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《The Kite Runner》读后感10篇

2022-04-04 03:04:20 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The Kite Runner》读后感10篇

  《The Kite Runner》是一本由Khaled Hosseini著作,Bloomsbury Publishing PLC出版的平装图书,本书定价:72.00,页数:352,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(一):感想

  读到Amir经常嘲笑Hassan不知道某个big word的意思;给Hassan读书时把内容换掉;以及那次Hassan受到伤害时旁观的情节……我对Amir的印象就差了许多。无法理解为何A从来没有把H当作自己的朋友,为何明知H可以为自己赴汤蹈火,A却不会去帮H,更无法理解为何要铁了心“陷害”H,使他离开。


  每个人都会犯错,犯错之后,有些人用一辈子的时候去掩盖,去遗忘;而有些人用行动去弥补。两种生活都未必好过,而后一种,如果得以弥补,犯错之人会获得解脱。最后的kite running就是解脱吧。

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(二):The Kite Runner

  Hansen and Admir are friends forever! Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before,we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces.We may feel guilty and miserable for waht we have done.But there is no use to cry over spilt milk.What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir,to atone for ourselves.

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(三):我的朋友叫khan


  上午和巴基斯坦司机一起去机场接人,客人送到机场,我们俩回了办公室。在回办公室的路上,我对他说,中国人的姓有100种,每个都是有意义的,比如我叫史,是history的意思。巴基斯坦的姓氏是否有特殊的含义呢?他对我说:当然了,比如我的名字叫克汗,是领导,王的意思.不是所有的人都能叫克汗的。我说,听说你从白沙瓦来,那边有很多阿富汗人吧。他说:是的。我的父母就是阿富汗来的。我说:那你知道普什图人么?他说:普什图,你怎么知道的?我说:我读过一本小说,名字叫做the kite runner,里面提到过。普什图族的人要比其他阿富汗民族优越些。他说:stone,他们都不知道,只有你知道。我就是个普什图人。给我讲讲那本书是怎么说的。

















  《The Kite Runner》读后感(四):我是少数打4颗星的百分之三十零之一


  自己一般比较喜欢内心戏成分多的书,the Kite Runner就是其中之一,不过回头想想,自己能静心看完的原版英文也只有这类书了-。-



  未完 待续



  《The Kite Runner》读后感(五):The Kite Runner

  TheKiteRunner终于把这本看完了,Hassan和Amir,Amir会说的第一个词是父亲,Hassan会说的第一个词是Amir的名字。Amir的一生都一直在做一件事,获得父亲的认可,直到父亲去世;Hassan的一生都一直在遵循着一个信念,忠诚于Amir,直到他自己因为这信念被塔利班处死。Hassan把Amir当做最好的朋友,遇到霸王Assef 的欺凌,总是义无反顾保护着Amir,三个人相遇时,Amir躲在Hassan 的身后,Hassan拿出弹弓吓退Assef ,那次放下了狠话,再次见面时候会有场决斗,要么Assef狠狠揍死他俩,要么Hassan用弹弓打掉Assef 的眼睛,预言就此开始, 风筝大赛中为了Amir去捡最后一个风筝,Amir却因为自己的软弱,犯下了他这辈子最如法弥补的错----Hassan被Assef侮辱。在两人的友情中,他对不起Hassan的勇敢和纯粹,对不起Hassan的那句foryouathousandtimesover。

  战乱下,Amir和父亲移居美国,从此和Hassan至死未见。父亲好友Rahim Khan在垂死前让Amir去救Hassan的儿子,Amir犹豫着不去,甚至Rahim Khan说出 Amir最尊重的父亲说出的话“Aboywhowon'tstandupforhimselfbecomesamanwhocan'tstandupforanything”来激他,他却选择承认自己的软弱,

  直到Rahim Khan告诉Hassan其实是他同父异母的兄弟,才下定决心寻找,其实也是一场自我救赎。在拯救Hassan 儿子的过程中,Amir实在令人敬佩,千辛万苦找到孩子,没想到却囚在恶人Assef的身边。 十几年前留下的摊子他没有逃避,在决斗中被打的毫无还手之力,奄奄一息时,小孩捡到地上的铜珠用弹弓打进了Assef 的眼睛,看到这里,有一种莫名的命运轮回感出现。

