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2020-02-22 22:14:07 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…


  《女孩崛起》是一部由Richard Robbins执导,纪录片主演的一部美国类型电影,特精心网络整理的一些观众观后感希望大家能有帮助


  ●Production value这么高的宣传片必须值得五星。Dream sequence、时间的重合、动画视频结合黑白影调,一个个都玩得溜,同时提供了把纪录叙事拍的新思路片子倡导的理念与《天空中的另一半一样——让女孩受教育,将改变整个世界经济。是阿,试问当全球一半人口都因为性别歧视法使个人价值达到最大化的话,哪有什么进步可言?





  ●分别讲了海地 尼泊尔(kamlari,类似农奴制) 埃及 埃塞俄比亚 印度(强奸) 秘鲁 塞拉利昂 阿富汗(童婚)的一位女性。 海地的wadley那部分是大魔王旁白。 希望这个世界可以人人平等,没有性别歧视。 PS:在塞拉利昂,弟弟可以娶兄长遗孀!还允许一夫多妻!




















  片中有句话“没有比女性更脆弱的人了。”为了读书,为了一步步走向自己的目标,为了更好的未来,女人只能变得stronger and stronger。但愿有朝一日社会能为女性撑起巨大的保护伞。




  1. 应该是作为首个故事的那个头发挂饰很可爱的黑人女孩,因为地震,新建的学校因为家里没钱交费所以拒绝接收她作为学生,哪怕是同一个老师。不过她这样光明正大的蹭课,其余交了学费的学生和家长都乐意么?他们可能换一个严苛的必须交费才能上课的老师学习,而原本的老师则失去工作,那么原本的黑人女孩还是不能念书。

  2. 尼泊尔女孩的故事,虽然后面被雇主放了,但是那种父母可以随便让女孩去别人家帮工的权力更应该被限制,不然这类形式的帮工没有了,还会有其他的。

  3. 塞拉利昂弗里敦,弟弟必须娶年长哥哥的遗孀这种习俗简直无力吐槽,感觉女孩对这个习以为常••• •••最后尽管获得了工作,还是被继父限制下班后必须马上回家。同样的,不是更应该保证有哪怕父亲反对也能继续上班的权利么?





女孩从学校中得到的好处并不仅仅是她们在学校学到的知识。上学提升了她们在社区中的身份,使她们更健康、更安全。但在发展中国家,人们并不打算让女孩去上学。女孩们要去打水,照顾小孩,去工作,或更糟。人口贩卖的受害者,80%为女性。Girls who go to school see immediate benifits beyond the things they are learning. Being a student enhances their status in the community. It improve their health. It makes them safer. But in the developing world, getting an education is not people expecting girls to do. Girls are expected to work. Expected to fetch water, to care for younger children, to get jobs, or worse.80% of all human trafficking victims are female.女孩拥有的机会、自由比她们身边的男孩子更少,受到的教育也更少。全世界接受小学教育的学生中,女孩比男孩少3亿三千万;沙哈拉以南的非洲地区,75%的艾滋病患者为女性;每年有一亿五千万女孩受到性暴力。Girls have less opportunity, less freedom, and less education than the boys they gorw up with. These means girls suffer more hunger, more violence and more disease. It is a single fact. There is nobody more vulnerable than a girl:33 million fewer girls than boys are in primary school worldwide.75% of aids cases in sub-saharan Africa are woman and girls. In one year 150000000 girls are victims of sexual violence.世界上50% 的性侵受害者是15岁以下的女孩。性侵的危害是父母不让女孩出门,或早早把她们嫁出去的原因之一。早婚是数百万女孩的命运,每年有一亿四千万未成年女孩结婚,一天就有三万八千个,过去30秒内就有13个女孩结婚。50% of sexual assaults in the world are on girls under 15. The risk of sexual assaults is one reason parents keep girls at home,or Marry them off young. Early marriage is the future of millions of girls. 14 million girls under 18 married this year. That’s 38000 girls married, today. That’s 13 girls in the last 30 seconds.15岁到19岁女孩死亡的首要原因,不是艾滋病,不是饥饿,不是战争,而是分娩。当女孩过早地结婚,不再上学,就回到了原来的生活轨迹。她们依旧贫穷,遭受暴力,继续无知。但如果一个女孩受到教育,她将进入完全不同的人生轨迹。她会更健康,可以迟一点结婚,少生一些孩子,孩子也会更健康。但最重要的是,她会让孩子去上学。不仅仅是母亲,父亲也要支持女孩去上学,这样他们的女儿才敢有梦想。让每个孩子都去上学,每年能预防70万例艾滋病;受过8年教育的女孩们,孩童结婚的几率会减少4倍;认字的母亲所生的孩子,活过5岁的几率增加一倍;受过教育的母亲让孩子接受教育的几率倍增。This is how it happens. one girl follows behind the other. Until together, they move forward. Towards something. A future. The number one cause of death for girls 15 to 19 is not AIDS, it’s not hunger, it’s not war, it’s child birth. When girls marry young, education ends.The old cycles continue. Cycles of poverty, cycles of violence, cycles of ignorance. But a girl who gets and education stars a different cycle. Because she’s going to stay healthier. putting every child in school could prevent 700000 HIV cases each year. She’s going to get married later. Girl with 8 years of education are 4 times less likely to be married as children. She’s going to have fewer and healthier children. A child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to servive past age 5. Sht’s going to have educated children. Educated mother are twice as likely to send their kids to school.And it’s not just mothers. Fathers too should invest, so their daughters can dream.虽然送女孩去上学是一项很好的投资,但这并不容易。家长们不仅要负担学费,还要买书本和校服,有时还要为考试和试卷付钱。对许多家庭来说,仍是昂贵的支出。当今世界,一个女孩的出生,有1/4 的概率会在贫困地区。如果不能在好的学校接受教育,就要永远留在那里。Even though it’s a great investment in a lot of the world, school is not free. Parents not only have to paty for the school, they have to buy books and uniforms. Sometimes they pay for exams and report cards. For millions of families, it is simply too much. A girl in planet earth today has a 1 in for chance of being born into poverty. And without a good school, that is where she’ll stay. But the right education can change all that. Knowledge is power.女孩们需要好的学校,并留在那里学习。女孩每多受一年教育,成年后可以多挣20%的收入。因为在发展中国家,女性主要负责农场和小生意的经营。仅印度而言,女孩儿初中就读率每提高1%,GDP 就能增加数10亿。受过教育的女孩是国家发展的强大动力,而这种发展是很快的。Girls need good schools and they need to stay. Because a girl with one extra year of education can earn 20% more as an adult. Because women operate the majority of farms and small business in the developing world. If inda enrolled 1% more of it’s girls in secondary school her GDP would rise by billions. Educated girls are a powerful force for change. And this kind of change, it happens fast.女孩不是问题,他们解决问题。想要延缓艾滋病的蔓延?让女孩接受教育。想提升全球经济?让女孩接受教育。如果发展中国家的60亿女孩都能接受良好的教育,将会发生什么变化?一切都会变好。Girls are not problems, they are problem solvers. You want to slow the spread of AIDS? Educate a girl. You want to grow the global economy? Educate a girl. So what exacutely changes if 600 million girls in the developing world get a good education? Everything.


