer Glau :)


  Episode 1:

  There are those who believe that a child in the womb shares his mother’s dreams. Her love for him, her hope for his future, as if told to him in pictures while he sleeps inside her. Is that why he reaches for her in that first moment and cries for her touch? But what if you’ve known since he was inside you what his life held for him? That he would be hunted? That his fate was tied to the fate of millions? That every moment of your life would be spent keeping him alive? Would he understand why you were so hard? Why you held on so tight? Would he still reach for you if the only dream you’ve ever shared with him was a nightmare? Would he know my love runs through him like blood?

  “You are safe.”

  “No one is ever safe.”

  It is said that the death of any one person is the death of an entire world. Certainly for parents, the death of a child is no less than a holocaust. In the case of my son, these words are literally true. And finally tonight, amateur video of what we can only assume is a college prank gone wrong, as three streakers cause chaos tries to cross the 105 freeway. And even though we’ve traveled through time, bent the rules of nature, they will keep coming for him, keep trying to kill him. But until that day… It’s gonna be one hell of a dogfight.


  Episode 2:

  A wise man once said “know thyself.” Easier said than done. I’ve had nine aliases, 23 jobs, spoken four languages, and spent three years in mental hospital for speaking the truth. At least when I was there, I could use my real name. Through it all, I’ve always known who I am and why I’m here. Protect my son. Prepare for the future. But lately it’s gotten harder to control. Even as I try to help John find firm ground in this new world, the battlefield shifts beneath our feet. Maybe it’s all catching up to me. Maybe if you spent your life hiding yourself who you are, you might finally end up fooling yourself.

  “Know thyself.” John once told me it’s inscribed on the front of temple of Apollo. Then entire quote is, “know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.” That’s quite a mouthful. My version is this: know thyself because what else is there to know? People hide secrets. Time is a lie. The material world can disappear in an instant. It has and it will again. Our identities change. Our names, the way we look, how we act and speak. We are shape shifters. There is no control. No constant. No shelter but the love of family and the body god gave us. And we can only hope that that will always be enough.


  Episode 3:

  When I was in the mental hospital, I became obsessed with science. Not all science, actually, and not really science at all. Scientists—and then only nuclear scientists, the ones who invented the bomb. Oppenheimer, Heisenberg, Fermi, and Teller. Pioneers, geniuses all. I read every book I could. I wanted to understand why they couldn’t stop, these fathers of our destruction? And why wouldn’t anybody stop them? And if I had the chance, would I?

  On July 16th, 1945, in the mountains outside of Los Anamos, New Mexico, the world’s first atomic bomb exploded. A white light pierced the sky with such intensity that a blind girl claimed to see the flash from a hundred miles away. After witnessing the explosion, J.Robert Oppenheimer quoted a fragment of the Bhagavad Gita, declaring, “I am become death, the destroyer of the worlds.” His colleague, Ken Bainbridge, put it another way when he leaned to Oppenheimer and whispered, “now we are all sons of bitches.” Now we are all sons of bitches.


  Episode 4:

  When John was little, before bed, I used to read him fairy tales. One night, I real him a folk tale called “The Golem of Prague”, the story of a clay monster made by a rabbi to protect the Jews of the city. What I failed to remember was that, at the end of the story, the golem turns on its maker and kills him, as well as the rest of the town. He didn’t sleep for months. I went to him and tried to tell him that it wasn’t real, that I’d made it all up. Somehow, that made it all worse.

  The pride of man, of parents as well, makes we can control. Whether from clay or from metal, it is in the nature of us to make our own monsters. Our children are alloys, all, built from our own imperfect fresh. We animate them with magic. And never truly know what they will do.


  Episode 5:

  Of all the training my son received in the jungles of Central America, nothing prepared him better for combat than the game of chess, it taught him almost everything he needed to know about war. That to win you must be patient, bold, calculating and most of all…willing to sacrifice.

  If there is a flaw in chess as a game of war, it is this: Unlike war, the rules of chess are constant. The piece’s unchangeable. You will never win the heart of rook or the mind of a knight. They are deaf to your arguments. And so be it. The goal of a chess game is total annihilation. But, in war, even as the blood beats in your ears and you race after your enemy, there is hope that saner minds than yours will stop you before you reach your target. In war, unlike chess, rules can be changed. Truces can be called. The greatest of enemies can become the best of friends. In war, there is hope.