  在后来的逃亡中以及在回美国 时,Amir没办法证明孩子目前是孤儿,进而不能认养,律师告诉他最好的办法就是先把孩子放在孤儿院养两年,两年后再去领养才符合法律程序,之前答应孩子绝对不让他在回到噩梦般的孤儿院,在没有办法的情况下,Amir告诉孩子这个决定,也因为这样,Amir差点永远失去孩子,之后虽抢救成功, 孩子却自闭的不愿相信Amir, 不愿说话,他说只想回到过去,回到爱他的爸爸妈妈身边,在这个只有自己不一样的地方,他觉得格格不入,觉得自己是那么的碍眼,他不想看到别人异样的眼光,所以在沉默中降低自己的存在感。最后当然顺利回到美国, 但是故事还没有结束,哈哈哈,这次我终于觉得Amir像个男人一样承担责任了,Amir的岳父不愿意他带着这个Hazara孩子在他们家族中,Amir霸气回击,之后在一次外出野营中,看着天空中的风筝,Amir想起了小时候和Hassan一起截断别人风筝的场景,为孩子做了一次kite runner,在众多孩子放着风筝奔跑中,Amir这个大小孩显得那么好笑,但这时候他好可爱, 小孩终于露出了微笑,虽然只有几秒。

  Hassan 是Amir的kite runner,后来Amir成了Hassan 小孩的kite runner, 付出的那个就是The Kite Runner ,命运轮回了,出来混的总是要还的!

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(六):The Kite Runner

  Amir baba said, "If you tell a lie, you steal the people's right to know the truth." We can not blame twelve-year old Amir much, because he was only a scared child then. The Grown Amir is the one who adjusted everything onto the right track. His loyal servant Hassan saw him as his best friend though that wasn't recognized by the little Amir. But He treated Hassan's son Sohrab as his friend and tried to warm his seriously hurt heart after a quarter of century. It really moved me.

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(七):Reading response

  For the first time of my life, I finished my first english novel reading formally.

  The kite runner. The famous book as everyone'd know. A story with happiness, envy, guilty, cruel and atonement. It is a great story, undoubtly.

  With poor english vocabulary I even catched, it is difficult to read simplest english book I can find. To be honest, I was able to understand only like 70% of the words showed in the book. Most of views describing, in Afghan especially, is just a dictionary reading experience. Thanks to the function of Kindle, I passed those words half understanding only.

  ut my poor english doesn't affect my understanding of emotion in the book, of every turn. I felt furious when Amir was too afraid to stand out for Hassan; I felt sorrow for Hassan's leaving; I felt fearful for Baba's standing up for ladies in the flea; I felt very sad for Hassan's shot dead in the street; I even felt author's relief when he fighted for Assef. I was just someone in the book, watching things happened at the front of me.

  Anyway,I finished it. Started with a heavy mood and difficult move, I almost gave it up several times, just like before. However, a nameless strength pulled me forward. I told myself that, 5% per day at least, just like homework, you can make it. Then I insisted 5% per day for a week, then 10% per day for the second week, and paged it over in the third week. The speed went faster and faster. The words you didn't know don't matters at all. You saw it, you didn't understand it, but you understood the whole paragraph at all once. That is fine. Just like the people who says that, do not translate the book sentence by setence, that just waste of your time. You just read it, understood it and digested it all in english. The American never translated them by reading.

  efore starting to read an english book, you might need to get used to read some short essay. Once you start to read a novel, imaging it just consist of essay that, to some extent, you may separate your reading part by part.That helps. You don't need to remember the new words you met inside. You also even don't need to figure out every new word in the book. The new words can be checked by dictionary only when it affects the reading seriously. In this way, the book will become thin. You gonna finish it, hopefully.

  I love the book. The kite runner. Just like always, I enjoyed the rhythm of words from the writer in Chinese book, as well as the affection I got from them. But in my first english novel reading, I still need time to realize, tell apart and feel the rhythm of english. Now all I focus on are the feelings of author. But that is a good begining, isn't it ?

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(八):For You, a Thousand Times Over

  I don’t remember how many times I have cried during my reading period.

  Hassan, I loved this character so much.

  He was so loyal and sincere to Amir, and never a once had he betrayed Amir, even in his most unbearable time.

  The first word he spoke was Amir’s name. Through his life, Amir was always his most important person, even when they were apart, he had never forgotten him,.

  When I was reading the first part of the story, that’s before Hassan was driven away by Amir, I really hate Amir. I feel so sorry and bitter for Hassan who possesses the most beautiful, pure and selfless heart.

  There are six sections that touch me the most

  1When they were chasing a kite, and it seemed to Amir that Hassan was wasting time, but Hassan said confidently, he knew where it would fall.

  “How do you know?”

  “I know.”

  “How can you know?”

  “Would I ever lie to you?”

  “Would you?”

  “I’d sooner eat dirt.” He said with a look of indignation.

  “Really? You’d do that if I told you to?”