当我把儿子抱在胸前喂奶时,把他的小脚抓在手里,感受到的只有烦躁。因为我们贫穷,因为我们只能沉默,因为我们被剥夺了公民权,被欺凌,被剥削,还是孩子时就结婚了,被贩卖,被强奸。当我们寻求自由时,会被烧死;当我们道出真相,会被石头砸死;我们去学校上学的话,会被炸弹炸死,被毒药毒死,被子弹射杀。别告诉我事情一直是这样,我不相信你们的软弱顺从,我早就拒绝了愚昧无知。别说你站在我这边,你的沉默就是纵容。别和我说一切都归咎于我们的宗教、我们的文化、我们的传统。我还没有忘记我的誓言。改变就要来了,我要读书,要学习,我要回到学校里去。你一定不敢说我是在浪费时间,如果你要阻止我,我就会更努力;如果把我推进先进,我会爬出来;如果把我杀死,其他女孩会继续反抗。我会找到坚持反抗的方式。男人的未来掌握在我们手中,这是我看到的未来。关于阿富汗的不一样的故事,由我开启。当我向孙女诉说我今日如何绝地反击,这将是一个传奇。As i suckled his innocence at my breast, cupped his tiny feet in my hands all i felt was impatience. Impatiance because we are poor, because we are silenced, disenfranchised, beaten, cut, married as children, sold, raped. When we seek freedom, we are burned. When we speak the truth, we are stoned. When we go to school, we are bombed, poisoned, shot. Don’t tell me it simply has always been so. I don’t believe in your resignation. I refused ignorance long age. Don’t tell me you are on my side. Your silence has already spoke for you. Don’t tell me the blame lies in my religion, in my culture, in my traditions.I have not forgotten my vow. Change is coming. I will read, I will learn, I will study, I will return to school. I dare you to tell me it’s a waste of time.If you try to stop me, I will just try harder. Put me in a pit. I will climb out. If you kill me, there will be other girls who rise up and take my place. I will find a way to endure, to prevail. (我们会找到坚持反抗的方式)The future of man lies in me. And this is the future i see. I am the beginning of a different story in Afghanistan. And when my granddaughter explains how i withstood the odds against me, it’ll become legend!