  Episode 6:

  On the night we first met, John’s father, Kyle Reese. Told me words I remember to this day. He meant them as a warning, I think of them as words to live by. He told of an apocalypse yet to come. Like a Pandora’s Box, he unpacked every horror, every evil, and every dark thing that haunts our future. He also left me an unborn son, to whom he bequeathed what remained in the box after the nightmare fled---Hope.

  “Listen,” Kyle said, “Listen and understand, the machine is out there. It can’t be bargained with, it can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t fell pity, remorse, or fear. And absolutely will not stop, ever. Until you are dead.”


  Episode 7:

  They say when a person dies, the soul lives on. The soul, the thing that separates us from the machines. Cameron had burned the metal monster, 2000 degrees. I suppose they did the same to Andy. There was nothing left of either. Nothing that told the story of who or what they were. Gone is gone, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. When I go, bury me in the earth. A part of me died years ago with Kyle Reese, but a part of me lives on in John. It’s that not a soul, I don’t know what is.

  cience now performs miracles like the gods of old, creating life from blood cells, or bacteria, or a spark of metal, but they are perfect creatures. And in that way, they couldn’t be less human. There are things machines will never do. They cannot possess faith, they cannot communicate with god, they cannot appreciate beauty, they cannot create art, if they ever learned these things, they won’t have to destroy us. They will be us.


  Episode 8:

  All of us wear masks. They can be worn out of love and the desire to remain close to those around us, to spare them from the complicated reality of our frayed psyches. We trade honesty for companionship, and in the process, never truly know the hearts closest to us.

  o much danger in this world is hidden behind masks. We tell our children stories of good and evil, while knowing is not that simple. True evil doesn’t give us time to fight. Or to be afraid. We keep our heads down, never bothering to look behind the masks. And in doing so, we resign ourselves to terrible fates we can never see coming.


  Episode 9:

  When John was little, he used to sleep with his hand under my chin. At night, I lay awake watching him, calm, peaceful, happy. I want to freeze time and let my son live in that moment forever. But you can’t freeze time. You can’t protect your children from the future that awaits them. The moment is there, and then, it’s gone.

  In “Lord of Flies”, a group of boys slaughter a pig in the jungle. They torture it and place its head on a sharpened stake as an offering to the beast that hovers, god-like, above the island. Black blood drips down the pig’s mouth, and the boys run away. Later, when one of the boys is alone, he weeps. But not for the pig, the boy weeps for the end of innocence and the darkness of men’s hearts.

  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(三):终结者莎拉传,是一部没有老施也精彩的续集!



























  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(四):Cameron, 没有结局的结局(剧透。。。。)












  在反复的煎熬和痛苦之后,john conner从此闭门谢客,从一个富有激情和感染力的领导人,变成了封闭自我的隐居者,每天只见小卡一人,无论是把她当做自己的幕僚,抑或是情人。








  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(五):TSCC官方部落格在第二季上映前例的五条须知


  5. Samson and Delilah were the Brangelina of the Bible.

  首先,Brangelina这个词很有意思,Bragelina是因好莱坞超级巨星Brad Pitt和Angelina Jolie的恋爱而产生的合成词,成为2005年世界第二红的新词条,于是顺理成章的这个词也就代表了某种爱情(观)。

  这里大致就是说“Samson & Delilah之恋可以说是圣经中的Brangelina恋”。

  《圣经·士师传》中Samson and Delilah的故事大致是这样:


  所以 "Samson and Delilah" 可以作“背叛之恋”来理解,这即使用在 "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie" 的事例上也不算是很离题。

  以 "Samson and Delilah" 为题材的电影有多部,最为出名的便是1949年Cecil B. DeMille执导的版本,中译名为《霸王妖姬》,这是耗资巨大、场景奢华的彩色历史剧时代开端的里程碑之作。本作荣获1950年第23届奥斯卡最佳彩色片艺术指导和最佳彩色片服装设计。

  quot;Samson and Delilah",作为TSCC第二季首集的片名以及第二季揭幕曲名,寓意不言而喻,直接影射了反叛军头子John Connor与终结者Cameron Phillips(这名字...TSCC是不是受过PHILIPS的赞助)这段“人机恋”发展的可能性,以及过程中随时的不可承受背叛之重。