  “If you asked, I would.”

  “But, I wonder, would you ever ask me to do such a thing?”

  “Don’t be stupid, you know I wouldn’t.”

  “I know.”

  Hassan was so serious about Amir’s teasing words. He meant everything he said. When I was reading I was very angry with Amir. It was really cruel to taunt Hassan, he was so sincere. No one was to challenge his loyalty.

  2The second scene I want to describe is where the famous saying shows the first time in the novel, which is also the beginning of the tragedy.

  Amir won the kite-running tournament, Hassan was so excited and happy for him.

  “I’m going to run that blue kite for you.”

  “Hassan, come back with it!”

  He was already turning the street corner; his rubble booted kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth.

  “For you a thousand times over!” he said.

  Then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner.

  The moment Amir heard the sentence; he just turned and received congratulations from all around.

  It was such a touching and genuine monologue. If some one told me, for me, a thousand times over, I am sure that I will be moved to tears. Hassan loved Amir so much, and was willing to do anything for him. I really like his unabashed and come-from-the-heart smile.

  Later, when Assef teased him as a loyal dog, he just remained silent. But when Assef said, to Amir, Hassan was nothing, he was just something he can kick when he was angry, something he can play with when he was bored, nothing but an ugly pet. Hassan couldn’t keep clam anymore. He looked flushed and said, “Amir agha and I are friends.” When Assef agreed to let him go only if he left the Kite, Hassan’s response was to pick up a rock. It was so brave for him to hurl the rock. There was no slingshot in Hassan’s hands----his best protection, and he was all alone. Three big boys versed the little Hassan, he didn’t stand a chance.

  For you, a thousand times over. Good old Hassan. Good old reliable Hassan. It was how he kept his word. He ran the last kite for Amir.

  Amir just watched. He gave up every opportunity to save him, to stand up for him.

  When Hassan met Amir, finally, he just handed the kite. He closed his mouth, opened it, and closed it again. “Agha sahib will worry,” was all he said.

  He was just a little boy, he could cry and told his father and Amir, of course, what happened. Instead, he just kept all the sorrow and pain to himself. His love was so selfless and whole-heated.

  I can’t help myself crying over the character, the little harelip, brave and gracious Hazara.

  3This was not the most suffering moment for Hassan, more was to come.

  Amir couldn’t face himself within, he felt guilty but he wasn’t about to do anything to change it.

  “I wish you’d come along,” Hassan said. “I don’t know what I’ve done, Amir agha. I wish you‘d tell me. I don’t know why we don’t play anymore.”

  “You haven’t done anything, Hassan. Just go.”

  “You can tell me, I can stop doing it.”

  “I’ll tell you what I want you to stop doing.”


  “I want you to stop harassing me. I want you to go away.”

  It may be the longest moment for Hassan. When he sacrificed for his friend without hesitation, when he buried all bitterness to himself in order to free his friend from hurt, then his friend, his only friend turned his back on him. How painful it could be. He didn’t shout, break the door; he didn’t give it right back to him, neither.

  He took it all. I paused reading there, it was too much for him. I scold Amir countless times. Why he didn’t stand up, why he didn’t face himself, why did he act so much like a coward when his friend was doing anything for him. I hated and distained him so much. I know Amir disgusted himself no less than as I do.

  4The last time they climbed the hill was supposed to be a good release for Hassan, and a chance for the recovery of their friendship, but Amir screwed it up.

  “What would you do if I hit you with this?” Amir said, tossing the pomegranate up and down.

  “What would you do?” Amir repeated.

  The color fell from his face.

  “Hit me back!”

  “Get up! Hit me!”

  After endless hitting, Amir stopped, exhausted

  Hassan did pick up a pomegranate. He opened it and crushed it against his own forehead. “There,” he croaked, red dripping down his face like blood.

  “Are you satisfied? Do you feel better?” He turned around and started down the hill.

  If you want it, then I give it all even if every time I hurt myself so deep that I have to suffer a seemingly-lifelong time to recover.

  This is Hassan, my beloved character.

  It is almost impossible for a little boy to carry this much, but he survived. He never complained. He never hit back and broke out on Hassan, it is not because he was a coward but because he loved him. When Amir was threatened or when Amir’s kite was about be taken away, he did fight back. He had such a tolerant and broad heart.

  5Amir finally find a way to end up his suffering. He planted stolen.

  “Did you steal Amir’s watch, Hassan?” Baba asked.

  Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice: “Yes.”

  Hassan’s final sacrifice for Amir.

  He knew Amir had seen everything in that alley, that he stood there and done nothing. He knew Amir had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing him, once again.