  (在这里实在要赞赏一下Cameron的饰演者Summer Glau同学在S201中的表现,看来这天生就有点木纳感的姑娘演机器人果然是相当的合适。)

  4. Shirley Manson is so the new Johnny Cash.

  在上一季TSCC Season Finale "What He Beheld" 中出现过Johnny Cash的一曲"The Man Comes Around",而这次Season Premiere开幕的歌曲,就是前面提到的"Samson and Delilah",演唱者为Shirley Manson,以此作为对应。

  Johnny Cash这位2003年去逝的乡村摇滚大拿,详细请见:

  hirley Manson这位四十好几的大妈级人物,除了献唱外,还挑了新一季中的反派大梁——于是,T-1000终于出现了!!!

  (另及,官方的说法,据说Shirley Manson饰演的Catherine Weaver其实是T1000特别版——T1001……)

  hirley Manson详细:

  quot;Samson and Delilah"作曲者为三十多年前去逝的Reverend Gary Davis,TSCC的配乐师Bear McCreary(也是BSG的配乐)此次对该曲进行的重新编曲。McCreary对此道简直轻车熟路,Battlestar Galactica 第四季Season Finale的All Along the Watchtower,就是小熊同志对Bob Dylan的重演绎。

  不过在官方BLOG中按照Josh Friedman的说词是:

  When you watch the opening act you will of course note that it is not Bruce Springsteen singing the song but the lovely and ridiculously talented Shirley Manson with a new version of the song composed by the lovely and ridiculously talented Bear McCreary.

  Josh Friedman的口气也实在是非常的lovely非常的ridiculously——总之,这首"Samson and Delilah"到底是新是旧还是旧瓶新装,还得有才之士来辨认,我一文盲就不在此妄下断论了。

  Reverend Gary Davis详细:

  以下摘录的就是在TSCC执行制片Josh Friedman的提议下才得以让我们见到的这首插曲的歌词,歌词就是把"Samson and Delilah"的故事重新复习了一遍:

  quot;Samson and Delilah"

  Composed by the Rev. Gary Davis.?

  erformed by Shirley Manson

  Arranged and Produced by Bear McCreary.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this whole building down.

  Delilah was a woman she was fine and fair,

  he had good looks and coal black hair,

  Delilah she gained ground on Samson's mind,

  When he saw this woman she looked so fine,

  Delilah she climbed up on Samson's knee,

  aid Tell me where your strength lies if you please,

  Then she spoke so kind and she talked so fair,

  Until Samson said "Delilah Cut off my hair".

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this building down.

  We've all read about old Samson as far back as birth,

  He was the strongest man that ever lived on earth,

  One day while Samson's walking walking along,

  Looked down on the ground and saw an old jawbone,

  And he stretched out his arms and his chains broke like thread,

  When he got to move ten thousand men was dead.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this whole building down.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this building down.

  ow Samson and the lion got entwined in a fight,

  And Samson he jumped up and took on the lion's might,

  You will know just how a lion would kill a man with his paws,

  Well Samson got his hands up 'round that lion's jaws,

  And he ripped the beast and killed him dead,

  And the bees made honey in the lion's head.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this whole building down.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this building down.

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  If I had my way,

  I'd burn this whole building down.

  3. Six vehicles were completely destroyed in the making of this episode!


  2. Famous last words: “We’ll see…”

  James Ellison:I'll never do the devil's work.

  Cromartie:We'll see…



  这是S201最后终结者与被放大假的FBI探员之间的一段对话。之前Cromartie放了James Ellison一马。这段对话比较销魂。同时这也预告了James和Cromartie在第二季中可能形成的某种关系,对手,但也不排除James会加入反派的阵营。


  1. Use the bathroom before the show starts.



  不过,我的感觉是,TSCC其它都尚可,就是动作场面弱了点,不能令人形成某种明快的节奏感,让人印象深刻。这方面我马上想到的例子是渡边信一郎的《Cowboy Bebop》,能达到那种程度,即使成不了经典,也肯定会更加的赏心悦目。

  .最后再次大力推荐插曲"Samson and Delilah",不出意外的话此曲将收录于TSCC第一张OST中。


  观影成疾|Motion Fever:

  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(六):末日传说



  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(七):两种机器恐怖:《终结者外传》第一季6





  《太空堡垒》是另外一场机器人大战。即使公开不谈论,所有人的内心一定认为这场战争根本无望。机器人的力量不用说,关键在于他们的生命没有终止,而人类战斗员一直在减员。《太空堡垒》探讨在空战之巅人类与机器的意识之间的差异,在决定生死的瞬间,瞄准和射击的交替中,机器人是否有一丝的厌烦和迟疑。无疑,死亡是决定战争的关键,而人类则漏洞百出,对死亡的极限恐怖给这个剧集带来阴影下的诗意,痛楚、绝望、迷幻杂陈。在第三季结尾,BOB DYLAN的All Along The Watchtower响起,当所有人不约而同走到机舱内,有机修队长,有泰上校,所有其他人…我是谁?我作为一个独立意识个体的合法性丧失了。这才是无尽的恐怖的开始。


  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(八):请大家放心吧,第三季还会有的

  官方消息 终结者并没结束 太激动了 真的太激动了(转)

  orn to run.

  osted on April 10th, 2009 by


  Today is the day you were Born to Run… right to your TV. This chapter of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles ends tonight with twists, turns, answers, and new questions. But let’s make sure it’s just the end of the chapter and not the end of the story — watch it live! Tonight!

  orn to Run

  eason Finale!



  ome of the diehard Chroniclers put together a video with a message for our friends at FOX. Make sure you check it out — we love it! You guys, gals, and cybernetic beings are too good to us.


  今天你将会看到BORN TO RUN 终结者外传第2季将会结束,这集是个转折点,找到了答案(估计是以前在遇到的疑惑吧),也遇到了新的疑惑,但是我们必须知道这仅仅是本季的结束,并不意味着终结者外传这个故事已经结束了..

  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(九):终结者外传-本没有过高期望,结果居然还感觉不错。


  终于连FOX自己都受不了越来越烂的Prison Break,于今年一月把P.B. Season 3腰斩后。FOX用新剧《Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles》取代了原来Prison Break的时间段播出。本来我对这种电影的电视剧续集没有太大兴趣,毕竟有太多失败的例子。前几天听说该剧第一季已经播完后便忍不住看了,看后不禁感叹的确是好片但又后悔自己又掉一个大坑里。为了多找几位兄弟姐妹一起填坑,请各位原谅我在此无耻的剧透一番。

  Terminator系列吸引人的元素:未来世界,天网和人类的战争,时间旅行,激烈的机器人之间的战斗等在这连续剧里都有保留,但并不比终结者的电影来的优秀,甚至许多地方还比电影略差。但真正吸引人的地方是由Summer Glau扮演的保护John Connor的终结者Cameron。Fox终于在电视剧的主剧情里加入了比较细腻感情元素(还是机器人和人类!)。

  本来第一集Cameron暴露其终结者的身份后,我本以为其只是个比较强大且长得漂亮的终结者机器人而已,可后来有一集当Sarah和John谈到绿野仙踪的铁皮人后(平时Sarah喜欢比较轻蔑地称呼Cameron铁皮小姐)。Cameron居然对John说:铁皮人要找到一颗心。我立刻对Cameron的感观发生了变化,并回忆起Terminator 2结束的时候终结者阿诺将自己溶入铁水的时候和年少的John的对话:

  John:"I order you not to go!" (John is crying) Terminator:"I know now why you cry.But it's something I can never do.Good-bye."





  2.Cameron为了找Turk去找偷Turk的人的妹妹学舞蹈,那人妹妹告诉Cameron:"remember,dance is the hidden language of soul,yeah?"回去后Cameron说出这句话,Derek说:First u have to have a soul.在第七集最后,Cameron在自己的房间里独自跳起舞蹈,那景象真是美极了。把在外头看的Derek给惊的合不拢嘴巴。在Cameron跳舞的时候,背景Sarah的声音旁白到:“There are things machines will never do.they cannot possess faith.they cannot commune with god.they cannot appreciate beauty.they cannot create art.if they ever learn these things,they won't have to destroy us.they'll be us."(这段太经典了,基本表明了Cameron是个非常特殊的终结者)




  John“You scared the hell outta me.How long you been sitting there?“

  Cameron:“A little while.That was effective.“

  John:“What he did,“

  Cameron:“When he touched her lips.”(对于机器人抚摸人类好奇)


  Cameron:“I could see that she liked that.”