  Hassan had done anything for Amir. He is a really true friend to Amir.

  After I read the rest part of the book, I don’t hate Amir that much. I came to understand him.

  He wanted to be a proud to his father instead of a killer of his mother or a coward in his father’s mind. He wanted to win more than anything. He didn’t want anyone else to share his father’s love. He wanted sheer and complete love. Yes, he was guilty, and he knew what was right to do, he always knew. But he was a human, a selfish and not-daring-to-face-the-reality little boy. He feared to claim Hassan was his friend, just like his father, not daring to tell all the people that Hassan was his own son. He didn’t want him to bring him shame. Driving Hassan away seemed the best choice to end everyone’s sorrow.

  In his deepest, he loved Hassan. After25 years, he conquered his cowardice, taking on his responsibility and went back to Kabul. When I see him fighting against Assef, I was moved. He was himself now. He had learnt what was love and courage. When Sohrab took out the slingshot and shot Assef, I saw Hassan in him. 25 years ago, Hassan had done the same for Amir. It was really touching. When Amir’s father-in-law blamed him for bringing home the Hazara boy, he answered he was his uncle and forbade him to call Sohrab the Hazara boy. He had forgiven his father for hiding the secret from him; he had known how to love.

  There’s a way to be good again. Yes, in this love salvation, Amir grew and turned into a real man.

  At the end of the story, Amir ran the kite for Hazara, and said, “For you, a thousand times over.”

  The story ended but love was passed on.

  I really love the story. It’s an astonishing and powerful book. Everyone is running a kite for his beloved one. Everyone is growing, being more understandable and turning into a real man.

  《The Kite Runner》读后感(九):"There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood."

  It’s been a long time since I feel this way when reading a book, the way that I am Surrounded by melancholy, sorrow, and compation with the whole heart aching , the way that I struggle so hard to hold back my tears. Just like I fall into a black hole, which sorbs all the emotions from me. Just as one said after finishing this book:” You don't cry over the pain. You just try to stay still and bear with the pain snailed through you, inch by inch.”

  The Kite Runner describes a crutal but beautiful story, a story of two boys growing up together in Afghanistan. However, Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman, upper class Pashtuns. He almost gets everything, a good education, material comfort and big social events, except his father’s appreciation. On the oppsite, Hassan, the son of Amir’s father’s longtime Hazara servant, has nothing but loalty to Amir. As Amir’s constant playmate, he has a strong will, brave heart and would do everything for Amir. “For, a thousand times over.” Whenenver I think about this sentence he said to Amir, I couldn’t help picturing Hassan’s firm and tranquil eyes.

  “Have you had anyone in your life who would stand up against anything for you? “

  Amir and Hassan spend their childhood by haunting out a lot until a kite-flying tournament takes place, which is supposed to be the exciting triumph of Amir’s young life. what Amir see and do on that day brings an end to their friendship and since then, guilty and regret haunt him for the rest of his life.

  “Have you done anything that make you not deserve that person's love for you? Have you done anything you regret so much that you have to make youself hate that person because if you don't your soul falls apart?”

  As war begins, Amir and his father flee to America to start a new life, while Hassan still lives in homeland--Afghanistan which is decimated under the tyranny of the Taliban--streets lined with beggars, fatherless children whose future is marginalized by poverty. "There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood."

  One day, a call from Amir’s father’s friend uncovers a secret and gives Amir’s a chance to gain his redemption. He returns to his homeland, hoping get Hassan’s son—his nephew from the horric Taliban. After all struggle he has made, he gets his nephew who has suffered a lot. He makes promise that he will never hurts the boy. However, that promise doesn’t work well but leads to desperate suicide.

  “Have you had anyone in your life whom you would do anything to please yet you never could? What if the closest thing you ever did that pleased that person ended up putting a curse on your soul for the rest of your life?”

  Even though complications are abound, humanity’s capacity for kindness is huge. Many years past, Amir returns to his homeland and runs the kite with his nephew. At the wining moment, Amir sees the boy smiling for the first time. “For you, a thousand times over” he runs with the wind blowing in his face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on his lips. I know, he is finally relieved.


  《The Kite Runner》读后感(十):For you, a thousand times over

  This book was assigned to me in English class, and I spent one and a half month travelling through it. It was, unsurprisingly, devastating.

  quot;For you, a thousand times over."

  The redemption and salvation moved me deeply inside.

  I understand the guilty things we did in our childhood and how it could affect us throughout our lives later on.

  We live for our sins and feeling compelled to repay it, blaming the unfortunate on them, however, it is our sins finally saved us to be a better person we are becoming today.




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