  John :“What are you doing?”


  John:“No.When you say things like that,what are you thinking?”

  Cameron:“Just making conversation.”(其实就是想和John说话)

  John:“Since when do you just make conversation?”

  Cameron:“I don't know.I just seems like something I should do.”


  6.第八集后半段在Derek怀疑Cameron的动机的时候John说:"You don't have to trust her. You can trust me."然后Cameron看到John不忍心下刀割破自己人造皮肤取出芯片的时候,她说:“It's okay,john.It's not the first time we've done this.”(可见他们俩在未来一定有什么)

  7.Cameron在杀死T-888取出芯片后沉思了一会儿,并在后来为死去的T-888写便条纪念.(说起来这位T-888兄还真是相当猛,当牛郎勾引女科学家当老婆,还cos《Prison Break》里的Lincoln Burrows)

  其实这些事情要是普通女孩也没什么,问题是在一个全剧99%时间都毫无表情的冷面美少女终结者身上就十分特殊了。记得Summer Glau说当初试镜的时候的表演台词是John在未来他们初次相遇并救她的时候回忆,并再回答记者的时候说"Cameron loves John in her own way."(记得不大清楚,大概原话如此)

  不过第一季才9集就结束了,完全没过瘾。特别是最后一幕,Cameron坐的汽车爆炸生死未卜,编剧简直是在弄人机情未了。虽然理智上我知道作为终结者的CamEron最多人造皮破一点,但看到这一季就这么结束还是超级不爽。还有Summer Glau居然没有亚洲血统,我看的时候怎么看都觉得应该是亚裔,结果居然是苏格兰和德国混血。


  《终结者外传 第一季》观后感(十):每个男孩心中都有一个cameron

  她是未来(2027)的反抗智能机器人统治的军队领袖JOHN CONNOR派回去保护年轻的JONH CONNOR的机器人。从一开始,他们的立场注定了对立,却又紧紧相依。作为人类反叛军的领袖,John偏偏不信任任何人类,20年里不跟任何人类接触,唯一和他有交流的只有人类最深恶痛绝人工智能机器人Cameron。而Cameron作为terminater终结者,从刚诞生的一刻起,她就被植入了最终任务的指令:terminate John Connor。虽然她已经被未来的JOHN改编程序,可是两个截然相反,互相对立矛盾的指令会让Cameron不时抽风,甚至会成为追杀John的终结者。


  被重装系统的Cameron,唯一的存在价值就是保护John。她青春可人。作为当今世上最高级的人工智能,她身怀绝技,刀枪不入,杀人不眨眼。会毫不留情地秒杀任何对John构成威胁的人或物。当她抽风过后,被John救回来后,第一时间却是告诉Sarah,next time, you never let him do this again。她清楚自己有可能会抽风反过来伤害John,因此她宁愿John把她烧毁,而不要救回一个有可能再次抽风的自己。她甚至亲手给自己植入炸药,而把引发炸药的遥控做成怀表,交到John手里。一旦大脑右侧的芯片被取出,她就形同死去;每个机器人最害怕的莫过于芯片被取走;可是为了john的胜利,她反而安慰john,让他取出自己的芯片……她所做的一切都只是为了john,她的世界里就只有一个目的,保护john,让他不受任何伤害。正如她自己所说: I will never let any thing happen to John.

  和她相反,身为人类的Jesse和他的初恋女孩却偏偏从一开始接近他就是心怀鬼胎,这怎么不能让john心寒。故此future john不跟任何人类接触也是情有可原。这一方面是任何人跟他一起,都有可能受到伤害。People die around you John. We all die for you. Uncle Derek, Father Kyle等等都因他而牺牲。他从一开始就注定了孤独,而这种孤独只有cameron 懂得。cameron也是john的soul mate

  最后,编剧为了给cameron营造出更人性化的一面,还特意安排了两个情节展现cameron作为贤妻良母的潜质。一是去医院时,John说医院的东西完全不能吃,更特意指出医院里的pancake跟cameron做的pancake相差一万八千里。二是cameron除了要穿越枪林弹雨,为john保驾护航外,还要给他do the laundry。看来cameron还得负责各式各样的家务活。



